A/N- sorry for the delay with this guys. I struggled with it for a while and when it finally started working, real life went a little manic. Go figure. Anyhow, thanks for your patience and I hope there are still some people out there wanting to read this conclusion!

Epilogue – around 10 years later

They all said we'd never get together
Darling, let's take a bow


Chandler inhaled the last drag of his cigarette before throwing it onto the damp sidewalk. Sighing heavily, he walked down the deserted alleyway, taking in the boarded up windows and litter as he came to stand in front of the old side entrance to the old club. He allowed himself a moment to take in the large wooden door before his eyes dropped to the red sign that had been nailed onto it at a slight angle.

Condemned building: DO NOT ENTER.

Seeing it was already ajar as he'd fully expected, he ignored the instructions and pushed the heavy door open, listening as the hinges groaned and croaked. He nodded his head to the ghost of Tregar as he slowly descended the familiar staircase to the derelict backstage area. He sighed again, taking in the peeling walls, dust and cobwebs, glad that Gloria wasn't with him right now. He walked passed the empty stripped dressing rooms and entered his former hangout, the bandroom.

The door was off it's hinges. The shelves once lined with Mike's musical works were either broken or had been removed altogether. The old filing cabinet and it's food stash had long gone, leaving a yellowish outline along the wall, showing how much the paint had faded over the years. Not a single instrument or music sheet remained to show the room's true purpose, a purpose it had held for decades.

With a final wave to his once favorite room, he silently headed for the doors to the main club. He pushed them gently, stepping down into the main room, frowning at how different it was. For as long as he could remember this room had been full of noise, smoke and music. Now it was empty. Silent. A shell of its former self. The multiple tables and chairs that used to be crammed into the place had been cleared away, making it look bigger, emptier than he'd ever seen it and for the first time ever there was no smoke or even a hint of smoke, proving just how long it had been since closing night.

It felt weird. Surreal.

It only took him a moment to spot the man he was looking for, sitting alone on the counter of the old abandoned bar.

Chandler shoved his hands into his pants pockets as he slowly headed towards him, unnerved that he could hear his footsteps echo.

"Hey," he greeted quietly as he reached him.

His former roommate looked up at him, a small surprised smile on his face, "Hey, whatcha doing here?"

"I wanted to say goodbye to the ole gal," Chandler admitted, "and I kinda figured you might be here too."

"Yeah," Joey nodded ruefully, hopping off the counter to stand beside him. "I can't believe she gets knocked down tomorrow."

"I know," Chandler swallowed, his eyes sweeping around the large room once more. It had been months since he'd stepped foot in here but it had been such an important part of his life for so long. It had made him who he was today. "I sure owe her a lot."

"Me too," Joey agreed quietly. "We've had plenty of good times here."

"Lots of happy memories." There were far too many to count; childhood memories, nights with his best friends, meeting his wife...it all seemed to have happened here."It's weird seeing her so empty."

Joey nodded, "Doesn't seem real. I know there were rumors for years, licenses pulled, clubs getting shut down around us for months and then our notice finally getting served and all but still, I can't believe it's actually happening, ya know?"

"I know," he reassured him. "But it's for the best, right? I mean we owe her a lot but it's time for us to let her go and move on...like we all have. I mean, if the club was still going, you would have had to stay here and run it, you wouldn't have been able to follow your acting dream, right?"

"Right," he sighed reluctantly.

"And your pa wouldn't have had the money to go in with Mike and Phoebe for the piano bar."


"And, sure, we'll miss her but think of all the memories we've got. They won't be lost when the bricks and mortar get torn down tomorrow. We've got them for life."

"Yeah," he offered Chandler a small but genuine smile. "Thanks man."

"No worries," he smiled back. "I'll always remember the last show we did. All the old gang getting back together, Mon guest starring, the whole Tribbiani clan turning up, which is a feat in itself if you think how many of us there are now. The place was packed again like it should always be remembered. It was good it got to go out with a bang."

"Also true," Joey grinned widely. "Speaking of which where is your Mrs? She's not tried sneaking back into the recording studio has she? I know she's bored but she should be-"

"I know, I know, I've banned her from working. She's-" He was cut off mid sentence as the door opened and a heavily pregnant Monica waddled in, "...here apparently. What the heck are you doing?" he chastened, rushing up to her, as he did the others came into view behind her, "and shame on you guys, you were meant to make sure she rests."

"We tried," Rachel gritted, "believe me. She even stopped for autographs on the way in."

"We told her not to but she wouldn't listen to us like always," Ross backed his wife up.

Ross and Rachel had been married for a few years now. His first marriage had fallen apart, much to the horror of his mother, but Rachel had been there through the divorce and it hadn't surprised anyone when they had eventually gotten together.

"I can answer for myself," Monica cut in, smiling at him as she took his hands. "They were big fans and I didn't want to let them down. And as for coming here? I wanted to see the place for one last time too."

"Ok," he squeezed her hands. Monica always made time for her fans, stating they were important as they were the ones that kept buying her records. After a few years headlining at the club she'd finally 'got discovered' getting signed. She'd become very successful very quickly and Chandler had supported her every step of the way, even getting to play the trumpet in some of the tracks. He couldn't be a prouder husband, "but don't over do it."

"Yes, sir," she rolled her eyes at him and he chuckled, pulling her into a hug as best he could with her rather extended belly.

"It's a shame we couldn't bring over some instruments, have one last jam," Mike sighed. "That would have been awesome."

"I don't think we could have fit a piano and Cello in the cab as well as Monica," Phoebe laughed.

"Hey!" Monica protested, turning to her. "I'm not that big, you try being five days overdue."

"I'm just glad mine was early," Phoebe chuckled as Chandler frowned.

"Speaking of which, how come we are all here and there's none of our offspring running around like mini lunatics? Do I need to be worried? You haven't left them in the cab or anything?"

"That says a lot about how you perceive our parenting skills," Mike pointed out to which Chandler shrugged.

"Our in-laws arrived," Rachel grinned.

"Already?" Chandler asked surprised. "Really?"

"Yep, I think mom was fed up with waiting for the new arrival," Monica informed him. "They turned up early and wanted to spend some time with their grandchildren."

"And as we were there they agreed to take Regina too," Phoebe said excitedly. "So, we thought we'd all come along and say goodbye together."

"That's pretty neat," Joey smiled, clearly chuffed that it meant so much to everyone.

"Can we have one last dance on the stage?" Monica asked Chandler quietly and he looked down at the woman in his arms and smiled endearingly.

"Of course...I know better than to argue with a pregnant lady."

She chuckled, whacking his chest lightly before taking his hand and leading him to the old stage.

"I'm gonna miss this stage," Monica murmured as his arms loosely gripped her hips, her belly making it difficult to dance as closely as they'd have liked. "So much has happened here on this very spot."

"I know," he smiled, "Your first audition."

"Our first conversation."

"Our engagement, " he listed.

"Our first dance as a married couple."

"Erica's first steps..." he faltered as Monica froze in his arms, "Mon?"

"My water breaking," she said stunned as he quickly stepped back. Eeew.

"Another big moment shared here," he agreed, before turning to the others. "Uh, we have a situation here guys. Phoebe, Rachel grab some cabs, Joey find her bag, Ross come help me get her off this stage."

"You couldn't have timed it better," Rachel laughed.

"Rachel cab," Chandler barked.

"Alright, I'm going," she rolled her eyes. "I'm not sure why you're in such a hurry, Erica took like a week to be born."

"It wasn't that long," Monica insisted as her husband and brother helped her on the steps.

"It sure felt like it," Mike muttered as Phoebe whacked the back of his head.

"People, seriously, focus," Chandler ordered, his eyes fixed soley on Monica, "are you ok?"

"I'm fine," she rolled her eyes good naturedly at him. "It's cute you care, honey but it's gonna be fine."

They slowly followed the others out, pausing briefly to say a final farewell to their former home. As Ross went to help the others with the cab, Chandler put an arm around her shoulders, pulling her close and pressing a kiss to her temple.

"I love you," he promised to her hair.

"I love you too," she smiled.

"We've got you a cab," Phoebe informed them.

"And we'll let mom and dad know what's going on," Ross promised.

"Thanks," Chandler nodded, appreciating the help. "Joey, can you let Gloria and Big Joe know?"

"Sure," he patted his shoulder. "Good luck buddy, Monica."

"Good luck," Phoebe and Rachel repeated, pulling Monica in for a big hug.

After the goodbyes, Chandler helped Monica settled into the back seat, taking her bag from Joey. He put his arm around her trying to get her comfortable for the short journey across the city.

"Hey beautiful," Chandler whispered softly to the tiny bundle in his arms, staring at his son in awe. "You've got your mommy's eyes," he told him.

The baby made a distress sound and Chandler instantly started to rock him gently, "Hey, no, shhh, you're ok, it's a good thing you have her eyes, I promise. I know you can't see them right now because she's sleeping but they are perfect, just like her...and you."

He tore his eyes away from him and onto his wife, a soft smile touching his lips. She was still dozing in the hospital bed but after another long hard labor she deserved it.

"You're a cutie pie," he promised, looking back down at him in amazement, "you'll have us wrapped around your tiny little finger in no time. You know that don't you? And if you need any tips you can ask your big sister as she had us pegged from day one. Yes she did."

Chandler was still staring at him when he heard the door creak open, smiling as he saw Jack and Judy, Erica in the middle of them.

"Talking of which, you're about to meet her, buddy."


"Hey princess," he smiled at her as she rushed over. He crouched onto one knee, so she could get her first look at her sibling, "meet your little brother Charles Jack Bing, named after your grandparents."

He'd been over the moon when Monica had agreed to his father's name. He'd always dreamed of honouring his dad that way. When they'd found out their first baby was a girl, he'd been ecstatic still and loved her to pieces; they'd given her the middle name 'Nora' after his mom. And if this last one had turned out to be another girl he would still have been delighted, the proudest father ever but the fact it had turned out to be a boy was pretty excellent.

His daughter's blue eyes were wide as she stared at the bundle, "He's bald like Grandpa Joe."

Chandler burst out laughing in surprise; oh from the mouths of babes. "Yeah he is, but he'll grow some hair."

"Oh, he's beautiful, Chandler," Judy praised as he stood back up allowing the proud grandparents to see him.

"I know," he grinned, glad that Judy had not only come back into Monica's life but was a solid presence in Erica's life too. "Your daughter sure makes pretty babies."

"Chandler?" He glanced over at the bed to see his wife waking up.

"Mommy!" Erica ran over to her, climbing up onto the bed.

"Be gentle with her," Chandler called to his 3 year old. "Mommy's been working hard and needs lots of rest."


"Because it's hard work having a baby."


He rolled his eyes, "Your sister is at that stage where everything has to be followed up with a question. I'm glad we've got 3 years until you get there Mister."

"But only 2 years until the terrible twos," Jack pointed out with a smile as he waved at the baby. "But totally worth it."

"I know," he grinned back at his father in law until looking back at little Charles who chose that moment to whimper, his face starting to turn.

"Looks like someone needs their mommy," Judy commented but Chandler was already heading over to her.

"It's alright little fella, she's right here, see," he settled him in the crook of Monica's arm. Smiling as the infant stared up at her in amazement. "I told you she had pretty eyes," he murmured, reaching out a hand to stroke his cheek, grinning as he felt Monica press a kiss to his own forehead. "You do," he promised looking up and meeting those incredible eyes.

"Do I have pretty eyes, daddy?"

"You sure do, sweetheart," he smiled, getting off the bed to pick her up, settling her against his hip. "Did you have a fun night with Nanna and Grandpa?"

"Yeah! We baked cakes!"

"Cakes?" he asked copying her over the top enthusiasm. "No way!"

"Yes way!" she giggled, her hands on his cheeks, squishing them like she always did, laughing at the funny face it made.

"Did you bring me some for me?"

"Noooo," she giggled at his mock outrage.

"Are you sure?"


"I think I need to check your pockets."

As he pretended to search her pockets, tickling her, he beamed at her laughter. He glanced up, spotting Moncia watching them interact with her own large smile, cradling their newborn child. His heart felt like it could burst.

"What's all this racket? We cold hear ya down the hall. What are you doing to the poor child?"

"Grandpa Joe! Nanna T!" Erica scrambled to get down Chandler in favor of running up to them. "All my Grandpas and Nannas are here!"

"Hey!" Chandler greeted them, giving them a quick hug and kiss. "Thanks for coming down."

"Are you kidding?" Big Joe laughed. "Be grateful I was able to hold her back this long, otherwise she'd have been there during the birth."

Chandler grinned happily, just like with him and Monica, the Tribbianis had welcomed their children into the pack and were perfect surrogate grandparents. Erica loved them and he fully suspected Charles would too.

"I got a brother!" Erica told them. "Wanna see?"

"Sure honey," Gloria smiled, letting the child lead them to the bed, where they greeted Monica before cooing over the newest addition. "He's adorable, congratulations."

"Thank you," Monica smiled. "Anyone want a hold?"

Chandler chuckled as Gloria practically snatched the babe from her arms, expertly rocking him and speaking to him in baby talk for a long moment. Eventually she walked him over to Jack and Judy and the four of them made a fuss over him.

"You ok, hun?" he asked, perching on the bed.

"Yeah," she smiled that smile. "Ecstatic and exhausted."

He grinned, leaning his head against hers, "You realize we're now parents to 2 children under 4? Ecstatic and Exhausted will be our constant states for the next several years."

"Along with frustrated, crazy, frazzled..."

"Yep," he agreed, pressing his lips to hers, "pretty much. I can't believe we've got another one in the Bing collection."

"Collection? There's 2 kids and 2 adults."

"Still counts," he protested.

"I love you," she chuckled.

"Love you too," he whispered, before kissing her lightly.


They glanced up, amused to see their friends piling in, plus their children, the hospital room getting smaller and smaller not that anyone cared. It was just wonderful to be able to share the love of this baby with so many close friends and family.

"He's tiny," Ross commented, Mike and Joey agreeing.

"Well done Monica," Phoebe praised and she grinned in thanks.

"She was a real trooper, he was born just after midnight this morning."

"Wow," Rachel praised, rubbing her shoulder as she watched Emma and Erica play together. "You must be tired."

"Maybe a little," she teased, ignoring Chandler's cough of disbelief.

"Hey!" Joey said loudly, everyone turning to him, "I just realised. He's been born on the same day the club gets knocked down. It's like she lives on in him."

"You're saying the club has been reincarnated as our son?" Chandler frowned, finding the thought rather unsettling.

"No, I'm just saying...it's nice."

"Yeah," Big Joe agreed. "New beginnings. You promise me kiddo," he wiggled his little finger at the infant gently, "You'll never work in one of those horrible soulless office blocks they are putting up. You hear, don't be a traitor now, always remember the poor brownstones underneath the rubble and ashes that these new blocks will be built on."

"It's alright, not a lot of office demand for musicians," Chandler joked, as Monica shook her head fondly against him.

"He may not want to be a musican," she pointed out.

"Sure he will, it's in his blood," he joked. "All my kids are going to be in the music industry. Right Erica?"

"I'm going to be a princess," she announced loudly, scrambling onto his lap causing them all to chuckle.

"You're always be daddy's princess," he promised, kissing the top of her head, before pressing a kiss to Monica's forehead also, "You too."

They all stayed for a while longer, but as Monica's yawns grew wider and came closer together, they starting to drift away. Erica got a big kiss and cuddle as she headed for her second night with Jack and Judy.

"That went well," he murmured, staring at his son in her arms. "He seemed to make a good first impression with everyone."

"He's definintely not taking after his father then," she chuckled. "I still remember you stuttering on the stage and then messing up notes on that Peggy Lee number."

"Well, it's hardly my fault that you make that good of a first impression? I was caught off guard."

"If you say so," Monica yawned, a smile touching her lips afterwards.

"Let me put him down," Chandler suggested gently, knowing Monica was reluctant to let him go but needed sleep. "Come on little guy," he took him carefully, "Daddy's gotcha."

He walked him to the small cot, placing him down on the blankets, his fingers tracing his hair, watching as the blue eyes closed instantly. Joey was right in a way, whilst today should be sad because of the club being knocked down, it was instead so joyous because of this baby. Charles had no idea how much happines he'd already brought into people's lives.

"Here's to the future," he whispered, bending down to place a final kiss on the top of his son's head before turning to his wife, noticing she had already drifted to sleep. He smiled endearingly at them both, thanking whoever was up there that life had turned out the way it had.

For ho, ho, ho!
Who's got the last laugh?
Hee, hee, hee!
Let's at the past laugh
Ha, ha, ha!
Who's got the last laugh now?"

The End

A/N – And there you go. It's so weird that this one's finished now as I was working on it for so long and as I said originally, I never expected to actually post it! I hope the final part was worth the wait and not too cheesey. Thanks for sticking with it! I'd love to hear any thoughts on the epilogue or the AU story in general. It's always really really appreciated :o)

The titles/lyrics are obviously not mine and don't belong to me in any way. "They all laughed" by Ella Fitzgerald copywrited to their owners.

For anyone interested I've got some more stories in the pipeline – more chapters for Relevations and Secrets, long dramatic multi chapter stories, short episodes tags, AUs and another joint one with C-rokkk...you name it and it's probably sat half finished somewhere on my hard drive! I've no idea which will get finished next or when...but as always thanks for your support and watch this space...