Dear Readers,

I am truly thrilled to bring you the piece of writing that you are about to read today. Not only is it the most personal piece of writing that I have given you yet, it is also my 100th fanfic I've posted on this site, and this is cause for great celebration! For the past nine years you all have read my stories, given me reviews and encouragement, and helped to shape me into who I am. You have made my bad days better and my good days great, and I can never thank you enough for all that you do. However, you are not the only people who have earned my gratitude, so I wanted to take this time to thank the people who have made this possible.
To my parents, who have supported me in my writing and in every endeavor, I say thank you. Your encouragement is endless, as is your love and patience. You have turned my tears into laughter and my despair to joy. There aren't words to express how hard you both work on my behalf, and I will always be grateful for all that you do. You are my heroes, and you have helped me accomplish more than I could have ever dreamed possible. Thank you for your determination, commitment and ambition. They are all qualities I have used in my quest to write the stories I would want to read myself.
To my incredible fiancé, who has given me confidence, joy, and more love than I could imagine, Thank you. Your support has been invaluable to me. Your love has inspired many a romance fic, and has given me so much to be thankful for. You are the reason I believe in happy endings and fairytales. You are my Prince Charming in real life. You are the Gomez to my Morticia, the Shining Armor to my Princess Cadence. No words can ever capture the depth of my love for you, or the depth of my thankfulness that I have you in my life. Thank you for being you. I couldn't have asked for a better man to call my own.
To my amazing friends who have helped me make it this far: Emily, Christie, Monica, and Ayla- I say thank you. Being able to tell you about anything and everything is something I can always count on. You have given me some of the best plot ideas I have ever had. You guys are my support system. I know I can lean on you when things get rough, and I can't tell you how much it means to me. Thank you for all the tears you've dried, the laughs you've shared, the joy you've brought, and the love you've given. Having friends like you is one of the best blessings that I've been given in this life of mine, and I am thankful everyday that I have you.
To Hannah, with whom most of this story has been lived, Thank you. Your tireless dedication to our RP's are what has brought this story to life. Although Kat wasn't a part of this story, she will always be a part of Pam and a part of me. You are one of the most beautiful people I know inside and out, and I am so lucky to have you as my Twinneh and as my friend. Thank you for all the hearts sent, the messages written and read, the late nights stayed up to finish an incredible story line, and for all the times you've listened to me on a really bad day. You are amazing, and I would not be here without you.
Lastly, to the rest of my extended family and friends: thank you. You have each helped to shape me into the person I am today. Every character I write is often inspired by someone I know or one of the experiences they've had. So I often put a piece of each of you into my stories. Even if it's been a while since we've talked, know that you are always a part of me.
Thank you all for your time and dedication. I hope you all enjoy reading this story as much as I enjoyed writing it.

With Love Always,