I'M BACK! So I've been super busy with school, so I can't promise too much on updates but I will try my hardest. I've started writing again recently so I'm hoping I get some inspiration for this story. And don't forget to check out my WSS-Ham story (link in the previous chapter)

I also have to say I LOVE Y'ALL and I'm so happy that ya'll are reading and leaving me sweet reviews. Onwards we go!

"Philip John Hamilton you better have a DAMN GOOD reason for not telling me and your mother-"

"Dad please, what have I told you?", Philip groaned loudly. "You gotta back up from the camera when we FaceTime."

Alexander repositioned the camera to show himself, Eliza and Angie in the frame.

"Philip, your father is concerned about why you didn't tell us your brother was dating Will?", Eliza tried to throw as much sympathy into the sentence as she could.

"Oh my god….", Philip put a hand to his forehead as he paused for a second. "Angie you told them?!"

As soon as the words left Philip's mouth, all four Hamiltons started to argue with each other, trying to yell over what the others were saying.

"QUIET!", Eliza yelled. Alexander, Philip, and Angie all stared at Eliza, simply for the fact that she didn't raise her voice all that often. "Angie, I hope you don't feel the need to lie to your father and I. And Philip, I expect to see you and Will at Sunday dinner. And while you're at it, bring Theo too."

Philip and Angie both started to protest as Eliza ended the FaceTime call. Philip groaned and fell back onto his bed.

"Oh my god, you are, how they say in America? Oh yeah, screwed.", Philip turned to his right to see George chuckling and Will looking absolutely terrified.

Philip rolled his eyes and pulled his phone out.

To: theoooo

hey theo?

10:18 AM

"Philip, you gotta get me out of this dinner.", Will's face looked desperate as he tried to bargain with Philip. "I think your dad might kill me."

From: theoooo

Hey philip

10:19 AM

"I am sure you will be fine, Alexander would not kill you in front of his family.", George mused as Will hit him with a pillow.

To: theoooo

I kind of accidentally got you invited to my family dinner on Sunday

10:19 AM

"You're just begging me to tell the girl in our chem lab that you think she's cute don't you?", Will smirked at the horrified look on George's face and the two started to wrestle right as Philip's phone rang.

"Philip Hamilton you are sooooo dead."

Sunday night rolled around faster than any of the college students would have liked. Will and Philip were at the subway stop by their apartment waiting for Theo to meet them so they could take the train to the Hamilton household. Meanwhile, Theo was having a crisis back at her dorm.

"Marty, what do you wear to a dinner with your friends parents, but you're just friends?", Theo stood at her miniscule closet as she looked over her options for the night.

"T, I love ya but we ALLLLL know that you and Philip are not 'just friends'. There's obviously something more." Marty stood up and threw the cap sleeved maxi dress from Theo's hand to her bed. She shoved Theo out of the way and rummaged through the small closet. "Even if you don't think there's anything between you two, there is definitely something brewing so you have to look nice."

Marty finally held out a white lace sundress with a jean jacket on top. Theo looked at her, before reluctantly going off and changing.

"Man, do you really think your dad is gonna kill me?" Will let a groan slip from his lips as he straightened his tie for the hundredth time. Sure, Will had been to plenty of Hamilton dinners, but only as Philip's roommate. He was nervous to say the least.

"Dude, you'll be fine. They already like you, now you just gotta make sure they know you'll take care of Angie.", Philip was preoccupied with his phone and assuring Angie that they were coming.

"I know, I know I- holy shit dude." Philip turned to where Will was looking behind him and plastered a huge grin onto his face.

"Hey Theo." Philip's words came out breathlessly as he looked at Theo. "You look really nice."

"Pick your jaw up off the sidewalk Philip, let's go." Theo smiled and looped her arm with Philip's as the trio made their way towards the train.

When they arrived at the Hamilton household, Philip, Theo, and Will were met at the door by Angie. She quickly opened and shut the door before any of them could knock and alert Alexander or Eliza of their presence.

"Okay, mom made potatoes and roast beef which a good sign because she only makes that when we have good company but the-"


Will, Philip, and Theo turned towards the door to see Alexander standing in the doorway joined by Hercules Mulligan and Aaron Burr.

"Oh shit."