Chapter 1

"Do I really have to go there?" The young redhead asked to her mother as she packed her bag.

"Smallville will be good for you, honey." Her mother sighed as she folded up a purple shirt.

"But I want to stay here in Metropolis. With you and dad." She countered. "Plus, I don't know anyone there."

"Don't insist, sis. You're going whether you like it or not." Her brunette sister intervened standing in the doorway.

"Why does she get to stay? She's younger than me."

"That's only because you're a freak."

"Patricia!" Her mother chastised her youngest daughter. "You know we love you… We just want to keep you safe." Her mother grasped her arms and looked her right in the eyes. "You won't be going alone. Myrtle will be with you."

The young girl just nodded but she felt like crying. She never has been separated from her family. Born and raised in Metropolis, it's all she ever known. She didn't have any real friends. But she never minded, she was a real bookworm. She loved the comfort of the book, the promise of a new adventure everytime, she started a new page.

Physically, she was slightly different from her parents and sister. Everyone in her family were brunettes whereas she was a ginger. She shared the same eye colors with her mother, light brown. But her difference didn't stop there. A few months after she was born, her parents noticed that she possessed an ability like none other. Something they wanted to keep a secret.

"Abigail, sweetie, you're ready to go?" Her father asked her the morning after as she finished her breakfast.

"Do I have a choice?" She replied.

"Don't be like that. Things are gonna be alright, I promise." Her father grinned at her. "Myrtle, if you're ready."

"I certainly am, Mister Jackson." Myrtle smiled to her employer.

Myrtle was a fifty-year-old woman who has been working for the Jacksons for almost twenty years. She has practically raised the two Jacksons daughters. She was a short and rounded woman with grey hair and mischievous blue eyes. That's how Abigail would have described them. There was a glint in the woman's eyes that made her think that the lady was always up to something.

"Patricia, come down here. Your sister's leaving." Her mother yelled before embracing her. "Now, you promise me to behave and be careful."

"I promise." Abigail answered her voice quavering.

"I love you, sweetie."

"I love you too, mom." She pulled away from her mother just as her sister arrived at the bottom of the stairs.

Her sister and she have never been really close but they do love each other. Sure, her sister called her freak and some other things but they were times where they spent some quality times together. Painting nails, brushing each other's hair, they had fun.

Patricia hugged her sister. "I'm gonna miss you, Freak."

"I'm gonna miss you, too." Abigail smiled.

"I got something for you." Patricia pulled away and handed her a light purple scarf. "I know it's your favorite color."

"Thank you, Patty." Abigail grinned at her sister. "Remember that leather jacket, you liked. The brown one?" Patricia nodded. "Well, it's still in my bedroom, I left it there for you."

"Oh, Abby, thank you so much."

"Alright, Abby, your father's waiting." Her mother and Patricia led her to the door. "You'll call as soon as you are in Smallville. And we'll try to visit as much as we can."

"And don't forget your glasses." Patricia handed Abigail her glasses. "Even though you don't need them, anymore."

"They bring me comfort."

"Alright, let's go, hun."

She climbed in the backseat glancing at her mother and sister for a last time as her father started the car.

Twenty minutes later, they were driving out of Metropolis. Abigail Jackson, fifteen years old was officially going to start a new life. A new life that she didn't know if she would fit in, a new life away from her family, a new life in a small town called Smallville.

By midday they arrived in Smallville. Her parents have bought a two story house a few years ago. They were planning on using as a vacation house but they never got the chance. Mr. Jackson owned an enterprise that sells medical supplies. He started small and as the year went by, it grew bigger. When he became aware of his daughter's condition, Mr. Jackson has invested all of his money and time to try and understand why she was born this way. He also wanted to know if she was the only one.

Mr. Jackson stayed to help Myrtle and his daughter settled and remained with them that day.

"Dad, will you really come and visit me sometimes?" She asked her father during dinner.

"Of course, we will. We are not abandoning you." He insisted. "I've made a mistake. I was looking for people like you and people started to notice. They don't know about you but your mother and I are not about to let them find out about you. That's why you're staying here. You'll be safe."

"But I want to stay with you and Mom and Patricia."

"I know." Her father shook his head. "Trust me, if I could keep you with us, I would."

"I'm gonna be alone here." Again, Abigail felt like crying.

"You're not alone. You have Myrtle and you still have us, your family. We will never be far away." Her father promised her. "If anything happens, just call and I would come as soon as I can, I promise. I'm always gonna be here for you." Abigail nodded. "Come here." Her father hugged her tightly.

"I think that, Miss Abigail should go to sleep, it's a big day tomorrow." Myrtle suggested.

"Myrtle is right. You should go to bed." Her father pulled away from her. "I'll see you at breakfast." Abigail nodded and climbed up the stairs.

"She will be alright, sir." Myrtle reassured him. "She's a strong lass."

"I know. I just wish I didn't have to make her leave Metropolis."

"Don't worry, I will keep her safe."

"Thank you, Myrtle. I think I'll call Mags before she worries too much."

"I'll go check on the young miss."

Abigail was brushing her teeth in her bathroom. Already dressed in her PJs. Her hair high on her head. She spat in the sink before she sighed deeply. "You're not in Kansas anymore, Dorothy."

"Technically, you are in Kansas." Myrtle said stepping in her room. "Is Dorothy ready to start school tomorrow?"

"You know that school is overrated, Myrtle. I should probably remain here and be homeschooled."

"I don't think that would help your socializing issues."

"Well, I would socialize if I didn't risk to…you know."

"It's not like you could set a room on fire or move objects with your mind." Myrtle retorted.

"Not yet, Myrtle." Abigail said sitting on her bed. "It doesn't change a thing anyway. How long it will take before people start asking questions here too?"

"Then you will have to be really careful around people." Myrtle smiled. "But don't let that stop you from making friends."

"I'm not promising anything."

"Alright. Now, your father will leave early. He has a meeting at 9:30. If you want to be able to say goodbye be up at 6:30. And we'll go sign all the forms at the school at 7:30."

"You already have everything figured out." Abigail remarked.

"Don't stay up too late."

6:30 AM, Abigail was up bright and early. She went down in the kitchen, her father was already dressed in his suit, a cellphone in his hand warning his associate that he would be running a few minutes late. He hung up as soon as he saw his daughter.

"It good you're up. I wanted to say goodbye before leaving." He told her.

"I wanted to say goodbye, too." She said before hugging him. "Don't drive too fast."

"I'll be careful." He chuckled. "Call us regularly, okay? And your mother and Patricia want to hear from you. So, try to call them today."

"I will after school." She nodded.

"You know everything will be fine?"

"I know."

"Come here, hun." He hugged her again. "I love you."

"I love you too, dad."

"Don't cry now. You're fifteen, you should be happy to get me off your back."

"I don't want to stay here without you."

"We already talked about this."

"I know. You're only doing this to protect me."

"That's my girl. My brave and beautiful girl." He kissed her on the forehead. "Good luck on your first day at school."

"Good luck with your presentation."

And her father was gone. She was left alone in this new environment. Well not completely alone she still has Myrtle. And if she was lucky, she would have a new few friends by the end of the day.

At 7:45, Myrtle and Abigail was in Principal Kwan's office. Abigail wore a dark buttoned up shirt, with blue jeans and a purple leather jacket. Around her neck she put the scarf her sister gave her and wore her glasses. Myrtle signed the forms and the Principal warned Abigail about the rules and handed to her, her new schedule. Once, everything was settled, Myrtle wished good luck to Abigail and left with the promise to pick her up after her day.

The bell rang and Abigail was starting her day with English, she just didn't know where the classroom was. The result is that she started her first class with fifteen minutes late. She knocked on the door and the teacher invited her to come in.

"Is this the English class?" She asked as soon as she got in. She pushed her glasses back up on her nose.

"Yes and you are?"

"Sorry. I'm Abigail Jackson, I just arrived today." Abigail answered now feeling self-conscious as everyone was looking at her now.

"Well, welcome to Smallville, Abigail." The English teacher replied. "Since it's your first day, I will go easy on you but next time, try not to be late."

"Promise, it won't happen again."

"Go and take a seat."

Abigail nodded quickly before moving to the back of the class. She took the empty seat behind a brunet boy that wore a deep red shirt. There was a grey jacket on the back of his chair. Abigail opened her notebook and grabbed a pen and started to take notes as the teacher went back to the subject they were talking before she arrived.

After her English class, she started to ask people around her to put her in the right direction to avoid to arrive late in other classes for her first day there. And she hasn't. Lunchtime arrived sooner than she thought, she dropped all of her books in her new locker. Abigail made her way to the cafeteria. It was full of pupils, queuing up to grab their lunch.

She followed the line, grabbed a tray. She took a simple salad, chicken and fries. An apple juice box and chocolate pudding. Now, what she thought to be the hardest part, was to find a table where she could sit. They all seemed occupied but there was one table on which a girl was already sitting. Abigail walked up to her.

"Is it okay if I sit here with you?" She asked the strawberry blonde sitting there.

"Oh no, it's okay." The girl answered back.

"Thanks." Abigail set her try on the table and put down her bag. "I'm Abigail Jackson."

"I know. We have math and English together. I'm Jody Melville." Jody smiled at her.

"Nice to meet you, Jodi."


"So, do we have any other classes together?" Abigail asked her.

"Actually, yeah. English and history."

"Cool." Abigail nodded. "I'm sorry. I'm not used to do this but you're the first person I ever talked to this morning. And my parents and Myrtle want me to socialize, make friends."

She didn't know where this sudden courage was coming from. Maybe because Jodi seemed to be as friendless as she was or maybe it was the fact that a group of mean girls were laughing while looking at Jodi.

"Who's Myrtle?" Jodi asked her.

"My nanny."

"People still got nanny?"

"Crazy, I know." Abigail chuckled along with her. "So, about we compare our schedule together and see if we have any more classes together?"

"Alright!" Jodi shrugged as Abigail pull out her schedule. "We have two classes in common this afternoon. Chemistry and Literature." Jodi said going over her schedule.

"Great. If you don't mind spending time with the new girl?"

"I would love to."

"Cool." Abigail smiled at her.

"How was your first day, Miss Abigail?" Myrtle asked as Abigail sat in the passenger seat.

"Not so bad. I think I found myself a friend."

"I am glad to hear it." Myrtle smiled back.

"Is there any handsome boy other there, Freak?" Patricia asked on the phone that evening.

"I didn't really pay much attention but Jodi showed me around school. She told me a bit about the school football team."

"Really? Surely, there's some hottie." Patricia purred.

"You're only thirteen, how can you think about boys so much?" Abigail chuckled.

"I'm making up for my fifteen years old sister who doesn't think about boys at all."

"Well, thank you for that."

"Mom wants to talk to you. Bye, Freak."

"Bye, Pat."

"Hey, sweetheart."

"Hey, mom."

"I'm glad to hear you're adjusting to your new life." Her mother said.

"Well, I have to make the best of it, right?" Abigail retorted. "I mean; I don't really have a choice."

"We already talked about this, honey. If I could keep you here in Metropolis with me, I would."

"I know but maybe this is for the best. I'm starting High School in a new town and no one knows me here." Abigail sighed. "I can start fresh."

"That's the spirit." Her mother replied. "Listen, your father and I already make plans for next month. If everything turns out alright, we'll be able to visit you next month."

"That would be great." Abigail replied excitedly. "How long will you stay?"

"A week or two would be perfect but it's not definitive yet." Her mother told her.

"Even a week end would be good for me." Myrtle signaled her that her dinner was ready. "I got to go. Dinner's ready and I still have a lot of homework to do and some catch up to do."

"Alright, have a good night and don't stay up too late."

"Love you too, Mom."

A week went by and Abigail was starting to like her life in Smallville more and more. And it has a lot to do with her new friend Jodi. Jodi was a shy girl; she didn't talk much. And it certainly has something to do with her weight. People around her, mostly football players and cheerleaders, were making fun of her. And now they were also picking up on Abigail too because of her glasses. Abigail didn't really need them.

"So, tell me, what does the youngster population do for fun in Smallville?" Abigail asked Jodi as they stopped by Jodi's locker.

"I don't know. I don't go out much." Jodi said shaking her head.

"Another thing we have in common." Abigail smiled. "Tomorrow, it's Saturday and we don't have school. So I thought that we could make plans, you know spent a bit of time together."

"Like what?" Jodi asked shoving her books in her locker.

"Oh, I don't know, yet." Abigail frowned up. "It could be anything. We could go to the movies or just go at the Talon. And have a cup of coffee."

"Either's good for me." Jodi smiled at her. "Oh, hey, guys!"

Jodi greeted three other students that were in their English and Math class. The tallest of them was Clark Kent, the African American one was Pete Ross and the blonde girl was Chloe Sullivan.

"Hey, Jodi!" Chloe greeted her back. "Are you done with your article? I would like to publish in the next paper."

"Almost done."

"What paper?" Abigail asked.

"The Smallville Torch." Chloe answered proudly. "And you are the new girl."

"Yep, that's me."

"I'm Clark Kent. This is Pete Ross and Chloe Sullivan."

"Nice to meet you. Abigail Jackson." Abigail smiled at Clark.

"Is your father Leroy Jackson of the Jackson Enterprise?" Pete asked her.

"Yes, he's my father."

"So, your family moved in Smallville?" Clark asked.

"No, just me and Myrtle, my nanny."

"Why?" Chloe asked her.

"Many different reasons that I don't want to talk about." Abigail said with a smile.

"Here comes Fatty and Four eyes!" Abigail looked sideways and didn't miss the hurt in Jodi's eyes.

"I will have you know, Dumbass, that at least our 'issues' can be fixed. Your stupidity, on the other hand, can't be. I actually feel sorry for you." Abigail replied. She then took Jodi's hand. "And my work here is done." And she pulled her friends away from the little group.

Clark, Chloe and Pete followed laughing at Dustin's expense. "I like her." Chloe said looking up at her two best friends.

"Thank you for sticking up for me." Jodi told her as they walked to their next class.

"That's what friends do, right?"

Jodi and Abigail settled on Jodi coming over to Abigail's house and watching some movies together. They sat in the living room together.

"Alright, I have to ask." Abigail asked midway through their second movie. "What's greenie thing you're drinking?"

"I want to lose some weight before Lana's birthday party." Jodi replied.

"You let what Dustin said get into your head, uh?" Abigail stated.

"No, it's more than that." Jodi answered. "No one likes me at school. I look like a cow. I just want to feel better about myself."

"I like you. That makes at least one. I don't care about what you look like."

"You don't understand. You look pretty already." Jodi mumbled.

"I'm not pretty. I'm a freak." Abigail muttered. "Look, if you want to lose weight because you don't feel comfortable in your skin. Do it, I will support you all the way. But don't let anyone tell you what you should look like or put you down. You're better than them."

Jodi looked at her with a smile on her face. "It's the nicest thing anyone ever said to me." She said gratefully. "Well, apart from my dad."

"Your dad is a wise man, lady." Jodi chuckled. "So, when it's Lana's birthday?"

"Next week in the Luthor's mansion." Jodi retorted.

"Luthor as in Luthor Corporation?"

"Yes. Lex Luthor is living here. He's also a good friend of Lana's aunt." Jodi explained.

"Good to know."

"Hey, maybe you could come to the party." Jodi suggested.

"I wasn't invited."

"I don't think Lana would mind. And it could be a lot of fun." Jodi insisted.

"I don't know…" Abigail sighed.

"Please, I don't want to go there alone." Jodi begged her this time.

"I'll think about it but I'm not promising anything."

Monday Morning

Abigail was getting out of her French class, she was about to meet up with Jodi by her locker. But didn't have time as Jodi bumped into her on her way to the bathroom.

"Jodi! Wait!" She said taking off immediately after her. "Jodi!" She slammed the door to the bathroom after Jodi got in.

Her friend was standing in front of the mirror, frenetically wiping off the green liquid from her sweater, crying silent tears.

"Jodi, what happened?" She asked softly.

"Nothing. Nothing happened." Jodi replied still crying.

Abigail hugged her tightly. "Just tell me what I can do?"

"Just drop it, okay?" Jodi said again. "It really is nothing."

Abigail dropped it. She had a slight idea of who caused this. But she'd rather stay with her friend, comforting her than going after this idiot.

The day after, Abigail was in for a big surprise as Jodi, her new friend came up to her.

"Abby, hi!"

"Jodi, wow!" Abigail was almost rendered speechless by Jodi's new appearance. Her friend looked much thinner than the day before. "That's just unbelievable."

"My diet finally kicked off." Jodi said brightly smiling.

"I can see that." Abigail smiled tightly. She wasn't sure if she should be happy or worried about this.

"Hey, look, I was thinking that since you weren't sure to go to Lana's party. I thought you wouldn't mind if I decided to take Pete as a date."

"You got a thing for him, uh?" Abigail smirked.

"Yeah, he's always been good to me." Jodi said shyly. "So, you don't mind, do you?"

"Of course, I don't mind. Just go for it." She nudged Jodi as Pete walked past them with Clark and Chloe.

"Pete!" Jodi called and Pete turned around to face her.

"Jodi?" He exclaimed walking up to them. "You look…"

"Thinner." Jodi finished for him.

"I was so looking for a euphemism but yeah." Chloe agreed coming up from behind Pete.

"Are you okay?" Clark asked her.

"Never better." Jodi replied. "My diet just starting to pay off. Got some new clothes."

"You look great." Pete complimented her.

Abigail looked down at her friend and grinned. "Thank you for sticking up for me, yesterday. Most people wouldn't have done that."

"Most people can't stand Dustin." Pete retorted.

"I can vouch for that." Abigail muttered.

"Listen, I was wondering. Do you have a date for Lana's party?" Jodi finally mustered up the courage to ask the question. But Pete remained speechless.

Smiles appeared on Chloe and Clark's face. A smile that mirrored Abigail's. "He's still free." Clark answered for his friend.

"Would you like to go with me?" Jodi asked.

This time, Clark nudged Pete in the back, as he still didn't answer. "He'd love to."

"Great, I'll see you later." Jodi smiled at Pete. Abigail laced her arm with Jodi's and they both left Pete and his friends.

"It seemed that you stunned him, my friend." They both giggled.

"I'm glad to see that you're getting comfortable in Smallville." Myrtle remarked as Abigail was sitting at the table, reading some papers.

"It's not that bad around here." Abigail answered. "Myrtle, did you know that there was a meteor rains here in Smallville?"

"Yes, it was all other the news a few years ago." Myrtle replied. "Why?"

"Well, I got curious about this town and Chloe told me what's been going on lately." She explained to her nanny.

"And?" Myrtle asked her looking at the papers now.

"According to Chloe, everything that goes wrong around here it's because of this meteor rain." Abigail said. "She told me about the Coach that could set a room in fire with his mind."

"That's nonsense." Myrtle chuckled.

"I wouldn't think so." Abigail countered pushing her glasses on the top of her head. "Do you think that someone can lose weight overnight?"

"I would love to." Myrtle retorted.

"Jodi did. I don't know how? But she did." Abigail sighed. "On one hand, I'm happy for her cause she's feeling better about herself. On the other hand, I'm not sure it's really healthy or even humanly possible."

"And you think this has something to do with the meteor rain, Miss Abigail?" Myrtle asked her.

"I'm not sure. I just want to make sure that Jodi's okay."

"Hey, Pete!"

"Hey, Abby!" Pete greeted her back.

"Have you seen Jodi today? She wasn't in class today and she's not answering my calls." Abigail asked him.

"I just saw her. Said something about a stomach bug." Pete answered.

"Did she look okay to you?" Abigail asked him.

"Honestly, not really. She looked sick a bit pale." Pete told her.

"I'm gonna look for her. See you later, Pete."

Abigail looked for Jodi all day but never found her. It was as if her friend was avoiding her. That didn't do anything to calm down her worries.

The day after, Jodi was back at school and seemed to be back to normal. Abigail didn't have a lot of time to catch up to her. They didn't have any classes together.

"There you are." Abigail said at lunch as she sat across from Jodi next to Clark. "Hey, guys!" She nodded quickly to them. "You got me worried. I've been looking for you, all day yesterday. And you didn't even answer any of my calls."

"Sorry about that." Jodi replied shoving food in her mouth. "I feel better now."

"It doesn't look like it." Abigail remarked.

"I'm okay. Just a bit nervous about tonight." Jodi answered.

"So, Lana's birthday is tonight?"

"Yeah." Chloe confirmed. "Are you going?"

"Nah." Abigail retorted. "I arrived last week and I don't have an invite. I don't want to intrude."

"I already told you. I'm sure Lana won't mind." Jodi said with a mouthful.

"You should come tonight." Clark suggested her. "It's gonna be a lot of fun."

"I'll think about it." Abigail replied. "Jodi, are you sure you're alright?"

"Yeah." Jodi looked up and saw that all three people were staring at her. "I will see you guys tonight." And Jodi left them there.

"Okay, what was that about?" Chloe asked them.

"I don't know." Clark replied before checking his watch. "I gotta fly. We'll talk about this later."

"I think I'm going too." Abigail said getting up. "See you around, guys."

Abigail left them without a second glance to Clark and Chloe. She was determined to find out what was wrong with Jodi. She followed Jodi through the hallways, until she swerved to the right and disappeared into the bathroom. Abigail stepped in the bathroom after her.

"Jodi?" Abigail called.

"Yes." Jodi answered with a small voice.

"Are you sure you're alright?"

"Yes, I'm fine." Jodi answered.

"I heard you but in my experience. Fine doesn't always mean fine." Abigail replied. "Jodi, I'm just worried about you."

Jodi opened the cubicle she was hiding in. "You shouldn't be. I told you, I'm perfectly fine. Look at me, I look beautiful, I have a date and I'm going to Lana's party tonight. I thought you'd be happy for me."

"I am. I really am." Abigail retorted. "You're just not acting yourself lately."

"Abby, I'm alright. Just a little bit nervous, that's all."

"If you say so." Abigail answered unconvinced. "Hey, I was thinking that maybe I should come over and help you get ready for you date?"

"Thanks but…er…I already got this covered." Jodi said as a group of girls entered the bathroom. "I'll catch up with you later."

"Something's not right here." Abigail muttered as she exited the bathroom.

"Evening, Miss Abigail!" Myrtle greeted cheerfully as Abigail stepped in the kitchen. "Hey, Myrtle!" Abigail greeted back. "I'm going back in my bedroom. I need to do some research."

"Is this about your friend Jodi?" Myrtle asked.

"Yes. She didn't seem right today. I mean a week ago, she was drinking this veggie shake and now she's shoving food down her throat like there's no tomorrow." Abigail frowned up.

"I think I can help you with this, Miss." Myrtle said spreading a bunch of papers on the kitchen counter. "After what you told me about this meteor rain, curiosity got the best of me and I made some research."

"Okay." Abigail drawled. "And what did you find?"

"The Melville nursery is built near where one of the largest meteors hit." Myrtle explained.

"She used the vegetables in her greenhouse. There must have fragments of this meteor in the soil."

"Exactly. There's more." Myrtle continued. "The deer has lost 80% of its body fat and one of your classmates is in a coma. His body went into shock because of the amount of the body fat he lost at once."

"Wait! The guy in the coma is Dustin?" Abigail read on the medical report. "By the way, do I want to know how you got this?"

"I would have to kill you after I told you." Myrtle smirked up.

"Okay, I got it. So, Jodi drank vegetables that grew in a soil filled with meteor fragments. She magically lost weight overnight." Abigail started. "But she losing weight too fast and can't keep up with regular food."

"She's constantly starving. That explains the body fat diet." Myrtle confirmed.

"I need to find her." Abigail said grabbing her keys from the kitchen counter.

"Be careful, Miss."

She pulled in front of Jodi's house. She quickly got out the car as she noticed another car parked in front of Jodi's.


"Clark?!" Abigail turned around.

"What are you doing here?" Clark asked her.

"There's a problem with Jodi. I came to check on her." Abigail explained as they both walked up to the door. "And you?"

"Same." Clark pushed the door open.

"Jodi?!" Abigail called and stepped in before Clark could stop her.

"Pete?!" Clark called in his turn.

They heard footsteps and a door slid open. Clark and Abigail rushed into the kitchen where the noise was coming from. Pete was on the floor unconscious. Clark knelt down next to his best friend. Abigail stopped briefly next to Clark as he was making sure that Pete was okay. Without waiting for Clark, she went through the door.

Jodi was running to her greenhouse. Abigail called for her, taking off after her.

"Jodi?!" Abigail walked around the greenhouse looking for her friend. "Jodi, you need help."

"Leave me alone!" Jodi yelled and hit Abigail with a shovel. Abigail hit one of the table before landing on the ground. She felt pain in the hand that has hit the table harshly.

"Jodi, stop!" Abigail shouted getting up slowly, only noticing the deep cut in the palm of her right hand.

"Jodi?!" They both heard Clark called out as he stepped into the greenhouse.

"You don't have to do this." Abigail told her softly.

Jodi looked at her as if she was considering her words and suddenly kicked Abigail in the guts, sending her back on the ground. Abigail got up groaning rushing after Jodi.

Clark was already on the ground as Jodi was about to land another blow. "Jodi, no!" Jodi whipped around swinging the shovel in her hands at Abigail.

Abigail ducked, avoiding the blow. "Jodi, let me help you!" Abigail begged her. Jodi didn't seem to hear her. She swung the shovel once again at Abigail but the latter blocked it. "This isn't you, Jodi."

"Isn't this what I'm supposed to look like?" Jodi asked breathlessly.

"I never cared about what you look like." Abigail snapped ripping the shovel from Jodi's hands and throwing it away. "You're my friend and I care about you no matter what." She grabbed Jodi's arms tightly. "Stop now, before it's too late. Before you hurt more people."

Jodi seemed to come back to her senses. Tears gathered in her eyes and she looked right into Abigail's eyes. "I am so hungry. I'm always hungry." She said in a small voice. "It hurts, Abby. I want this to stop."

"And it will. Just let me help you, okay?" Abby said softly pulling a crying Jodi in her arms. "Everything's gonna be okay." Abigail looked at Clark who was struggling to stay up.

"Jodi?!" Pete was now entering the greenhouse.

"Jodi is fine. She just needs to go a hospital." Abigail reassured him. "I think Clark too."

"No, I'm fine." Clark said in a strained voice.

"It doesn't look like it, man." Pete said moving over to his friend.

"Okay, people, let's move this little party outside."

"Miss Abigail, is everything alright?" Myrtle questioned as soon as Abigail stepped through the door.

"Well, Pete got a bump on the head. Clark is okay and Jodi is being taken to the Metropolis General." Abigail exhaled sitting at the table. "I called my dad. Explained to him what happened. He said he will help her get better."

"And you?"

"It's already healed." She answered showing Myrtle her right hand. The deep cut was already gone. It was as if it has never been there.

"That's not what I meant."

"I'll be fine. I mean the only friend that I have in Smallville, mutated because she ingested this rock. And turned into a body fat lover." She said getting up. "I'm gonna be okay. Don't worry. I'm going to bed."

"Goodnight, Miss."

"Goodnight Myrtle."

Abigail had the impression, she was starting all over when she went back to school on Monday. Two weeks in Smallville and she felt out of place still. Jodi made her feel like she belonged to Smallville but without her, school was different.

"Hey, Abby!" Clark greeted her stopping by her locker.

"Oh, hey, Clark!" Abby greeted back shoving her books in her locker. She righted her glasses on her nose. "How you're doing?"

"I'm okay." Clark said as she closed her locker. "I wanted to know if you got any news from Jodi."

"She's better. Not completely back to normal. But my dad said he's working on it." Abby retorted as they both started to walk in the hallways. "She'll be better in no time, I hope."

"Hey, guys!" Chloe stopped right in front of them with Pete at her side. "Wanna grab a coffee before going home?"

"Sure." Clark shrugged.

"Abby?" Pete asked her.

"Yeah, why not?" Abigail smiled weakly. Maybe she wasn't starting this whole thing all over.