Chapter 1:






"…?" huh? Someone's shaking me.


"…" Who's there?

"…Hey, wake up"

"…" Neptune?

"Jared. Wake up already"

"…" Yeah, it's definitely Neptune.

"Nepu. He's not waking up"

"…" I'm already awake, but sleep paralysis is being a pain again.

"Oh, I know. Since we're married and all, maybe I should do one of those. I'm sure Jared would like it!" she sounds delighted for some reason. I hear and feel some rustling on the bed. It looks like Neptune is repositioning herself. Then, I feel a warm breath sticking close to my ear and most of her body leaning onto me.

"Wake… up… darling" she whispered with seduction in her voice.


"Nepu! You're still not waking up!?" and almost instantly, that warm presence is replaced with the cold air and a shout from my wife.

"Alright, it's time to step it up a notch! Tail on!"

"…" Tail on? Oh, it's from that anime that we watched the day before yesterday.

" 'Alright. One more time' " now my wife's voice changed. Another rustle, another reposition. This time, I can feel two large masses being pressed onto me and warm breathing tickles my ear.

" 'Wake… up… darling' "


" '…!' "

Without going into too many details, in one movement, I was able to pin her down.

"You know, that's a low blow right there…"

" '…It's your fault for not waking up' " she pouts.

"And it's your fault that I'm already good for a couple of rounds" I lean closer to her.

" 'W-Wait. I haven't even washed my mouth yet!' " she tries to escape me.

"Me too. So shut up and let's have sex already"

" 'Wai…! Mmm…!' "

The warm breeze of the sun, the sounds of the waves on the beach, and the freshly made coffee on my hands makes this scene a little bit more romantic. I sit down on the chair by the porch, admiring the gentle music of the wind. The seagull fly around the blue sky with glee as I take a sip of the coffee, I have on my hand. It's refreshing. It feels like I could sleep here…

If you hadn't guessed already, I'm on my honeymoon today with my wife. And we're spending it not by going to Italy, like we can, or by going to the in a hot air balloon. We're spending two weeks of honeymoon by the beach. Not much originality I know. But it's our honeymoon so don't mind it, please.


The sounds of footsteps alerted me. I look at the room from where I came from and found my wife standing there drying her hair with a towel. She's in her HDD. Seeing her long purple hair unbraided and dripping wet is quite a turn on. And from what I can see, she's only wearing a long sleeved buttoned up shirt. She might not be wearing underwear.

"Are you trying to seduce me?" I ask honestly.

" 'I'm just drying my hair. I'm not suggesting anything' "

"Well, you are only wearing my shirt. No underwear and all"

" 'I thought I could wear it for once. It surprisingly bigger than me' " she sits down opposite of me continuing to dry her hair.

"Well yeah, body structure wise"

" 'It smells like you as well' "

"It is my shirt after all. It would be weird if it smells different…"

" 'Like a girl's smell?' " she looks up to me with the intent of teasing me.

"That would be your fault for implanting your smell on my shirt"

" 'Hmm~? I wonder~' " sarcastic wife is sarcastic.

"Hey now…"

" 'Ehe… I'm just teasing you. I know you're not that kind of person' " she giggles as she sees me getting a bit nervous. It feels like she's making a statement that I shouldn't do something of the sort.

"That's not good for my health you know. But oh well, I guess a little bit warning is good for a relationship"

" 'I'm seriously just teasing you' "

"Let's leave it at that then. Coffee?" I said as I stand up.

" 'With milk please' " hearing that loud and clear from her, I went in and head towards the kitchen sink where I fix her some coffee.

" 'Hey…' " she shouts from the porch.


" 'What are we going to do today?' "

"Hmm… I dunno. Want to go swimming again?"

" 'Hmm…I figured we could go to the nearby village' "

"Now that you mention it, we haven't been there huh"

" 'I also heard that there's a festival at around this time…' "

"Oh? That's piqued my interest. Coffee's done" I walk back to her with freshly made coffee on hand.

" 'So what you think?' " she asked as I place the coffee in front of her. I sit back down on my chair.

"Hrmm… Sure why not. Plus, we can buy some souvenirs for the folks back at home…" I feel like those twins are going to nag us for souvenirs anyways.

" 'We can go in the afternoon, I heard their festival starts late' "

"A nighttime festival huh? That'd make a great show" I bet there's going to be fireworks.

"Well in the meantime, what do you want to do? Go for a swim?"

" 'Maybe. But I might get a tan if I swim today so I'll pass' "

"A tan's a good. In my opinion"

" 'Hmm… Then would it be better if I leave you out here right?' "

"Hey, hey…" she's teasing me again.

" 'Ehe. You're easy to tease these days…' "

"Probably because I'm more laid back than usual"

" 'Ehe. There haven't been any major incidents as of late…Hm?' "

"Oh?" Neptune glows.



"Hi there!" she raised her hand as she greets me with a grin.

"Ran out of juice?"

"Mhm. I'm all out of gas, mister! Can I get some more?"

"It's 50 credits per liter"

"Nepu! That's way too overpriced"

"I'm expensive you know"

"Eeh. Can't I bargain?"

"It's negotiable"

"You're such a cheapskate. Nepu?"

"What is it?"

"Hmm? Hm? Mm?" she examines herself. Thinking that there must be something different about her.

"Hmm… Your shirt is too big!" she said.

"Oh, now that I get a good look. It's really too big for you when you're like that"

The shoulders of the shirt are way down to the point that the edge of the shoulders is on her arms. With the long sleeves, her hand barely peeks out. It looks more like the shirt is draped on her rather than her wearing. But still…

"…it still looks sexy on you though" I say my honest feelings. It might turn into a fetish.

"Oh, so you have a shirt fetish!" she said as though she found a great discovery.

"Saying it like that sounds wrong in all sorts of ways. But, I might have one…" maybe because wearing such a shirt is so risqué that is really a tease for a guy's imagination.

"Maybe I should wear this one from now on"

"I'd rather prefer if you don't"

"Ooh, here it comes. Jared's possessiveness or whatever speech"

"…My shirt would smell"

"Nepu! I'll have you know that I smell like a flower in the night" I know.

"You know… when you wake up in the morning your breath smells…"

"Don't all normal folks smell like that in the mornings! And your breath smells too, you know"

"Compared to yours. Mine gets a pass"

"Then what grade does my breath have?!"

"A 4, I guess"

"Nepuuu~…" a sad Neptune is sad now. Always a joyride to see her acting sad and depressed. Take note, acting.

"Anyway, I'm done with my coffee. Want me to make breakfast now or do something first?"

"Let's play a game!"

"Hey now… it's a tad early for us to be playing games"

"Eh? But I wanna show you something neat in the game that would blow your mind!"

"That. But it's still too early we haven't had breakfast yet…"

"Let's have a brunch!"

"Look you…" she's really desperate of wanting to show me something.

"Alright. Fine. I'll give for now…" I'll make sure she eats vegetables tonight.

"Yay! Now let's get to that TV!" she pulls me inside.

The flat-screen TV is right in front of the bed. Apparently, this house that we rent has a free console that we can use at our leisure. Plus there is also a bunch of games that are stored in the drawer. I thought it was all just an accident but upon learning that it was all of Neptune's favorite games I'm beginning to wonder.

We sat in the middle of the bed with legs crossed. Neptune has already started up the game and is now fiddling around with her controller while her character on the screen… does things. Is she button checking or is she doing this on purpose? I mean look it's funny.

"Ahahaha! Look he's neck is stretching!"

"Gh! That's really going to hurt…"

We spend our time just like this. Just leisurely doing anything that comes to mind. We smile, have fun and forget the troubles of life even if it were only just a few moments. Laughing, teasing, playing around as though we're two kids enjoying youth. Leaving our hearts bare for the other to see. Not wasting any time other than filling it with activities that would be memorable. That is our honeymoon right now.



It was sudden. But my vision had a flash of static before I even knew it. I don't feel anything strange. I didn't get a headache nor did I vomit a lot of blood. Maybe a figment of my imagination? Hallucination? Signs of insanity? Whatever it maybe, if I see static it must mean something I might not like.

"Hm? Hey Neptune, you're awfully qui…!"

Ruins. It was ruins after ruins after ruins. Piles of rubble here and there. Buildings with giant holes on them. There is smoke rising from the distance. The floor has a giant crack that extends all the way to somewhere. I can smell gunpowder and smoke in the air. I can hear sounds of explosions from the distance. I can feel the cold wind brushing against my skin. The sky is dark, so dark that it's almost sinister.

"Where the hell am I?"