Chapter 1

"Daddy! Daddy! Wake up! You'll be late for work!" A young boy, aged four, with strange light blue hair, yelled as he jumped on his father's bed.

"Umph! You sure are getting fat." The father, a young man of twenty-six with spiky sky blue hair and deep ocean blue eyes, grunted when his son dropped himself on his belly.

The son pouted cutely and it made his father grin sleepily. "I'm not fat. I'm muscular and handsome! Just like you!" The pout then turned to a wide grin, similar to that of his father's.

"Ain't that the truth. C'mon Aokishi! You've gotta go have a shower. You wanna smell good and look your best for your new daycare don't you?" His father teased as he lifted him up making the boy squeal in delight before he landed back in his father's arms, giggling away.

"Aye! Aye Captain!" Aokishi saluted with a cute but serious expression before he jumped out of his father's arms and ran into the bathroom in the hallway of the apartment.

Grimmjow heaved out a heavy sigh as he scratched the back of his head and walked towards his closet to get ready for the day.

Grimmjow Jaegerjaquez. Mechanic by day, and sometimes nights, full time single dad all the time. Grimmjow got drunk at this party when he was nineteen, fucked some girl without protection. Said girl got pregnant, didn't tell him, next thing he knows the bitch dumps his little guy in his arms like he was some disease and says 'I don't want it.' Bitch right?

So now it's just Grimmjow and his little Aokishi. They had just moved out of the simple, though rather big, town known as Karakura, mainly because Grimmjow was tired of the country and better opportunities were there for him and his boy. He knew a few people in the large and busy city so it was easy for them to find and adequate apartment and a close enough daycare center to his work. He hoped desperately that mpving would be like a new start for both of them, far away from Grimmjow's past as possible.

"Stupid to dwell on that shit now." Grimmjow muttered to himself as he slid on a pair of boots. He's gotten a job in Urahara's Repairs & Sweets. The guy was an old friend of his mother's and he was kind enough to give Grimmjow the job.

"Ready Cowboy!" Aokishi squealed as he rushed into his dad's room, his darker shade, but still very bright, blue hair as gravity defying as Grimmjow's but also a tad wavy. Grimmjow thought he made good looking babies. He wore similar clothes as his father, long sleeved black shirt paired with black cargoes and boots.

"That you are bounty hunter! Now tell me are you hungry?" Grimmjow went along with their usual game of Bounty Hunters. Aokishi's been into it since they had watched Cowboy Bebop when he was three.

"Very! Bounty Hunter Daddy has orders to get Bounty Hunter Ao food!" Aokishi grinned, his canines seeming as sharp as Grimmjow's.

Grimmjow grinned back. "That I do. C'mon little man!" Grimmjow exclaimed as he scooped up his giggling boy and took them both to the kitchen.

Grimmjow placed him on a kitchen stool as he got to making them both pan cakes. He'd make something else but he can barely boil rice so it's pancakes, waffles and take out for them most of the time.

"So what're you gonna do when you get to your new daycare?" Grimmjow asked as he placed a plate of a small tower of pancakes for his boy who immediately took in a mouthful.

"'wak a vlot offff fwends!" He said with his mouth stuffed and it took years but Grimmjow was able to understand the language.

"Of course you would. With the looks you've got they'd be begging to be your friends." Grimmjow told his son with a proud smile on his face as he ruffled Ao's hair.

Aokishi beamed at the praise before he quickly devoured his pancakes as his dad ate his own while drinking that yucky stuff they call coffee.

"Let's get this show on the road!" Ao squealed as he dragged his father out of their new home with another thing on his innocent mind;

I hope the caretaker and everyone else are nice people.

"Daddy this place is huuuuge!" Some of the parents waiting for the daycare to open, as well as a few passerby, turned to the direction of the young voice.

They heard a rich and deep laugh as the two figures became more visible.

"Ya got a point kid but trust me this place is also a lot more fun." A lot of people, especially single women, were staring at the duo with wide, surprised, also slightly interested, eyes.

Grimmjow had little Aokishi on his shoulders as they headed towards the daycare, neither noticing the people that moved for them to walk. He had on simple black T-shirt that hugged his muscular frame magnificently, black army styled cargo pants and black combat boots. With his spiky blue hairstyle and predatory grin he looked like some bad boy from a porn video.

"Really? How much fun?" Ao asked with an excited grin on his face, his hands feeling through his father's soft hair.

Grimmjow grinned back up at his little boy. "You'll see. Here they've got better stores for daddy to buy you the coolest toys." Grimmjow told his kid, remembering how much his boy would beg for some toys but they weren't sold in their prefecture.

Aokishi looked so unbelievably happy with the news. "Really?! Even that Spike action figure?!" He bellowed with excitement, his adorable smile warming a bunch of people's hearts.

Grimmjow chuckled, placed his boy back on his feet when they had gotten to the entrance of the simple looking daycare that was just forty-five minutes away from his work and squatted down to his son's level.

"Yeah. When we go for our weekly shopping on Saturday, I'll get it for you. As a reward for being such a good little Cowboy." Ao chuckled with pride and a small blush on his cheeks.

"Alright! I've got the best daddy in the whole wide world!" Ao exclaimed with fists in the air. Grimmjow gave his son a cocky grin before ruffling his boy's blue hair. "You better believe it kid." Some parents watched the two with small smiles. They seemed like a beautiful family.

"That's not true." Both bluenettes turned to look at the source of the small voice behind Aokishi.

There stood a boy with hair so unbelievably white that Ao thought it was like snow. The child had bright amber eyes and slightly pale skin and looked to be Ao's height. The boy glared at Ao with a ferocity that made Grimmjow frown and Ao to blink at him in confusion. He was wondering why the boy was so angry.

"What isn't true?" Ao asked with a tilt of his head in curiosity. The boy was interesting to Ao.

"Your daddy ain't the best in the world. Mine is." The boy declared, folding his arms and keeping his glare on the blue eyed boy who started to glare back at him.

"No way! My daddy is awesome! He fixes cars and goes to the gym and knows how to use guns!" Aokishi declared, pointing at his amused father while defending his daddy's honor.

Grimmjow stayed in his squatted position, elbow on knee and chin on palm, with an amused smile on his face as both boys bickered about who's dad's the best.

"Mitsue! I told you not to wonder off!" Grimmjow's eyebrows rose slowly as he caught sight of the man that ran towards them, taking the boy, apparently named Mitsue, going on his knees and checking the boy over like a doting mother though he glared like an angry wolf.

Grimmjow's eyes were slightly wider than usual, though anyone looking would just think he was bored about the whole thing.

He's beautiful...

That he was. Bright orange hair that was below the nape of his neck with slightly long bangs, just a bit away from falling on his left eye. He wore a checked shirt that had it's sleeves rolled up which showed off impressive biceps as well as other muscles and also wore some regular jeans and old looking kicks. His eyes reminded Grimmjow of some picture of the galaxy, the amber color looking close to golden.

The guy looked up and their eyes met and for some reason Grimmjow couldn't speak. The guy however, blinked in surprise then gave Grimmjow an apologetic smile that made the bluenette's heart pause for a split second.

"I am so sorry about him. He's got a bit of a temper." He said that last part as some kind of warning as he glared down at the child who was pouting and folding his arm while glaring at the floor.

Aokishi's glare turned into one of childish understanding. "Oh. I get it. Daddy's got one of those too." Grimmjow cleared his throat loudly, a small blush on his face as he stood up straight and placed a hand on Ao's hair.

The orange headed man smiled kindly at Ao. "And who are you?" He asked as he moved towards the door of the daycare, bringing out a set of keys and opening the door and letting the other parents and children enter the building.

"I am Cowboy Aokishi Jaegerjaquez! I go through space hunting guys with bounties! And here is my fellow bounty hunter! Cowboy Daddy!' Aokishi exclaimed with his fingers pointing at Mitsue as imitations for guns, the other boy looking at Aokishi with bright eyes of excitement.

The orange headed man laughed with a raised eyebrow. "I take it you're into Cowboy Bebop. Well Mitsue is all about it and other anime. Him and his father watch them none stop." Ao looked at Mitsue with a wide grin, displaying his own jagged teeth similar to his father's. "Really?! C'mon let's play Spike and Jet. Dibs on Spike!" Aokishi said grasping one of the surprised Mitsue's hands and dragging him into the unfamiliar building like it was his second home.

"Sorry about him. He always seems to be over excited about everything." Grimmjow apologized as he rubbed the back of his head with a nervous smile. He figured that the very attractive person in front of him was in charge of the daycare and felt extremely stupid for letting his boy cause a scene at their first meeting.

He probably thinks I'm a bad parent.

"Oh it's nothing. Your son's actually rather adorable." The man laughed as he motioned for them to enter the building. Grimmjow started walking beside him, noticing that the orange head was shorter than him by a few well as having a rather firm ass. Not that he was looking because he wouldn't do that. Yeah.

"I haven't seen you two here before though. My name is Kurosaki Ichigo." Ichigo told the blue headed parent as he entered the large room surrounded with about thirty children running around two other people that seemed to also be working in the daycare. Parents were talking to their children as well as the workers, some wanting to talk to Ichigo but decide to move away because he seemed busy with Grimmjow.

"The one who protects or the strawberry?" Grimmjow asked with a smirk which grew when Ichigo gave him an impressed look. "The one who protects. Most people just assume it's strawberry. Anyways, Nnoitra told me about you guys. Just moved to Tokyo huh? How do you like it so far...Grimm-jow Jaeger...jaquez is it?" Ichigo said his name sounding unsure but Grimmjow was surprised he had gotten right. Most people he had met in Japan could barely get his first name down.

"Call me Grimmjow. German. Haven't seen all that much about the city but so far all I can say is it's loud and yeah that prey mantis told me you're the best daycare in this side of the city so I'm trusting you." Grimmjow teased with a small smirk which turned into a snicker when Ichigo looked away from him with a small blush staining his tanned cheeks probably from the indirect praise.

"I'll make sure to do a good job." Ichigo said turning back to Grimmjow with a genuine smile.

Grimmjow nodded at that then looked around the room for his boy only to see him in a play area with at least three other kids and Mitsue around him like he was some kind of leader. Made Grimmjow mighty proud.

"Ao! I'm headed to work." Grimmjow called to get his son's attention. Ao stopped his explanation of the rules of space travel and answering questions about the huge difference between Space Dandy and Cowboy Bebop to look up at his father who was grinning at him. Ao grinned back and ran to hug his dad goodbye.

"This here is Ichigo-kun. You have to listen to everything he says. No being a little shit." Ichigo winced at the vulgar word but kept his mouth shut and watched the rugged looking man act fatherly to his son. At first glance, one would simply come to the conclusion that Grimmjow was a thug, a good looking one, but a ruffian at first instead of the caring father Ichigo was meeting. All in all, a good first meeting.

Aokishi snarled and hit his father's leg with a small pout. "I'm never a little be careful. Okay daddy?" Aokishi got serious as he gave his father a stern look that had some parents want to aww out loud.

Grimmjow smiled slightly, blushing lightly because Ichigo let out a small laugh, then went on one knee so that he was face to face with his son.

"I'll be careful little man." Grimmjow promised before smacking his lips to Ao's plump cheek quickly and loudly. Aokishi smiled, leaned forward and did the same.

Grimmjow got up, noticing that they were being stared at so cleared his throat and looked at Ichigo who was looking at Grimmjow a little too intensely. "I'll be back for him around 5:30. Should I give you my number? In case anything comes up?" Grimmjow asked while Ichigo blinked in surprise, like his mind hadn't been there.

"Hmm? Oh right. Phone number um here just type it down." Ichigo nervously got out his phone, his cheeks stained red with embarrassment as he handed the other man his phone.

Grimmjow looked at the screensaver and raised an eyebrow at the picture. There was some albino man with a feral like smile, strange eyes and hair as white as Mitsue's if not whiter holding out a peace sign with his arm wrapped around a laughing Ichigo's shoulders. They looked so alike, almost like twins.

He quickly typed in his number and gave the caregiver back his phone. Ichigo took it, Grimmjow tried not to think about the sudden spark that went through him when their fingers brushed and from the small jolt Ichigo gave he had felt it as well. Probably just some kind of static thing.

"See ya around...Berry." Grimmjow teased before turning around and heading for his car to take him to his job. The small glimpse he had gotten of Ichigo's scowling expression making him laugh on the way.

Starting off my first day of the year of being SEVENTEEN!


Please review and tell me what you think of the first chapter to my new story. I've been thinking and coming up with different drafts for this new story and I probably won't update it till I'm done with B.H.S. Then again inspiration may hit me too hard and I wouldn't be able to stop myself.

An amazing day to you my beautiful humanoids!

Adios from,
