He was right, his parents didn't do shit. They let me in their house! I didn't hear from my parents all weekend, so I guess they don't care and that's a good thing, because I can stay with my boyfriend!

It's now Monday morning and I'm in Bender's bed, the sheets covering our naked bodies.

"C'mon babe, time to go to school..." I murmured while kissing his jaw.

"What if I don't want to?" he retorted, looking at me with a smirk. "I would prefer to stay in bed with my beautiful girlfriend than go to school." he argued.

"Well, your girlfriend is going to school, so you decide if you want to join her or not!" I laughed before leaving his bed.

I put on a pair of John's boxer with some of his sweatpants. I then put his white shirt with his flannel and I was ready to go.

While Bender was getting ready, I looked myself over, I wouldn't look like a slut today! Time to change my reputation.

Once at school, we met up with the others that were in detention Saturday. The Breakfast Club didn't break up. People were giving us weird looks but did we care? Not at all, because this detention really changed us for the better.

that was actually a pretty shitty ending and i'm sorry, but yeah... i'll start a new fanfic soon, but idk what to do it about! there's rocky horror picture show, the 100, vampire diaries, teen wolf, kingsman...there's too many! gosh! comment the one i should do:))