oh my gods it's the end of the fic! i wanna say thank you to all you lovely readers who have stuck with me so far! i honestly didn't expect anyone to read these and i hope you'll join me for the third installment :) an especially big thank you to everyone who favorited/followed or left a review 3 you're the best!

Connor spent an egregious amount of time at the public phone, debating who to call. It was late at night in the United States. If it wasn't too dark to create a rainbow, Connor would've sent an Iris message directly to Travis. There were a ton of things he needed to tell him. If Travis had forgiven him, that is.

He decided on his mom. He expected to hear her answering machine.

"Hello?" Beatrice Stoll said. She sounded sleepy, but not as though she had just woken up. "Connor, is that you?"

"Yep. We're getting a flight home. We found Aphrodite and got everything cleared up."

"No one got hurt?"

"We're fine. Not a scratch on us."

"Do you need me to pick you up from the airport?"

Connor almost said that he could take care of it himself. After everything, though, he kind of wanted to see his mom in person. It felt like forever since they'd talked face to face. So he told her when their flight would land.

"Good," she said. "I have a few choice words for you."

"I thought we already did that."

"I'm saving them for when I see you in person."

Connor cringed. "Ha, ha. Okay, Mom."

"Goodnight. Be safe."

"Night." He hung up. As long as she didn't chew him out in front of Nico, he could take it.

Speaking of Nico, he stood behind Connor, making "wrap it up" motions. "You're going to make us miss our flight," he said. "Are those all the calls you're going to make?"

"That's it. I'll let camp know we're getting back when we're stateside again." I wish I hadn't figured this out until after we made it to camp. Another six-hour plane ride alone with Nico plus however long they needed to wait at the gate.

Connor didn't know how he didn't throw up everywhere during the trip. Most of his thoughts were along the lines of I almost told Nico di Angelo that I'm in love with him. I was literally about to say it. What am I doing?

It goes without saying that he didn't sleep. He blamed his nap on the train. He blamed the caffeinated soda he drank earlier. Connor watched one of the in-flight movies—a recent horror flick that he forgot the plot of the second the credits started rolling—to help him stay awake. If he fell asleep, he might start dreaming about Nico. That would be a disaster.

"Did you stay up all night?" Nico asked when the plane touched down.

"How can you tell?"

"You look a little manic."

Connor wished he had a mirror. He wanted to know if his eyes were bloodshot, like in the cartoons. If a monster attacked them on the way to camp, he'd get eaten. Apparently his filter had stopped working too, because he told Nico, "I'm officially brain dead. I need you to protect me until we make it to Long Island."

Nico touched the back of his hand to Connor's cheek. His skin was cool. "Are you sick?" he asked.

"I'm good." Connor was tempted to catch Nico's hand and hold it there. I can't do this to him. He leaned away.

His mom was right on time. Connor remembered introducing her to Nico, but the rest of the drive was a blur. She read him the riot act, though her words went in one ear and out the other. (Not that he could hear much anyway—his ears still hadn't popped despite being halfway through a pack of gum). Connor was pretty sure she'd suspended his emergency credit card privileges. His gaze kept switching between the reflection of Nico in the rearview and his mother's profile.

"I know I don't always get the whole demigod deal, but this was a special brand of reckless. You didn't just put yourself in danger; you put your friend in danger," she was saying.

Nico met Connor's eyes. He gave Connor a sympathetic smile. Connor's heart practically leapt out of his chest.

"Are you listening?" Beatrice asked.

"Yeah, Mom. Won't do it again."

We're never going to be together. I always knew that. Nothing has changed. Nothing has changed.

"Have you called your brother yet?"


"Travis has been worried sick about you," Beatrice said. She plucked her phone from the cup holder and dropped it into Connor's hand. "Call camp or call his cell. Either one should get through."

"Do I really have to do this now?"

Beatrice spared a second to look at him. Her expression sent a clear message. Connor dialed Travis' (illegal) cell phone and prayed for him to pick up.

Travis answered on the third ring. "Mom? Is Connor back?"

"It's me. And yeah, we're on our way right now."

A sigh of relief crackled over the line. "Listen, I don't really have time to talk right now. We're about to have a meeting. It'll probably still be on by the time you get here. You can tell me all about it when that's over. Okay?"

"Okay. I'm sorry that—"

"We'll talk about it later. Gotta go. Bye."

Connor stared at the phone in his hand. His mom was chewing her lip. What had Travis told her? They didn't talk like this to each other. Did she know what was wrong? He just needs a little more time to cool down. It's the first time we've talked since I left. I'd be touchy too, if it were me. We'll get over it. We always do.

The meeting was in session when Beatrice dropped Connor and Nico off. She had to leave in a hurry. Connor kissed her on the cheek through the rolled down window. As much as he wanted her to stick around a few minutes longer, he knew she had work to do.

Travis had walked up the hill to meet them. He looked Connor up and down.

"I thought you'd come back missing a leg or something."

Connor was about to offer a retort, relieved that Travis didn't seem to be mad at him anymore, but Travis didn't give him the chance. He turned and walked toward the Big House, waving for them to follow. Connor's mouth snapped shut.

Okay. Still a little pissed.

Nico chewed on a hangnail. He stared straight ahead. Connor wanted to comfort him somehow. There were plenty of reassuring things he could say, but he was afraid that he wouldn't be able to stop himself and all his feelings would come pouring out of him.

The other counselors were gathered around the table with the usual spread of snacks. Connor thought back to the candy bar he'd eaten at the airport. It had been a long time since that. He hoped there wasn't an interrogation coming.

Chiron's expression was difficult to read. He seemed to be glad that they were back and disappointed at the same time. Nico quickly grabbed his seat, head down. When Connor went to do the same, someone spoke up.

"That's it?" It was Drew. "You went across the Atlantic and you've got nothing to say."

"I'll share the pictures later."

"Oh no! Let's talk about how you ditched one of your quest members—your own brother—in New York. Not to mention the secret you've been sitting on since Aphrodite showed up."

Connor played dumb. "What secret?"

"It was you," Drew said, pointing a perfectly manicured finger at Connor. "You were Nico's soulmate!"

"So? I'm not anymore." Connor waved his bare wrist in front of her face.

She shoved it away. "That doesn't matter! You should've come clean instead of letting us waste time at the meeting."

"Um, I didn't think it was important?" Connor smiled sheepishly. The other counselors were staring at him. The only one looking at the table was Nico.

"Didn't think it was important! What if Nico hadn't taken you along on the quest?"

"Well, I knew he would. We were both there when Aphrodite soul-bonded us. Of course he was going to pick me."

"Aha! You were both covering it up!"

Travis spoke up. "Technically three of us. I knew, too."

That didn't surprise anyone. Travis and Connor did everything together. Usually.

Drew flipped her hair over her shoulder. "It makes me wonder what else you lied about. For all we know, you and Travis made the whole thing up so that you could leave camp."

"Oh yeah," Connor said. "We summoned Aphrodite, had her put a stupid soul-bond on me and Nico, and disappear without telling us how take it off, all so we could leave camp." He applauded. "Congratulations, Detective Tanaka. Here's a medal."

Connor took the gum out of his mouth and stuck it to Drew's t-shirt. She shrieked and flicked it off, her face going from white to bright red in the space of a second.

"That's enough!" Chiron snapped. "Both of you—sit down."

Neither of them bothered arguing. Connor plopped back into his seat. Travis was trying to hold in his laughter and failing at it. Drew glared at both of them as if she wanted to commit murder.

Chiron paused to make sure there wouldn't be any more outbursts before speaking again. "While honesty would have been appreciated, I believe we all agreed that the identity of Nico's… we agreed that it was irrelevant and a breach of privacy. Not to mention that the entire incident was a mistake on Aphrodite's part."

Mr. D nodded in agreement. His eyes were glazed. He was clearly bored out of his skull.

"The next time a quest requires you to travel out of the country," Chiron said, focusing on Connor, "do not go on your own. You were incredibly lucky to make it back alive."

Connor nodded.

"Well, now that our brave heroes are back," Mr. D drawled, "I think we can safely say this meeting is over." He didn't wait for a response; he disappeared, leaving behind the smell of grapes. The snacks disappeared with him. Connor frowned at the place where a bowl of pretzels had been sitting. In all the commotion he hadn't been able to snag a handful.

Nico took the chance to disappear. He was gone so fast that Connor guessed he'd used shadow travel. Connor wondered if he'd gone back to the Hades cabin and whether he could catch him before he holed himself up forever.

Annabeth caught him as he tried to leave. "Seriously, why didn't you just say you were bound to Nico? Why did you make him tell everyone?"

"As if anyone was going to believe Aphrodite came all that way for me."

"But I don't understand why you wouldn't own up to it. Ever since Travis got back, Drew's been trying to spread gossip…"

"And let everyone know Aphrodite made two boys soulmates?" Connor fixed Annabeth with a hard look. "Nico's embarrassed by that stuff enough as it is. He doesn't look it, but he's still got a 1930's mentality."

Annabeth sent an even harder look his way. "You could've avoided that if you just admitted it and explained that Aphrodite got confused. The way I see it, keeping quiet made things worse."

Connor didn't have a comeback. He slung his bag over his shoulder. I have to kill those rumors, whatever they are. Nico's not going to hurt because of me. Not again.

Travis glanced up at him as he stepped off the porch, but didn't follow. Katie was standing over him. Connor didn't hear what she was saying, but the look on her face was soft, not indignant. Something must've happened. Connor couldn't work up the energy to be proud of Travis' progress. All he wanted was a shower and Nico.

Gods, I have to stop thinking like that. It's not fair.

Nico knew Percy was close behind him. He sped up, desperate to get away. Percy, however, was fast. He jogged to catch up and cut Nico off.

"Hey," he said. "You got the mark off, right?"

"You saw Connor's arm," Nico said bitterly.

Percy winced. "I didn't believe Drew when she said you two were…"

"We aren't anything. Aphrodite was playing a joke on us, courtesy of my stepmom. She just wanted to humiliate me and she won."

"Aw, Nico."

"Anyway, it's gone. Things can go back to normal now."

"You'll stay at camp, right?" Percy scrubbed a hand through his hair. It was getting unreasonably long. Nico prayed he'd never cut it. (Just because he'd given up on all romantic possibilities with Percy didn't mean he had to stop appreciating his looks.)

Nico had considered it, but it would only make him look guilty. Who knew what rumors they'd get up to in his absence? All he had to do was deny everything—which should be easy—and the other campers would move on. He desperately hoped this was true.

"I'm staying," he said.

Percy's shoulders relaxed. "Good." He paused, conflict flickering in his sea green eyes. "Um, why Connor? I mean, of all people…"

"He was just the closest person there," Nico lied. He said it too easily. I've been hanging out with Connor too much.

"Damn. Bad luck." Percy laughed. "Too bad it wasn't someone less shady."

He was joking, but Nico couldn't help saying, "Connor's not so bad. He tried to cover for me, not that it lasted long."

"Yeah. Did he really take pictures?"

Nico groaned. "Yes. Every five seconds."

Percy laughed. "I'll have to get him to show me. If you think about it, you guys were kinda lucky. I'll probably never get to go to Paris. Airplanes, you know."

"You could take a boat. You could swim there if you really wanted." Nico hesitated, then added, "If you do get a chance, you should definitely take Annabeth. She'd love it. All the old buildings and stuff."

"Will do." The warmth of his smile was too much. There would always be a part of Nico that crumbled when he saw Percy smile. "Don't worry about the rumors. Most people don't believe half of what Drew says."


Nico watched Percy go. He was torn. On the one hand, Percy remained as oblivious as ever. On the other, Nico almost wanted him to pick up on it. Does he really not know or does he do it on purpose?

A wind rustled through the strawberry fields. There was a sweet scent on the air. Nico inhaled. The breeze contained more than strawberries. He was sure he smelled flowers. He looked around, unsure whether he was imagining it. The encounter with Aphrodite had made him paranoid. But it wasn't a perfume smell. It was natural.


She was kneeling by the strawberries, a trowel in hand. Her straw hat covered her eyes, but Nico recognized her voice. He was surprised to see she was wearing overalls. The few times he'd met Persephone, she wore dresses.

"Aphrodite told me off," she said. Persephone plucked a ripe strawberry and held it out. Nico shook his head. She popped the fruit into her mouth. "I suppose she's right. I shouldn't take my anger out on you. You didn't ask to be born."

Was she apologizing? Nico had never been alone with his "stepmother." He realized—right then—that he was terrified of her. The goddess of springtime wasn't supposed to be scary, especially wearing threadbare overalls, but Nico was frozen to the spot. He couldn't speak.

"I tried to hurt you indirectly. I'm sorry. When Aphrodite told me what happened to you in Paris… I felt ashamed." Persephone sighed. "I hate how petty my family is sometimes, but it turns out I'm just like them. All I want is to go home." She turned the trowel over and over in her gloved hand.

Home. The Underworld. Nico found his voice. "You love my father. It must've hurt when…"

"It did. Of all of them, he was supposed to be the most faithful. Well, whatever happens, I'll stay with him. I have to trust that he still loves me."

"For what it's worth, I'm sure he does. You'll always be first."

Persephone looked up. Her eyes were infinitely sad. Nico felt the urge to cry simply by looking at them. She pointed the trowel at him. "If you ever do find someone you love, don't let them steal from you. Not your heart, your time, or your trust. You have to give those things. Do you understand?"

A broken heart can never be mended. He did. He suddenly understood more than he wanted to. "What if…" he began, but faltered when he heard footsteps behind him. Nico glanced over his shoulder. Connor was coming toward him.

When he looked back at the strawberries, Persephone had vanished.

Connor skidded to a halt in front of him. "About what happened back there—!"

"It's not your fault. They were going to figure it out."

"I don't care about that." Connor waved it away. "Are you okay?"

Nico blinked. "I'm fine." It wasn't necessarily true, but he didn't want Connor to worry more than he already was on his behalf.

"You sure?"

"Yeah." Nico wanted to tell him about Persephone but something stopped him. He didn't know how to explain the conversation he'd had with her. "Percy said that the rumors will go away."

I'm going to try to believe that.

"Well, you know I'll deny everything. Your secrets are safe with me."

Connor ruffled Nico's hair. For once, Nico didn't immediately duck out of his reach. His pulse rushed in his ears as Connor made a mess of his head. The ruffling seemed to last longer than usual. Maybe it was Nico's imagination, but Connor's hand lingered as he trailed away. His touch was warm.

"Talk to you later?" Connor asked.

"…yeah." Nico slowly backed away. He almost tripped over a rock. He didn't know where to focus. His vision was filled with Connor's smile and his curls and his hand, waving at Nico.

As Connor jogged toward the circle of cabins, Nico wandered off in the direction of the woods. He didn't bother concentrating where he was going. His head felt like it was floating high above him, attached to his neck by a string.

Something cold and wet covered his foot. Nico jumped. He'd almost walked into the creek. Luckily there was no one around to see. Nico was tempted to smack some sense into himself. He didn't know what he was thinking.

That was wrong. He did know. He had been thinking about Connor. Again. Nico closed his eyes, trying to burn Connor's image out of his mind. All that did was make it worse. Sticking his head in the water might snap him out of it. He sat down on the bank and kicked a pebble in.

I can't do this again. I don't have a crush on Connor Stoll.

Nico had thought he was smarter than this. Getting warm and fuzzy over boys he couldn't have was something he should've grown out of when he gave up on Percy. If only Connor hadn't been so nice. If only Persephone hadn't spoken to Aphrodite. Damn it all. Damn Connor and his persistence.

I don't have a crush on Connor Stoll, Nico thought. Unfortunately, saying something didn't make it true.