Warning: Yaoi (rating might change)

Disclaimer: The characters of Yugioh do not belong to me

Pairings- Yugi x Atem (Blind/puzzleshipping), Yami Bakura x Ryou Bakura (Tendershipping), Malik x Marik (Bronzeshipping), Seto x Jonouchi (Puppyshipping)

Chapter One

It was 5:30 PM at Domino City, Japan. The sun's brightness had dimmed throughout the city. Warmth replaced the hotness in the air, and the winds power strengthened causing the trees to blow in one direction. It was also the time where the streets were filled with people.

Yugi Muto, Anzu Masaki, Jonouchi Katsuya, and Hiroto Honda were walking along the sidewalks of Domino City. Their uniforms gave it away that they were students of Domino Senior High School, the only High School in the city. The boy's and girl's uniform were different from each other. The boys had to wear a pair of navy blue dress pants, and navy blue blazer coat. The girls on the other hand wore navy blue pleated skirt, a hot pink blazer coat, and a navy blue bow. Both girls and boys were required to wear a white shirt (button or not) to blend with the uniform. However, their backpacks were all different from each other.

"Oh, I just remembered," Anzu quickly moved in front of her friends blocking them from crossing the crosswalk. Anzu was a beauty with shoulder length brown hair and sapphire eyes. She was also tall, with a full bust, and curves. However, she wore her uniform in complete modesty, covering most of her chest from being seen. "Can we make a brief stop at Tower Records, Please?" She held her hands together and stared at the boys with pleading eyes.

"No way," Jou walked passed Anzu once the cross light turned green.

"I'll go with you, Anzu," Yugi said, excitingly. He could never say no to her.

"Sorry, Anz, I am with Jou," Honda patted his female friend on the shoulder. He and Jou mingled into the crowd of people and wandered their separate ways.

"I guess this means it's a da—"Yugi was about to say, but was cut off when Anzu snatched his wrist, and ran across the sidewalk.

"We have to hurry, Yugi, before they sale out!" Anzu shoved passed people, ignoring their complaints, on the way to the Tower Record Store. Yugi tumbled a few times as he tried keeping pace with Anzu's long legs.

Why was she in such a rush to make it to the Tower Records? Yugi's question was soon answered once they arrived to the store. There was a long line of girls and boys standing out and inside of the shop. A big projection screen, currently playing a music video of AKB48, was displayed outside. Yugi stared admiringly at the countless girls singing and dancing in cute colorful outfits. There were flower petals falling all over the screen and around the girls as they sang. Curiously, Yugi wondered if the line was for this group, but as he looked around no one seemed to be looking at the video. His friend Anzu was hopping impatiently on her toes and trying to get a glance over the long line. Three girls walked passed them holding a bag with the Tower Record Logo, a poster was half hanging out from one of them, meanwhile another girl had hers on full view.

"Oh, Atem! Why you so sexy!?" She squealed.

Her friends were staring over her shoulders at the poster.

"Forget Atem, Bakura has gotten a new hair style. Wow, it looks so good on him," The friend ran her fingers on the poster where Yugi assumed the Idol Bakura would be. More people came walking out of the store having the same poster in their bag, and as the line moved, it grew longer.

'They can't be here just for one cd,' Yugi thought in his head. This was ridiculous.

"Oh I hope they don't sale out," Anzu whimpered as more and more people carried posters of these idols out of the shop.

The AKB48 music video ended on the projector. A few other artists and singers were shown for a second before the screen became pitch black. The word Millennium in bold Algerian font popped onto the screen joined by Kings. The words scattered like shards and the black screen slowly faded. A dark wet alley appeared, with an open box in the middle, followed by the slow rhythm of a piano. A gray kitten with blue eyes popped its head out of the box. It glanced both ways before falling back. Yugi felt sad for the poor kitty, but it didn't last. The song became upbeat, and the video revealed running footsteps coming into the same alley. It was clear he was a male as his upper mid-section from the waist down was shown. He was wearing a pair of dark blue jeans. He knelt on one knee and used his other foot to support his weight. His caramel hands reached into the box to pick up the kitten. As he moved the kitten closer his upper outfit was shown: A white, light gray and dark gray stripped sweater. As he hugged the kitten, a soft melodic voice joined in with the music.

The crowd suddenly fell quiet, all turning their attention to the music video. The crowd screamed excitingly at the sight of the singer in this music video.

"ATEM!" Anzu and hundreds of other girls shouted as one of the camera's zoomed in on the singer.

It was like looking at a twin, only a sexy twin, with beautiful caramel skin. Unlike Yugi, whose tricolor hair was blonde, black, and violet, his look alike's was blonde, black, and red. His blonde fringes spread like a crown over his black locks of hair, were Yugi's only traced his face. Yugi's eyes were round- and violet, giving him that innocent look. His look alike eyes were more sharp and red. One could be seduced by those gorgeous crimson eyes. There were four other singers in this video each given a different part. It was like looking at the backstreet boys, only they weren't. Two of the singers resembled some friends in Yugi's school, but the other two didn't even appear to have a look alike. However, Yugi wouldn't doubt if there was one out there in the world.

The line had moved a foot. Yugi followed along the line, expecting Anzu to do the same, but she was stuck staring at the projector. She wasn't the only one in the line watching every part of the video. What was so special about this group and the singer that looked like him? If not it should have given Anzu a reason to date Yugi. Yugi narrowed his eyes as the clip went back to Atem and the gray kitten. He was lying on his back with the kitty on his stomach. The kitten pawed its way up Atem's chest. Atem gave the kitten a peck on the nose.

"Why can't I be that kitten," Anzu pouted.

"Anzu, the line is moving," Yugi said, hoping to snatch her attention.

"Can you save me a spot, Yugi," Anzu waved a hand over her shoulder at him, hoping he'd get the hint that she wanted to stay, and watch the rest of the music video.

Yugi sighed, annoyingly.

A half hour passed, and they were still waiting outside of Tower Records. The same music video of 'Millennium Kings' had been played four times. Yugi was already tired of the song by hearing it once. It wasn't his kind of music, and they were all pretty boys too, except for the one with the rough voice. He had caramel skin like Atem, his dark sand color hair was scattered all over. He wore dark clothes throughout the whole happy song. He did most of the rapping, as did the one with whitish blue hair and fair skin. His eyes were a dark brown. These two looked like the troublemakers of the group.

As he and Anzu reached the doors of Tower Records an employer pushed the door open to step outside. She had a white loud speaker in her hand. She placed the speaker near her mouth. "WE ARE SORRY TO SAY, BUT MILLENNIUM KINGS NEW SINGLE HAS BEEN SOLD OUT! THANK YOU FOR COMING, AND SORRY FOR THE LONG WAIT!"

And just like that the line had disappeared with grumbles and cries.

"This can't be," Anzu frowned. She fell onto a hardwood bench in front of the shop. "I-I was looking forward to this since its announcement."

"Oh, don't worry, Anzu," Yugi placed his hand on Anzu's shoulder. "You can probably buy it somewhere else."

"But Yugi! The ones sold here came with a poster!" Anzu cried, loudly.

"Cheer up, I'll find you one with a poster," Yugi offered.

"Really?" Anzu asked, hopeful.

Yugi nodded.

Anzu hoped off the bench. She threw her arms around Yugi. "Thank you, Yugi!"

Yugi wrapped his arms around Anzu and took in her scent. She smelled of roses and flowers. Yugi frowned. Why couldn't she hug him when it didn't involve this group? At least he did not have to worry about them taking her away. He was about to squeeze his hold on Anzu, but she moved out of his arms.

"Well, I am off," Anzu waved farewell to Yugi with a bright smile plastered on her face. "I look forward to the CD, Yugi."

"Y-yeah," Yugi responded, nervously. He was certain some store either online or in the city would have the cd. There was no way that many people would waste their time with a group of wannabe backstreet boys.


Oba Yami Atem adjusted the black blazer coat over his shoulders. A big black fan was placed in front of him. Its strong wind power blew his coat back exposing his six pack abdomen. Atem titled his head to the side, and stared seductively at the photographer's camera. With each flash his pose and expression changed. Over seventeen pictures were taken of him wearing the same outfit with similar poses. He left the set, only to return with another outfit. This time he wore a pair of black skinny jeans, a white shirt with a random model's face printed in gray, and a black vest. A black newsboy hat was placed over his head, holding back most of his wild hair. The set was changed. A silver trash can was standing upside down. The background resembled a wall made of bricks. Atem sat on the trash can, with one foot touching the ground and the other bent in the middle. A hand held the tip of his hat. He glanced away from the camera and more pictures of him were taken.

Across from the photographer were two of his band mates: Florence Bakura and Saliba Marik. Both men were munching on the snacks that were on the table, which consisted of fruits and vegetables, and only a pinch of strawberry cake. Marik was about to snatch a piece of the cake when their manager Mahad smacked his hand away. Marik glared deadly at the older male.

"Alright, Atem, you are done for the day," The Photographer stood up from the ground where she took most of the pictures.

Atem was relieved. For over two hours he, Bakura, and Marik had been in this studio taking countless pictures for a brand company.

"I got great news," Mahad said once Atem was off the set.

Atem was given a bottle of water by one of the crew members. He came to stand between Marik and Bakura. He ignored the snacks on the table and placed his hands over the edge of the table. "What is the news?"

Marik and Bakura were also curious.

"I just received word that Millennium Kings new single has sold out all over Asia," Mahad answered, proudly.

Marik and Bakura rolled their eyes. Bakura snuck a piece of the strawberry cake onto his plate without Mahad's notice. He walked away casually while taking a bite. Marik followed after him.

"Isn't it great news?" Mahad asked, overjoyed.

"It is lovely news," Atem answered. He was truly happy to hear their single had sold within the same day of its release. Three years ago Atem never believed he and his members would be at the top of Japan, let alone Asia. Their first year as a group did not go well, but once two new members were added: Fudo Yusei and Yuki Jaden the band sky rocketed to the top. Single after new single and album would sell out within its hours of release. However, with fame came many sacrifices. Atem yawned sleepy and made his way toward the dressing room. Mahad was following from behind explaining the schedule for tomorrow.

Atem entered the dressing room. He wasn't aware of Marik and Bakura standing against the wall on both sides of the door. Bakura slammed the door on Mahad's face.

"This calls for a celebration," Marik said. He locked the door so Mahad wouldn't be able to come in.

"We already have a bad reputation, we do not need to add to it," Atem started removing the black vest.

Marik grabbed his arm stopping him from taking the thing off completely. Bakura grabbed the other arm.

"Come on, even we need to party every once and awhile," Bakura dragged Atem toward the wide window. At the same time Mahad's loud knocks on the door could be heard in the room.

"You do know we have an interview tomorrow morning, right?" Atem asked.

Marik removed the locks from the window. "Meh, not our problem if we miss it," he opened the window. Before Atem could argue he was shoved out of the window. He landed on some bushes that were against the building. Marik and Bakura jumped out the window. They landed like cats on the cemented road.

"Come on," Bakura helped Atem out of the bush trees. "Let's go before Mahad catches us."

The three boys ran toward a black SUV parked outside of the studio. The SUV was Mahad's vehicle.

Atem crossed his arms over his chest. "Do you even have the keys?"

Bakura smirked. He dangled some car keys in front of Atem. "It seems being a former thief does its wonders," He tossed the Keys into the sky. Atem caught the keys before they could land in Bakura's waiting hand.

"Come on," Marik stood on the other side of Bakura. He placed his arm over Atem's shoulder and placed most of his weight on it. "Don't you miss celebrating because we did well? We worked hard. We earned this freedom."

Atem sighed. He knew arguing was pointless, and he had to admit he needed sometime for himself after working nonstop for the past few days. He pressed a button that dangled from the keys to unlock the doors. Mark and Bakura smiled at each other and slipped into the car.


Being a celebrity had its benefits. The Pharaoh's Night Club, a night club for people nineteen and older, was the hit of Tokyo, Japan. The Pharaoh's Night Club was the place where many celebrities and rich people spent their nights getting wasted. Atem, Bakura, and Marik were only sixteen, but despite their age, they entered the club with ease, and were given a VIP room in the second floor. Loud music boomed all over the building and could be heard within the walls of the bathroom. Crowds of people were on the dance floor. Go-go dancers danced on the stage behind the dj player or on a cat-walk stage to the beat of the music. The VIP room allowed for more privacy, however, Bakura and Marik did not waste their time in the room. They mingled with the crowd of dancers. Grinding their bodies against the bodies of gorgeous women with low skirts or dresses. For the first hour of being in the club Atem stayed in the VIP room drinking mixed drinks and wine. The alcohol slowly affected his sense and vision. He was unaware of paparazzi sneaking pictures of him drinking. Other paparazzi caught Bakura and Marik making out with each other on a random table, with Bakura's hand inside Marik's pants. Before the boys new it, it was 5am in the morning. Atem was bending over one of the bushes, hurling liquor out of his system. Behind him Marik and Bakura were fighting for the car keys.

"I called keys first!" Marik snapped.

"Please, you will get us killed," Bakura tsked. He moved the keys out of Marik's reach.

"You're drunk too!"

Atem snatched keys from Bakura's unguarded hand.

"Hey," Bakura protested.

"I'm the oldest, I drive," He unlocked the SUV, and pulled the driver door open.

"That is like asking for a death wish," Bakura held the door before Atem could close it. "You had more than us."

"Trust me I can drive," Atem said confidentially. He forced the driver door out of Bakura's hand, slipped into the driver seat, and slammed it shut. Bakura entered the passenger side annoyingly, and Marik sat in the back. Atem quickly reversed the car out of the parking lot. He drove passed a few red lights, and a police officer. The police officer jumped into his car, and chased after the fast moving vehicle with his sirens roaring loudly through the road.

"This is why you shouldn't drive," Bakura said accusingly.

"Gotta stop the car, Atem," Marik hiccuped. They didn't need more reason to get in trouble.

"Let me park here," Atem turn the stirring wheel.



There was a few hms and a few hums coming from the agency's president. The president had gray facial hair and caramel skin. His eyes were a dark crimson brown. He was dressed formally in a business suit. On his desk and in front of him were ten articles and newspapers, and one in his hand. All ten articles and the newspapers had pictures of the Millennium Kings with headlines 'drunk driving', 'underage drinking', or 'clubbing'. Across from him, and sitting on the cushion chairs were the singers. A bandage was wrapped around Atem's head, Marik had a few on his arms, and Bakura had a sling supporting his right arm. Yusei and Jaden stayed far from the other members as their chairs would let them. They weren't the ones in trouble.

"Um…f-father, I c-can ex-"

The President slammed the newspaper onto the table. He shot Atem a glare. "This is the fiftieth time you guys were caught drunk driving." He snapped. "And because of your carelessness we had to cancel four talk shows, interviews, and radio shows. Do you not know how much damage that does for our agency?"

"We did nothing wrong," Marik interrupted.

The president turned his glare at Marik.

Marik slipped lower onto his chair. If looks could kill he'd be dead.

"And what is this," The president pointed to a page in one of the magazines with Marik and Bakura kissing. "Do you not have any control over yourselves?"

Bakura rolled his eyes. He had his head turned to the side, his arm crossed over his injured arm, and one foot over one knee. "It is just a kiss, not like it will hurt anyone."

"It hurts us," The president felt a headache forming in his head. He leaned back on his seat, and massaged his temple to ease the headache. "I'm thinking it is time we disband this group."

Millennium Kings all shot out of their seats in unison.

"But, Sir," Jaden argued. He placed a hand over his chest, panicking from the idea of the disbandment. This had been his dream come true, he didn't want it to end so soon. "It would hurt the fans."

"You think they'll continue to care when these idiots keep causing trouble?" He asked.

Jaden fell to his seat. He was frowning.

There was a light knock on the door.

"What?" The president demanded, loudly.

Mahad came into the room a bit nervously. He greeted the idols, and bowed politely to the President. "Mr. Aknamkanon, sir, if I may speak?"

"Don't think you are out of the line yet either, I told you to keep a good watch over my son," Aknamkanon stood up from his seat angrily.

Mahad bowed again, apologetically. "If I may please suggest something in exchange for my misbehavior, sir?"

Atem rolled his eyes annoyed. Did Mahad have to treat his father as if he were some pharaoh? It was dumb.

"And what is it you suggest, Mahad?" Aknamkanon asked.

"A temporary hiatus for the boys," Mahad answered. "A way from the spot light."

Aknamkanon lifted a brow. He ran his hand through his beard with a thinking expression on his face. There was glint in his eyes. He took out his cell phone, and entered his private room hidden in the office.

"Hiatus, Mahad?" Atem asked in disbelief. They didn't need to be on a hiatus or disband. It was a ridiculous suggestion.

"Better than disbanding, isn't it, Atem?" Mahad asked. "You could use the break too, all five of you."

"But I love the stage," Jaden cried.

Yusei placed his arm around Jaden and his hand on the younger male's chin. He lifted his chin so they were looking eye to eye, and shook his head. "We should take it, Jaden, hiatus is temporary not forever."

Bakura and Marik narrowed their eyes at the other two members.

Aknamkanon returned to his office. Yusei quickly dropped his hold of Jaden.

"Jaden, Yusei you are dismissed for the day." Aknamkanon said, pretending not to notice the sudden action.

The two boys glanced at each other and at the others. They bid their farewell and left the office. Once they were gone Aknamkanon had Mahad leave the office as well, leaving only Bakura, Marik, and Atem in the room. He sat in his chair, placed his elbows over his desk, and his hands under his chin.

"I've made my decision with the three of you," Aknamkanon began. "Millennium Kings will be going on a year hiatus."

"What?!" The boys demanded in unison.

"Why couldn't you tell us that when Jaden and Yusei were here?" Bakura demanded angrily. Was Aknamkanon planning to replace them?

"Because I've decided the three of you need to get away from the spot light, and live life like normal teenagers," Aknamkanon answered.

The boys all looked at each other in confusion.

"You will be returning to Domino City after an interview with the press, however, you will not be mentioning Domino City. No one can know of your location. If you are worried about your place of stay, there isn't a need to worry. I have called Atem's cousin, Seto Kaiba. He is willing to take you three into his house, until the end of the hiatus."

"But this is so sudden," Atem mumbled.

"The decision has already been made," Aknamkanon said.

"But to go on a Hiatus after our single's re-"

"No arguments, Atem," Aknamkanon scolded. "You are all dismissed."

Atem, Bakura, and Marik left the office with their heads held low. Bakura slipped his hands in his pocket. How many years has it been since they've been to Domino City?

"I don't get why he is sending us to that boring place," Marik grumbled. "Its boring over there."

"That is because there is nothing to do there," Atem mumbled. "And there is no media watching our every move."

"Someone is bound to notice us in the city," Bakura stated.

"Yes, that is certainly true. It'd be odd not to have fans there," Atem agreed. "But it is a far distance from Tokyo."

"Argh," Marik punched the wall in the hallway.

Why did they have to be so careless?

-to be continued

A/N: I previously posted this fanfiction as ambereyegirl (another fanfiction net account of mine), but I deleted it to make some alterations. I then thought of making another user account just for the yugioh fanbase. This technically my first fanfic in the fanbase. As some of you noticed I called Yugi and Atem's pairing blind/puzzleshipping). That is because I made Atem's middle name 'Yami'. Be aware English is not first language, so you will countless mistakes. It is also my worst subject. I might or might not continue this story. It depends on the reviews. for now

I will edit later

~ Sayanora