Millennium Kings: Chapter Two

"Yug, wake up, bud"

Jonouchi poked his friend on the shoulder. Yugi groaned, annoyed. He turned his head to the other side of his arm-made pillow. Half his body was on top of the desk, where the other half rested on the chair. His feet dangled an inch away from the floor.

"Come on, Yug."

He was poked again on the shoulder.

Yugi slowly lifted his head. Bright sunlight sneaked its way through the large glass windows and smacked its way onto his face. Yugi rubbed the sand dust out of his eyes until they adjusted to the colors and shapes of the classroom. It was practically empty. A few students stayed at their desk eating the meal from their bentos. Honda and Jonouchi were standing by Yugi's desk holding onto a bento of their own.

Yugi stretched his arms and popped the muscles from his stiff back. He hadn't meant to fall asleep in class or make his friends wait for him.

"It isn't like you to sleep in school, "Honda stated.

Yugi picked up his backpack from underneath his desk. He unzipped the big zipper, reached inside, and brought out his nicely covered bento. He yawned once again; his body was demanding he fall asleep onto that desk. It was surprisingly comfortable for a desk made of stainless steel. He stood up. "Sorry, guys, I haven't been getting any sleep these past few weeks."

"And why is that?" Honda asked.

Yugi groaned. Bad memories of the past few weeks resurfaced in his head. He had been searching endless days and nights for Millennium Kings' new single with its poster only to come up empty handed. It was sold out in every music and online store. How was a group with a bunch of talentless pretty boys able to sell out within a few weeks of their release?

"Two words: Millennium Kings," Yugi answered on the way out of the classroom. He did not hide the distaste in his voice for the band. "How can Anzu like a talentless group?"

"Yug, they are pretty boys. That is all they need," Jonouchi said, understandingly. He patted his friend on the head. "My sis is obsessed with them too."

"But what do they have to do with your sleeping habits?" Honda asked.

"Because I've been searching nonstop for their new single everywhere for Anzu, and I'm coming empty handed!" Yugi yelled. A few students stared at him as he walked passed them, but he ignored them.

"Ain't gonna be easy, Yug," Jonouchi stated. "they are number 1 in Japan, one of teh top ten pop groups in Asia, and top twenty in teh world."

"You have got to be kidding me," Yugi groaned. Why? Why did Millennium Kings have to be in the top? Didn't people know they were trouble makers (Yugi had done some research)? They were even alcoholics, and their oldest member was only sixteen years old. How were they even able to obtain alcohol in the first place?

"I'm sure Anzu can live without the cd," Honda said.

If only Honda was right. The boys made their way onto the roof. Anzu was already there, hugging her knees with her face buried in between, and her back resting against the fence wall. There were heavy shadows surrounding her body…in other words she was depressed.

"What is with this depressing era?" Honda asked.

Anzu glanced up at her friends. "It is terrible…"

"What is terrible, Anzu?" Yugi asked, concerned.

"My favorite band…is going on hiatus," Anzu cried. She buried her face back between her knees. It was one of the worse things to hear after waking up in the morning, and seeing it all over the news. There were many questions swarming in her head. Was it because of the incident a few weeks ago? So what if they were caught drunk driving…so what. That didn't mean they had to go on Hiatus. They couldn't do this to her.

"Maybe they need a break from the spotlight," Yugi said hoping to comfort Anzu. "And hiatus doesn't mean they will be gone forever."

"But, Yugi," Anzu lifted herself from the ground. "What if Atem gets a girlfriend during his hiatus, and then decides she is better than me."

"He doesn't even know ya, so why should it matta?" Jonouchi asked.

"Thanks!" Anzu snapped. Jou didn't understand what it was like being in love with someone like Atem.

Yugi frowned. Why? Why this Atem? Jonouchi was right. Atem would never notice Anzu. He lived a different life from hers. He hoped within the year of their hiatus he could get Anzu to notice him.


"Where will they be going to next? And how could they leave so-"

Atem quickly pressed the button to the radio changing the station.

"It would have been better if they left for good"

Atem punched another button, but it was the same. It was as if every station had something to say about Millennium Kings' hiatus. Some stations were showing their heartbreak for the band, other stations were happy to have the band gone for a year, and other stations were questioning what the group would be doing during their hiatus, but Aknamkanon made sure to keep that part a secret. He didn't want the media following his son, Bakura, and Marik.

"This is getting so annoying," Bakura grumbled. "Why should it matter if we are on hiatus…for ra's sake they are making it seem like we're disbanding?"

"It feels that way," Marik grumbled.

Mahad cleared his throat interrupting the boys. He had been driving the black SUV, with Atem sitting in the passenger seat, and Marik and Bakura sitting in the back seat. He had taken a secret road to avoid media. It wasn't easy and took hours to scatter away from them. The SUV entered the boarders of Domino City.

"Well we are here," Mahad stated.

Bakura grunted at the site of the small city. There were only a few skyscrapers that reached the sky, and most of them were apartments. Some of the population was wandering around in the sidewalks, but there was hardly anyone around to keep them entertained for the hour. The SUV made its way passed a few houses and up a green hill. When Atem glanced out the window he noticed the streets of the hill becoming familiar. His cousin's house would not be far. The SUV made a stop in front of a giant white iron fence that hovered around a white mansion. Mahad pressed a button on his key and the gate began to part ways automatically. Once the gates were completely open, Mahad drove into the big half circle drive way that led to the Mansion. The car made stopped in front.

"Alright, we are here," Mahad said to the boys. He pressed a small button near the wheel. There was a pop, the trunk had opened. Mahad stepped out of the car, and walked toward the back. He took bags and boxes out of the car.

The boys all got out as well. The front wooden door of the house burst open, and a small boy with black hair came running toward them with open arms.

"ATEM," He jumped on Atem.

Atem quickly caught the boy. "Well Hello there, Mokuba."

"Seto isn't here yet," Mokuba said as his feet were placed on the ground. Atem loosened his hold on the boy. "But you can come inside. Your rooms have all been set and stuff."

Mokuba led the boys inside the mansion. He ordered some of the maids to help Mahad take their things to the boys' rooms. The front entrance of the mansion was grand leading to mid stairs that almost reached the ceiling, and then parted in different directions. Near the stairs was the living room. The living room had a giant flat screen TV, a white round leather couch, a sofa, and a coffee table made of glass. A few items were set in display, like the statue of the blue eyes white dragon. Atem had to smile at the sight of the statue. It was just like his cousin to have the blue eyes dragon displayed everywhere possible in this house. The ground was covered in white tile that spread throughout the floor. A Few green plants shaped like palm trees were on some corners of the lobby.

"Seems not much has changed," Atem said to Mokuba.

"We don't have time to make changes anyway," Mokuba shrugged.

Suddenly there was a jingle sound. Atem turned to the direction of the sound. A white and black Egyptian Mau cat came running down the flight of stairs. It jumped on Atem, and began rubbing its face on Atem's cheek. Atem chuckled and ran his fingers over the cat's fur. "And I see you have grown, Kisara," He pecked the cat's ears. Kisara, the cat, purred happily and continued to rub her face on Atem's cheek.

"More like she's gotten fat," Bakura said.

"I'll have you know she is at a healthy weight," Mokuba glared at Bakura and placed his hands on his hips.

"Why aren't you in school, kid?" Bakura asked.

"Someone had to greet you guys," Mokuba answered. "Anyway…Takuya." Mokuba called to one of the butlers. "Get the papers."

The butler bowed and wandered off to get some papers. Atem sat down on the couch with Kisara refusing to leave his side. He crossed his legs before placing Kisara on his lap. Bakura on the other hand didn't waste time in the lobby. He went up the stairs, ignored Mokuba's call to return, and scavenged around the big house.

Takuya returned with some papers. He placed the papers on the coffee table. Marik sat next to Atem. He was about to take hold of Kisara, but she hissed at him. "Hm, still don't like me," Marik stated.

"Well," Mokuba knelt next to the coffee table. He scattered the papers into three piles. He placed his hand on the mid pile. "Okay…first we were given some rules to follow by uncle Aknamkanon. He says you guys aren't allowed to leave the house after eleven, doesn't really matter, because curfew is at ten pm. Next, Seto has rules for the house."

"Typical," Marik rolled his eyes.

"There aren't many rules…just like a few," Mokuba said, reassuringly. Marik rolled his eyes again. Atem nodded his head, and ran his hand over the cat's spine as he listened. "And next is your class schedule. The three of you will be attending Domino Senior High School. Which to be honest won't be hard to find, because like it's the only high school in the city."

"Kid, we are from here," Bakura stepped down the stairs. He sat on the other side of Atem. "We know it's the only high school."

"I was trying to be helpful," Mokuba said under his breath.

"Just ignore him, Mokuba," Atem said. He leaned back on the leather seat.

"Um…you'll be starting school tomorrow," Mokuba added. "And uh…well…that is it."

Atem stood up with Kisara back in his arms. "Thank you, Mokuba. I'm going to rest for tomorrow."

"Okay, I'll let Seto know you are all here," Mokuba pushed up from the table. He left the three singers to do their own thing.

"Do you think it will be safe to attend the school," Bakura took hold of his pile of papers. He read through his schedule.

"Why wouldn't it be?" Atem asked.

"Hello! Did you forget who we are?" Bakura narrowed his eyes.

"I'm sure they can control themselves," Atem walked passed Bakura and toward the stairs. He was too tired to care about tomorrow. They had so many hours to rest, and he was going to take advantage of it.

"Ha…can we really live normal lives here?" Marik asked Bakura.

"I just saw a store with our poster on their window on the way here," Bakura answered.

"That doesn't say anything, but you got a point," Marik mumbled. He could only hope there would be no attacks tomorrow. They couldn't really blend in with the students. They all stood out thanks to their hair, mainly Atem whose hair spiked like a star over his head. Plus, he was the most desired of the group. Bakura and Marik had once envied their bandmate for the attention he received from the fangirls. That was once, but now they were happy he had that spot. Fangirls could be scary.


Atem placed Kisara on his queen sized bed. Despite it being over three years, his room had not changed much. His duel monster cards were still in their deck box over the cherry would dresser. A small figure of the dark magician, dark magician girl, and magician of chaos were displayed around the cards. His wall had posters of duel monsters, and some rock bands like Linkin Park. Atem sighed. He had once lived with his cousin, before he, Marik, and Bakura made the decision to go off to Tokyo to become idols. Even though he was upset of being taken out of the spotlight, a part of him had been homesick. Atem fell back on the bed and closed his eyes. He felt Kisara snuggle against his side, and the next thing he knew sleep had taken over pretty quickly.


-The Next Morning-

A Domino Senior High School uniform was hanging next to the dresser against the wall. Atem climbed off the bed and walked over to the uniform. He picked the sleeve to study the small features of the outfit. The quality was different from the fancy uniform he wore once for a music video. It would be his first time wearing a school uniform just for school. Atem sighed…what would life be like once he placed on this uniform? He dropped his hold on the sleeve and entered the bathroom in his room.

The bathroom was small compared to the bathroom he had back in Tokyo. However, the toilet had been changed to one of those smart toilets. Next to the toilet was a white and black vanity cabinet. The counter-top was white, with a stainless steel faucet. Next to the vanity cabinet was the shower/bath tub. The floor was covered in light brown tile. The bathroom had all of the necessity things to prepare for the morning. Atem took a quick shower, brushed his teeth, and returned to the bedroom to get dressed. He stared at his reflection in the mirror. He unbuttoned the white dress shirt revealing his black undershirt.

"Perfect," Atem said to himself. "Well Kisara…" Atem turned to face the Egyptian mau cat. She was sitting up on the bed, and yes she saw Atem getting dressed. "Wish me luck on my first day."

"Meow," Kisara said as a respond.

Atem chuckled. He picked Kisara up and left the bedroom. He almost bumped into one of the maids on the way out.

"Oh Atem-sama, Seto-sama told me to give this to you," The maid gave Atem a hot pink and gray army Jansports backpack.

"Hot pink?" Atem questioned the color. Was Seto playing a prank on him?

"Oh do you not like the color. We can get you a new one," The maid offer.

Atem took the backpack from the maid. "It's alright. Here," Atem gave the Maid the cat. "Can you make sure she gets something to eat?"

"Of course," The maid said. "Oh Seto-sama also said breakfast is ready."

"Thank you," Atem placed the backpack over his shoulders.

The Maid waited for Atem to vanish down the stairs before she squealed like a fangirl. "I just talked to him, I just talked to him! Oh my Ra he is so sexy!"

"Meow," Kisara scolded the maid.

"Ah…" The Maid jumped. She petted Kisara. "This is between us."


The dining room was in a room of its own with a wooden door separating it from the kitchen. There was a chandelier hanging in the middle of the ceiling. Under the chandelier was a rectangle wooden table that extended passed three of the room's round windows. Bakura, Marik, and Mokuba were in the dining room. In front of them and on the table was a plate (for each) covered with food. The plate had scrambled egg, cooked ham, bacon, pancakes, and toast. Beside the plate was a jar filled with honey, other jars with a variety of jams, and next to the plates were a spoon, fork, and knife. A cup of milk and orange juice was on the corners over the plate.

Marik skimmed around the room for Mahad before picking on the pancakes. "It feels like forever since I last got the freedom to eat what I want," Marik cried tears of joy as the flavor melted in his tongue. It was as if he never had pancakes in his life.

"My brother said you'd like something not covered in green for a change," Mokuba answered happy to be eating pancakes himself. "He was right."

"Morning, Moke," Seto greeted his brother as he entered the room. Seto was a tall slender man, with short brown hair tamed nicely on his head. He as well as Bakura and Marik were wearing Domino Senior High School's uniforms. Of course unlike Marik and Bakura, Seto had his uniform completely buttoned up hiding most of his white dress shirt. He sat on the far end of the table. A maid came into the dining room, she placed a plate in front of Seto and went back into the kitchen.

"Hey, Seto," Mokuba greeted him back.

Seconds later Atem came into the dining room. He sat between Bakura and Seto. A plate of food was given to him too.

"I might as well tell you the plan for today," Seto began once everyone was settled.

Atem took a quick sip of the orange juice, but didn't touch the breakfast.

"First, Atem, you aren't on a strict diet here," Seto scolded when he saw his cousin wasn't touching anything.

"Habits die hard," Atem admitted.

"You gotta live a little, Atem" Bakura placed his arm on Atem's shoulder. "Take advantage of this freedom we have for once."

Atem picked up a piece of toast, placed butter on the bread, and bit it.

"Okay, anyway, just because the three of you are here doesn't mean this place is going to be secure. The three of you have just as many fans here as you do in Tokyo," Seto stated. "I have spoken to the school chairman yesterday. He said it was alright for me to have bodyguards at the school until fangirls get used to having the three of you at the campus."

"Great," Bakura and Marik grumbled.

"What if word gets out that we are here?" Marik asked.

"That has been settled. Anyone who attempts to spread a word of the three of you being here will get arrested."

'Arrested…aren't they taking this protection thing a little too far' Atem wondered in his head. He placed the half eaten toast on his plate. He couldn't take another bite.

"Well eat up, we will be arriving to school thirty minutes after it starts…it's the safest way to get the three of you in without fans going berserk."


"Yugi! You are going to be late to school!" Sugruoku called from down stairs.

Yugi groaned. He had slept in once again…and all because of Millennium Kings! He should have asked Anzu if she still desired to have that single. Then again if he got her the single maybe she won't be so depressed because her favorite band decided to take a break. This was his chance to get her attention…her love.

Yugi grabbed his plain black backpack from the bed and ran down the stairs. "Bye, Jichan!"

"Wait a second!" Sugruoku grabbed Yugi by the collar of his uniform. He gave Yugi a plate with three slices of toast covered in raspberry jam and butter. Yugi happily bit the toasted bread. The raspberry hit the perfect spot on his tongue…it was the best meal to wake up to, though he preferred pancakes, but toast was easier to carry when he was rushing to get to school.

"Thanks, Jichan," Yugi pecked Sugruoku on the cheek, held onto the plate of toasted bread, and ran out of the game shop. He was certain he wouldn't make it in time for school. He lived near an elementary school but a far distance from the High School, so no buses bothered to stop near his house. He had to walk to school. However, since he was running late he was dashing down the streets, bumping into countless people, saying wordless apologies, and keep running. Not even half way toward the school, and he was already out of breath.

"Stupid Millennium Kings…your fault I'm going to be late," Yugi grumbled.

"Look what we got here."

Yugi froze. That voice. He peeked over his shoulder, his heart almost dropped from his chest. It was Ushio and his thugs. He was doomed. He quickly threw the plate with toast directly at Ushio before running at the speed of light.


"LEAVE ME ALONE!" Yugi yelled back. He ran countless streets, turned every corner, until the school was in view. His legs were aching by the time he reached the high school from running nonstop. He stopped by a black BMW he predicted was Seto's…he was the only guy with a fancy car in this school. He placed his hand on the trunk, and the other on his knee, and panted heavily. His chest even hurt. Spotted clouds took over his vision. He barely caught sight of a shadow approaching him. For a second he thought it was Ushio and his thugs.

"Are you alright, little one?"

'That isn't Ushio…' Yugi thought. His voice was too sexily attractive it couldn't belong to the scary Ushio. Yugi peeked over the shadows.

Were his eyes playing games…had he been searching too long for Millennium Kings new single his mind decided to play tricks on him? There standing right in front of him, wearing a similar uniform as him, was the lead vocalist of Millennium Kings…and Yugi hated to admit…the man was just as attractive as he had been on the screen.

"I must be dreaming," Yugi whispered before passing out.

-to be continued

A/N: I am so sorry it took so long to update the next chapter for Millennium Kings. I wasn't expecting there to be this many followers for it…I mean my writing sucks… but I thank all of you for giving my story a chance. I will do my best to not make any mistakes, but I probably will cause my English sucks. Side note: Millennium Kings is version of Korean idols…yeah gonna just add that there. Anyone wondering why Yugi hates Millennium Kings…he is only jealous…

(I will edit this chapter when I am awake. It is kind of late at the moment. Goodnight my lovely readers)


Review Response

OuranLover16- I will try not to abandon this story. I have many things in store for it…thank you.

CloudStrife01- Thank you, thank you.

YxYYLover- Thank you so much. English is my worst subject. I'm better at math. My first language is Spanish. Yeah, I got the idea…come to think of it I don't know how I got the idea, but I pictured a group of singers with Yami Atem as the lead singer. They are based off Kpop groups like Big Bang. Jaden and Yusei were added to make the band complete. That will be nice! PM if you can.

BlackMoonWolf22- Sorry for the long update, I was trying to figure out how to write this chapter.

PhantomBrat- Thank you, thank you. – Nervous sweat drop - well I don't know if this is going to be fantastic…

ArchangelIStillAm- Thank you, thank you so much. Yeah, I'm trying to keep with the original characters as much as possible. I don't know how my chapters are; I think I am a bad writer. Thank you again for the Review

InuYoiushi- Thank you so much!