"Call me as soon as you're finished with your work." Tomoe said as he gave Nanami her bag. He walked her to the nursery school where she worked every morning before he go to work. The school was just fifteen-minutes walk away from their house. But last month, he had a tight schedule and demanding projects and was unable to walk with her.

Nanami nodded and watched as he went inside a cab.

"Ne ne, Nanami."

The former land god glanced at her friend who looked like a peeping paparazzi near the gate of the nursery school.

It was Akane. Her new co-worker who seemed to be the source of everybit of juicy gossip both in the personal sense and celebrity sense of the word.

The woman just couldn't resist sneaking up on handsome men. Whether they're in or out of the television.

She knew the latest news about the rumored girlfriends of her idols as well as their address and hobbies.

She even know Kurama's height, weight, and other things Nanami do not want to know about the tengu. She already know enough as it is.

"What are you doing just standing there?" Nanami said to her.

"Who's that guy?" Akane grinned in excitement. That paparazzi glint showing.

"Guy?" Nanami looked dumbfounded for a second and then recalled that Tomoe just dropped her off to work. "Oh, he's my husband."

Akane scratched her head, laughing. "Oh, is that so? I thought he's a model or something—" and with a surprised look, said "wait, he's your husband?!"

"Ugh.. yeah." Nanami smiled. Other people were always.. always.. taken aback when they discovered that she's married to a handsome man.

She didn't mind it.. sometimes.

She knew that her looks are on the average level and she didn't have any good figure or talent. But people shouldn't rub it in to her face.

So that's what she said, retelling what happened back in the nursery to Tomoe who happened to find it so amusing.

"What are you smiling at?" Nanami scowled as she stabbed the grilled fish on her plate.

"I should be thankful that you're so plain and unattractive." He said with a smirk, making her sputter.

"How dare you—"

He laughed at her indignant face before adding, "That just means I'm the only guy in love with you."

Nanami paused in her eating, as she peaked a sullen glance at him.

"Am I?" Tomoe smiled, knowing she couldn't resist his charm.

She looked away from him, trying to keep her anger from fading. He had this cranny way of annoying her and then making her blush in a matter of seconds.

She couldn't believe how gullible she is when it comes to him. Just a few words of praise or compliment from him and she's like a jelly inside.

Still, it's not fair that people see her as plain. She might as well try to use that make-up Kayako gave the other day.