The Divergent Story of Supergirl: An Alternate Universe Story

Summary: Alex and Kara figure out the transition of their relationship

Author Note: Finished my spring/summer semesters at Uni but fall classes started last week! Yaye! Supergirl will be back in October, that is when my midterms are so I am going to try and finish this ASAP!

Disclaimer: I own nothing or no-one

Chapter Six: Not sure, how about...New and Old

Alex pulled away from Kara, taking a step back to maintain control over herself. The feelings rushing through her felt like the adrenaline rushes she had out in field missions. Her feelings filled her with an energetic desire that she tried to placate with her built-in rationality. She leaned against Kara's dining room table chair before she looked up into Kara's round blue eyes.

Kara watched Alex stare at the floor, her body lean and focused. Kara felt adrenaline and power rush through her. She never struggled with her powers like she did until now. She was filled with so much desire but hesitated as she noticed Alex's grip on her chair. It would be so easy to take Alex into her bedroom and give into her but she wasn't it was Alex or herself really needed right now.

"So...what happens next?"asked Alex.

"I don't know, I guess we should talk, "replied Kara. As much as she wanted to forget everything she learned, she couldn't. They had issues but Kara knew they would work through them. She felt betrayed but she still loved and trusted Alex. It may not have been Alex's intention to hurt Kara but it wasn't a pain she would hold against Alex. After all, she kept it from Kara so she could have a taste of normalcy and for a time Kara was genuinely happy. She forgave Alex the minute she saw how upset she was but it still didn't make the hurt go away. Kara supposed that would happen with time, trust and love because Alex was the one person that she loved unconditionally since she arrived on earth.

Alex started to walk around the table to sit down but Kara grabbed her hand. "No, not there..." she pulled Alex towards her bedroom, focused on her breathing and tried to ignore the sound of their beating hearts.

They stood holding hands at the edge of Kara's bed. Kara let go of Alex's hand and reached for Alex's black leather jacket. She placed her fingers on Alex's neckline, digging under her jacket and slowly pulling it over her shoulder as Alex shrugged it off. Kara's other hand tugging at the other side of Alex's jacket. She tossed it to the floor. Kara looked up back into Alex's eyes. For the first time, she couldn't comprehend what Alex was thinking. This was something new and different that they would have to figure out together. This relationship would be completely different from their previous one and Kara wanted to do it right.

Alex sighed, turning away from Kara and sitting down. She started to untie her boots as Kara sat down beside her. Alex watched the way the moonlight lit up the side of her face. Kara's hair was lit by the moonlight. It was like when they were children and would stay up late in their pajama's and watch the stars. They never had a sleepover in one of the bedrooms before, tonight would be their first.

Kara moved around Alex towards the light switch. Alex peeled off her boots, her pants and her black DEO shirt. For the first time, Alex stood before her in nothing but a bra, her underwear and two matching black socks. Kara looked up into Alex's hazel eyes. Alex smiled at her, her grin growing...

"We are finally getting that sleepover," laughed Alex.

"We don't have to do this right now Alex," replied Kara, "We could wait, we have waited this long."

Alex sighed. She rested her elbows on her knees, and ran her hands through her hair. "I-I think..."

"I think we should wait," she stood up and faced Kara's direction. Kara moved away from the door and walked towards her.

"Okay, that's exactly what I was thinking," replied Kara. Despite her need and want to make love to Alex. After everything it didn't seem right. Kara turned to her best friend.

"Do you need pajama's, what do you wear to bed?"asked Kara. She had never given it much thought. Was Alex a pyjama girl, a t-shirt girl or a naked sleeper girl? The thought made her face heat up so she turned away and finished getting dressed. Hoping Alex didn't see her embarrassment.

Alex laughed. She knew this was different and weird but it felt A-M-A-Z-I-N-G! It was a new experience and the thought of tomorrow being the start to more moments and feelings like this one, made Alex extremely happy. Kara just finished slipping into her pajama pants and shirt. She turned to face the bed, Alex was already curled up in her blankets. A huge grin on her face.

"I should have known...Of-course you wear pajama's. And here I thought you couldn't get more adorable," said Alex, "I was are freaking amazing Kara."

Kara laughed and smiled at her. She threw herself onto the bed, "Alex, we need to talk about the DEO thing." Kara couldn't tell if Alex was naked or not but she was too distracted to sneak a peak.

Alex sighed. She sat up leaning against Kara's headboard, her arms crossed behind her head as she tilted her head up. Looking at Kara who was now sitting on her knees facing her. "Okay, ask away..."

"How long?" asked Kara. Kara tried not to grin when she saw what Alex was wearing. Alex was a t-shit girl, Kara noticed Alex's bra and socks on the floor. She quickly glanced back up at Alex's face. She wanted to see her face when Alex answered her.

"At the end of my first semester, after my dad died. When I met Diana. She actually did a pre-assessment of me for Hank before he approached me. Shortly, after that we started dating. And two years later she and I transferred to UCLA."

"Were you guys happy? At Stanford? Before you transferred?"asked Kara. She couldn't help it, she noticed the look on Alex's face and already knew the answer but it was more important to her to hear it from Alex.

"Yeah, we were..." Alex smiled thinking about Diana, "But I missed you. I felt happy but I knew it wasn't the happiest that I could ever be." She wanted to reassure Kara but she wasn't she if she was.

Kara simply nodded her head. Her face was all scrunched up like she was trying to think really hard. Alex assumed Kara was trying to figure out what she wanted to know next. Suddenly, it occurred to her to ask about Patty but she couldn't. She had seen stuff online, she had talked to Kara, she knew Kara was happy.

When Alex looked back up at her, she couldn't tell what Alex was thinking. Was Alex thinking about Patty? Was she worried what else she would ask? Did she think Kara was still angry with her? Then it occurred to Kara, did she even care about the rest of it or was that really what bothered her was the fact the Diana knew and she didn't. Was she only upset with Alex because she was jealous?

"That's it, I don't have any more questions...for now," replied Kara.

Alex nodded. She Kara's face was no long scrunched up but it was different. Alex couldn't tell what was going on in her head. Alex sighed and turned bacon her back to stare up at the ceiling. Maybe she underestimated how different things would be because of the change in their dynamic. A lot of Kara's expressions were the same but there was new unfamiliar ones. But Alex could tell that Kara was still hurting of her deception.

" Alex..." whispered Kara.

" Yeah?..."

" I love you"

" I love you too Kara"

Kara turned over on her side, reached for her night stand and turned off the light.

The Next Morning


Kara didn't open her eyes right away, she reached for her alarm clock and turned it off. Time to rise and shine. As she sat up to look for Alex, she found the bed empty. Where Alex had curled up to her last night was just an imprint in the sheets. Kara frowned and sighed. I guess work at the DEO started earlier than she thought.

Suddenly, she heard the door open, Kara looked to see who was entering. It was a sweat clad Alex, carrying what Kara assumed was breakfast because she held two coffees. Kara climbed out of bed still feeling groggy and went to see what the delicious smell was. That was the crime of being an alien, when Kara wasn't woken up by her alarm it was by the smell of breakfast being cooked nearby.

"Alex! I woke up and you were gone?..."

"Yeah, I went for my morning run and to grab your favourite donuts. Unless I am mistaken and this crueller isn't your favourite anymore..." Alex pulled the donut in front of her mouth.

Kara didn't need to say anything because a second later her tummy growled. Kara laughed, ignored Alex's huge grin and grabbed the donut out of her hands as she sat down. Alex laughed, placing the coffee in front of her.

" So I was thinking...Kara do you want to go see a movie tonight? Or we can do something else, maybe not sogeneric...idk...whatdoyouthink?" Alex spat out so fast...

It hit Kara as she drank her coffee, Alex was so flustered because she was asking her out. Like officially... Kara looked at the donuts and coffee and then backup to Alex. Her eyes were focused on Kara's face. Alex was waiting, her fingers danced on the table beside her while she leaned slightly forward. This was a new side of Alex she had never seen before. She had never seen Alex so obviously nervous. She normally oozed confidence. Kara put down her coffee. Now that she was paying attention she noticed Alex's heart beat. It was racing, and despite Alex's anxiousness she was remarkable still...

" Like a date?..." asked Kara. This was a new feeling, knowing Kara made Alex react like that filled her with pleasure. Kara had day dreamed of them dating before but always assumed that Alex would be the dominating one but she was wrong. Kara frowned, she didn't like it. The power play in a relation wasn't healthy. She smiled brightly at Alex, hoping to reassure but fond her reassuring herself. The idea of going on a actual date with Alex excited her. She felt hightened.

" a date. If you want to..." replied Alex as she observed Kara. Alex felt reassured by the playful smiled on Kara's lips but waited patiently. Even though every second killed her. Alex focused on her breathing trying not to read to much into it.

Kara exhaled and felt the energy coursing threw her overpower her. "YEAH! Of course! I would love to Alex! Whatever you wanna do, I don't care... ITS A DATE!" exclaimed Kara. Kara couldn't play it cool anymore she was far too excited.

Alex smiled back at her, she laughed as she watched Kara jump around. She was moving slightly faster than a human should be able to in the kitchen. Kara was making her breakfast. Alex looked down at the donut was empty. Alex sighed and started to open her mouth.

" Sorry, Alex I was so excited and I didn't realize how hungry I was. Why don't you go wash up and I will make you breakfast?" replied Kara before Alex could say anything.

At the same time she was cooking, Kara was getting ready for work and working on Catco stuff that Alex assumed was from the day before. Kara's laptop opened up on the table beside her. Alex had never seen Kara use her powers like this before. It was strangely exciting. Alex smiled at her and moved to the bathroom.


Kara had spent the morning at Catco answering phonically, booking appointments and arranging Cat Grants lunch, sometime after lunch Cat would normally drop off articles for proofreading with her before her afternoon of meetings but Cat had yet to emerge from her office. She had been on the phone all day with another reporter from a different paper.

Kara was stymied in her thoughts when her cell phone rang.

" Hello?"

" Hey Kara..." It was Alex and she seemed upset. Kara had heard her voice break when she said her name.

" Alex...What's wrong? Are you okay?"

" I-I'm fine, its-its about Matt...his mom called me" Kara knew immediately something horrible had happened, she had a seeking feeling in her stomach.

" What is it Alex? Is he okay? Is he hurt?" asked Kara. She didn't want to hear the answer yet she silently pleaded Alex would tell her already.

" At 9am, Matt's finance was found brutally beaten, she was beaten to death Kara..."

" Oh my god...Matt must be devastated. I will fly to come get you and we can go..." Before Kara could finish Alex cut her off.

" Kara, no you don't understand. Matt did it..."

Kara couldn't help her surprise, she gasped and shook her head. Memories of them and Alex came rushing at her, his big bright eyes and his shiny blonde hair that waved around his face. The day on the beach flashing before her eyes.

" NO!.. No way Alex, not Matt. We know Matt, Alex. We know him. He has been our friend for..."

" Kara, we both know he had a temper. I know this is hard, which is why I wanted to tell you myself before news got to you. Its gotten a lot of attention. Im sure Cat has heard about it. It was a brutal murder. Even by DEO standards. Anyway, I have to go. I will see you after work k?"

Kara looked over towards Cat who was still talking and typing at the same time. She glanced around the office her head panning from Cat to Winn. She had noticed Alex gain her composure as she had talked to Kara. Staying as strong as she always could. That was Alex. That was not Kara. She had to do something, she couldn't just pretend it was a normal day. She listened to hear Cat's conversation on the phone.

" Well thanks so much for your report, and the discreet connection to one of my employees. I supposed I don't have long to take control of it myself. Thank you so much. Bye"

Kara fiddled with her zipper on her jacket.

"Kiera!" She stood up, not knowing fully if she could. She was grateful that Alex told her and she didn't have to find out from Cat.

"Yes, Cat?"

" I assume you have already heard the news due to your ghast and solemn expression..."

" Yes..." replied Kara. Re-adjusting her posture to look up at Cat. She knew if she broke down in front of Cat, she wouldn't be able to show herself at work again. Cat liked the workplace to be professional and efficient.

" So, this is what we are going to do... you are going to go home and decide how you want to phrase your shock to what happened. Then you are going to call me and let me know. Until then I don't want to see you till then. Do you understand me? You are not to talk to anyone else. And then you will talk to this...this Alex Danvers is it? She's a friend of yours?"

" Yes she is, my best friend"

" Yes well due to the case, a comment from her would be quite good. Not to mention the stuff on Supergirl at his house..."

Kara froze, what exactly had they found. What happened?

" ...I absolutely refuse to target the mother. I myself couldn't imagine..."

Kara found herself staring at Cat's M&M's, she always kept a jar at her bar when she would stress eat. There were Alex's favourite to stress eat as well. Kara could remember her stuffing handfuls in her mouth around exams and when she knew her mom was going to yell at her. She wondered if she would want some now if she wasn't already...

"...Kara are you even listening to me?.."

" Oh yes, of course Cat"

" No, you weren't but I supposed that is okay, thats it. Get out of my office go home now!"

Kara stymied out of her thoughts was pushed to the elevators barely gripping her jacket and purse.

The walk home was a blur. Kara normally didn't use her super speed outside of the house without her Supergirl outfit but today she didn't care. When she arrived, she found Alex on the couch outside her apartment.

" Alex?! What are you doing here?"

" Hank sent me home, apparently my grief was affecting my work...what a load of crap!"

Kara nodded and opened her apartment door as Alex told her how Hank had her escorted out. Kara didn't say anything in return until she had put down her stuff and sat on her couch. Alex sat down beside, and began to intertwine their fingers. Kara noticed the bag of M&M's that Alex had put down.

" What exactly happened?" asked Kara.

"No talking, no thinking, just hugging. The detail can come later..." replied Ales has she pulled Kara into her body. Wrapping her arms around her and resting her chin on her shoulder.

For the longest time, they just sat there holding each other. The sun was setting when they both started to stir. Kara was glad. She was extremely cramped. She stood up and composed herself as Alex reached for the phone and started to order pizza's. She pulled out a green bottle out of her bag, followed by a matching green glass.

" I made this for you...It took me awhile but it should actually work"

Kara stared at the bottle, it was booze. Alex had made her booze.

" Is that what I think it is?...ooh it must be bad. Its horrible isn't it?"

" Oh absolutely, which is why I made it for you" replied Alex. She looked proud of herself and excited. She wasn't hiding her excitement at all. She was giddy like a kid. She walked to Kara's fridge and pulled out the bottle that Kara kept for Alex and poured herself a drink. Kara sat down to the chair the Alex had gestured to.

" Well try it..."

Kara listed the glass to her mouth and slowly lured it down her throat. Kara felt her throat burn slightly, her stomach turned, she immediately felt lighter. She felt lighter and free. Like she was flying.

" So...?"

" It is kinda like flying, the same thing. Except..."

" Except...what?" replied Alex. The frown growing on her face.

Kara watched Alex tank another drink. She had already had three. She stared at Kara, she was nervous before Kara tried it but she was even more nervous now. Kara watched her grab a handful of M &M's and stuff her face with it. Alex thought it didn't work. She was disappointed in her self. Kara laughed. Alex looked up surprised.

"What?..." Kara moved closer to her. Closing the distance between them

" Except...Except the fact that I- I have not want you so bad before, " admitted Kara. She felt her face heat up as she said it. She had never admitted it before, never the less even said it allowed to anyone.

Alex went beat red. Her ears flared up, she tossed another drink down her throat. They were inches apart despite their embarrassment. Kara could see Alex's pours, her freckles, and the excitement in her eyes.

BUZZZZZZZ. They both jumped apart.

" Pizza's here!" Alex practically shouted. They both walked towards the door. equally split the bill and closed the door. Kara out of embarrassment finished her drink and filled another. Alex had not said anything back. You would think that being friends forbears would make things easier but NO. It was just as awkward and uncertain like every other experience she had.

" works," replied Alex as she grabbed herself slices.

" Oh it works," she replied, doing the same.

They ate in silence. Kara looked up at Alex, her ears still beat red.

" Kara, I- I want you to, you know that right? Just because I didn't say anything right away..." asked Alex.

" Yeah- yeah absolutely, I know. I mean look at your ears, " replied Kara as she stuffed another pizza in her mouth and finish another glass. Kara's response bade Alex's face go beat red like her ears. Kara smiled. It made her feel like a teenager again. Alex made everything feel new and exciting but familiar and at home, all at the same time.

Alex laughed, "Hey don't make fun...I have wonderful ears."

" Yeah you do, you really do..." Kara had put her pizza down and had moved up behind Alex so her head was rested on Alex's shoulder. Kara wrapped her arms around her waist and pulled Alex against her. Kara breathed down Alex's neck.

" KARAaaaa..." replied Alex as she turned around and pulled Kara off her, " Matt's case, its bad. Its really really bad. And our first time, it can't be like this..."

Kara frowned but she understood. The reality of today's events shattering their bubble. Kara nodded her head and Alex cleared the table and brought out the case file.

She placed not one but numerous folders on her table.

" Oh RAO, Winn! He didn't come in to work today..."

" Yeah, and theres a reason for that..."

" Oh no, what exactly happened Alex? Is Winn okay?"

" I don't know where to start..."