Well, we have come to the final chapter. A big thank you to everyone who read and reviewed this fic. I really appreciate it. This fic is very cloe to my heart because it renewed my love of writing and allowed me to get over my writers block. This is another long one but I really hope that you all enjoy it...I'd love to hear your thoughts. ~ Thanks Chelle

August 2017

Sara and Felicity had shut the cafe for the weekend. They deserved a week off, that was for sure. Felicity let herself into Sara's apartment early Saturday morning and shook her head. The apartment was still pretty dark, so she moved around the living room opening curtains, then walked through to the kitchen and turned the coffee machine on.

"Honestly, Sara, I know we decided to take the weekend off, but we have to be at Lisa's new place in two hours to help her move in," Felicity said, pushing open the door to Sara's room.

"How about knocking Liss?" Sara asked, throwing a pillow at her, annoyed.

"Well, you need to…" Felicity trailed off, noticing Sara wasn't alone in bed. "I'm sorry, I just realized that you had company."

"How about getting out so we can get dressed?" Leonard said, rolling over.

Felicity's eyes almost popped out of her head when she saw Leonard.

"How? When? Where? When?" she stuttered, confused.

"Get out!" Sara said, pointing at the door.

"Fine! But you guys have some explaining to do!" Felicity demanded, walking out and closing the door. "I'll be in the kitchen."

Sara laughed covering her mouth. "I guess the cat is out of the bag."

"Probably a good thing. I was starting to wonder how I was going to spend the weekend with you

without being able to kiss you whenever I wanted."

Smiling, Sara leaned up and kissed Leonard, running her hand up his chest. "I do love waking up with you," she mumbled against his lips.

"Me too," he said, pulling her closer to him.

"I wish we could just stay here all day, but we have to help your sister move, and we have a Felicity waiting in my kitchen, with probably enough questions to fill a quiz book."

Leonard kissed her again before throwing back the covers. "I'm going to go and shower. You go talk to your friend," he said.

Sara smiled and nodded at him. She watched him walk through to the en suite, then pulled on some clothes and headed out to the kitchen.

"Good morning, Felicity. How are you?" Sara said, stuffing a pod in the coffee machine and pushing the button.

"Oh no! None of that!" Felicity exclaimed, before quietly adding, "Leonard was in your bed."

"He was. Now he's in my shower," Sara said with a grin before sipping her coffee.


"How did he get in the shower?"

"Sara! Be serious, when did this happen?" Felicity all but demanded, getting annoyed.

Sara bit her lip and smiled. "The morning after the wedding," she confessed.

"Wait, so you two have been together for a month now? How did no one know this?"

"We didn't tell anyone; we wanted to make sure that we were sure before telling you all."

"And are you? Sure, I mean?"

"One hundred percent sure," Sara said.

"Tell me everything!" Felicity said, sipping her coffee.

She had asked for a sign, a sign to know that they would work, and there he was. If that wasn't a sign, she didn't know what was.

Sara stood up as Leonard walked toward her, and she couldn't help but smile. Everything in their lives had somehow led them back to this place. Their spot. They had started their relationship here, and they had also ended it. Tonight was time to do things right, for both of them.

"I didn't know you'd be here," Leonard said.

"Neither did I," Sara replied. "I couldn't sleep, so I got in the car, and I just ended up here."

"I'm glad you ended up here. I've been thinking a lot about... well, about everything. I meant what I said about waiting for you, Sara. I've never loved anyone like I love you, and my life isn't the same without you in it."

Sara took a step toward Leonard and smiled at him.

"I don't want you to wait," she told him. "It's sweet that you want to, but—"

"You don't get a say in this, Sara. I will wait until the end of time if I have to," he said, cutting her off.

She moved to stand in front of him and looked up at him. "I do get a say. This time, I get a say in us and our relationship, and I need to say that you missed my point. I've been thinking about everything, too. I don't want you to wait because I don't want to wait, Len. We have wasted enough time not being together, and I don't want to waste another minute not being with you."

As soon as she finished talking, his lips were on hers, and she was wrapping her arms around his neck. This was what coming home felt like. Sara smiled into the kiss as tears rolled down her cheeks. As they broke apart, Leonard noticed her tears and wiped them away with his thumbs before resting his forehead on hers.

"I love you, Sara," he said.

"I know, I love you, too," she told him, "but I am going to say that I don't think we should tell anyone yet. It's been a while since we knew each other. We need to get back to us and make sure that this is going to work before we bring everyone else into it."

"Deal," he said, kissing her again.

"It was one of those moments in life where you realize that you don't know what you would do if you ever lost this person again," Leonard said, walking into the kitchen and wrapping his arms around Sara's waist as she finished telling a teary Felicity the story.

Sara turned her head and kissed Leonard quickly before turning back to Felicity.

"So there you have it," she said as Leonard stole a sip of her coffee.

"And what, so you two have been sneaking around for the last month?" Felicity asked.

"Yep. And it's hot," Leonard said.

Sara nudged him with her hip and stole her coffee back, sipping it slowly thinking about the last month. Leonard wasn't wrong; the sneaking around hadn't been easy, but it had been hot. There was something about none of their friends knowing that made it more exciting.

"That's why you had Charlotte cover the cafe last weekend, isn't it?"

"Guilty. I went to Central City for the weekend," Sara admitted. "Len comes here and just hides out while I'm at work, but I wanted to go there and see his new place."

"A whole month," Felicity said in disbelief. "So is this still a secret?"

Sara looked at Leonard and bit her lip, smiling at him, and then turned to look at Felicity. She shook her head, and her smile grew.

"Nope, we will tell everyone today."

"Oh, thank goodness," Felicity said, "I am not good at keeping secrets."

"We know," Leonard said, "so don't stress. I figure we just turn up together today, and I'll just kiss Sara in front of everyone like it's nothing, and we can go from there."

"And then you can tell everyone the story, Liss," Sara added with a laugh.

"I like this plan. I have to go home and get Oliver out of bed, but I'll meet you there," Felicity said, grabbing her purse and heading for the door.

"So we're really doing this?" Sara asked once Felicity was gone.

"It's time. They're our friends, and they deserve to know."

"Well, not everything," Sara said, pulling the necklace chain with his mom's ring on it out from under her tank.

"No, we don't need to share everything just yet," he agreed, thinking back to the night before.

He had turned up early to her apartment on Friday. Leonard knew Sara would be at work until at least six, so he had plenty of time to do what he needed. At twenty past six, he heard the front door open, and he all he could do was wait.

Sara's day had been long, and the only thing that was keeping her going was knowing that she was going to see her boyfriend after work. They hadn't told anyone about their reunion yet, so she couldn't even tell Felicity what was making her so happy.

Finally pushing open her front door, she noticed the lights were dimmed, there were candles scattered in different locations, and there was a red arrow on the ground with writing on it. Sara hung up her keys, threw her bag on the entrance table, and picked up the arrow.

- Sara Lance, never have I ever loved anyone like I love you -

She moved slowly in the direction that the arrow had been pointing and found another.

- Every single day, I think about just how lucky I am to have you -

Sara smiled at the note and kept moving, collecting more and more arrows as she walked.

- You are my everything -

- When I'm lost, you are there to help me find my way -

- When I'm stressed, you are the calming voice in my head -

- When I'm sad, you are my joy -

- When I feel stuck in the darkness, you are my light -

Sara had tears in her eyes. They had only been back together for a month, but in so many ways it felt like nothing had changed between them, as if their break up hadn't even happened. She arrived at the bedroom door and picked up another arrow that was telling her to open the door. The room was glowing with candles and fairy lights. She stepped through the door, looking around as Leonard walked out of the en suite and handed her an envelope. She opened it up and unfolded the piece of paper.

- Sara, my gorgeous Sara.

We have been through so much over the years, both together and apart, and it's made me realize that together is the better option.

You're the most amazing woman I know. You would go out of your way for your friends and family, not only because it's the right thing to do, but because you want to help.

You have supported me in every part of my life, even those parts you didn't want to.

You put others before yourself, and you never do anything just to get the glory.

You are the one who loves me through my faults and my flaws. Your forgiveness is unmatched, and by me so undeserved. But I'm glad that you forgave me, because without you, I wouldn't be complete. I'd be half of the person I'm meant to be. You truly are the best part of me, Sara, and I know that we've done this before but…

Sara turned the letter over to read the end and found nothing. She was a little confused, until she saw Leonard down on his knee in front of her, holding out her engagement ring.

"I know we have only been together a month, but in reality, we have been us so much longer than that," he said. "You gave this back to me that night, but it has always been yours, Sare, so I'm here asking you again: Will you marry me and put this ring back where it belongs?"

Never had she loved anyone more than she did in that moment. Leonard's words, both on the page and spoken, melted her heart, and Sara couldn't do anything but nod at him as happy tears rolled down her cheeks. She watched as Leonard slid the ring onto her finger, and then she leaned down and kissed him. They didn't break the kiss as he stood up and she threw her arms around his neck as he lifted her off the ground.

Finally pulling back, she smiled at him, and he set her on the ground. Sara looked down at the ring on her finger and then back up at him.

"This is crazy!" she said. "Our friends don't even know we're back together, and we are engaged."

"Yeah, I didn't think that part through. I just knew that I couldn't wait another day to put this ring back on your finger."

"I'll just put it on a chain or something tomorrow. Maybe we can tell them tomorrow that we're back together, and maybe put off the engagement announcement?" Sara suggested.

"That sounds like a good plan," Leonard agreed.

Turning up at Lisa's new apartment hand in hand had his sister screaming with joy as she wrapped them into a hug. Laurel shook her head and grinned at the scene and then hugged her sister, too.

"So this is why you told me to get here early!" Laurel said.

"Well, Felicity found us in bed this morning, so we figured it was time," Sara said with a laugh as Leonard pulled her to him and kissed her temple.

The door opened, and Oliver and Felicity walked in, the latter grinning like the Cheshire cat.

"So it's true. My wife hasn't lost her mind; you two are back together," Oliver said.

"We are back together. Can't say that your wife hasn't lost her mind, though," Leonard replied.

Felicity walked over and hit Leonard on the arm before pulling Sara into a hug and letting out an excited squeal.

Sara shook her head and pulled out of the hug. "You need to pull yourself together," she said to her friend.

"I'm just so happy!" she exclaimed.

"Who's happy?" Mick asked as he and Caitlin walked through the door with Tommy, Cisco, Barry, Kara, Thea and Roy.

"ME!" Felicity yelled. "Because Len and Sara got back together!"

The room erupted with noise as questions came left and right. Sara couldn't help but smile as Felicity answered what she could. The girls all pulled Sara into hugs, and the guys were slapping Leonard on the back. It was then that she realized just how connected they all were. Their group consisted of couples, and that had just happened naturally; it wasn't something that anyone could have predicted. Bringing new people into the group wasn't unheard of—after all Cisco was pretty new—but somehow he fit, and that was what made it okay. Sara thought about Dylan briefly, and Melissa. Those two would have changed the group dramatically, in more ways than one. As she looked across at Leonard talking to Barry, though, she was glad that things were back to the way they should have always been.

After a hard day of moving Lisa into her new place, the group was spread out on the couches, eating pizza and talking.

"So, Len, what's going to happen with your living situation?" Tommy asked.

"I'll be moving to Star City, too," he said with a shrug.

"Wait, you are?" Sara asked.

"Of course! You have the cafe here, and I can work anywhere. It makes the most sense for me to move here."

Sara leaned over and kissed him. "You've thought of everything," she said.

Getting off the couch, Sara collected the plates, took them through to the kitchen, and started washing them. Caitlin joined her, pulling a dish towel out of the drawer she had stacked them in earlier.

"So with you and Len back together, does this mean you want Mick and I to find a hotel room tonight?" Caitlin asked, drying a plate.

"No, not at all. You're both more than welcome to stay tonight. I pretty much knew we were going to tell everyone today, so I had always planned on you staying," Sara said.

"Okay good," Caitlin replied. "It will be nice to hang out the four of us, like college."

"You mean when we were all young and crazy?"

"I was never crazy!"

"Oh come on, Cait, I remember at least two keg stands; that was very crazy for you."

"Maybe so, but I was always more sensible than the rest of you."

"You might be right, there," Sara said, stacking the last plate on the side. "Maybe the four of us could do breakfast tomorrow morning, just us?"

"That sounds like a good idea. Not that I don't love everyone else, but I have something I'd like to tell you without everyone else."

"Oh, I'm intrigued," Sara said with a grin, wiping her hands on a dish towel.

The two girls walked back into the lounge to find Mick sitting where Sara had been. Sara instead sat on Leonard's lap, kissing his cheek and wrapping an arm around his shoulder.

"Are you ready to get going?" he asked.

"Whenever you are. Mick and Cait are staying over tonight; I forgot to tell you."

"No problem. We should get out of here now, then. That way we can catch up with just them for a while."

Sara loved how Leonard knew exactly what she was thinking without her having to say it.

Standing up, Sara smiled and waved at the room. "We're going to get going," she said, moving over to hug Lisa. "I'm so glad you are living here now."

"Me too," Lisa replied. "Now we just need the others to move out here, too."

"I'm sure in time that will happen," Sara said as Leonard came over and hugged his sister.

"I'll drop in before I head to the airport tomorrow night," he told her, and she nodded at him.

"Thanks so much for all your help today, guys."

"You're welcome, Leis. Anytime, you know that," Leonard said.

Opening the door to her apartment, Sara dumped her bag on the table and yawned.

"Long day," she said to the others as she walked into the kitchen. "Hey, babe, can you and Mick take the bags to the guest room?"

"Sure," he said as he took Caitlin's bag and headed down the hall.

"Want some wine, Cait?" Sara asked.

"So much!" her friend said with a sigh as she followed Sara into the kitchen.

Sara opened a bottle of white and poured them both a glass, handing one to Caitlin before grabbing a couple of beers out of the fridge and tossing them to the guys as they walked into the room. She jumped up and sat on the counter, and Leonard laughed at her.

"You know we could go sit in the lounge right?"

Sara shrugged at him as if to say she didn't care.

"Let's go, Lazy," he said as he, Mick, and Caitlin headed for the sofas.

Sara pouted as she got off the counter, but she moved slowly to the couch and collapsed next to Leonard.

"I'm glad that you guys are here," she said draping her legs across Leonard's.

"Aww, thanks for having us, Blondie."

"You're welcome, whenever you want."

"About that. We have news, a lot of it," Caitlin said before looking at Mick and then back at Sara and Leonard.

"I made Lieutenant at the station, and then got a transfer within the Department, to Star City," Mick said.

"Mick, that's amazing!" Sara exclaimed.

"Congrats. Sara's right, it's incredible timing, too," Leonard said.

"What are you doing to do, Cait?" Sara asked.

"Well, the store that's for sale next to your cafe, I put a deposit down on it this morning. I'm moving my florist shop here."

Sara let out a squeal of delight, and Caitlin laughed.

"There's more," she said, looking at Mick for a moment and letting out another laugh.

"We're engaged," Caitlin said, pulling a ring out of her pocket and sliding it on.

Sara's eyes went wide, and she put her glass on the table and moved to look at the ring. Leonard got up and shook his friend's hand, saying something about it taking him long enough.

"Mick, you did good!" she said, turning to Leonard. "This is gorgeous!"

Sara pulled Caitlin into a hug and then leaned across to hug Mick too.

"There is something else," Mick said.

"Caitlin's pregnant," Leonard said.

"What? How did you know?" Caitlin exclaimed as Sara looked between the two.

"You accepted the wine when Sara offered, but you haven't touched it," he said, pointing at the glass on the table. "You haven't been around friends too much since you found out. I'd guess that Oliver and Felicity's wedding was your first event since you found out, and if I remember correctly, you were the only one who wasn't drinking that night."

"No, she was drinking. I got her wine," Sara said, looking over at Leonard.

"Did you ever see her actually drink it?" Leonard asked.

Sara thought about it and shook her head. "No, I didn't," she said, looking back at Caitlin, who shrugged at her.

"Surprise," she said with a grin.

"I can't believe you are getting married, and having a baby, and moving here!" Sara cried, hugging her friend again. "And you're gonna be a dad!" she added, looking at Mick, slightly worried.

Caitlin laughed. "Yeah, the first couple of days he was both excited and terrified at the same time."

"The first couple of days? Babe, I'm still excited and terrified," Mick said.

"I'm sure you'll be a great dad, Mick," Leonard said.

"Thanks, Man," Mick replied, finishing his beer.

"We wanted to ask if you two would be godparents." Caitlin said.

Leonard had to agree for them both. Sara was too busy wiping away tears of joy and nodding at her friend. She hugged them both again, still wiping at her tears. It had been an emotional day, that was for sure.

Trying to give herself time to regain composure, Sara cleared the bottles and glasses while Leonard chatted with their friends. She cleaned up the kitchen, filling the dishwasher and taking out the trash before moving back into the lounge.

Caitlin smiled as Sara walked back into the room, then let out a squeal, pointing at Sara.

"What?" Sara asked, looking confused.

Leonard looked over and worked out what Caitlin was so excited about. "Sare, it seems your chain has come out from where you had it hidden."

"You two are engaged, too!" Caitlin said. "Since when?"

"Last night, actually. We weren't going to tell anyone yet," Leonard said as Sara sat down beside him again. "Everything is just new. I mean, old but new, so we thought we'd keep it to ourselves."

"We can totally plan our weddings together!" Caitlin said, grinning. "But since we all know, how about you put the ring back on your finger?"

Sara smiled and took off the chain, put the ring back where it belonged, and let out a happy sigh as she leaned against Leonard on the sofa. This, right here, this was perfect, she thought as she felt Leonard kiss the top of her head.

August 2021 - Four Years Later.

"Len, hurry the hell up, we are going to be later!" Sara yelled upstairs to her husband.

"This is the last one of our friends that we are helping move, I swear!" he told her as her ran down the stairs and met her at the front door.

"Oh, come on, everyone helped us when we moved, plus with Felicity and Caitlin pregnant again, we are down two movers."

"I wish I was pregnant." Leonard sulked as Sara laughed and locked the door behind them.

"You're lazy, that's your problem," she told him.

"No, I just wanted to spend more than ten minutes laying in bed with my wife this morning," he said, pulling her to him and kissing her.

Sara broke the kiss and smirked at him. "I'll make it up to you tonight, but only if you're good."

Leonard watched her walk to the car and shook his head. Sara turned and looked over her shoulder at him and grinned, and he couldn't help but think how lucky he was.

They pulled up outside a big white house two blocks over and got out of the car, noticing moving trucks already there, along with a few of their friend's cars.

"Aunt Sara!" a little voice yelled, and she couldn't help but smile as a little boy dressed in a firefighter costume ran toward her.

"Cooper!" she exclaimed, picking up the boy and swinging him around before hugging him.

"Is Uncle Len here, too?" the little boy asked.

"Yep, right here, buddy," Leonard said, and Cooper held his arms out to him.

Sara passed the boy to her husband and smiled.

"This is our new house," Cooper said.

"I know! Kind of cool, right?" Sara said. "Hey, is your mom inside?"

"Yeah, Daddy says her and Aunt Liss are just getting in the way with their tummies."

Sara laughed as they walked up the stairs and inside.

"Marco?" Sara called out.

"Polo!" she heard Caitlin's voice call out.

They made their way through the house and found the kitchen where Caitlin and Felicity were putting away dishes into cabinets.

"Hey mamas," Sara said with a grin, hugging them both. "What can we do to help?"

"Go supervise the guys upstairs putting together Cooper's room and the nursery," Caitlin said in desperation.

Sara turned and smiled at Len. "I think we can manage that," she said with a laugh before heading up the stairs.

Upstairs, they found Mick and Oliver trying to put together a crib, and Leonard laughed at them.

"Need some help?"

"Yes!" Oliver said, "Why didn't you get here earlier? Putting together the furniture in when we move is your job, man."

Leonard handed Cooper to Sara and shrugged. "I wanted to spend time in bed with my wife."

"But being in bed is boring," Cooper piped up. "Unless you have toys. Do you have toys?"

Sara's eyes went wide, and she had to hold in a laugh at the faces of the three men in the room.

"How about you show me your new room?" she suggested, walking out into the hall with Cooper on her hip.

After they had seen Cooper's room, Sara took the boy back downstairs and placed him in the lounge where Lilly, Oliver and Felicity's daughter, was watching TV.

"So I notice Mick already set up the TV," Sara said, walking back into the kitchen.

"Typical male," Felicity said. "Oliver did the same thing when we moved."

Sara smiled, thinking back to when she and Leonard moved. Leonard hadn't done that. In fact, it wasn't until Mick had come over that the TV got set up. Leonard's first priority was the bed and then making sure Sara had the kitchen set up for work. It didn't seem to matter what they did in life; Leonard always put Sara first. They had spoken about it once. He was supposed to go out with the guys, but Sara's plans fell through, so he had stayed home. She asked why he didn't just go out, and he told her that she put everyone else first all the time, and it was his job to make sure she was put first.

The memory of that moment stuck with her for the rest of the day. As they unpacked boxes and helped Mick and Caitlin unload furniture, Sara was stuck with just how lucky she was. She and Leonard had been through so much, but in the long run, everything had worked out as it should have all along.

"What are you thinking about?" Leonard asked as they lay in bed later that night.

"How do you know I'm thinking about anything?" she replied, tracing patterns on his chest with her fingers.

"You have the loudest thoughts of anyone I know, Mrs. Snart."

Sara laughed. "Well, now I'm thinking about how I should have kept my maiden name. 'Sara Snart' still sounds a little silly."

"Lies! You love being Sara Snart," he said, poking her in the side.

"Maybe," she said. Turning onto her side she stared up at Leonard, "I was just thinking about Caitlin and Felicity being pregnant, and our friends all having families. I know we can't have that…"

"Just because we can't have kids doesn't mean we aren't a family." Leonard leaned down and kissed his wife softly before pulling back. "Plus, we have kids. Bailey, Brandy!" he called, patting the bed for their to golden retrievers to join them.

Smiling at him, Sara placed a hand on his cheek kissing him again. "I love you so much, but I still can't believe you named our dogs after alcohol."

He pulled her to him, and she laughed as he kissed her, before resting her head on his shoulder.

"I hated that we didn't get our usual Sunday morning in bed today," he pouted.

"I know, that's why I told Felicity that I'm not coming into the cafe tomorrow," Sara said with a wicked grin.

"Best wife ever," Leonard said before freezing.

"Good to know, since you've had two," Sara replied before bursting into laughter, causing the dogs to jump off the bed and run out of the room barking. "And now you made me wake up the kids."

Leonard laughed. "I love you, Sara Snart."

"I love you, too, Leonard Lance," Sara said, pressing her lips to his. "And don't you ever forget it."