I'm sorry for not updating. University is difficult and I have little time. But to be honest, that's not the main reason why I haven't updated. The thing is, after this scene in the original story, a lot of the chapters were simply filler. They didn't need to be there. And I'm not sure what to write next. So I think from this point forward, things are going to be a bit different in regards to the series of events. If there are any suggestions or comments, things to be altered, or scenes you did want to see, then just let me know alright?
I didn't really intend to continue this story to be honest. but lots of people were asking me to do so. I don't want to let anyone down. so, here we are. I hope this chapter is liked. And if you have ideas for the next chapter, then please let me know okay? Because at the moment, I don't have any.

Steven was more than happy to see things return to normal. Peace had returned to the house, and everyone seemed to be happy again. He wasn't really sure what had happened to be honest. But he could only assume that Pearl and Garnet had talked it all out and came to some sort of conclusion with one another. Well, whatever the case, he just hoped that everything was okay now and that there weren't any hard feeling between one another. But it didn't seem that way thankfully. He had missed seeing Pearl smile and seeing Garnet be around the house like she used to be. So he was certainly hoping that things stayed this normal for a while.

It was these happy thoughts that made him feel rather light on his feet as he walked across the sandy beach towards the house. He held a bag in his hand that had a few doughnuts inside for both himself, his father, and his friends. Well, maybe not Pearl. It was so interesting to watch her go through pregnancy like a normal human. She felt sick throughout the day and slept more often too. Pearl seemed to grow rather emotional at times too, more so than usual. He wondered if his mother went through something similar when she was pregnant with him. He would have to ask his father sometime. Speaking of his father...

As Steven approached the stairs, he glanced over his shoulder at the sand. Greg's van rested in the sand, and his father rested inside. Steven smiled softly. After Pearl's pregnancy announcement, Greg had been extremely kind and supportive. He took some time aside to really talk to Pearl, trying to find out what he could do to help, and find out how things were going at the time. Steven was asked to give them alone-time at the time of the conversation, so he didn't get a chance to hear everything that was said. But whatever it was, it seemed to have helped her. And he was glad to know that Greg was on her side, even if this wasn't something he hadn't expected. After the conversation with Pearl, Greg had told Steven that he planned to speak with him as well at some point. About what, Steven did not know.

When he reached the bottom of the stairs, he paused. Amethyst sat quietly at the bottom of the steps. She seemed to be chewing on something. Gum, he could only presume. "Hey Amethyst!" he greeted cheerfully. "What are you doing down here?"

"Nothing much. Pearl and Garnet were just cleaning up, nothing interesting really. So I came down here. Turns out it's even more boring then it is inside though," she groaned. Steven chuckled a bit.

"Well, let's go in then. Maybe we could find something to do together then?" He offered. Amethyst just shrugged.

"Better than just sitting around I guess." She got up from the step, stuffing her hands in her pockets. "What'cha got there? Snacks?"

"This? Yea, just some doughnuts. We can share some when we get in."

"Aw yes. Well, what are we waiting for! Let's go!" Amethyst grabbed Steven around the waist and effortlessly lifted him above her head, making him laugh. "I hope you got me a good one! Or I'm putting you back in the junk pile!" Steven squirmed and chuckled as Amethyst dashed up the stairs, bouncing Steven along. Once at the top of the steps, she set him down on his feet so she could open the door for them. As Steven checked in the bag to make sure the doughnuts weren't squished, Amethyst flung the door open. "Hurry up dude! I'm-." She paused, not speaking another word past that.

"Amethyst? Something wrong?" But she was quiet. When she opened the door, she had caught an eyeful of the two older gems on the sofa together. Maybe they had been conversing before this, or just resting. But whatever it was they had been doing, it had led up to this. What Amethyst had seen. Their hands were intertwined with one another, and resting on Garnet's lap. And their lips had been softly pressed together. They were kissing. But...why? Steven hurried over to where she was and peeked in. At this point, Pearl and Garnet had separated when the door flung open, so Amethyst had only seen for a split-second. But still. she knew what she saw.

"Amethyst!" Pearl cried her cheeks a light blue shade. "Please remember to knock before coming in next time!"

"She does live here," Garnet pointed out. "And no one really knocks before they come in nowadays anyhow."

"That's...true. Still though..." Pearl sighed. "Anyhow, where have you been? You were supposed to be helping us clean earlier, weren't you?"

"I guess," Amethyst shrugged. "But it doesn't look like much cleaning was getting done anyways. It looks more like you two made yourselves busy sucking face."

"Oh! Amethyst! Please have some decency! Steven is right there," Pearl scolded her. "We weren't doing anything strange! We were just resting."

"Kissing isn't strange is it?" Garnet asked. "That's just what people do when they're in love."

"I suppose..."

"In love?" Amethyst cut in. "I mean, I knew Pearl had some kind of feelings for you. But did you actually accept those feelings? Are you two...going out?"

"In a matter of speaking," Garnet reported, without missing a beat. "We meant to tell you. But we could never find the right time." Amethyst didn't seem too sure of what to say. She had a funny expression on her face. One of bewilderment, that was slowly changing to an expression they could not quite read. Steven decided to speak up now.

"So, you guys are like...girlfriend then right? That's so cool!" Steven crowed, hurrying up to the couch. The two of them scoot apart, just a bit, so Steven could sit in between them. "Then, if Garnet is your girlfriend, then would that make her the babies other mom? Or something?" The two gems exchanged a look, not sure what to think or say.

"I suppose so," Pearl chuckled. "But I don't think 'girlfriend' is the proper term, Steven. We've become a bit more then just friends. So I suppose we would be partners." Steven broke out into a big smile as he chuckled. "What? Did I say something funny?"

"No no! It's just that, here on earth, a girlfriend is what you call the girl you're going out with. That's all. It doesn't mean female friend."

"Oh! Is that right? I didn't realize," Pearl chuckled. "Then, yes. I suppose you could call us girlfriends." Girlfriends. What an interesting term. There were some human terms and phrases that Pearl didn't think she would ever fully get used to.

"I don't get it," Amethyst finally said, coming closer.

"What's not to get?" Steven chuckled, swinging his feet. "Pearl and Garnet love each other! So, they get to be a couple now~"

"No, I get that. What I don't get is why you two are a couple now. Garnet, I thought you turned down that 'Jaime' kid because you were already a fusion. So what's with the sudden change of heart?" She asked, folding her arms. Something about her tone of voice was making warning bells go off in Steven's head. She sounded almost impatient. Unamused by this whole situation.

"Things change," Garnet answered simply. "And so do feelings. As a fusion, I can love who I wish. But Ruby and Sapphire's love for one another will never leave. Their love is what makes me, me. We are one. And together, our feelings for Pearl, form into love. We love her. And we want to be with her. For as long as she'll allow."

"But isn't that three people in a relationship? Isn't that weird or something?" Amethyst asked, running her fingers through her hair.

"Only if we make it weird," Garnet joked. "But I can assure you, we are both quite in love with one another. And love can overcome any boundary. No matter how great."

"But...but it's..."

"Amethyst, why are you searching for reasons to protest?" Pearl asked, raising an eyebrow.

"Because, how am I supposed to forget how Garnet was treating you?" Amethyst demanded suddenly, making them rather surprised. "I get that love can overcome whatever. But in order to love someone, you're supposed to treat them right! Not grab at them and hurt them, just because they don't agree with you!" She could see how Garnet stiffened up a bit in return. "You were so depressed after she left. Who's to say she won't do that to you again?"

"She did that because I was arguing with her. And she was clearly upset by how stubborn I was being. It's not her fault. And I've forgiven her for that."

"Why are you blaming yourself?! Don't accuse yourself of being stubborn, when you didn't do anything wrong!" Amethyst was gripping at her hair, looking quite flustered, and a bit fed up. "You can't just forgive her like that. How do you know that she's actually going to take care of you? You need someone more than ever right now. so why does it have to be her?"

"What in the world has gotten into you all of a sudden?" Pearl demanded, sitting up straighter. "Why are saying such things?"

"Because she can't take care of you! I could have...I..." Amethyst slowly stopped speaking, looking a bit unsure of herself, or perhaps even regretful for what she had nearly said.

"You...what Amethyst? You could have what?" Amethyst kept her gaze down, slowly balling and unballing her fists.

"Never mind! It doesn't matter anymore alright? So long as you're happy, then what does it matter huh? I don't care anymore!" And with that, Amethyst turned on her heels and stormed out the door. She didn't have anywhere, in particular, she wanted to go. She couldn't think of anywhere to go at this point. All she knew, was that she didn't want to be here.

"Amethyst? Amethyst wait!" Steven called, hopping off the couch. "Where are you going?" He hurried out the door to try and catch up with her. All Pearl and Garnet could do, was watch, in silent shock. What was the matter? What had triggered such an angry outburst from her? They didn't know for sure. But hopefully, she didn't have anything too harsh in store for Steven's innocent heart. But there was obviously something troubling her. Something she couldn't tell them. So, maybe she could tell Steven. Tell him at least some of what she was hiding away. Steven was a clever boy. Perhaps he could figure out how to bring her back home.

"Amethyst wait up!" Steven chased after her as she went under the boardwalk. A darker place, with barnacle lining the rock wall. Amethyst moved forward a few more paces but slowly came to a stop. "What's going on? What happened?"

"Nothing happened. I let my temper and my feelings get the better of me, that's all. Leave me alone."

"Why are you trying to run away?"

"I stopped running, didn't I? I'm listening to you and talking to you, aren't I? I stopped running away."

"That's not what I meant." Amethyst peered over her shoulder, looking at Steven, who stood to pant. "That isn't what I meant. Something is wrong, and I know that. You've always been the kind of person who...who tries to deny when you're upset. Because you think no one will listen to you. Well...I came out here to listen to you. So, you can tell me."

"Like you'd understand. You're just a kid, right? I doubt you'd get how I'm feeling."

"Well...I can try at least, can't I?" Amethyst was quiet for a moment, thinking it over. Then, he turned all the way around, and walked back towards him, rubbing the back of her neck.

"I don't get what Pearl sees in her," she began. Steven said nothing, only listened. "If someone made me feel that small, I wouldn't forgive them. But Pearl did it so readily. Why?"

"Well, she loved her. That's why isn't it?" Steven pointed out.

"But why? How can you love someone who wronged you like that? It doesn't make sense to me."

"Does it have to make sense though?" Amethyst tilted her head, a bit confused. So, Steven continued. "I'll be honest, I don't really understand love all that well. But, so long as both of them are happy, isn't that all that really matters?"

"I guess. I don't know."

"Well...can I ask you something?" Amethyst only shrugged. "What was it you were about to say back in the house? Before you ran away?"

"It was...nothing important I guess. Can't you just drop it?"

"If it wasn't important, then you wouldn't have run away though right? So, can't you tell me? I'm not planning on telling the others if you don't want me to though." Amethyst chewed her lip for a moment, debating what to say.

"I was trying to say that I could have taken care of her. I would never have touched her like that. There's nothing worse than having your feelings be ignored like that, or having someone tell you that you don't have a choice in the matter." Amethyst sighed heavily. "Pearl was touched like that because she didn't want to get rid of her kid. How could you treat someone like that? It doesn't matter how mad you are. You don't do that kind of thing. You're supposed to respect your partner. Not hurt her. If she had given me a chance, I wouldn't ever do that."

"Give you a chance?" Something was slowly piecing together in Steven's head. "Amethyst do you...like Pearl?" He asked. Amethyst was silent. "If you are, then I understand. I'm not going to tell anyone, I promise. But I can only make assumptions. Do you like her?"

"I do, okay? I like her!" Amethyst blew a lock of hair from her face. "Or, I did anyway. There's no point liking someone who's off the market. So, those feelings are long gone." She leaned against the barnacle lined rock and folded her arms tightly. Steven watched her for a moment, before sitting down next to her.

"I don't think love really works that way. Feelings don't just go away like that. You still like her, don't you? Those feelings are still there. You still like her."

"Look, it doesn't matter anymore! Even if I love her, it doesn't matter! She's with Garnet now, not me. She doesn't care about how I feel. She doesn't care about me or my feelings!"

"What? I didn't say that! I'm sure she cares about you very much!"

"She has a funny way of showing it. But it doesn't matter how I feel right? So long as both she and Garnet are happy!" She could feel little tears in her eyes, but she tried to brush them away. She slowly slid down the rock so she was sitting in the sand. Then, she sighed. "I know I should be happy for her. She was so upset when Garnet left. And now, she can be happy. So then, why does it hurt so badly?"

"Well, that's what a broken heart feels like I guess," Steven said softly, scooting closer and wrapping his arms around her. "I'm really sorry Amethyst. I know it's hard now. And I'm not sure how much longer it'll hurt. But it'll get better, I promise."

"It doesn't really feel like it." She pulled her knees up and hide her face in them. "It really doesn't."

"I know. I'm really sorry." He didn't say another word past that. In all honesty, he didn't know what more to say. He didn't know too much about love in the first place. All he could do was learn as he went along. If heartbreak was really this awful, he truly hoped he never had to go through it himself. He had been speaking as he went along, trying to figure out the right things to say. And hoping to at least help her a little. So now, all he could do was hold onto her, as she cried.