A/N: Hey so this is a new one I was thinking about writing for a little bit over the summer. I don't know if anyone has written this type of story before so I thought I'd tackle it. It's Snowbarry, FlashFrost AND Granielle. That's right, you heard me, Granielle. Now this is a work of fiction but I am trying something new here with the characters. I hope you guys like it. I don't know if I'm going to make it a long one or a short story, we'll see, let me know if you want more. I really need feedback on this, it's important. I've never written this type before and I'm curious how it sounds. I will be updating the others as well, this one too. Thank you! Bye all! :)

Danielle Panabaker took a deep breath before entering the double doors of her next audition. She was beyond nervous and unfortunately her hands were clammy before she realized it. She wiped them gently on her fitted jeans and straightened herself out. This wasn't like auditions before, this was the big one. A starring role. Something she's never had before and tried to obtain.

Here's hoping this was going to change her life or wreck it going back to what she knew. She stood at the front desk, waiting to be called until the receptionist motioned for her to take a seat near the main audition room. She knew Andrew Kreisberg from way back but she was well aware Greg Berlanti was conducting the main casting even though the two producers worked together, Greg had the final say. She didn't want nepotism to effect her outcome. She did need this role. Caitlin Snow was a character she'd never played before. Being a "scream queen" was almost a type cast for her. She'd often get group billing if anything. Her child acting days were long gone but she'd reminisce about Sky High every so often. It did after all introduce her to the Disney fan base. But it was something she wanted to move from, she wanted something more mature, meaty, something she'd be proud of years after it ended.

She passed the room and almost did a double take at the waiting line of all the "would be" Caitlins that might make the cut. Danielle bit her lip and blew a chunk of air from her lungs, coming to the end of the row since the seats weren't numbered. It appeared she was the last to enter the audition room, maybe it was better that way, or it could be they already found their Caitlin per say and are just weighing their options. Anything is possible in the industry.

Her sister, Kay, once upon a time an actress herself, sent her a quick but loving text message wishing her good luck. Her parents were the first to message her this morning. She had a feeling her mom was going to get really gushy so she humored her, sending her an equally loving message back. She tossed her cell in her bag and calmly sat on the waiting chairs until everyone in front of her went up.

She looked around, almost bored but more anxious about entering that room. Just in case, she made sure to hit the restroom and be back before her name was called. She rounded the corner and almost tripped over something, or was it someone?

"Hey, so, sorry, um, you OK?" A young man, no taller than she, said as Danielle's eyes expanded.

"Oh, uh—yeah—sorry, my bad. I was just uh," she gestured, hoping to be on her way. "It's just I've got—never mind."

He nodded quickly, getting it. "Sorry about that, I'll try not to run you over again if I see you."

Danielle watched him smile slightly as he said that. She smirked, almost returning the smile he gave her.

"Thanks. See ya around." she made a move around him, heading straight for the bathroom.

She shook her head, thinking nothing of what just happened. "Focus, OK, focus."

She washed her hands and face and debated wither she needed to use the stall. She did so quickly and came out realizing she had to wash her hands again before heading out and post to her waiting post.

She walked carefully, not in a rushed way, she took her time. She wanted to be completely relaxed and calm just in case they called her in early. Not that it would happen since this is a major network and they are strict about try outs. She checked the time before going back to her seat. She did feel much calmer than she had going in. She didn't know what it was but she slightly smiled at that weird encounter she had with that guy from before.

She didn't know anything about him, was he an actor as well? A model? Writer? Producer? Friend of anyone? He did have a nice smile, she gave him that. And kind eyes, something the industry was lacking. She didn't notice at the first, but when he talked she heard a slightly southern accent, but a washed out one, probably from being in Los Angeles too long. She had lost hers the same way. Her Georgia accent was hard to get by, but knowing her, she was determined to make it after she finished her degree attending UCLA. She knew she had to fade it out if she was going to get the roles she wanted. Though she and her sister Kay were told their accents were cute growing up, maybe Kay's, Danielle's was just round and drawled out.

She was so preoccupied thinking about accents and that guy she almost didn't hear her name being called from the doorway to the audition room. She subtly tried to mask her nervousness by putting on her best winning yet professional smile and followed the crew inside the room.

Danielle shook the hands of the crew and who she assumed were the other executive producers of the show. She recognized Andrew and sent him a sweet smile which he returned with a wave. She spotted New 52 writer, Geoff Johns sitting behind the table observing her and she swallowed inwardly. Her cheeks turned pink as she held the script that was assigned to the role she was trying out for.

So far it was going fairly well, in her eyes. Each one was asking their own various questions, she wasn't expected to know who Caitlin Snow or Killer Frost were, it was stated into the audition, they were clearly looking for someone of essence. Danielle put her best foot forward and pursued the answers to each question as demurely as she could. She was basically being herself, minus the slight nerves she had previously.

She brushed her hair away from her face and performed the scene that was instructed to her from the audition slate; she made sure to pronounce the words and project as best she could. She could feel their eyes on her and blatantly hear their whispers attempting to distract her concentration; but she didn't let it deter her. She treated this just like any other audition only she gave more of herself than she had in the others. When her hand would start to shake she used it to touch the corner of the page as she turned it gingerly. A trick she learned from her drama teacher.

When she had finally finished, her eyes came up and she was told to give her monologue standing up. It was the scene between her character, Caitlin Snow and Barry Allen, who was The Flash. She was meant to appear cold, distant and detached. She couldn't show confidence so she played the character as if she was really in Caitlin's shoes, imagining what it was like to lose everything, your job, your love, and your way. There were times where she felt like she lost her way in life, so she used that. She poured the emotion as if it was water flowing through her vocals. Her eyes were almost glassed over when she finished the last line. She breathed out when she realized she hadn't lost it completely through emotions alone.

She looked up to the crew who were whispering amongst each other and waited for their cue.

Geoff Johns looked at her and whispered something into Greg's ear, not tearing his attention away from her. He nodded slightly as Danielle bit her lip, unsure of what to make of it.

"Thanks Danielle, we'll be in touch. Good job." Greg commented with a nod of his head and stood up to shake her hand.

Danielle shook it and gave the sheets back to the crew before thanking everyone graciously for their time. She waved to them before leaving, probably in a nerdy way, but she didn't care. At least she got through the scene without freaking out. She breathed out as soon as she came outside.

Uncertain of where all this was going to go, she realized she needed to just let it go and let fate take over. It this was meant to be then there would be something chiming in her favor. She smiled slightly as Geoff's nod came to her mind. But that could mean anything. Actor anxiety. She fixed her purse before making her way completely out. As she turned the corner she abruptly stopped.

"Oh hey, oh hi again." It was him again, that guy from before. Danielle wondered what he was still doing here.

"Hi, um, so you didn't run me over I guess." Danielle joked lamely but this guy laughed on to humor her.

"Suppose not, hey, did you just have an audition or something? I saw you coming from the room." He gestured behind her.

"Uh, yeah, I was the last one. Go figure."

He nodded, smiling thinly. "Tell me about it. I'm nearly the last one according to my character. Wait, are you auditioning for Flash right?"

Danielle nodded. "Yeah that's what I read for, you?"

"Oh cool, yeah me too. Only I somehow managed to get lucky with the lead, Barry Allen, The Flash. He's pretty iconic and I'm a Superman guy myself."

She narrowed her eyes, tilting her head. "Wait, did you say you already auditioned or?"

"I'm about to. They wanted to do Caitlin's part first. I'm supposed to audition with all these blond, muscular dudes. I'm so wrong for this part."

Danielle shook her head, amused that this guy was just as insecure as she was. "Well you made it this far. Clearly they saw something in you or else you wouldn't have been given a shot. I just tried out for Caitlin."

He nodded, "Right on. Wow, well, it's awesome we met, would be funny if we both got it together right?"

Danielle couldn't put her finger on it, but she was intrigued by this guy already and they just met. "Yeah...it's so awesome we met and yet I don't know your name."

"Oh, sorry about that, it's Grant, uh Gustin, Grant Gustin." He said, smiling her way, his eyes crinkled at the corners and Danielle stared on.

He held out his hand and she took it, shaking it gently. "Hi, Danielle, Panabaker, don't expect you to know me, I haven't worked for months."

Grant laughed, looking down then up at Danielle, seeing her eyes pinch as she smiled shyly. "Neither have I. Like I said, it'd be cool if they took a chance and cast both of us."

Danielle nodded, "That would be interesting."

Grant awkwardly filled the silence, "Nice to meet you. Hope we see each other again."

She let go of his hand and brushed some hair behind her ear, making sure her purse didn't fall off her shoulder. "Sure, see you later, good luck."

He nodded, breathing out, Danielle saw the familiar signs she had earlier and touched his shoulder gently.

"Hey, it's OK, relax, you got this. Just be authentic, put your heart on the line. I know we just met but that seemed to work for me. Hope that helps." Danielle let go as Grant stared at seriously.

"Thanks Danielle. See ya around, I hope."

She nodded, smiling as she stepped away but not before turning back around, "Sure."

Grant stared as Danielle walked out of the hallway and out to the front entrance. He lingered there for a moment before turning on his heel to the place the network crew needed him for his screen test. He looked behind him once again and couldn't tear the smile off his face, hoping he might get this role, if anything, to get to know Danielle better.