Hey, so I've had quite a few people ask me if I would consider doing a reverse AU of Time Does Not Heal All Wounds where Olivia went to Dauntless instead of staying in Amity and I've decided to do it. For those who have not read it, you could probably read this as a stand alone anyway, but for those of you who have, there of course will be differences.

Since Olivia has chosen to be Dauntless, she of course will be a bit different in personality as she's embraced her wilder side but I hope not too much and I've decided that her father never fell ill and therefore she was never on the train the night Eric raped her. And of course that means no Connor.

Olivia will be 24 years old in this story and Eric 23, compared to TDNHAW where they were 28 and 27.

This will not be a story of a rape victim facing her assailant like last time but more of a threat of rape that forces her to use Eric as protection.

Anyway, I hope you guys like it! Please R&R!

"Hey, mom. How's Amity life treating you and dad?" Olivia asked her mother conversationally as she walked around her apartment, straightening up, with the cordless phone tucked between shoulder and chin.

"Oh, I'm fine, dear. Your father got a mild cough a few days ago but the doctor said it was a cold, nothing to worry over. How has work on the fence been?" Linda asked.

"Good. I noticed that your roses are coming in nicely this year."

"I've been trying a new fertilizer Erudite came out with and they've been growing twice as fast." She replied, enthused by the success of her garden. "It's a comfort to know that you're watching over us, Olivia, but speaking of the fence… Have you had any more problems with those boys?"

"Mom," Olivia said, annoyed she was bringing it up again, "I already told you not to worry about it."

"How can I not worry? You're my only child in another faction where your father and I can't protect you and they've been bothering you for years. If ignoring them isn't working, then maybe you should tell someone."

"You and dad practically dragged me to the Dauntless bowl and now you're complaining that I'm not around for you to protect?!" She rolled her eyes and flopped down onto her bed. "Besides, it won't work. They're friends with Eric and he's a leader. He won't let them get into trouble."

Not to mention he was usually with them when it happened, so he definitely knew, but she wasn't about to tell her mother that. He visited Amity often enough, she didn't need her mother marching up to him and demanding he help Olivia get his friends into trouble.

"We only wanted you to be happy, Olivia. It was obvious you belonged in Dauntless but you needed a push in the right direction and we gave it to you. But if we had known you wouldn't have been safe there… Well, you're a beautiful girl, and sometimes that can be a dangerous thing. Perhaps it's time to make a conscious effort in making your appearance… less appealing." Linda suggested.

"Mom." She growled. "I'm not going to make myself ugly just so two idiots back off. I'm Dauntless, I can handle it."

Linda sighed heavily on the other side of the line. "If you insist on not listening to me, at least find yourself a boyfriend. Dauntless or not, one woman against two men doesn't sound like good odds and I'll feel better knowing there's someone there to keep you safe."

Olivia threw her arm over her eyes in defeat. Her mother was right, of course, but it was easier said than done. Her looks got her a lot of dates but that was the only thing those guys cared about and it wasn't something she was interested in. She wanted a guy who cared about her because of who she was and liked hanging out instead of just taking satisfaction from her, like so many did, without a care about her own needs.

The problem with being limited to your Faction when it came to romance was that the options eventually ran out and instead of choosing to settle, she decided to not bother until the playboys finally got bored with screwing around and wanted to settle down. Except, it was taking a lot longer than she thought it would.

"I'll see what I can do, mom. Okay?" She said with a sigh.

"That's all I can expect, I suppose." Linda trailed off. "But you sound tired, so I'll let you go. I love you, Olivia."

"I love you too, mom, and tell dad the same. Bye." She said and hung up. She tossed the hand held phone beside her on the bed and closed her eyes.

It was ten o'clock at night and it had been a long day but she called her parents anyway because she had promised she would and now a massive headache was brewing behind her eyes. Olivia curled up and threw the covers over her still clothed body and began drifting off, that is until music started blaring from the other side of her bedroom wall.

With a groan, she rolled over and stuffed her pillow over her head but it couldn't stifle the pounding base of the music and she flipped the blankets off. It only took seven angry strides to reach her front door, which she whipped open, and another two to bang on the door that shared the wall with her bedroom.

The door swung open and the view of a shirtless Eric took up her whole view into the apartment. His hair was disheveled and there were scratch marks across his broad shoulders but he didn't seem surprised to see her in the least. Probably because he did this almost every other night and she complained every other night too.

He leaned against his door frame casually and smirked. "To what do I owe the pleasure to, tonight?"

Olivia insecurely crossed her arms over her chest and glared. He may not be into harassing her like his friends did, but he was still her leader and that was intimidating enough. "You know why. Turn it down or turn it off. Some of us have to sleep like a normal person."

"And I intend to do that, just after I finish entertaining my friend. You're welcome to join us." He teased, like he did every other night and like every other night, she turned him down.

"I'd rather not be a statistic on the STI board in the infirmary, if you don't mind, and flirting with me isn't going to help win you points."

"It never does, but it's fun to piss you off." He said with that smirk faltering just a fraction. He pushed himself off the doorframe and said, "Sweet dreams, Amity," just before closing his door on her face.

Olivia's fingers curled into fists, the urge to bang his door down thrumming through her veins, but she turned on her heel instead and slammed her door behind her.

Thankfully, he did turn the music down, not by much, but she'd take it and went to her bathroom cabinet for a Tylenol. The argument distracted her from the pain momentarily but the throb was beginning to return and she turned all the lights off and crawled back into bed before it got worse. Her thoughts were slowly muddling together five minutes later and as she lay there between lucidity and dreams, a voice drew her back to reality.

"Hmm… Yes… Ugh, yes… Eric… Yes… Keep going… Yes…"

OMG… He has to be kidding. She screamed in her head. She rolled out of bed a second time and pounded on the wall. "Eric! You know this is the wall beside my bedroom! Have the decency to at least screw her in your bed instead of on your living room couch!"

Her attempts to sway him clearly went ignored because then the banging started. The painting on her wall rattled every time he rammed the couch against it and the girl would repeat the word 'yes', and over and over it went. Olivia gave the wall a disgusted look and went to sleep on her couch where the sound was muffled by the second wall between it and them.

In the morning she woke up stiff and sore. Her alarm clock, which was normally blasting in her ear, was quietly beeping away behind her bedroom door and she bolted up. A quick peak in her room told her that it had been going off for the last forty minutes and she was late.

It was a good thing she went to bed dressed, because all she had time for was a quick ponytail instead of her usual braid to keep her long, naturally curled auburn hair in check and a good teeth brushing before dashing out her door and running for the train.

"You're late." Maxi frowned at her arrival and paused. "Did you sleep in your clothes?"

"Yeah I know. I'm sorry. I ended up sleeping on my couch and missed my alarm." She panted in apology and took the gun Maxi handed her.


Maxi wasn't exactly her friend. She had the night shift at their shared station, so they only saw each other for a few minutes before Olivia began the morning shift but because Olivia was late, Maxi had to stay late and so she owed her an explanation.

"Eric." Olivia sighed. "He can't keep it in his pants, can he? They were doing it right up against my bedroom wall last night; I wasn't going to stick around to listen to it."

"Why not?" Maxi said, her purple pixie cut glinting in the early sunlight. "If I know no one's dusting your cobwebs then he knows it too. Maybe he's trying to help you out." She winked at her.

"You're just as disgusting as he is." Olivia said, stunned. "I don't want him dusting anything for real or imaginary, okay. So, mind your own business."

"Ah, don't pretend like you haven't wanted to, if you haven't already. He's hot as hell and every girl wants him."

"Good looks diminish when the personality isn't as appealing." She retorted.

Maxi laughed. "Whatever you say," She called as she began climbing down the ladder to the ground level.

Olivia frowned. So what if he knew she wasn't getting laid? It wasn't his business anyhow and besides, he didn't seem the type to help anyone out unless it directly helped him too. Annoyed that he was on her mind at all, she turned to face the Amity fields and tried to ignore her thoughts and the crick in her neck.

The sky was clear that day and from her height, just beyond the main building, she could see her father trudging through the dirt with horse and plow. He was digging up rows of earth to plant the seasons' corn crop and off to the right of that was their cottage. Her mother's rose bushes were indeed flourishing, the bright pink flowers stood out against the dark green foliage, and in the back the washing was already hung out to dry.

The scene was always a comfort to her soul, to see that they were doing alright, and it allowed her to acknowledge that she made the right choice. Dauntless was her home and it made her feel alive.

Olivia was dying. The headache she had last night was back and it was monstrous but she couldn't get her hands on any medication until her shift was over and she got home.

The train wasn't quite full but there were a few people in the same car as her and that included Ralph. Doing her best to ignore his staring from across the car, she watched the scenery wiz past as the train made its' way through the city to the Dauntless compound.

"Have a rough night?" Someone beside her said. She was staring out the window so intently that she never noticed Ralph approach and jumped at his voice in her ear.

"My night was fine. I just have a massive headache and I would appreciate being left alone right now." Her tone was clipped and she hoped he'd get the hint and leave but he didn't.

He took a step closer even and said, "I know the best activity for curing headaches. We can go back to my place and I can help you out with it."

Her lip involuntarily curled in revulsion at the idea. "No, thanks, Tylenol should do just fine."

Thumps of more people hopping onto the train came as they passed the Factionless sector and a large hand clapped down on Ralph's shoulder.

"Hey, man." Eric said to his friend with a brief glance at Olivia and she watched, to her relief, as he steered Ralph to the other side and they began talking amiably.

He must've just come back with the recent patrol squad because he had a rifle slung across his back and the black vest he wore allowed his tattooed arms to get a light tan. Next to his tall and bulky height, Ralph was maybe a few inches shorter and much leaner, and his hair was a longer thick wavy brown compared to Eric's meticulously gelled blond hair but they both had blue eyes.

Eric's were a steely blue that seemed to penetrate your soul and make you freeze but Ralph's deep ocean blues pulled you in to a never ending wave of malicious thoughts and at the moment she could feel both on her but she refused to look at them. When the Dauntless compound finally came into view she jumped off with practiced ease and made her way home without a backward glance.

An hour later, Olivia was woken up by a knock on her door. Still tired and in pain, she grumpily climbed out of bed in her t-shirt and opened her front door but the hallway was empty. She was about to close her door when she noticed the pill bottle sitting on the ground.

With a great deal of confusion and caution, she picked the bottle up and read the label. It was Advil. The blood in her veins froze the second she registered that it was medication for her headache and a chill went down her spine. He hadn't gone from comments to gifts, had he? Maybe she was in more trouble than she'd thought. Filled with fear, she put the bottle back and closed her door and locked it.