Disclaimer: The only things that I own are the band Undercover Nemesis (but not their songs), Ari Ross, Kat Simms, and the other members of the band.

The BAU team had just finished up their latest case, this time in Catonsville, Maryland. They were going to be flying back to Quantico in the morning, and had just settled back into their hotel rooms for the night.

SSA Aaron Hotchner had just taken off his tie when there was a knock on his door. He opened it to see the team's youngest member looking at him nervously. Dr. Spencer Reid gave his boss an awkward wave.

"Reid." Hotch said. "What's up?"

"I was just, ah, wondering what time the plane was leaving in the morning." the younger man said nervously.

"I think we're boarding around ten, why?" Hotch asked, and Reid looked at the floor quickly, before looking back at his boss.

"Ah, a friend of mine invited me to come over and visit…" he said, trailing off. Hotch just smiled at the younger man.

"Go on, Reid. Have fun. Just make sure to be at the airstrip before the plane leaves in the morning." Hotch told him.

Reid's face lit up in a grin as he turned and walked away.

"Thanks, Hotch! I will." He said happily.

Reid was still smiling as he walked up to the stage door, elbowing his way past some of the groupies that were hanging outside the door.

He tapped the security guard on the shoulder, making the 300 pound, muscular man look at him, a scowl already pasted on his face.

"Look, pal, you ain't gettin' in." the security guard said, most likely having already told many people that.

He just gave the guard an awkward smile. "I'm, uh, I'm on the list." Spencer said. "Dr Spencer, ah, Re- Dr. Spencer Reid." he stammered. He had to stop partway through because someone had elbowed him in the ribs, but he managed to get enough of his breath back to wheeze his name out.

The man checked the list in his hands, flipping through the pages for a moment before finding it. He gave the young genius a smile and a nod as he opened up the door enough for him to slip through.

"Enjoy the show, sir." he said.


Several months later...

SSA Derek Morgan was just returning to his desk in the bullpen after lunch when he noticed Reid was still there. He couldn't help but laugh softly at the kid - half the time the team would have to remind him to do things like eat or go home and sleep because he would get so absorbed in paperwork or a case.

"Hey kid, did you eat?" Morgan asked, leaning on Reid's desk. Reid jumped in his seat, spinning away from the computer that he had been working at furtively.

"Sorry, what?" he asked, and Morgan gave him a Look.

"Out with it, Kid. What're you up to?" he asked, and Reid sighed. It was bad enough that he had jumped, but Reid was willingly working with his computer - that never happened. And even though the kid had only joined the team about 8 months earlier, Morgan had connected with him quickly.

"I'm ordering flowers." he admitted, and Morgan raised an eyebrow.

"For who?" he asked, intrigued.

"A friend of mine." was the quick reply, and Morgan snorted.

"Kid, people don't order flowers for people who are just friends." he said.

"Well I do." Reid said, turning back to his computer. Morgan just shook his head, smiling at the young genius, before going back to his work.

Once he was sure that Morgan was absorbed in his paperwork, Reid went back to his computer to finish placing his order.

That night…

Good luck tonight, my crazy girl. Miss you.

Ari Ross smiled as she looked at the note attached to the flowers that she had received, before being interrupted by a knock on the door. There was no need for a name to tell her who they were from, the flowers themselves let her know.

She looked up as Kat stuck her head around the door.

"Hey, kitten." Kat said in greeting. "You ready to end this?" Kat crossed over to where Ari sat at her dressing room. "Damn, you look good." she observed.

Ari flashed her friend a smile as she got out of the chair. "Thanks, so do you."

It was true - for both of them. Kat was dressed in a sleeveless gray cropped turtleneck with ripped jeans, black buckled platform boots, and had pair of black ripped gloves on. She had dog tags around her neck, like always, and her fuschia hair was in its usual short cut. Her tattoos stood out in the lights backstage, and her dark skin glowed.

Ari, on the other hand, was almost the complete opposite, as far as physical appearance was concerned. Her long, straight hair was dark brown, making the streaks of blood red in it stand out even more. She wore a black skull-patterned tank top over a lace bandeau, with ripped black skinny jeans and silver-studded black high heels that laced up to the knee. She sat and absentmindedly played with the rings on her necklace as Kat did the finishing touches for their makeup.

"Alright, kitten." Kat said once she was finished. "After tonight, we have one final show in Charlotte. Then we get to go home."

Ari smiled at her best friend. The two of them had known each other since high school, and had started off the band not long after. Now they were about to finish off their second tour together.

"Let's do this." She said, and the women hugged before heading out to get on stage.

They took their places, just as the lights began to go up, and Ari could feel the energy of the crowd beginning to affect her. Her face lit up as the spotlights hit her, and she risked a look at Kat, who was about ten feet to her left. The other woman smiled back, and nodded before starting up the opening to their first song of the night.

"Hey hey!" Ari shouted, waving her hand over her head as the crowd shouted and cheered. "All you people out here tonight, I've just got one question for you:"

She took a deep breath as Kat got to the end of the opening, and then she yelled,

"You listening? Are you listening?"

The crowd went wild, and Ari smiled, exhilarated. This was what she lived for. The thrill, the rush that came from a live performance.

"Your eyes are closed, you're asleep and are you dreaming?"

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