Disclaimer: I don't own Harry Potter; that's owned by J.K. Rowling. I don't own the Avengers, either; that's owned by Marvel.

Recommendation: This chapter's recommended fic is "The Katarn Side" by DarthMarrs. HP/Star Wars crossover. Old and tired, Kyle Katarn decides to retire... and chooses Earth, where the Force brings him into contact with an abused Harry Potter. Kyle decides to take the boy under his wing and teach him all he knows — including the importance of kicking stupid people in the head.

A/N: Nothing will be published next Tuesday, but after that I intend to start publishing "Heart and Soul" twice a week. Bonnie and I aree that since so much is going to be happening as we approach the end of the story, it would be cruel to make you wait an entire week between updates!

Chapter 10 - Epilogue


Two figures in black cloaks with hoods hiding their faces slipped quietly through the deserted palace corridors. It was dangerous meeting so close to Odin's center of power, but it was also the last place anyone would expect to stumble across such a gathering. It was also impossible for any of them to move about easily in the rest of the city.

"It's about time," Sif hissed when the two cloaked figures arrived at the meeting place, an old chamber in a portion of the dungeons that had fallen into disuse centuries earlier.

"Some of the Einherjar kept insisting on toasting us and our battle against the Destroyer," Hogun said as he pulled back his hood.

"It would have been rude to turn down all those free drinks," Fandral pointed out reasonably, but Sif just rolled her eyes at that.

"Now that we're all here, it's time we talked," Thor began, but he was interrupted by Volstagg.

"I'm uncomfortable with meeting like this," the big man said. "I had thought that the need for such subterfuge would pass once Odin was restored to the throne."

"Unfortunately, Loki isn't the only Asgardian to do unjust things," Thor replied, "and he isn't the only one whose unjust deeds force others into secret meetings."

"You're talking about your father?" Sif asked. "But what could he possibly..." She trailed off, then recognition flashed in her eyes. "You're talking about her! About what he did to the—"

"No, don't use that word!" Volstagg interrupted. "He might hear!"

"—to the witches," Sif said, shooting Volstagg a glare.

"Exactly," Thor said.

"But Odin told us that they posed a threat!" Fandral protested. "Unless you're accusing him of lying, how could his actions have been unjust?"

"Don't forget, he said the same about Loki's children," Sif reminded him. "And after a prophecy as well. In their case, he simply banished them. So why slaughter Freyja's children? Or attempt to, at any rate."

"Perhaps because Freyja is Vanir rather than Aesir, unlike yourselves," Hogun said darkly.

Fandral put a hand on his friend's shoulder and said, "You know that none of us look upon you any differently because of that, don't you?"

"That is true, but not all are as enlightened as you," Hogun replied. "There are some who continue to carry grudges. On both sides, too. Some Vanir still resent having been defeated, while some Aesir continue to look down on us Vanir as inferior because of our defeat."

"Whatever my father's reasons may have been, his actions now disturb me enough that I am reluctant to unthinkingly report what I have seen and experienced," Thor said. "I won't deny that this pains me greatly, especially in light of recent events. However, I simply cannot bring myself to cause that woman's death."

"What do you intend to do?" Sif asked.

"I know what I saw down there, but I have yet to hear your stories," Thor said. "I need to know all of the facts before I can make a decision." One by one, they each recounted what they saw and heard when it came to the powerful volva named Hermione Granger.

Once they were done, Thor looked pensive. "All of that fits with my own experiences. Jane's experiences with that S.H.I.E.L.D. organization which Granger is a part of were not all positive. She doesn't entirely trust them, and with good reason, but in the end she found that Hermione Granger had good intentions and wanted to help her."

"I would not consider it honorable to put her in danger, much less betray her to her death," Sif said. "Not when she was the only mortal who chose to stand by our side and fight."

Sif then looked pointedly at Volstagg, who shifted from foot to foot before finally saying, "I... well, I suppose I agree. She did help me twice, possibly saving my life. As much as I am loathe to admit to it, I cannot deny that she acted like an honorable warrior."

Fandral traded a look with Hogun, then shrugged. "We didn't interact with her much, but we're willing to follow your lead on this. I don't like the idea of keeping something so important from the Allfather, but it doesn't sound like she deserves to be killed, either."

"Should one of us speak to Freyja?" Sif suddenly asked. "I mean, this does involve her children, and I doubt that Hermione Granger is the only one on Midgard." Everyone looked queasy at that suggestion, and Sif sighed in resignation. "Alright, alright... I'll do it. I'll talk to her."

"Very well — we are agreed that this information must remain our secret," Thor announced. "The truth about Hermione Granger and the continued survival of witches on Midgard must be protected, at least for now."

"Assuming it can be," Hogun said. "Before all of this happened, I heard rumors that Odin had started paying greater attention to Midgard, as if he were looking for something."

Thor frowned. "That is no rumor, it's truth. I had forgotten about that, but he kept it quiet. As far as I know, he did not even inform my mother about what he was looking for, something which I now remember vexed her greatly."

"He can't do anything about Midgard until the Rainbow Bridge is repaired, and even then, we'll have our hands full restoring order to the Realms we already have regular contact with," Fandral pointed out.

"So we have time," Thor agreed. "And I have another reason to get to Midgard as soon as possible."

Sif smiled tightly. "Missing that mortal woman already, are we?"

"She... she helped me find myself," Thor replied. "She helped me get started on a new path, like my dreams said I should." He frowned then. "Though I still can't shake the nagging feeling that I recognized that red-headed woman from somewhere. I can't figure out where... Regardless, I have more important things to deal with right now, like helping to repair the Bridge."

"Speaking of the Bridge, has there been any word on Loki's fate?" Volstagg asked.

"No," Thor answered with a touch of sadness in his voice. "Odin and others say he is dead, but my mother remains unconvinced. Wherever he is, though, I hope he's found the peace that he was never able to find here."

Uncharted Region of Space.

He had been falling for what seemed like an eternity, falling and twisting and stretching without end. There was no other sensation — no sights, no sounds, and nothing to touch. There was just the falling, and he came to the conclusion that he would probably never escape whatever this punishment was.

Then it all came to an abrupt stop when he landed on rocky ground. It took him a minute to realize that the cessation of movement was real, not a hallucination, and then another to remember how to use his arms and legs so he could stand up again. He brushed off his clothing and looked around at the desolate landscape where he found himself, wondering briefly if it might not have been better to have continued his descent.

Standing straight, he sneered as he said softly to himself, "This is hardly an appropriate location from which I can renew my ascension to the throne of Asgard, but I suppose it will have to suffice. The question is, what do I do first? Do I start by trying to reclaim the throne, or do I instead first seek out that volva who is prophesied to be my equal, the Black Witch?"

As he considered his options, he frowned when he realized that he couldn't quite remember the exact wording of the prophecy — that was why he had written it down and hidden it in his quarters, so he wouldn't have to memorize it and end up agonizing over it all day, every day. No matter, he concluded with a shake of his head, I can remember it well enough. She's a kindred spirit, so she probably knows what it's like to be ignored... to have her genius dismissed by inferior beings. It shouldn't be hard to convince her of the rightness of my cause. She's also my equal and opposite... I suppose that being a mere mortal is my opposite. And female, too, so that makes sense.

A smile grew across his face as he considered where that might lead. She has to be mentored in royal magic, like mother did for me, another outsider! Since I need her by my side to achieve my destiny, it's only logical that I mentor her in the same magics Frigga taught me, making her my equal. Together, we'll take the throne of Asgard and rule as King and Queen of all the Nine Realms! It all makes perfect sense now. I moved against Odin too soon — I was too hasty. I need her by my side first in order to be victorious, and I will have her, no matter what it takes.

The sound of rocks falling caused Loki to spin around and look for danger. After a moment, a strange creature emerged from the shadows. It had blue skin, a blue robe, yellow eyes, six fingers on each hand, and an incredibly nasty set of teeth.

"Greetings, princeling," the creature whispered. "My master would speak with you."

"And why would I want to speak with your master?" Loki asked, trying to maintain a haughty demeanor.

The creature hissed in anger. "All that you desire could be yours, princeling, if you but agree to aid my master in his quest."

"All that I desire?" Loki mused. "That's a tempting offer, though I warn you that I desire much. Very well, I shall consent to meet with this master of yours."

The creature hissed again, this time in what sounded like a combination of pleasure and amusement, causing Loki to smile.

It would be his last genuine smile for a long, long time.

S.H.I.E.L.D. Office, New York City. Mid-December, 2009.

Hermione was uncharacteristically speechless as she looked at the door which Nick Fury had just showed her. Emblazoned on it were words she hadn't expected to see for quite a while yet:

Hermione Granger, Director


Wizardry, Alchemy, and Necromancy Department

"But... I thought that this wouldn't happen for several months, at least!" Hermione protested. "And I thought you weren't anywhere close to revealing the existence of magic to the rank and file S.H.I.E.L.D. agents!"

"All true, Director Granger," Fury acknowledged as he opened the door and ushered her into her new office — an office which was only half office, with the rest of the space devoted to high-tech research equipment.

"My own lab, too?" Hermione practically squeaked.

"Oh, I know what the ladies like," Fury said, and if she hadn't known better she'd have thought he was trying to hit on her. Though she had to admit, giving her her own research lab meant that he was doing a better job than most guys she'd met over the years. If he included a library, too, then Iris might actually have some competition...

"So, why the radical change?" she asked as she walked around, drinking it all in.

"Events in New Mexico have forced my hand," Fury answered as he sat heavily in a chair on the visitor's side of the desk. "They revealed that the potential threat from alien races is much greater than we ever imagined. They also revealed that the use of magic might make the difference between survival and disaster."

"But I didn't..." Hermione argued, only for Fury to hold up his hand to stay her objections.

"I know, you weren't the one who defeated the alien threat," he said. "But all the reports make it clear that you accomplished quite a bit, and that was despite having neither the training nor the raw power of Agent Potter. That gives me a lot of hope for the future, but it also means that I need to advance my plans sooner than expected."

"Like W.A.N.D.?" Hermione asked.

Fury nodded. "Like W.A.N.D. With the opening of this department, we're announcing the existence of magic, if only to those within S.H.I.E.L.D. The Statute of Secrecy permits us to notify select muggles of the existence of magic when authorized government officials deem it necessary. I got myself authorized a few months ago, and as of right now, I deem it necessary."

Hermione went to take a seat then paused awkwardly, eyeing the director's chair but not sure she was comfortable using it. She glanced toward the visitor's chair beside Fury.

"Go on, take it," he said, nodding at the executive seat. "It's yours."

Slowly, tentatively, she sat down in the high-backed leather chair, both arms on the armrests as if trying them out for size. Settling in, she gave it a quick rock, then smiled her approval and got back to business.

"What else?" she asked bluntly. "There's more you're not telling me."

Fury's lips twitched as he pulled a folder out from his jacket and passed it across her new desk. Holding it up, she read the front cover:


"Avengers?" Hermione asked as she opened the folder to see a collection of dossiers, including Iris' and her own.

"The Avengers Initiative is a program I've been working on for a while now. I want to bring together a team of diverse and extraordinary individuals to serve as a specialized, rapid response force to counter major threats that our regular forces can't handle. I want a team of individuals who are not just extraordinary on their own, but who will become something even greater by working together. Iris already knows about this and was on the short list to be invited even before she started using serious magic again. I began considering adding you to the list shortly after you and Iris reconnected."

"So you had this in mind for me even last year, back when you first talked to me about joining S.H.I.E.L.D.?" Hermione asked, her eyes flicking back and forth as she skimmed the information in the folder.

"I told you, I've been working on this for a while," Fury answered. "Just so you know, stepping up to serve as director of W.A.N.D. has nothing to do with the Avengers Initiative. You can move forward with the former while declining the latter."

"But I'm sure that some of the things I'll deal with in W.A.N.D. will intersect with what the Avengers will end up facing." Hermione pointed out, and Fury nodded. "And I doubt that Iris will decline joining, which would be a problem if I'm not around to help her."

"That's possible," Fury agreed.

Hermione sighed and set the folder on the desk before looking around the large office — an office that now seemed filled with work that needed to be done. "You're putting a lot of responsibility on me all at once here," she said, trying to delay a decision she knew could only be made one way.

"That's true, and I wish I could apologize, but I can't," Fury said as he stood and took back the file before moving towards the door. "You should see my in box someday. This is the price of sitting near the top of an organization with so many global responsibilities." He paused after he opened the door and looked back at her. "But I only choose the best people to serve at this level — people whom I trust to stand by my side and shoulder that responsibility with me."

Hermione remained silent until long after the click of the door closing, pondering how busy her life was about to get and wondering if she'd ever have time to take a vacation and visit home again. She then looked at her watch and noted how late it was getting.

I need to get home and change for my date with Iris, she thought as she stood and exited the office. For some reason, she wanted to wait until she was healthy again before we did this, and I'm determined to ensure that it's perfect. The first one I screwed up. The second one was interrupted by Coulson. The third will be the charm — even if I have to cast the bloody charms myself!

London, Great Britain. Late December, 2009.

The young man with red hair was almost unnaturally still as he sat at the dirty table in the even dirtier pub and frowned as he stared at his drink, a drink he had yet to touch. "I'm not sure this is right," he said slowly. "I... I've been getting more and more uncomfortable with what you've been asking me to do."

"Uncomfortable?" the non-descript man sitting opposite the first asked.

"It's... it's... I don't understand. Is it necessary?"

"The world needs order."

"Well, sure, I get that. Order is necessary. But are we going about it the right way?"

"Once order is achieved, no one will worry much about how we got there," the man answered. "All they'll care about is that they're kept safe."

"Safe?" the redhead asked.

"Yes, safe. That's what you want, isn't it? Why you agreed to work with us? You want safety for your world. Safety for your family. Safety that could have protected those family members who have been lost."

"Safety," the redhead said slowly, obviously struggling with the word.

"And it's why we're willing to work with you," the other man continued gently. "You're in such an important position in your community. You see and hear so much, you can help us bring order and safety to everyone."

"Maybe... I guess... I... I don't know."

"Maybe we should go back to the beginning," the other man said after a moment.

"Th-the beginning?"

"Yes, it's a good place to start," the man said as he leaned closer. "Once you surrender, you will find meaning. Once you surrender, you will find release. Take a deep breath... now slowly let it out. That's it. Calm your mind. You already know what is best. What is best is that you comply. Compliance will be rewarded. Compliance will lead us to victory. Are you ready to comply?"

"Yes," the redhead said softly. "I will comply."

The other man smiled broadly now. "Hail Hydra."