Disclaimer: I donot own Harry Potter

The Return

Harry had spent the last 5 years of his life on the island, in relative solitude and isolation. He thought he was prepared for it, he thought he could handle it, process it, and handle it. He was dreadfully wrong hundreds of people surrounded him as he walked the halls of hogwarts, all vying for his attention wanting to get a glimpse of the lost that was now found, the man who single handedly took down 11 of the 12 giants besieging Hogwarts. This had the effect of setting him on edge, he was used to people trying to kill him, and the fact that so many were near had him in hyperdrive, because you could never be too vigilant he thought to himself. However there was the faces he thought he might never see again calming him down… Hermione, Ron, Fred, George, Mr and Mrs Weasley, this list goes on, they were scarred, battle worn, but the looks on their faces were joyous as they walked beside him.

"Tonks, Fillius, Remus, Kingsley… Report," A voice from a magical looking device on the hips of the mentioned people echoed four times over.

"Giants neutralized, however we have a surprise General Black," Fillius reported efficiently.

"So noted, over and out,"

"Sirius?" Harry uttered softly and with an almost wistful look on his face.

"Yes, Harry a lot has happened since you departed, we will need to debrief you, it's good to see your face again son," Arthur Weasley said from his left where he was currently situated.

"It's good to see you again as well Mr. Weasley, all of you, the thought of all of you in these last five years got me by," Harry responded.

"Where were you Harry, we looked, but could never find you," Hermione said almost tearfully.

"I only want to tell the story once Hermione, so we will wait until we have all of the relevant people available, the current people leading the war, as i'm guessing Dumbledore is dead," Harry continued, and looked at their shocked faces with seriousness, grief, and a hundred more emotions said " It wasn't hard to guess, he was the leader of light, and by the giant's outside you are currently fighting a war, he was a great wizard, but if this is Voldemort as I suspect then he was the first target, not only that, but Dumbledore was a very peaceful man, he wouldn't have militarized Hogwarts no matter how essential it may be. Now as I was saying whoever is currently leading the war, old friends, and people I feel may need to know are the people I will tell, if it's needed to be told again at a later date then I will write it down, or provide a copy through magical means if their is any,"

"Sirius will be glad to see you Harry, he out of all of us never stopped looking, he continues to look even today when he can," Remus informed him "He never believed you were dead as you disappeared before Voldemort, and he did not believe something as mundane as water or lightning could finish you, because you have always been resourceful,"

"You, know about the boat,"

"Yes Harry, that is as far as we could track you, we didn't stop our efforts until Voldemort returned a year after your disappearance," A women with hot pink hair said from his right.

"Your disappearance changed Padfoot Harry, it made Sirius become more serious," Remus said.

"Regardless of how he changed I will be overjoyed to see him again as well," Harry countered, then continued with "How come you never sent a letter, the magic in owls should have been able to find me"

Remus looked surprised, " We did Harry we sent dozens if not hundreds to you,"

"The place I was at was an unnatural place a place where I could feel dark, foreign magic around me, ancient, and black magic as I learned when I began truly perceiving it in the air, in the soil, and even in the creatures, this must be why owls never found me," Harry said still deep in thought.

"Harry this place sounds horrible," Hermione exclaimed

"It was Hermione it really was,"

With that they reached their destination, the stone gargoyle in front of the old headmaster's office they ascended the stairs and when they reached the doors they knocked three times, from the other side came a never forgotten voice, the voice of many dreams, dreams of hope, and the future.

"Come in,"

Review and Im looking for suggestions


Harry/Reviewers Choice



Harry/No one

Vote decide if he should be in a ship, and with who he should be in a ship with while i dont like Harry/Hermione ships usually I will even write that if you guys want

Other things to decide

Light/Dark Draco

Light/Dark Snape

Light/Dark Narcissa Malfoy

Anything you suggest I will take into consideration and may incorporate it