Chapter 1: Rise

This is the story of a summoner and her journey, almost 100 years before High Summoner Braska defeated the entity known as Sin, just after High summoner Yocan.

Today is the day, I have received my final aeon and I will fight Sin. We decided, my guardians and I…to do what others before me have done; wait patiently in the Calm Lands and for Sin and then perform the final summoning. If you are reading this, then I guess…Sin is gone; and most likely by my aeon, I am too. If you are a summoner, then perhaps my story documented within these pages may assist you in defeating the next Sin that will be born after this one. If you are an Al bhed or a guardian, please understand why we summoners do what we do. We rather keep you safe from Sin and you can live without fear, even if it is for a little while. We made our choice and we know what we are getting ourselves into; listen to my story. I will start from when I began this journey.

I am Summoner Vida: from the ice lands of Macalania. My brother, Caleb and I are very skilled mages. My brother was once a crusader, he protected all of Spira using his magic. While he was gone I was an apprentice summoner; training hard, fighting fiends that lurked just beyond the Temple of Macalania, with the help of my friend and first guardian Senritsu. I thought of the last summoner that defeated Sin, High Summoner Yocan, and how she was a crusader much like my brother; I wanted to make her and the other's proud and make the people of Spira live without fear. After a year and a half worth of training, Senritsu journeyed with me to the Cloister of Trials in the Macalania temple so that I may pray to the Fayth and become a summoner. Wearing high heeled shoes while moving on a slippery frozen floor was quite the challenge in these trials but I pulled through with Senritsu's help. We formed that ice bridge to get out of the trials once my task was complete. Once we made it to the Chamber of the Fayth, Senritsu waited outside the chamber for I was the only one allowed in there. Feeling scared and nervous, I entered the chamber and I heard that divine hymn. I was amazed that a statue of a living body can sing so beautifully; that angelic soprano voice that makes you feel weightless when you close your eyes.

I kneeled down in front of the Fayth, removed my mage cap and did the Yevon prayer. I hope that she thinks I am worthy, that was going through my mind right before praying. I put my heart and soul into those prayers. With a flash of light, the Fayth appeared before me. I was a woman in robes; she stood up and faced me. I didn't want to open my eyes when she looked at me.

"You seek my aid?" The Fayth asked me.

"I do." I said looking down. "I wish to become strong and train as a fully-fledged summoner so that I may defeat Sin." I meant that with all my heart.

"Why do you not look at me, summoner?"

"I don't know if I be worthy of your grace." I answered honestly. I had trained so hard and preparing for this moment and I did not know if I was truly ready.

"It is alright." The Fayth said. "Face me summoner" I looked up at her face; a face that even in death was a glowing, radiant beauty. "I will bestow you with my power. The queen of ice. Use my power to destroy sin."

A rush of energy filled my body which made me gasp. I was so light headed and my body was limp that I fell to the floor of that chamber. Right before I lost consciousness, I whispered one thing: Shiva.