Disclaimer: Rick and Morty is own by Adult Swim and Total Drama own by Teletoon. This story for fun.

Chapter 1: Making Friends

Morty scrubbed at his heavy eyes, trying to rub the tiredness from them. His head was finally clearing of the mega-seed induced fog he'd been stuck in. Morty's memory of the whole ordeal was still a bit scattered, but he knew he had definitely been out of it for a while. One glance at his phone let him know he had, of course, missed a few more days of school after his last adventure with Grandpa Rick. Morty groaned in frustration and tossed his phone down his bed. He knew it wasn't good that he'd missed so much of the semester, but Rick was pretty good at convincing Morty to tag along anyway.

He groggily rolled over and glanced at his clock. Shit! Speaking of school, he was going to miss another day if he stayed in bed like this. There was still thirty minutes before he had to leave which meant he had time for a quick shower and a bite to eat. Stumbling out of bed, Morty grabbed a pair of rumpled jeans and a t-shirt from his closet and rushed over to the bathroom. Morty could hear Summer talking to his mom downstairs, which meant the bathroom would be free.

He rushed through his shower and made it downstairs just in time for breakfast. Tossing his backpack over the back of his chair, Morty sat down and shoveled some eggs into his mouth. Across the table, Summer made a face and tapped away on her phone, no doubt complaining about her brother to her friends. If Morty didn't have a mouth full of eggs, he would have commented. He could hear his mom and dad talking in the kitchen, and Rick's voice was mysteriously absent. Morty just assumed he must have been out in the garage, or perhaps off planet again. He tried not to think too much about it, more concerned about the upcoming day.

School had always been a very stressful ordeal for him, especially when it came to talking to the other kids and making friends, and it had only gotten harder since he'd been missing days. Morty knew he had been gone for most of the semester by now, but he was determined to keep up with everyone else and try to live a normal life, just like every other kid his age.

There was no way his grandpa would be his only friend after so many years in this place, but as he got closer and closer to walking through the large swinging glass doors of his high school, the more nervous he became. What if there was a reason Rick was his only friend? What if the other kids all secretly disliked him?

His sister broke apart from him immediately, walking over to join a few of her other friends. Morty briefly thought about how he wished he could be like his sister, confident and surrounded by friends, but he quickly shoved those thoughts to the back of his mind. He was not about to let himself feel jealous over his sister.

Mood officially dampened, Morty shuffled down the hall to his locker. He was too busy thumbing through his textbooks and folders that he almost missed the girl walking up to him. Her brightly colored clothes caught his attention, and Morty had to think for a second to remember her name. He'd seen this girl in his chemistry class, recognizing the pigtails and impossibly cheery visage. What was her name? Kelly? Katy? Kitty? Kitty!

"Hey Morty! How have you been?" The smile never left Kitty's face, and she bounced back and forth on her heels while waiting for a reply.

"O-oh, I've been fine! Uh, just a bit sick, y'know?" He stuttered. While technically not completely false, he did feel a bit guilty for lying to Kitty. She seemed really nice, but he didn't think she'd believe him if he told her where he'd actually been.

"Totally! I'm glad you're feeling better now, and I'm sure everyone else will be glad you're back!" Morty wondered who 'they' were, but before he could ask Kitty was talking again. "I was just wondering, since we're both in the same chemistry class, if you could help me out a bit? You've been gone for, like, most of the semester, but you're still almost at the top of the class! Would it be okay if you helped me out a bit? Maybe we could meet up after school to study together or something? I hope it's not too much to ask, and I could totally help you out with your math homework! Only if it's alright with you, of course." Kitty's cheeks turned pink. Morty couldn't tell if she was embarrassed about asking for help or if she was just feeling a bit warmer. He hoped that whatever it was, she was alright.

"Y-yeah, okay. That'd be great!" Kitty clapped her hands together, and her smile seemed to get even brighter.

"I'll see you in class later then. Bye Morty, and thanks!" Just like that, in a blur of color and pigtails, Kitty was off down the hall again. Morty could feel his cheeks getting warm, and he quickly looked around to make sure no one had seen him blushing like a dork, especially his older sister. He just knew the teasing would never end!

The sharp ringing of the bells let Morty know that the first class of the day was just about to begin.

"Aw geez, I'm gonna be late." he muttered to himself. Quickly grabbing his books, Morty took off down the hall. He let out a sigh of relief when he made it through the door before the teacher, taking a seat as far back in the classroom as possible. He knew he should be doing some actual studying in a class called study hall, but he'd always had trouble focusing in classes that were, well, boring. Sure, his algebra grades could be better, and there was a big test coming up, but Morty would rather spend the period doing just about anything else.

The teacher walked into the room, tossing a stack of papers on to his desk before reading off the names on the roster. Morty muttered a quiet "here", seemingly surprising the teacher and a few of the other students. Exactly how many days of school had he missed?

Tucking away all of his textbooks, except Algebra, Morty decided he'd at least attempt studying. He pulled out a few pages of loose-leaf as well, trying his best to work out the problems. About ten minutes passed before he lost interest, begrudgingly closing his textbook and returning it to his bag. There'd just been so much on his mind recently; who could think of algebra when he'd been to different planets! He'd seen so many cool and interesting things in the past few months, math just seemed too boring in comparison.

Morty tapped his pencil against his desk for a few minutes, but he was forced to stop when a few students around him began to quietly complain. Not wanting to draw any more attention to himself, Morty instead decided to focus on the papers lying on the desk in front of him. Maybe he could get away with a bit of doodling? The teacher would only think he was copying some notes or doing homework, and besides, it was only a study hall.

Tossing his concerns aside, Morty began doodling in the margins of his papers. At first it was just a few stick figures, but after fifteen long minutes of listening to the clock tick and students sniffling, his mind turned once again to his adventures with Rick. He'd seen plenty of different creatures and plant life, so with the memories fresh in his mind, Morty began doodling some of the aliens. He may not be good at math, but Morty was impressed with his artwork, which, for a fourteen year old, he thought looked pretty good!

Morty got so wrapped up in his drawing, he didn't notice the attention he was drawing to himself from the nearby students. A few of them made faces at the bizarre drawings, but one of them, "a lanky teen", looked incredibly taken with them. "The lanky teen" tried to crane his neck to get a better look over Morty's shoulder, pushing his glasses up the bridge of his nose.

Morty almost jumped out of his seat when somebody poked his back. He looked over his shoulder to see who was poking him, but when he saw who it was, he was a bit confused. Morty had seen this kid around the school before, but he was a year ahead of Morty, so the two had never really talked much before. He knew Harold was his name, he's heard it whenever the teacher took role, but how did he know Morty? Morty had never really made friends with any of the other kids while growing up, preferring instead to fade into the background and keep a low profile. If the difference in age hadn't been a barrier, surely Morty's shy personality would have been?

Harold mouthed something to Morty, a grin plastered on his stubbly face. Morty raised an inquisitive eyebrow, not quite understanding what was going on. When Harold nodded his head down at Morty's desk, he flushed in embarrassment. He didn't know anyone was watching him draw!

"Dude, those drawings look awesome!" Harold stage whispered. Morty was so surprised someone was actually talking to him, let alone an older, probably cooler, student, that he forgot his previous worries about being caught goofing off in another class, especially a class the school had intentionally placed him in to help him catch up on missed work.

"T-thanks" Morty whispered back.

"Can I see them?" Harold eagerly held out his hands, and Morty tried his best to discreetly pass them back after taking a quick pass at the front of the classroom. He briefly met the eyes of another student across the room, and she quickly narrowed her eyes at his antics. Morty briefly wondered what her problem was before turning his attention back to Harold. He seemed to be very focused on Morty's drawings, and just like that Morty's nerves were immediately back. He tried to find something else to focus on, and settled for twiddling his thumbs.

A few moments later there was another tap on his shoulder.

"You have got to tell me more about these!" Harold's excited whisper came out a bit louder than intended, but the teacher seemed too engrossed in grading his stack of papers at this point to notice. Of course, the moment Harold handed the papers back to Morty was the moment he decided to look up and check on his students.

"Morty!" This time Morty did jump out of seat a bit, attention immediately at the front of the classroom. "This is a Study Hall, not free time to socialize with your friends! Please take out something to work on, and I had better not catch you two messing around again."

Morty and Harold quietly muttered "yes sir" before turning back to their desks. Morty was absolutely mortified about being called out like that! The other students only stared back at him for a moment before turning away, but to Morty it felt like forever. As soon as the bell had rung, signaling the end of class, he had practically bolted from his desk, but he was barely through the door when somebody grabbed his arm. Morty almost thought it would be the teacher trying to pull him aside for a lecture, or maybe to ask if he was alright after being out so many days, but when Morty turned around he saw that it was just Harold again.

"Where have you been all semester, man, I've barely seen you around in class?" Morty noted the legitimate concern in Harold's voice and tried his best to come up with a convincing reason.

"Oh, you know. I've just been, uh, sick?" Wow. What a terrible excuse! Harold raised a brow, but after a moment of pause, he nodded.

"You sure you haven't been skipping out to go to some fancy art school? Your drawings are really great, where'd you get the idea for all of those little alien guys?" Morty laughed at the joke and gave a polite 'thank you'. "Seriously, what's your secret?"

"I-I guess I've just got a, uh, great imagination!" he covered. If only he could just tell the truth! Travelling through space and time was a guaranteed way to make him at least a little bit cooler, right?

"You wanna hang out at lunch later? I've got a couple of friends who would love to see these, and we definitely need to do some catching up." Morty would have said no, but the eager look on Harold's face and the chance to make new friends was just too convincing.

"Yeah, that sounds like fun! I'll see you then?"

"Absolutely!" With a clap on the back, Harold took off to his next class. Morty lingered for a while longer in the hallway, still shocked that he had actually been invited to hang out with somebody at lunch. Somebody-s, by the sound of it! Morty walked to his next class in a haze. This was his chance to make new friends, something he'd been craving, and dreading, forever! He didn't know if he should feel nervous, excited, or maybe a bit of both?

The nerves only built as his next few classes passed. What if the other kids didn't like him? Or what if Harold just invited him to their table out of pity? Morty knew he had no reason to feel this way since Harold had never been anything but nice to him, but he couldn't help feeling stressed about the situation. Before heading to the cafeteria, Morty took a quick moment to head to the bathroom and pull himself together. He splashed a bit of water on his face to clear his thoughts and reminded himself that no matter what happened, it couldn't possibly be any worse than the last few months with Rick. Rick was a bit of a jerk, and no amount of verbal humiliation from Harold or his friends could possibly be worse than shoving some mega seeds up his… well.

Morty took one last deep breath before pushing open the cafeteria doors. The onslaught of noise was almost deafening, and it was difficult to spot Harold amongst the crowd. He eventually spotted a familiar head of red hair and made his way over to the table. As soon as he was close enough, Harold was out of his seat and jogging over to Morty.

"This way, Morty! I gotta introduce you to my friends," Harold guided Morty over to his table and to a free seat beside him. The other kids at the table all turned to look at who Harold had brought with him, clearly happy to meet one of his new friends. So far so good, Morty thought to himself.

"This is Noah. He can be a bit sarcastic sometimes, but don't worry, he's usually a pretty great guy." Harold pointed across the table to a brunette kid slouched over in his seat and taking a bite out of an apple. Noah looked up from his lunch and gave a little flop of his hand which Morty suspected might have been a wave. Morty didn't really know what to make of that, so he awkwardly waved back. If Harold said he was a great guy, Morty would trust his opinion.

"This guy over here is Cody! If you ever have a tech problem, he's your guy." Another brunette boy, this one shoving some peas across his tray. Cody smiled and held his hand out to Morty, which he eagerly took hold of. "PS, never take his advice when it comes to girls. His pickup lines? Terrible!"

"Hey man, my pick-up lines are solid. You just don't have the same manly charms as I do," Cody flexed his arms, trying to show off non-existent muscles. The other kids at the table laughed before Harold went back to introducing everyone else.

"That over there is Sam. He loves video games, especially MMORPGs! I bet he could make a few recommendations if you like?" Harold motioned to another redheaded boy sitting next to Cody.

"U-uh, yeah sure, that'd be cool!" Morty heard Sam let out a little happy *nice* before pumping his fist in the air. There were so many people, and Harold hadn't even finished introducing them all!

"That right there is Dawn. She's super helpful and great with animals." Morty looked over at the mysterious blonde, but she was just giving him an odd look.

After squinting at Morty for a few seconds she jumped in her seat, "We are going to be great friends; I can see it now!" Morty was at first confused, but when Dawn started going on about the color of his aura, he thought he understood a bit better. He'd seen aliens and other dimensions; a girl who could read his future seemed perfectly normal in comparison.

"And we can't forget Zoey! She's friends with everybody around here. We're just lucky she likes to hang out with us nerds." Zoey giggled and playfully punched Harold in the arm. The redhead had the biggest smile on her face as she and Harold playfully swung at one another. Morty knew if he could connect with anybody at this table, it would be her, he just knew it. Zoey just seemed so bubbly and happy!

"Alright now, everybody, this here is Morty!" Harold finally introduced his new friend. Morty fought the instinct to shrink down in his seat and instead nervously returned everyone's wave.

"How did you meet this kid? Isn't he, like, 12?" Noah asked, nonchalantly flipping out his phone.

"He's not 12 Noah, and we met in Study Hall. The guy's actually pretty cool," Harold quickly turned to Morty, re-adjusting his glasses, "You gotta show them your drawings, bud."

"O-oh, okay!" Morty dug into his backpack and pulled out a few pages of his doodles. He quietly passed them around the table to everyone, incredibly nervous about what a gang of upperclassmen would think of his drawings. They all seemed like cool kids, and he didn't want them to think he was just some lame kid.

Seeing his face, Zoey reached an arm over and placed it on his shoulder.

"No need to be nervous, Morty. These are great!"

"Yeah, kid, you've got some real talent." Noah complimented. At least Morty thought it was a compliment. Harold did say he could be sarcastic…

"Dude, these are way more awesome than anything I've ever drawn! Are you into space stuff, like aliens and all? I've got a few games with that stuff that I think you'd love to play! What console do you play?" Sam leaned across the table, studying some of the doodles his other friends were holding.

"T-thanks, and I, um, I don't really play many video games to be honest, but I do have an old PlayStation lying around somewhere." To be honest, Morty had no time after school to play any videogames, but he didn't really want to let Sam down and admit that he actually didn't game much at all.

"A bit old-school, but I should still be able to recommend some good ones."

"Oh Sam, leave him be! You've got a serious addiction, my friend." Cody shook his head forlornly at the other teen.

"These ones are really pretty, what are they?" Dawn asked, holding out some doodles of some of the flora Morty had seen. Morty was suddenly very glad he hadn't been unconsciously doodling Mega trees. He didn't know if he'd ever be able to live it down!

"JO-oh, uh, just some plants, I guess. I'm not really sure what any of this stuff is? It sorta just comes to me most of the time."

"Wow. That's amazing. Can you draw other flowers, or are these alien plants all you like to draw?" Dawn asked.

"N-no, I could probably draw other stuff i-if I wanted." Morty wondered if she as maybe going to ask him to draw something, but Dawn just nodded and went back to looking at his drawings. Morty wondered what it was she was so intent on studying. He didn't think they were that great, but apparently everyone else thought differently. Secretly, he was glad for the ego stroke. It was a much needed feeling after recovering from the last few days.

"So, Zoey, how did your Physics exam go?" Morty heard Noah asking the redhead. He was relieved when the conversation drifted to other topics, and he occasionally chimed in when he felt comfortable enough to do so. He was grateful they weren't trying to force him to join the conversation and that they were instead letting him join at his own pace. It was just so much less nerve-wracking this way, and Morty was again touched by how kind Harold and his friends were. Nobody had ever put this much effort into befriending Morty before, and he was still a bit dazed thinking about it.

The light conversation continued like this for the rest of the lunch period. At one point, Morty had even been given a cookie from Dawn, who had kindly shared her homemade snacks with the rest of the table. He'd also been given a scrap of paper with some hastily written game suggestions from Sam, with a promise that he would definitely love them. Before parting ways, Harold had given Morty his cell number so that the two could text out of school.

"Just so long as you feel up to it, alright buddy?" Morty nodded and waved goodbye to all of his new friends, taking off and heading to his locker to swap textbooks. He was feeling much better about his day after lunch with Harold and the crew, like nothing could possibly bring his mood down. Morty hadn't felt like this in a while, and he was glad for the change.

Chemistry was his next class, and he wasn't worried at all. Chemistry was the one course he was really good at, something, he suspected, he might have picked up by listening to all of Rick's slurred speeches about his experiments. Whatever it was, he had a knack for the subject. This was also his only class with Kitty, the girl that was at his locker earlier that day. Morty blushed at the memory.

He only barely managed to school his features before arriving at class, quietly slipping into his usual seat in the back of the classroom. Kitty arrived shortly after, and when she saw Morty she made a beeline to the other boy.

"Hey, Morty! Is it okay if I sit here today? The seat I usually sit in has been taken by someone else." Kitty's cheeks turned pink and she shuffled back and forth. Morty choked on his own words and barely managed a nod. All signs of nerves were immediately gone from Kitty, and her cheerful smile was back. "Thanks!"

The experiment for the day involved mixing different chemicals to observe any physical reactions, something Morty really enjoyed. It was made only better when he and Kitty were designated lab partners; a fact she seemed happy about as well.

"Wow, Morty, you're really good at this stuff!" Kitty exclaimed halfway through the experiment.

"T-thanks." Morty blushed at the compliment.

"You have got to show me how you do it sometime! I'm just so bad at remembering all of this stuff, especially on top of all my other coursework." Kitty puffed her cheeks out in irritation, quickly jotting a few notes about the color of the compound.

"I'm sure you're not that bad," Morty insisted.

"I know, but I've got a lot to live up to, y'know? My older sister was just so good at all of this stuff, especially the sciences, but I've always just been more of a people-person!" Morty could understand the feeling of living under the shadow of an older sibling, but he thought Kitty was pretty good at this stuff and was just selling herself short. He wished he knew how to help her, or that he had some better advice, but Morty had never really been very good with this kind of thing.

"I can help you with at least one of those things!" Kitty laughed even though Morty thought it was a pretty lame attempt at a joke.

"Thank you so much, Morty, really. It means a lot to me that you're willing to help me out." She looked down at the mix of colorful tubes sitting on their desktop, a stray strand of hair falling down in her face. Aw geez. Morty knew this feeling. He had felt once before for another girl, but Kitty was actually talking to him! Maybe she was feeling it too? Morty tried not to get his hopes up too soon. Baby steps, Morty, baby steps.

"When did you want to meet up to study? I have a study hall 3rd period if you're free?"

"I don't have any free periods this year. What about after school? We could meet up at the library or, oh! I know! There's this new coffee place that opened up just down the street. I'll bring my math notes and you can bring your chemistry notes? We can get coffee or donuts while we study, too! It'll be loads of fun." Morty thought that sounded sorta like a date, but what did he know about dates? It would be, in Kitty's words, loads of fun regardless.

"That sounds great! How's 4 work for you? That'll give me time to run home and drop off my other stuff."

"It's a date then! I'll bring some extra cash for some donuts, 'k?" Morty blushed and nodded. Kitty smiled and turned back to the notes sitting in front of them. Morty had a hard time focusing on the experiment from that time on, but He tried his best to pay attention for Kitty. The two talked about what they'd been doing since the semester started (most of which Morty had to leave out) and about some things they'd seen on TV. Kitty was aghast to hear that Morty hadn't been to a movie theatre in ages, and she promised to take him as soon as she could. By the time class ended, Morty and Kitty had exchanged cell numbers to text after school.

The rest of the day passed by in a blur for Morty. He couldn't believe how many people were talking to him now, and they were all just so friendly! He thought of Harold and his crew as his friends now, and Kitty, too! Maybe this school year wasn't going to be as bad as he thought.

Closing his locker, Morty got ready to head home. Usually he'd catch a ride with Summer or his dad, but he felt more like walking home today, as it gave him some much needed peace to think. When he told his sister of his plans, she only rolled her eyes.

"Whatever you want, Morty. Just don't complain to me if you're home late!" Morty promised he'd get home on time. It wasn't like they lived that far away anyway, and besides, he had someplace important to be tonight!

Turning down another hallway, Morty almost bumped into another student. The other kid was storming down the hall, and the look on his face made Morty want to turn tail and run the other way. The kid had to have been an upperclassmen because there was no way such a scary looking guy was only a freshman or sophomore! Morty peeked around the corner to see which unlucky sole was going to be at the other end of his wrath, but he was shocked to see only Harold standing in the hallway. Harold saw the other kid coming and immediately pressed himself back against the lockers.

"Duncan! C'mon man, what d'you want this time?" The scary kid, Duncan, snarled and punched his fist into the locker next to Harold's shoulder.

"Where are your little dweeb friends now, huh?" Duncan crooned. Morty felt anger bubbling up in his stomach, but he didn't know what to do! He swallowed, trying to gather every ounce of courage he had. He couldn't just let someone pick on his new friend like that!

"H-hey, l-l-leave him alone!" Morty hesitantly stepped around the corner, voice cracking on the last word. Duncan turned sharp eyes towards the new kid.

"Who the hell is this? Another one of your little lackeys?" Duncan gave Harold one last glare before stalking over to Morty. "Look at him, he's pathetic!" Duncan gave Morty's shoulder a harsh shove, sending the younger boy tripping backwards.

"Man, leave him alone! Why don't you go pick on somebody your own size, Duncan!" Harold ran up beside Morty, reaching a hand out to help steady him.

"Whatever. I'll see you around, losers!" Duncan shoved himself between the two boys and headed off down another hallway.

"Are you okay, Morty? I'm really sorry about that, Duncan's just some jerk from my class."

"Y-yeah, I'm fine, thanks. And you?" Morty tried not to show just how shocked he was about the whole ordeal. He just wished he'd have thought of something better to say, or maybe something a little more badass.

"Yeah, thanks to you!" Harold gave the dented locker a wary glance. "That's just Duncan being Duncan, but usually I have another friend or two around. I forgot one of my textbooks and had to run back and grab it. Thanks for saying something, man. I really appreciate it!"

"No problem! You alright now?"

"Yeah, I'm going to go catch up with the others. You wanna come with? We're all hanging out at Sam's tonight."

"No thanks," Morty declined. "I've got a study group tonight."

"Awesome! I'll catch up with you tomorrow then, Morty. Have fun!" Morty waved goodbye to his friend and continued his journey down the hall. The weather outside was sunny and warm, perfect for walking home in. Morty looked up the clouds, enjoying the nice view on his way home. When he arrived, Rick was passed out in the garage (or working, it was hard to tell sometimes), Summer was sitting on the kitchen counter talking to one of her friends, and his parents were nowhere to be seen. Morty was glad he could avoid everyone as he got ready for his not-date. Before leaving, he made sure to tell his grandpa he was leaving for the evening to study. Rick muttered something unintelligible, but Morty took that as an okay.

The coffee shop was easy to find, and as Kitty said, it wasn't a very far walk at all. He spotted Kitty sitting at a table in the back corner, a large box of donuts sitting on the table in front of her.

"Hi, Morty! Over here! I didn't know what kind you liked best, so I just bought a bunch of them. Whatever we don't finish I'll take home for my sister, unless you wanted to take some home, too?"

"No thanks! I don't think my family would really like them." Lies, but Kitty had spent her money on them, so she should be the one to take the leftovers. Maybe he'd sneak one home to have for breakfast the next morning. "They look delicious though!"

"I know, right? Eat as many as you'd like, I bought plenty!" Morty thought he might just have to take her up on that offer. The two sat down across one another and pulled out their notes. Eventually Morty shifted his chair closer to Kitty so that he could get a better look at her algebra notes.

"Wow, that makes way more sense then what I learned!" Morty muttered in awe.

"Really? Well, I'm glad I got to show you then. Bet you're glad, too, huh?" Kitty laughed at took a bite out of one of the doughnuts. Morty laughed with her and took a bite of his own doughnut.

"Think you're ready to take on some Chemistry?"

"Bring it, Smith!"

Morty walked Kitty through his notes, carefully explaining the different experiments they had been performing in the past few weeks. Kitty nodded as he spoke, occasionally chiming in with a few questions. When she thought she finally had a better understanding of the material, thanked Morty again for his help.

"I just wish I could have gotten to know you better in a different way, Morty. This is just all so… Boring? Do you want to hang out again sometime, as friends and not tutors? We could, like, go to a movie or go roller skating? Sitting around sipping coffee and eating doughnuts just isn't my style." Morty thought about it for a minute. While he'd love to hang out with Kitty more often, he didn't know if he could make any promises when his grandpa was dragging him off planet all of the time. He supposed he could eventually tell her the truth, just not yet.

"How about this weekend? There's a new movie coming out, and we could go see it together?" Morty barely managed to avoid stuttering when he made the suggestion. Was he being too forward? Was this weekend too soon? Aw geez. Now he was worrying again!

"Hold on, lemme just check." Kitty pulled out her phone and started tapping away. Morty took a few calming breathes and waited for her reply. When Kitty smiled up at him, Morty quickly looked away and instead focused on anything but the girl sitting next to him. "Weekend's all free, how about you come pick me up at my place at noon? We can get just get lunch at the theatre!"

"Alright, I'll be there at noon." Morty nervously returned her smile.

"Oh! Hey Morty, would it be alright if I took a picture with you before you left? Sorry, I just love taking selfies with all of my friends!" Morty felt his heart skip a beat when Kitty leaned over and wrapped an arm around his shoulders. She snapped a quick pic on her phone, and, with a promise to text him later tonight, she left. Morty looked down and realized she had left the rest of the doughnuts on the table with him. He carefully balanced the box of doughnuts in his arms with all of the Algebra notes he'd copied before heading out himself. It was already dark out? Had they really spent that whole time just studying? Morty hadn't even noticed this much time had passed, too engrossed with Kitty.

Aw geez. He'd better keep these… weird feelings to himself. Morty didn't really know who else to talk to about his maybe-crush, Kitty. Anybody in his family was just out of the question! There was no way he would ask his dad or grandpa about girls. His dad was even worse than he was with this type of thing, and Rick would probably think he was above it all! Maybe he could just talk to one of his new friends? Out of all the kids he'd met that day, Harold would probably be his best bet. He'd text Harold about it tomorrow, tonight he just wanted to lie down and go to bed already.

It'd been such a long exhausting day of socializing, but, in the end, he'd made new friends at school, and that was definitely worth it.

Author Note: This is CMR Rosa bring a new story. I come up with this idea while talking with my friend Rufus T. Serenity. We were talking about what would happen if Morty from Rick and Morty would meet some of the teens from Total Drama and which teens would Morty be most likely to be friends and enemies with and this story was born. This story is set in a alternate universe were all the Total Drama teens go to the same school and the show never happen. To keep thing simple the Rick and Morty in this story are the the same from the show, Dimension C-137 only with the Total Drama teens going to the same school as Morty. This chapter is set between the first and second episode of Rick and Morty. Some of the Rick and Morty episodes may be posted out of order to to suit the needs of this story. Finally Harod and his friend are all 15, Duncan is 16, while Kitty is 14.

This story is co write with ratchet-the-whambulanceratchet from Tumblr.