Naruto Uzumaki awoke with a start, very aware that he was not in his bedroom. For starters, the ground below him was cold, uncomfortable concrete, and the walls arounds him were hard stones. Both of his arms were tied together behind him and the darkness was almost claustrophobic in the strange conditions he had woken up in.

Immediately, he began to struggle against his bonds.

"Stop moving," ordered a voice. Naruto jumped. He had not sensed this man in the room, despite the utter quiet. This man was obviously a shinobi.

"Who are you?" Naruto demanded angrily. "What do you want with me?"

"I want nothing from you," the voice said calmly. Naruto's skin creeped with how familiar the voice was. "What I want to know is what you want in our village - imposter."

The flame in the lantern guttered to life, and Naruto's squinted at the sudden light. Through the steadily adjusting blurry vision, he could see a face with blonde spiky hair. But even when his vision cleared and he was staring straight at the face, he could do nothing but allow his mouth to gape open in shock.

There in front of him was his exact replica. Except for a few differences, this boy looked exactly like him, from the orange jump-suit to the three stripes across his cheeks. His eyes were as blue as his, except they were half closed in scrutiny. His arms were crossed tight, giving a calm yet dominant air. The only real obvious difference were the two pieces of hair either side that hung long - like his father's.

Finally, Naruto had his ability to speak again.


"You and your friends were found in a sleep like state in the Temple of Dreams."

"Friends?" Naruto mumbled. "You mean… my friends are here too?"

His look alike nodded. "Quite a few of them I might add. When counted, there were thirteen, including you. Four female and nine male."

Naruto was suddenly worried. "Where are they?" Naruto demanded. "They better be okay, ya know!"

"They're safe in a cell, all together and still fast asleep."

Naruto's jumping nerves calmed a little. And then his curiosity started to get the better of him.

"You said something about- The Temple of Dreams?"

"The Temple of Dreams has been here since the village was built. We go there to mediate, and become one with the dream energies."

"Look, my name is Naruto Uzumaki and -"

"Naruto?" he said, showing a hint of confusion. "But my name is Menma. If you wanted to be an imposter you should have at least taken my name to match my face."

"Men…ma?" Naruto said, finally showing understanding. "Are your parents Kushina Uzumaki and Minato Namikaze?" he continued excitedly.

Menma's face darkened. "Don't bring my family into your schemes, imposter. It will do you no good," he said coldly. Naruto almost shivered. This guy was more like Sasuke than himself.

"No! No!" Naruto said. "You don't understand! I've been here before! My enemy transported me into another world, a world that he'd created! I have to speak to your - our parents so that they can confirm it!"

Menma seemed to understand and nodded. "I will arrange for it," he said. "For now you can go back into the cell with your friends."


I had been awake for a while in the dank cell we were in. My natural resistance to things like this was useful at times, but whatever was up with this place was real. I had had a nasty shock when I had found my hands tied with metal chains - and my strength would do no good to break them because the deliberate pressure would more likely shatter the small bones in my wrist before breaking the actual chains.

The room was in darkness, but I could hear breathing all around me. To be honest, I was more than a little creeped out, so I used my medical ninjutsu to light up the room with a green glow.

I was more than a little shocked at what I saw and would have covered my mouth if they hadn't been tied behind me. I scowled in frustration.

Being in the corner, I could see all my friends sleeping from one side of the room to the other. I counted Ino, Hinata, Shikamaru, Choji, Shino, Kiba, Sai, Tenten, Lee, Neji and even Sasuke. "Guys?" I said, hoping to rouse one awake. I was close enough to brush Shikamaru with my foot, but I had to stretch considerably. I shuffled on my bum a couple of inches, trying not to fall over and nudged the sleeping boy with my foot. He groaned and I felt immense relief. He was okay. But when he rolled over to go back to sleep I growled and kicked him hard.

He rolled back over with a yelp and looked around in confusion.

"Where the hell are we?" he groaned, rubbing the leg that I'd kicked.

"I have no idea. Try and wake someone up."

Shikamaru moved to gently nudge Hinata and she quickly sat up in surprise. She passed on the favour and nudged Sasuke who in turn woke Choji until the entire room was awake and staring around in horror. We were quietly discussing the situation to each other and trying to think up strategies for escape. We were obviously captives somewhere for some reason, but that reason had escaped us, no matter how hard we thought.

When we'd been like this for almost an hour, we heard an all too familiar shout echo through the corridors outside.


"Naruto!" I exclaimed.

"Is he in trouble?" Hinata asked worriedly.

"It sounds like he's just getting interrogated," Shikamaru said to calm us down. We knew he was right since we hadn't heard any yelps of pain or anything like that. Was that guy even capable of feeling pain?

"It sounds like Naruto's being accused of being an imposter," Choji said, with about as much confusion as I was feeling. My head was buzzing with thoughts. Why were they interrogating Naruto in particular? Why were we being kept captive? Who was in charge of this? The thoughts just kept going in and out and I almost knocked my head against the wall to stop them.

Suddenly, the door to the jail opened and an ANBU guard dragged in a very familiar sight. There were wild shouts of "Naruto!" from all around the cell, and our good friend sat up sheepishly with a relieved grin.

"Are you guys okay?" he said, suddenly sounding serious. When it was confirmed we were all well, he turned to me.

"Sakura, remember when Madara sent us into the Genjutsu world with those weird people that looked like everyone here but were completely opposite in personality?

I was confused, but nodded.

"Somehow, we've winded up back there."