A cross between two movies, The Secret Life of Pets and Cooties (an Elijah Wood film that nobody has heard of). Enjoy.

It all started as a normal day in New York. Katie was walking her two favorite pets in the planet, Max and Duke. Max and Duke were having a discussion, though. A discussion that Katie only saw as barking. "Are you sure you don't like bones? Every dog likes bones," Max informed his roommate.

"I just don't prefer it," Duke honestly replied. "What I prefer is any kind of ball. I'm talking baseballs, tennis balls, squishy ones for dogs, the good stuff." Max agreed to that. There were many weaknesses that dogs had. Meat, peanut butter, and a good old tennis ball. Katie walked up to the door of the apartment with her companions, and opened it with the key.

She released Max and Duke from their leashes. It was usually the teenager that walked them, but Katie needed the exercise. Yet, it was happening again. Katie was leaving. "See ya, guys," she said. "Behave." She went through the door and closed it behind her. Max and Duke were officially alone.

"You know, it seems like only yesterday I got introduced to you when I moved in," Duke thought aloud. "That's because it only happened last week," Max said. "All we do now is just wait for Katie to come back." "That's what you do all the time!" Duke shouted. "Let's do something actually fun. Like, talk to your girlfriend."

Max had completely forgot that he was now dating Gidget. He decided to take Duke's advice. He went to the window and opened it. He howled at the building next to him to get her attention. Duke walked over to his food bowl as Max was doing… whatever he was doing. He gobbled up the food without even looking at the dish, just staring at Max. Little did he know, one of the pieces of food had a strange black substance in it. Duke ate that piece, and it squirt out the strange liquid-y solid substance in his mouth. Duke swallowed his food down.

Max finally saw Gidget in the window. She opened it and looked down at her boyfriend. "Hey, Max. Sorry I took so long." "It's fine, but can you tell me why it took so long?" "My owners are grooming me. They already gave me a bath, and I'm about to get my fur combed." "Oh, okay! I'll talk to you when you're done!"

Max left the window and went over to Duke. "She's getting groomed. Oh yuck! Even saying the word grosses me out!" "Max…" Duke looked sick. Very sick. "I don't feel good. I'm about to puke or something." "Well, don't puke on the floor or Katie will get mad! Go to the balcony and do it off the edge!" Max ordered. Duke did what his friend told him.

After Duke was done puking, he turned around, creepily slowly. His mouth started to foam, and his eyes looked hungry. "Hey, Duke, you okay?" Max asked. Duke didn't respond. But he was breathing weird and staring off into space, almost ignoring Max. "Duke? Hello?" Max waved his paws around in the air to get his attention. But nothing.

"Okay, go ahead and be weird or whatever. I'm just gonna watch TV, okay?" Max said. Duke still didn't say anything. His mouth was getting more foamy, and his eyes were turning a black-ish color. Max jumped on the couch and put his paw on the TV remote, turning the TV on. The channel was a shopping channel. "Man, this is boring."

Then suddenly, it wasn't boring. Duke turned to look at Max quickly. He smiled a devilish smile, his black-ish eyes wide open, foam dripping all over the floor. He ran at Max, who glanced at the running dog before leaping out of the way. Max landed on the floor. Duke started tearing at the couch cushions with his sharp teeth.

"Look at what you did to the sofa, Duke! Katie's gonna be furious and we'll both get blamed for it!" Max yelled. Duke ignored Max and kept tearing up the couch. "Hey, listen to me for a second!" He tugged on Duke's ear with his mouth to get his attention, but then it did something Max thought would never happen. It tore off.

Duke's ear came off easily without hurting Duke at all. It left a bloody mark on the side of his head. Max looked down at the ear in his mouth, then dropped it. He got wide-eyed, his mouth dropped to the floor, and his heart began to pound out of his chest. Duke growled, sounding like a tiger almost. He ran after Max again. Max screamed this time.

He ran to the door in fright. He was scared, until he had a plan. He opened the door. Duke ran through it, then Max closed it and locked it by jumping up and using his mouth. Duke turned around to face the door. He started scratching at it for a couple of seconds. Max was freaking out on the other side of the door. Duke finally gave up and ran away in the apartment building.

"What was he trying to do? Oh man, I have to warn the others before he attacks them!" Max said. He went through the window and climbed up the ladder to other windows. Chloe was sleeping on the couch next to the window. Her owner was gone. Max tapped on the glass. Chloe opened one eye, sighed, then opened the window hearing what her friend had to say.

"What's up, Max?" she asked, sounding quite annoyed. "There's something wrong with Duke! He tried to attack me and his ear-" "Woah, woah. You're telling me this way too fast," Chloe interrupted. "Just try to calm down, because I can see you're totally flipped out about something, and slowly tell me what's happening."

Max took a deep breath and closed his eyes. "Chloe, Duke tried to attack me. His ear came off." "His ear?" Now Chloe was interested. "How?" "I pulled on it." "Well of course an ear can come off if you pull it hard with your sharp teeth!" Chloe yelled. "You don't understand, Chloe! It wasn't a hard pull, it was the lightest tug I could ever do! The ear came clean off easily!"

"Alright, get the others over here and tell them, I guess." Max climbed more ladder, then told Buddy to come over and called Gidget to go to Chloe's window with them. He didn't want more people to know because he didn't want them at risk. But Buddy was a cool dog. He'd understand. As for Gidget, he didn't know why he wanted her over. He just needed comfort, he thought.

"Alright, let's see what's wrong with Duke," Buddy said. "No! He'll try to attack you guys, and I don't want anyone hurt," Max replied. Just then, Chloe's owner came through the door. The other dogs went under the window and hid. They poked their heads to the window to see what was happening. "Max, you said to come over because of Duke, but what's actually wrong?" Gidget whispered.

Chloe's owner dropped her purse. She bent over to grab it. Mel climbed up the ladder and met up with the others. "What are you guys doing here?" he whispered. The dogs looked at him. "Alright, since you're all here, I guess I can tell you. Duke tried to attack me and his ear came off!" "Wait," Buddy wondered. "How did his ear come off?" "Well, it-" "Oh, look!" Mel said. "Carnage!"

They looked through the window, to see Duke and ten other dogs with foamy mouths rip Chloe's owner open and feast on her organs. Blood and guts splattered all over the floor. The dogs outside screamed. Chloe's owner was everywhere, being eaten by carnivore dogs. Chloe looks terrified. "I'm gonna talk to the dogs!" she yelled to them.

Everyone outside was yelling "no" while banging on the glass. Chloe approached the carnivores. They all had bite or claw marks on them, all except for Duke, who was growing odd acne-looking bumps on his face. "Stop eating her!" Chloe yelled. "She's my human!" Then, the dogs looked at her. The foam was now red from the delicious human dinner they had.

She's a goner! Max thought. The carnivores gathered around Chloe. Chloe's heart was beating fast. In a quick second, they got their mouths closer to her and took a bite into her skin. She screamed in pain. Her blood sprayed on the floor. Everyone outside gasped. In her last couple of seconds of consciousness, Chloe grabbed her chest still in pain.

Then, foam started to drip from Chloe's mouth. Her eyes turned gray, soon to be almost black. All of these monsters went up to the window and scratched at the glass. The dogs outside backed away and quickly climbed down the ladder. "What just happened?!" Buddy yelled. Max couldn't answer. There was no explanation.