A/N: Hi, everyone. I know it's been a few months since I've updated this story, but there has been so much going on in my life, I just haven't felt up to writing.

In early March, one of my cousins passed away unexpectedly. She struggled for years with a Heroin addiction, but found the strength to get clean and stayed that way up until her death. She was one of my inspirations for the addiction theme in this story, so it's also made it difficult to write.

On top of that, another family member had a stroke the other day, but is doing a little better.

I will continue to write this story at some point (I even have some of the next chapter written already), but for now, I just need more time to work through things.

In the meantime, if anyone has questions about this story or any of my other ones, feel free to send me a PM, and I will reply as soon as I can.