A/N: Chapter two, here we go! I'm loving writing this. I keep getting ideas. Let me know your thoughts, and thank you so much to everyone who has followed, favorited, and reviewed so far!

Disclaimer: I don't own any recognizable content.

Thor boomed out laughter as he defeated another gym and set up one of his Pokémon in it. There were many gyms with formidable opponents that he was no where near ready for, but soon . . .

The CP 1000+ Pokémon would quake in their hide before him and his Pokémon.

Thor observed the CPs of his Pokémon with a frown. He had set his the list to organize from highest to lowest CP. He was almost level nine and his highest CP Pokémon was a 521 Pidgeot that he had evolved when he went on a grind. There were several evolved Pokémon now, but his Pikachu was the cause of his concern.

His mighty Pikachu was a measly CP 13. He dreaded to even think it, but his Pikachu was very weak compared to the others. He had heard tales that the mighty Pikachu's next form was inferior, so he gave it thought and boosted the CP as much as he could with the candy he had.

Pikachu went from CP 13 to CP 51. He was pleased with the extra power. Now, he needed to hunt down more Pikachu's to make his more powerful.

It was time to invest some serious time into this quest.

"Magikarp!" Thor shouted, lunging out of a bush towards one of the Central Park ponds. Several civilians screamed in shock.

Thor grinned at the Magikarp floating there. Using the new capabilities of Friend Stark's glasses, he held his hand and curled his hand around a fake Poké Ball and threw it. The Poké Ball sailed, going straight through a staring passerby, and hit the Magikarp.

Thor waited with bated breath as it was a CP 103. He had heard of the fearsome Gyarados that the fish-creature turned into, and he found himself wanting one. Unfortunately, he was far away from it happening, so he watched at the ball shook once . . . twice . . .

"Argh," Thor said, throwing another ball. "You will be mine and we will be the best to ever exist! We will capture gyms and our enemies will know no greater defeat than the one from our hands!"

The Magikarp stayed in the ball.

Thor nodded, pleased. "As I thought!"

Thor frowned at his phone where a list of rare Pokémon was. He scanned over the list. He would keep an eye out for them. Interestingly, there were hundreds of Pokémon that weren't in the game yet. In fact, he had heard other trainers complaining about how many of the things that should be in the game were not. Perhaps he should look into it?

Hmmm . . .

Yes, that was a good plan. Now he just had to wait until he could get some serious time to research.

Thor went onto an amusing website and typed in Pokémon GO to see what he could find. His eyes bugged when he saw a picture of himself, edited from one of their previous battles so he was in his armor. He was holding a Poké Ball. Beside it was a picture of Thor actually playing the game, from the early days before Friend Stark's glasses.

He looked at what it said. It read:

Thor, the Pokémon Go Master!

Interestingly enough, Pokémon Go has charmed even the superheroes of the world. Thor, a notable hero and an Avenger, has been seen playing the game all over New York City. It almost makes me want to move up there. It's one thing to make friends at Poké Stops, but it's another thing all-together if that person is a superhero. It makes me wonder two things: are there any supervillains playing and why doesn't Thor play in his armor? Because both would be the best thing ever.

Thor looked at it thoughtfully. The Lady Darcy had advised against it, but perhaps . . .

"Thor?" Jane sleepily asked, rolling over to look at him. "Why are you still awake?"

"My apologies, dearest Jane," he quickly said, turning his phone off and sitting it aside. "I was distracted by my quest."

Jane got a sleepily amused look on her face. "Uh huh."

She snuggled into his side, and Thor decided his quest could wait until the morning.

Thor spent some time wandering around the city, collecting items from Poké Stops. He caught many Pokémon on his way, leveling up as he went. He was once again decked out in his Pokémon trainer clothing, as was opportune.

He cheerfully waved to David, one of the reporters that had taken to following him around. David waved back.

Before he could go back to hunting for more Pokémon, another egg appeared in front of him. He beamed at it as it cracked, waiting . . .

Waiting . . .

Waiting . . .

Thor nearly threw his phone in excitement and he yanked the mighty Mjolnir out of his half-zipped backpack, thrusting the hammer into the sky, letting lightning hit down. He boomed in laughter.

"Thor! Thor!" one of the female reports called, running up to him, her camera man scuttling behind. "What's happened?"

"I," he announced, holding his phone up as evidence. "Have captured another Pikachu. With this, I will make the mighty Pikachu more powerful than before!"

The woman blinked, but still held the microphone up. "Sir, you do realize that you can only raise the power of a Pokémon so much, right? You'd be better off abandoning the original one."

Thor looked at the reporter incredulously. "You silly Midgardians would come up with something so uncouth. I would never abandon one of my own!"

In a huff, Thor stepped away from the reporters and bystanders, then swung Mjolnir, heading back to the Tower. Friend Stark needed to know about this development.

"Friend Stark!" Thor called, whirling into the man's workshop. Thankfully, he must not be in a science frenzy, since he was able to enter the workshop.

"Thor!" Tony greeted from his position playing on his phone, legs propped up. He glanced up and startled, narrowly avoiding falling to the ground. His eyes boggled. "What are you wearing, Point Break?"

Thor glanced at his clothes with a dismissive gaze. "Oh, these are my Pokémon trainer clothes. I was assured that they are necessary for the best experience."

Tony looked like Christmas might have come early. "Uh huh, I see that. So what can I do for you, Thor Ketchum?"

Thor wasn't sure what that name meant, but he decided to ignore it. "Is it true that I can't make my mighty Pikachu the most powerful?"

Tony looked confused for a split second, before he lit up. "Oh, I knew I was forgetting something! Here, I need to show you something. FRIDAY, boost up the files for PGR."

"PGR?" Thor asked as holographic files started popping up.

"Pokemon Go Rebuild," Tony told him. "The game's great and all, but it could have been so much better, so I decided to rebuild it. I've only got a skeletal base so far, but I needed someone to hunt it for bugs anyway."

Tony made gimme hands at his phone, so Thor handed it over, only slightly worried for his Pokémon.

Tony clicked away at the phone, occasionally grabbing holographic files and sitting them on the phone. Then the phone seemed to suck them in. This continued for several minutes, Tony humming the entire time before he handed the phone back over.

"There you go," Tony cheerfully said. "Now, I just need to explain. FRIDAY pull the files back up."

With the files back where they were before, Tony grabbed one, blowing it up so it was larger. "Here, so on the whole 'can't keep one Pokémon' issue, I've recoded it so that you can just level them up. Which, of course, means I had to rework how you capture Pokémon so you battle and can knock them out."

Tony gestured around him. "Which meant that I had to also recode the evolution, so now every time you level up a Pokémon, you get 'candy' for that type, and you can evolve them with that. Since the 'level' is still just CP, I decided to not do level-based evolution."

He poked at a hologram. "I also canceled out the stardust power-ups. No point when you can just level up. Then, I added more eggs. Now there's a bunch of types."

He pulled up a hologram of many eggs of different sizes and colors. "General rule is the bigger the egg, the more powerful the Pokémon out of it will be. They're color coded by type primarily, but there's still the regular ones that could be anything, and there's three metal ones – copper, silver gold – that are guarantied to be more powerful, and there's a crystal one that has a one in five chance of being a legendary."

He grinned. "Of course, that means that I've also changed the kilometers to walk and how to get eggs. The kilometers are buffed up a lot. Since you and Speedster can go so fast, I made it where on some you have to go thousands of kilometers, it just depends on the egg."

He let Thor look for a moment before continuing, "You get the eggs by exploring. The farther away from civilization you get, the more rare and powerful eggs you can get. You can get the weaker ones just about anywhere."

He spread his arms in a presenting gesture. "And yes, a minute ago I said legendaries. I've added all the legendaries, starters, and a good bit of the Pokémon from the other gens in there. It's just been hard to get them to look right. Normally, FRIDAY would do them for me, but she's having performance issues."

"I do know what that means, sir," FRIDAY cut in, voice dry. "And I don't appreciate it."

Tony waved her off. "Anyway, I'll be adding more. Oh, there's gym battles, too. I haven't entirely figured out how I'm going to do that, but the Tower's going to be one. Honestly, I added more stuff than I can even tell you about, so really you just need to explore and figure it out. Oh!"

He started digging through drawers, and pulled out two pairs of sleek sunglasses with a dark tint. He handed Thor a pair. "Here, these are an upgrade of the ones you have. They only look tinted from the outside. They have night vision settings, too. This way, there can be more visual aspects without people noticing. They shouldn't break easily and I have FRIDAY connected so you can ask her questions if you need to."

Tony looked at the other pair. "Hey, FRIDAY, tell Speedy Gonzales to get down here."

Almost a split second after that, a blue-silver blur rushed in, bringing a breeze. Thankfully, Tony didn't keep papers lying around or they would have flown off. Pietro appeared inches from Tony, looking at the sunglasses with a wide-eyed, excited look. "Is that what I think it is?"

"Yup," Tony said, passing them over. "New model. I need to update your game, too. Here, give me your phone."

Pietro passed his over, and his sunglasses were on in another blur. He ran over to the window and admired his reflection with a bright grin, then ran back over to Tony just in time to accept his phone.

"Thank you!" Pietro called, and disappeared in a blue-silver swish.

Thor looked at Tony in confusion and he shrugged. "Kid's been playing constantly. I had to update the game ages ago so he could run around without the game stopping."

"Wait," Thor slowly said. "So I haven't needed to walk around at human speed to play the game? The Lady Darcy told me I did!"

Tony looked sheepish. "Sorry, did I not tell you about that? Well, surprise! You can now. Now, shoo, young padawan. Tell FRIDAY about any bugs. I'll fix them."

Thor nodded his assent and slipped his sunglasses on, and beamed as he could already see a Pidgey flying outside. "Thank you, Friend Stark! You truly are a Pokémon master!"

"Thanks!" Tony said, a bright grin appearing. "That reminds me! FRIDAY, tell Pep to schedule me a meeting with whoever is in charge of Pokemon Go."

"Done, sir," FRIDAY said. "She's requesting a call with you now. She doesn't seem pleased."

Tony pouted, and turned to Thor. "Can't a guy even buy the rights to a game without trouble anymore?"

Thor blinked. "You are buying the game?"

"Well, duh," Tony said. "The people in charge of it aren't updating it fast enough, so I'll do it."

Thor shrugged and decided to not question it, especially if he got more Pokémon out of it.

Thor came across his first new Pokémon in the entryway of his floor. Water and electric Pokémon spawned on his floor quite often ever since Friend Stark had made the Tower multi-leveled in the game.

When he saw a green dog-looking Pokémon, he lit up and eagerly pulled out a holographic Poké Ball. The sun glasses helpfully showed its name after a second: Electrike.

Thor eagerly caught it, pleased with the new entry and the experience from it. He felt curious about how many Pokémon were now in the game, so he pulled up the Pokédex. He gaped at the number he saw there:


With wide eyes, Thor decided he must go on an adventure.

When Phil Coulson entered the common floor of Avengers Tower, he wondered why is seemed so . . . empty.

Normally, there were several Avengers around on the common floor since it had entertainment rooms and the kitchen they used for group dinners. It was were the Avengers went to socialize with each other.

After looked around, Coulson just shook his head and sat down on the couch. With one last shifty look around himself, he quickly pulled out his phone. He immediately pulled up Pokemon Go. As per usual, it took a while to actually load. When it did, he nearly dropped his Stark Phone, his eyes bulging.

"What?" he breathed, looking at his position on the screen. It showed the entire floor, and there were several normal type Pokémon around. There was also a gym he could access, as well as a Poké Stop in the kitchen. From what he could see, each floor of the Tower must show up separately.

When had this happened? he wondered in shock, numbly clicking an Eevee.

When someone jumped over the back of the couch and landed beside him, he flinched, simultaneously going for his gun and hiding his phone.

Bucky Barnes snorted at him. "You just get connected to the Tower Pokémon fields?"

Coulson looked at him, slightly shocked. "How'd you know?"

He shrugged, propping his feet up on the table in front of them, and pulled out his own phone. He started flicking through it with his flesh hand. "You were on your phone and looked like someone had answered your prayers. Wasn't hard to figure out."

"Why is the Tower set up like it, though?" Coulson asked, pulling his phone back out and looking at it in shock again.

Pale blue eyes shot to him, and then glanced back at the phone in his hand. "Stark. Apparently anyone that gets onto the residential floors and has a Stark Phone automatically gets it."

"Huh," Coulson said. "Wait, so you're playing, too? How, if you never leave the Tower?"

Bucky gave him a look that made it clear he thought the SHIELD agent was stupid. "There's Poke Stops all over the Tower, and every floor spawns different Pokémon types. I'm better off than the people wandering around outside."

Coulson thought about that for a second, and nodded. "So where is everyone, anyway?"

"Steve and Sam are in the gym, the twins are out somewhere, the three scientists are in the labs, Vision is around, Natalia and Clint are on a mission, as is Ant-Man. Spider-man's patrolling the streets, as per usual. Rhodes is in DC."

Coulson gave the assassin a long look. "You know, if you don't mind me saying, you're more talkative than usual."

Bucky rose to his feet, metal arm whirring slightly as the plates shifted. He shrugged. "Ain't got much to do all day but play the game. Might as well help you figure it out." He looked amused for a split second. "Steve thinks I'm obsessing over my files all the time on my phone. I haven't gotten around to correcting him."

Shaking his head fondly, he disappeared into the kitchen so quietly that even Coulson couldn't hear him.

Coulson turned back to his phone with a thoughtful expression.

Thor was creeping through the Amazon Rainforest. He was dressed in full rainforest gear complete with a floppy hat, as a friendly local had shown him, eagerly chatting away in Portuguese that the All-Speak had easily translated.

His sunglasses and phone still had a signal because of Stark's personal satellites that he'd given all the Avengers access to. He was looking at his phone, trying to figure out where the Litleo would be. There were several other unknown Pokémon appearing on his radar, so he trekked forward, ignoring the moist heat and the mosquitoes flying around him.

Thor looked up after a moment and caught sight of a brightly colored bird. He beamed and reached for an invisible Pokéball and waited, but a name didn't appear. He frowned.

"If I may, Prince Thor," FRIDAY suddenly injected. "That is not actually a Pokémon. It is a Scarlet Macaw, a South American bird."

"Oh," Thor said, somewhat disappointed. "I shall have to continue on, then."

With that thought in mind, he sent one last look at the Macaw, then headed forward again. Mud squelched under his feet and he looked around him again, wondering if any real beasts would attack. He was still unsure of what creatures Midgard held.

Mjolnir bumped against his thigh as he turned around a tree, and he tilted his head, hearing something faintly. It sounded like cheering.

Thor headed in the new direction, catching two new Pokémon and a small green grass type egg hatched, revealing a Caterpie. He beamed and set forward again, where the cheering was getting louder. It sounded like one man, and it actually sounded a bit familiar . . .

Thor broke into a small clearing just in time for Friend Scott, dressed in his Ant-Man costume to burst through the trees on the back of a ten-foot tall red ant.

Thor stumbled back slightly, fingers going for Mjolnir as he saw the ant, horribly reminded of a fearsome creature that lived in another realm. With the movement, Scott seemed to notice him.

"Thor?" he called happily. "What are you doing out here, man?"

"I –" Thor's voice sounded weak and his eyes never left the massive ant. He cleared his throat. "I am searching for Pokémon, Friend Scott."

"No way!" Scott said, eyes bugging. He held up a Stark Phone. "Me too! Me and Jeffrey here have been exploring!"

"I thought you were on a mission?" Thor asked, giving the ant "Jeffrey" a dubious expression. It looked back at him with beady eyes, its pincers clicking together. Thor shuddered.

"I was," Scott agreed sheepishly, not seeming to notice Thor's aversion with Jeffrey the Ant. "It was a two-week op, though, and I finished early, so I decided to explore the area while I was here. There's ants to help me everywhere."

Thor got a vivid image of thousands of ants crawling all over him and shuddered again. "That is . . . nice, Friend Scott. Have you found anything of note?"

"Oh, yeah," Scott said. "Some weird temple thing like three miles behind me. It was weird, and I didn't mess with it. The ants said it goes underground, so . . ." He shrugged.

Thor shot a thoughtful look in that direction. He was still hunting for a metallic or crystal egg . . . And he wanted to get away from Jeffrey the Ant. Immediately. It seemed he had a new destination.

"Thank you for the directions, Friend Scott."

"Hey, no problem," Scott said with a grin. "You want a ride on Jeffrey?"

Thor shuddered again. "No, I think I will walk."

Heimdall patiently waited outside the gold-wrought doors of the Throne Room for the guard to announce his presence. Seconds later, Odin was calling out, "Enter, Heimdall!"

Heimdall slipped through the doors, approaching the towering throne. Queen Frigga was standing beside the king, both giving him a curious look.

"Why have you left the Bifrost?" Odin demanded. "Has something happened to it since Thor's Midgaridan fixed it?"

"No, my King," Heimdall said. "My news relates to Prince Thor."

"What has he done now?" Odin asked, rolling his single eye. "Please tell me he hasn't tried to hunt Loki down again."

"No, my king. It is much worse," Heimdall told him grimly.

Frigga took a step forward, looking concerned. "What is wrong with my son?"

Heimdall was looking straight at Odin when he said, "Prince Thor has rediscovered Pokémon."

"What?" Odin gaped. "How? I wiped his mind when he was a child and have banned any mention of that blasted realm in Asgard! How could he possible have found it again? Did Loki –"

Heimdall shook his head. "No, my king, Loki has not gone back on his oath. The Midgardians have games about the Realm of Pokemon, and he has started obsessively playing one of them."

Odin grimly tapped Gungnir on the ground. "I don't think I need to remind either of you about how important it is that he not go back to that realm."

"Of course not, my king," Heimdall said. "May I return to my post?"

"Yes, yes," Odin said, waving him off.

Heimdall took his leave before Odin and Frigga could start discussing this recent development. Only when he was back at the Bifrost did he smile and pull out a Midgardian phone to pull up the interesting app. With his powers, he would catch them all . . .

A/N: And the plot thickens . . . Let me know if you have any ideas or opinions. I'd love to hear them!