Hey there! It's Sun Demigod here, with another chapter of the Current of the Hunt! Let's go!

I just wanna stress this point though. I really want you guys to review! This story has like, 81 followers, but you guys that see this and favorite it and follow it don't review! I'm not saying that you should review every chapter, I'm not. I'm just saying that if you could just maybe review every now and then, so you could tell what you liked about it!

If you guys don't review, I mean, I'll still update. I've still got to finish this story for my friend. But it would really mean a lot to me if you reviewed.

Chapter 6: The Calm Before the Storm


I had had stayed there for at least 3 days on the beach, staying close to Blackjack. Although the sobbing did eventually stop, I couldn't get over what it was.

It bugged me in a way that I didn't know how. I just couldn't get over it. All I knew about it was that it sounded feminine.

"Blackjack." I whispered to the pegasus, who had recovered a bit over the last few days, just not enough to fly.

"Yeah, boss?" He asked. "Whatcha up to?"

"I wanna go check out what that sobbing was. Can you handle yourself until I come back?"

Blackjack gave a short nod. "Don't worry, boss." He said. "I'll be fine."

I nodded. "Okay." I said, getting up from my spot. "I'll be back soon."

I began to walk up the beach, the black sand crunching under my feet. As I went, I began to notice crumbling ruins laying on the sand, half buried, but still forming some kind of a path. They were all in pieces, but I still could notice some kind of writing on them.

I decided to follow this path, walking past the ruins, my hand relatively close to my pocket, in case I needed Riptide.

Soon, though, I reached a part of the ruins where the path ended, all the stones forming a kind of circle. In the middle of the circle was a woman in a long black dress, with sparkles as bright as the stars, laying down on the sand.

"Hello?" I called out warily to her.

The woman jumped at my the voice, turning around quickly. "Who are you?"

"That depends." I replied. "Who are you and why have you been crying?"

She frowned. "You heard that? Anyways, you don't have to know my name right now. Just call me...Chaos. Yeah, call me Chaos." The woman smiled, pleased with the name she had made for herself.

I felt like I should've gotten away, right there and then, but I didn't sense anything wrong with this woman. But, didn't I know that name? Chaos?

Nonetheless, I really wanted to get the hell out of here. "Um, yeah." I said. "I'll just be off now. It's not too much trouble. I'll just...leave you to your business."

She frowned. "Sorry, Perseus Jackson." Blackjack was instantly teleported in front of her with a flash of black.

I uncapped Riptide with speed and pointed it at her. "Give my horse back, and I'll go."

She smiled a huge smile. "How about we all go?"

In a flash, the world around me disappeared, leaving me flying through black space.


My hunters were losing their morale. We had searched all over America and Eastern Europe over the past few days, but we hadn't found anything. My lieutenant, Thalia, had entered a former of depression, thus removing all motivation from the hunters.

After a hard day of searching, we had decided to make camp on some Plains, with nothing but the night sky. The hunters probably would've glad to have some help, after what they'd been through, but sadly, that would not be the case.

The majority of Camp Half-Blood couldn't care less about finding Percy, but Camp Jupiter had gladly offered to help. It was too bad that they had problems of their own. Octavian still lived, and by some power, had been proven not guilty by the court of law.

Thus, Octavian regained his followers and was now trying to usurp both Reyna and Frank Zhang to become "almighty emperor" of the camp. Violence breaking out was daily, thus preventing them from assisting.

I sighed. Give me a deer or a 7 foot drakon and I would have it hanging at your door in a matter of minutes. But give me a Son of Poseidon...

I sat down at the campfire were my hunters were, right beside Thalia.

"Thalia." I called quietly. The girl made no motion.

"Milady." She answered monotonously.

"We will find Percy." I told her. "We're not giving up here."

Thalia frowned and was about to answer when, suddenly, a boy jumped out the shadow that our campfire cast.

"Nico!" Thalia jumped out of her seat. "What's up? Anything on Percy?"

Nico nodded, a joyful grin on his face. "Yeah, I think we've got him this time! My hellhound has got a lead on his scent! Come on, we have to go!"

Thalia grinned and ran to Nico, hugging him. "Oh, thank you..."

She suddenly stopped and looked at me. "Um," she stuttered. "That wasn't."

I just shook my head and smiled at my lieutennant. "Go on."

She bowed to me. "Thank you!" She called as she ran with the son of Hades into the shadows.

(Poseidon)(3 weeks later)

I had settled myself in my throne on Olympus, Hecate by me. Zeus had summoned the entirety of the Olympian gods, with the exception of some others, to discuss the matter we had upon us.

Camp Half-Blood and Camp Jupiter were all assembled before us, but I tried to keep my eyes off of them. They had disdained my most favored son, and cast him out, and they thought that they could get any with it? And then they choose to complain when the sharks attack. I growled at the thought, when Hecate snuggled closer to me.

"Calm down, my dear." She said smiling up at me, causing me to smile back.

"ORDER!" Zeus boomed, calling my attention to his unnecessarily loud voice. All the demigods and gods now focused on him.

"We have a problem upon us!" He called out. "A possible threat to Olympus!"

The demigods stared at Zeus with intent as he went on.

"As many of you know, Perseus Jackson is missing. But now, we have another dilemma. Thalia Grace and Nico di Angelo have gone missing as well. These 3 are arguably the most strongest demigods that we have! What anyone would want with then can not be good." He reported to them.

"Then brother," I suggested. "I agree with your statement totally, but what are we to do? Camp Half-Blood couldn't care less, and Camp Jupiter is in literal turmoil. If we sent any of those two camps, it's most likely that they wouldn't be able to finish the job."

"But we just can't sit around and do nothing!" Hades growled. "My son is lost! We have no idea where he or the others are, and you wish to do nothing?!"

I was about to retort with a shout, but Hecate interrupted me. "I believe what Poseidon means to say is that we shouldn't send in people that are sure to fail. Maybe, just this once, we should take matters into our own hands."

Zeus looked at us, and amused look on his face. "Hecate, what you're saying, you are suggesting that we take matters into our own hands?"

The goddess of magic nodded. "It won't matter anyway if the enemy that we face now have the demigods. We must search for them ourselves."

Zeus pondered this. "All in favor?"

To the campers surprise, we all raised our hands in assent.

"Then we begin immediately."