Opposites But Not

Summary: Henry meets a girl at school named Heather, who works at a clothes shop right across from Junk N' Stuff. Her boss, Rey, is a quirky woman who reminds Henry of his own boss. But said person, Ray, is suspicious of Rey and Heather, as they seem too familiar. How will they react to their own secret, of being Captain Woman and Girl Danger, and also being their female counterparts?

Disclaimer: I don't own the show, characters, excluding Rey and Heather. I only own the plot!

"Where is the Polymath? Is he near?"

"He's on top of that cliff- Girl, head over there and taunt him."

The taller brunette woman was sprinting with the younger blonde girl across the green fields of Scotland. Tens of hundreds of meters away, they could see the cloaked figure reaching the apex of the cliff near the stormy clouds. The woman watched him, tracked his movements, to see his next move. He was a difficult one to predict- she and the girl noticed that days ago when they attempted to get him in the deep and frigid snow of Canada. He used the rough snow as his advantage, much to her hatred.

So now seeing him sitting on the cliff, it looked easy. Too easy. As if they'd just reach him anytime soon and capture him. But Rey knew not to trust villains, regardless if they allowed themselves to be caught. There's always something awaiting- it was never that simple.

They eventually reached the bottom of the mountain leading to the cliff, and both followed the rugged path that was in a spiral around the terrain. The blonde was sprinting faster than she was, and even though Rey couldn't see her eyes she knew that it spoke fearless. Determination. She was reasonably proud of the 14 year old. That she'll take after her.

But this wasn't the time to kiss up to her and mentally compliment her. No, this was the time to reach the darn Polymath, having an intellect that she and the blonde combined could not compete with. Heck, even the whole of their town, probably could not be as intelligent as this one man. She knew that he wasn't born with that mind- it had to be a creation; device, rather, that allowed him to know all of these intricate details of people, secrets, deep secrets, spread out to the edges of the universe. Rey wasn't too familiar with these kind of people; only such people were developed in fiction. All of the previous ones she fought with had no intellect similar to his. She struggled before, but this became something that wouldn't dare compete with the others- this was different.

The path stopped abruptly and there was ledges that led to the higher elevated areas of the region. Girl tried to jump and grab the nearest one to her hand, but her hand always slid off a ledge, and she groaned out of irritation, complained and complained, it irked her, and started to annoy Rey as well.

"Help- me-!" she yelped as she tried to jump up again, albeit failed.

Rey sighed, and held her by the waist, pulling her up so she could reach the ledge better. Girl grasped the ledge tightly, and pulled herself to the next step. She followed after her, gingerly climbing and making sure she doesn't fall to her utmost death. She would tell her where to climb, what direction, how long it'd take for the two to reach the cliff. The rocks were stiff, but it shouldn't fool them. One wrong move and one or two arms lose hold and they fall.

Girl felt the strands of dirt and grass as she reached up, a sigh of relief escaping her. She reluctantly look down to see Rey's progress- she was almost at her level. Albeit, as soon as the brunette reached for the next rock, it began to crumble in her hand and she stumbled on that one ledge, and anxiety, fear, worry was written on her face. As an instinct, Girl grabbed onto that hand that almost allowed Rey to fall off the wall of rocks and onto the path. She pulled tightly, and pulled her up with all of the strength her 14 year old self had.

Rey gripped the dirt, pulling herself up to the ledge, shaking her head at her own stupidity. She almost died.

She and Girl both looked toward the other side of the cliff, where the Polymath idly stood, his scepter wrapped in emerald in hand. If only they could develop a way, any way, to deceit him, that'd be great. Except, they didn't know how. Much to the annoyance of Girl.

He heard them trampling across the dirt, and he turned around slowly. His hood was long enough to cover his mask, or face- Rey couldn't tell, she never noticed. But the pale hands gripping the scepter tightened, and she knew he was going to point it at them. Wasn't that hard to find out.

Except he didn't. He turned back and pointed it at the open space right near the end of the cliff, and twirled it around. A purple mist appeared, it grew larger, denser, darker, and it became some kind of portal, as Girl wondered. He let the scepter fall onto the grass, and looked up at the portal that had just appeared.

"Are you willing to catch me?"

Girl looked at him as if he was stupid. He wasn't, but.. you get the point.

"What do you think?" she called out, Rey mentally face palmed.

"Of course. You are willing to."

"You've caused destruction- you put these people's lives at risk," Rey told him. "You have to stop."

He chuckled. It was dark, condescending. "Captain Woman, I would say you are one of a kind, but your dull mind is like everyone else's. Shame."

Her nostrils flared. "What will stop you?"

The Polymath looked down at the scepter, and then at Rey. "If you have my scepter."

Girl looked between Rey and the scepter. "Let's get it then!"

"Girl!" Rey shouted as she saw the young girl sprint to the scepter on the ground. No, no, no this was not happening. How could she not realize? There was something in store, she just knew it, but at this point Girl was completely oblivious. She ran after her, shouting at her to stop, turn back, wait for his next actions. He just stood there, watching. He was going to do something and it hurt for her to think of what.

The blonde jumped at the scepter, but at the last millisecond the Polymath allowed the scepter to fly back into his hand. She saw him run to the portal, and his horrific eyes connected with Rey's and Girl's.

"Catch me."

Girl refused to let him leave again. No, she'll have him this time. He jumped in the portal and disappeared, and Rey immediately knew what Girl was going to do.

"Girl! Girl!" She shouted, her voice hoarse. "Girl Danger!"

She leaped into the portal, going after him. Rey immediately sprinted into the portal as well, with the intention not the catch the Polymath. Only to get Heather Hart back.

The janitor was mending the locker two spaces away from Henry's. He only watched in curiosity, but it was so pent up he had to ask about it.

"What are you doing to that locker?"

The older man turned to the boy, and smirked. "This lock's gonna be for the new transfer student whose coming tomorrow."

"Transfer student? From where?" Henry asked, grabbing his history textbook from his opened locker.

The janitor only shook his head. "No clue. Only know she's coming tomorrow."

"Oh.." Henry stopped in his tracks, closing his locker. "She?"

He nodded, continuing his business. Henry's interest was over the brim.

"So.. what's her name?"

The man stopped, furrowing this brows at Henry. "You think I know everything?"

Henry was alarmed by the sudden outburst, and he quickly apologized. "Oh, uh, sorry. I just thought, you know.."

"That since I was fixing the locker for the student that I'd know her name and where she was from," the janitor finished for him.


"Well.." The janitor tested the locker once more, and reasonably impressed with the result, closed the locker. "You'll find out. Don't get too excited."

He walked away, leaving Henry at his own devices. Charlotte had observed the whole situation from her locker, and sauntered over to the blond boy.

"What was that all about?"

"There's a new student transferring tomorrow," Henry told the curly-haired girl. "No clue about her name, or her hometown though.."

Charlotte could practically feel the excitement radiating off of him. "You seem interested about it."

"Uh, yeah. I mean, what if she doesn't know English? Then it'd be hard to find out her name."

"If she has the same classes as us then we'll find out her name from the roll call."

Henry nodded slowly. "Right.."

The curly-haired girl shook her head. "Don't be acting weird about it. And to get that off your mind, Ray wants us at the shop after school."

The blond stopped dazing off and looked down at her. "For what?"

"He's got ukulele lessons again. He wants us to supervise the register and stuff. He still can't play those chords correctly."

Henry chuckled. He put the transfer student thing at the back of his mind. Charlotte was right, he shouldn't care about it that much. Don't be weird about it. Don't be weird about it. Don't. Be. Weird. About. It.

"Ok. I'll meet you there- 4 pm?" He assured.

"4 pm it is." She told him.

He couldn't stop thinking about it.

earlier in the week

She helped the other push the queen-sized bed to the newly-painted navy blue wall. The faint sound of the frame hitting the wall allowed them to stop. She wiped the sweat on top of her brow, sighing in relief.

"That's the last?" she asked, practically pleading.

"Yes. Of course. Why wouldn't it be?" the other replied.

"Well.." the blonde looked around the room with furniture meticulously placed at their designated places. "We pushed and pulled a lot of these."

"Get used to it."

"We've been doing this for 3 days, Rey. Can we stop?"

Rey furrowed her brows, observing the placement of the bed. "I don't think this bed is in the center of the wall."

Heather wanted to scream. "Rey!"

The brunette chuckled. "I'm kidding. It's perfectly in place. Have a rest, kid. You'll need it for tomorrow."

Her eyes widened at the older woman's words. "Tomorrow?"

Rey opened the fridge, grabbing a cola and slamming the door closed. "Yes, tomorrow. You're working the register."

Heather sighed in relief once more. "Thank goodness, I thought I was going to push more furniture..!"

"Gotta restock the shelves."


"Hey.." Rey treaded over to the young girl, who was now lain across the blue and silver couch. "It's not that bad. You helped me with all this furniture, and a pretty decent job at it too."

"Decent? I did more than decent."

"I know you did," Rey replied, smiling down at her and she then took a sip of the bottle.

"I just.. that might be the first thing I've done more than great."

Rey's smile quickly disappeared, noticing Heather's expression now turned reasonably upset. She put the bottle down on the coffee table, and splayed her arm on the top of the couch. The brunette looked down at the younger girl, her eyes getting droopy.

"Hey, kid, what's wrong?" she asked, although a small pang inside her knew exactly what was wrong.

"I failed, those few days ago. Look where we are now," Heather spoke, her eyes becoming watery.

The older woman put a hand on Heather's shoulder. "I know you regret it, and-"

"Of course I do!" Heather exclaimed, her voice raising. "My stupidity led us to some place we don't even know. Why did I believe him? Why?"

She covered her face with the nearby throw pillow, her tears making almond shaped stains on the the design. Rey immediately put her arm around her, and Heather turned around in her arms to bury her face in Rey's shirt. She was initially shocked by how she reacted, but almost as a maternal instinct she allowed her to release her emotions into Rey's shirt.

"Hey, kid. Hey. Look up at me." Rey told Heather.

She obeyed, her puffy eyes connecting with the woman's.

"At least we still have each other. I think we'd be in more danger not knowing who to trust."

Heather nodded nonchalantly.

"I'm aware that all of your friends, family are now no longer with us. I get that. But you gotta listen to me- we'll find a way back."

She wiped a tear that was falling down the blonde's reddened cheeks. "You promise?" she asked quietly.

Rey smiled slightly at her. "I promise. We always find a solution to our problems. Except, this one might take a while.."

"I wanna start school."

Rey was drinking coffee, and she sputtered at Heather's suggestion. "What?"

Heather rolled her eyes. "You heard me the first time. I want to go to school."

The brunette looked at her, perplexed. "Why?"

The girl looked at her in utter disbelief. "Are you seriously asking 'why' to my suggestion about going to school?"

Rey looked at her as if it was the most obvious thing in the universe. "Yes."

Heather put down the stack of shirts she was going to display in the shop. As they continued living in this pronounced town, Swellview, they decided to make a living by reviving the shop from their own world, Clothes Landing. The blonde thought it was a ridiculous name, but Rey was so happy at the concept of the name so she let her be with her idea. She never asked why before, but now Heather was proposing her own idea and Rey decides to question it.

"I'm not you, first of all. I don't plan to use some device to make me learn everything."

"It's practical."

"It's stupid. I'd end up learning things I don't care about."

"Which is everything you'd learn in school."


The older woman placed the coffee mug on the table, a look of contemplation written on her face. Heather knew she was faking it. Or if she wasn't, she shouldn't make it look like it was fake.

"Hm- depends. What do you plan to do once you go to school?"

"I don't know; make friends, learn, not be a lazy butt working here 24/7?"

Rey actually wanted to consider that.

"What's the nearest one from here?"

"Swellview Junior High."

The woman paused for a moment.

"Yeah, ok."

Heather became absolutely ecstatic. To the confusion of Rey.

"Yes! Thank you!" She exclaimed, and jumped on the woman. The brunette was initially startled, stumbling back, but she smiled, hugging the girl back. It's been a while since Heather genuinely smiled- it made Rey equally happy as well. The blonde climbed off, and ran up to her room. She watched Heather leave, and she immediately felt that maternal paranoia.

What if she gets bullied? She becomes isolated?

No, she's not that off. Surely the kids act just like her.


I just hope nothing bad happens.


"Heather, this is your locker. And you're right by.. him.. Henry."

Heather heard the obvious dislike in Mrs. Shapen's voice. "Thank you, ma'am."

She practically died from the honorific. "Ma'am.. you're so polite!"

The blonde nodded in acknowledgement. She put her thumb to the button, which flashed green and she opened it, seeing her basic necessities already placed inside. The teacher walked away, and Heather proceeded to grab her english textbook, as that was her first class. As she closed her locker she saw a blond boy opening his locker. She decided to be nice and talk.

"Hi- I'm Heather."

The boy stopped dead in his tracks, slowly turning his head to her. Heather gave him a sheepish look, hoping that what she said wasn't stupid. He smiled at her.

"I'm Henry. Nice to meet you." His tone was off to Heather- she couldn't quite put her finger on it.

"Uh- I just transferred here, and-"

"Yeah, I know." He had this strange look on his face and Heather started to feel uneasy. "I.."

"What he meant.." a shorter girl with curly hair arrived out of nowhere. "We were told yesterday that a transfer student was going to be here. Sorry for him to sound all weird."

Heather smiled at her. "It's fine, really. Got a lot like him back at home."

The girl chuckled. "I'm Charlotte, by the way."

"Heather. Heather.."

She delved into her mind, trying to remember the last name Rey gave her. It certainly was not Manchester- Rey cared for her but the idea of being her daughter was a completely alien thing to her. She recalled using one of the names of people she knew before as the basis, but Heather forgot who..

Jasmine? No.. Peter- no, no definitely not

Sirius? Dad's cool, no- Jackie- what last name would I get out of Mom's name?-

Charlie. Charles. Charleston. Right.

"-Charleston. Heather Charleston."

Charlotte smiled at her. "Well, it's cool to have a transfer around here. Say, do you need a tour around the school? The school maps are notorious for being absolutely confusing to comprehend."

Heather shrugged at the suggestion. "I don't mind."

"Alright," the curly-haired girl decided. "Henry and I will show you around."

He was snapped out of his daze and back into reality. "Huh- transfer- what?"

She rolled her eyes. "We're showing Heather around."

Henry nodded nonchalantly. "O-ok.."

Charlotte led the tour with occasional outbursts from Henry about barely relevant topics, which made Heather slightly confused. They walked through the halls passing the history department, and Henry would mention what type of history and random facts about it. Heather noticed he knew a sufficient amount of Puerto Rican history.

"Is he.. always like this?" Heather asked Charlotte quietly as he went off reciting the national anthem of the nation in Spanish.

"No, barely. He sometimes does this when he feels that something is wrong.."

"He speaks Spanish when he knows something's off."

"Ah- that's not too far fetched, more over he just acts outright weird."

Heather paused, furrowing her brows. "Does it.. have to do with me?"

Charlotte immediately shook her head. "No! No.. it's probably something else. Probably- family stuff or whatever.."

The curly-haired girl hoped Henry's actions had nothing to do with Heather. Although, the way he reacted yesterday about the transfer, which Henry had no idea who it was yet, helped Charlotte make an assumption. She stayed quiet about that topic.

"Oh.. ok, then," Heather spoke quietly, a tone of worry slightly evident. Charlotte could hear that tone, and she wanted Henry to shut up.

After they left that area, they exited the doors and arrived at the outdoor hang out area of the school. Henry went back to being his normal self, thank goodness, as Charlotte thought, and would point at each area, say the name and a reasonable amount of information about it. Heather was intently listening- she needed to make sure she knew what these places were so she wasn't lost. She hated not knowing where to go.

Like earlier.

Heather stopped in her tracks, the agitated look on her face becoming more evident. She clutched the book in her hand tightly, her knuckles turning shades lighter than her skin tone. Henry noticed that Heather was no longer making comments and eventually following them. He looked back at Heather who look rather perturbed. An expression of worry was now put across his and Charlotte's faces.

"Hey- what's wrong?" Henry asked, walking towards her.

Heather looked up, and immediately brushed it off. "No- it's nothing. I had to.. uhh.. remember my schedule without looking at it."

Charlotte could feel pity. The blonde girl was lying. There was something else. She still didn't speak about it.

"Alright then," Henry replied, the smirk back on his face. The curly-haired girl wanted to slap him by now.

The three students walked towards a group of pathways and trees, where one boy with curly raspberry blond hair was sitting Indian style reading a book. A rather large one, Heather noted. She wondered what it was about. But as she did, the blonde noticed a peculiar thing. He had a bucket next to him. Heather was immediately thrust back into her own life, seeing all of her own memories with one specific girl who had a questionable fashion sense and that love for buckets. She had to stop herself from thinking about this- Rey specifically said not to concentrate on that now.

The boy next to the tree looked up. "Henry! Charlotte! Hey!"

Charlotte and Henry both spoke, "Hey!" in unison, as Heather stood there with her feet shifting awkwardly.

Charlotte looked over at Heather, and back at Jasper. "Jasper, this is the new transfer student. Her name's Heather."

Jasper looked over at Heather, and Henry could swear he saw his eyes bright up. Perhaps, dare he say, even more when he sees his bucket collection. It wasn't abnormal to point out, but Henry knew something was going to happen. Jasper immediately jumped up from the grass, his book falling out of his hands and onto the ground, he ran over to the three and immediately put his hand out to Heather.

"Hi- Heather! I'm- I'm Jasper! Jasper Dunlop!" he spoke, his voice piping up every few words.

Heather's eyes moved to Henry and Charlotte's faces, which were thinking the exact same thing. Her eyes then connected with Jasper's.

"Uh- hi there! You seem to already know my name- oh, ok-" Heather stopped speaking when Jasper instantly gripped her hand tightly, and shook it rather aggressively. She felt the sweat, and she didn't know whether to cry or scream.

He eventually stopped gripping her hand tightly, which stayed seconds too long, and Heather smiled at him as she lightly wiped her hand on her jeans. Jasper had a smile plastered on his face and he then walked back to get his book from the ground. He came back to the three and showed Heather his book.

"This is the collector's edition of the REAL bucket list," he told her, and Henry tried not to laugh, seeing Heather's face.

"Oh.. that's.. nice," Heather told him. I'm sure he's a nice kid

"Do you like buckets too?" Jasper asked her rather eagerly.

"I- yeah.. they're cool, I guess," the blonde replied, a small smile on her face.

It then became quiet as Henry looked between Jasper and Heather, Jasper was only almost staring at Heather the whole time, Heather awkwardly looking at Charlotte, as Charlotte looked at all three of them and felt the tension near the brim. She spoke up.

"Hey- looks like we're done with the tour!"

"Yeah, let's go to, uh, class..!" Henry replied, that tone evident to Heather.

Henry looked over at Heather, who started to follow.

"Since we all have the same classes- you should test yourself if you remember where the English classroom is," Charlotte told her.

"Sure," Heather replied, and started to lead the way back inside the school building. Henry and Charlotte were sufficiently spaced away from Heather, who now became oblivious to their whispers.

"Why do you think she stopped earlier?" Henry asked Charlotte quietly.

"I don't know. What if she just remembered something bad?" Charlotte murmured.

"I guess. But it could be something else."

Charlotte turned her head to look at him. "Like..?"

Henry couldn't tell Charlotte. It was definitely something. It felt off. He knew that she must feel the same way, but he knows she's the kind of person to not easily say it.

Heather looked back at them, and they immediately shut up.

"Is this the right way?" she asked them. Charlotte and Henry observed the hall they were in, and nodded.

Henry paid attention to Heather's face. There really was something off

Her eyes are actually kind of pretty.


They look just like mine.

"So! How was your first day?" Rey called out to Heather as she entered the shop.

"Great- I mean, brilliant!" Heather told her eagerly. She placed her backpack on the counter and grabbed the nearest stool.

"I met two-" Heather began to think of Jasper. "Uh.. three people today."

A big smile was plastered among Rey's face. "That's good. You're slowly fitting in now."

The blonde girl nodded. "The learning- decent, not the greatest. But adequate."

"Told you devices were better."

Heather still had the right to look at her in disbelief. "Rey."

Said person shrugged nonchalantly. "Fine. I would be in a lot of trouble if I didn't send you to school, anyways."

The younger girl looked down at her backpack, and instantly remembered something she was supposed to ask Rey.

"Hey- Rey?"



"Why are you listed as my mom on my schedule?"

Rey looked over at Heather with a confused look. She became aware once Heather took the sheet of paper from the front pocket of her backpack. It seems that Heather had, in bright pink highlighter, circled the obvious name Rey Manchester in the parent box.

"Oh, that.. uh," Rey began, hastily trying to develop her reason.

Heather's face told her to hurry up with her sentence.

"Well- you can't be parentless.."

"Yes, I know that."

"Kid, look," Rey walked around the counter and to Heather, and took the paper out of her hand. "If we're gonna live here for a while, best make ourselves normal looking. So, for the time being, I will be your mother."

Heather's expression was in utmost shock. Rey expected that.

"But- I don't even look like you."

"Have you heard of adoption?"

"Rey- I-"

"Has it occurred to you that we only know each other the best here? Sure, you've met three people, but I don't think they can handle all those secrets that you're hiding."

"If I tell them."

"Right. Don't tell them." Rey turned away and proceeded to walk upstairs. Heather followed after her as they reached the second floor of the building. The brunette apparently now installed voice activation- where she had the time to build that system Heather had no idea- to open the door. Rey spoke a word and the door unlocked, and the two walked inside the room. She called the room the Woman Cave- much similar to their own- but digging underground for it would simply be so much work for possibly the little amount of time they had. For which, Rey still had no clue how long they'd stay here. Best make the place livable.

A control panel was in the midst of being built near one side of the wall, and Heather walked over to the metal frame.

"Control panel?" she asked Rey.


"How long did it take for the last one?"

Rey paused momentarily. "Uh- 6 weeks. With a few breaks, of course."

"I see. Well, this place is starting to look familiar now."

Heather observed the whole environment of the room. Brightly lit, the walls of blue, silver, hints of orange and red, the flooring which was now tile. The furniture as well- made Heather smile. It was just like their old home.

"That's the point." Rey spoke.

"Rey.." Heather jumped on Rey and hugged her. Rey stumbled, but regardless she still wrapped her arms around the young girl. The brunette smiled once again.

Later on in the evening, as Heather was working on her homework in the living area, Rey sauntered over with a bag of chips. She turned on the TV and began to watch whatever that was on. Heather looked up slowly as she heard the speakers blair people's voices and put her pencil down. Her head whipped to Rey, who now looked back at her.

"I'm doing homework."

"Yes, and I'm watching TV."

"Can't you watch TV later?"

"Can't you do your homework somewhere else?"

Heather looked down at the paper. Algebra, ew. She placed the paper and the binder on the coffee table and shook her head. "I finished anyways."

Rey nodded, and motioned at the bag asking if Heather wanted any. She grabbed a handful of chips and began to eat. The brunette grabbed the TV remote from the coffee table and switched through the channels. Drama, drama, ooh, sports! No. News.. Canadian news, wait, local news.

"-convict, who recently escaped from the jail."

"And what else is there about him?"

"His whereabouts are not determined, but if he's not caught he'll be haunting a lot of people in Swellview. We wouldn't want that."

"He was told to have a weapon."

"Ok, this is my time. Your time is with the finance issues."

Rey looked over at Heather, and she knew what the girl was thinking. Heather shuffled to grab her backpack, and in the depths of her backpack she grabbed the familiar clear tube with the rounded colored gum balls, and gripped it tightly. She looked over at Rey for approval. The brunette simply couldn't.


Heather looked at her, aghast. "What- why not?!"

"Heather- we can't-"

"No! There's crime here- we have to fight it!" She exclaimed, shooting up from her seat.

"Heather, listen-"

"We just have to live completely different lives now? Rey, did you already give up?"

"Heather, I said listen to me!" Rey told her, her voice raising and stern. Heather became quiet.

.. "I know you want to do this. You're my sidekick, of course. But you need to understand that we cannot become Captain Woman and Girl Danger in this world."

The blonde twirled the tube around in her hands. "Why not? You're building all of our old equipment, what's that for, then?"

The brunette furrowed her brows. "I- I need more time to rebuild the equipment. And it's for nostalgia."

She looked at her in utter disbelief. "So you have given up?"

"Do you know how long it took us to find him? And were any of the times we planned to catch him successful?"

"Rey, you can't give up. You're Captain Woman. The only person in the world that is absolutely indestructible."

"I don't want you to be hurt again."

Heather paused, comprehending Rey's words. "What?"

"I realized earlier how devastated you were about not capturing him. If that happens again.. I don't know how I'd cope to see you react."

She looked down at her shoes, taking her words into account. Heather started to remember the pain she had felt. "I- I had no idea that you bothered.."

"Well, I'm your mom now. I have to."

Heather shrugged, and smiled up at Rey. "Thanks. I understand." She took her school stuff and her backpack and treaded over to her bedroom. Rey's eyes followed her. But deep inside, Rey hated herself for telling her that. She did want to fight the crime. She had to follow her own words though. To be an example to Heather.

Hearing about the convict escaping tempted Rey to do something about it. A lot.

And that was the first chapter! Hopefully I didn't make it too cringe-worthy or sappy. Reviews and constructive criticism are welcome!