Chapter 01 Custody battle

Quanktumspirit: "I've researched online how old the Gang green Gang members are, and I was shocked, this lead me to think, what if: Ace from the Gang Green Gang was threatened by the State to take the troop away from him and stuff them all into children's homes because they all are orphans? Will Ace win the custody battle over? Oh also Ace is 1 year older then in the show, as shown in this first chapter."

It was a dark night, Wednesday the 3rd of May if you want to be exact. And all of Townesville was fast asleep, well almost all.

At the Dumping Ground, the Gang Green Gang was still up, keeping their eyes on the clock, the birthday cake was ready, apple juice was in a bottle and small glasses were lined up for this day.

They were counting the minuets down, for the day after today, so the 4th of May was Ace's 18th birthday, making him legally old enough to be considered an adult.

"Here it's coming." Snake cheered.

The others were bouncing in their shoes.

"10... 9... 8... 7... 6... 5... 4... 3... 2... 1... Happy Birthday Ace." The Gang green Gang called out together.

They popped the apple juice and Ace shared it out into cups. They cheered to it and had their feast, as well as some cake.

But whiles the gang were celebrating Ace's 18th birthday he noticed a letter came threw the letter box.

Big Billy walked to it and picked it up, "Um guys... this is a letter for a Ace D Copular... Who's that?"

Ace face flushed red, he snatched the letter, "That's my full name Big Billy. But who in their right mind would send me a letter?"

"Maybe your parents Ace?" Arturo guessed.

"Yeah right, and I run Townsvill with a bat, I haven't heard form either of my parents since I left home. And they shouldn't even know where I live... lets see... dear Mr Copula... mmmh... what... oh no." Ace said as he finished reading the letter.

As quickly as Ace could he folded it back together and sat down shocked, his friends noticed his facial expression and looked to him.

Snake spoke up next, "What'sssss wrong Ace?"

"I... I have to do an emergency phone call. No one is to leave this hut am I understood?" Ace suddenly snapped as he got up and left.

"What? Ace what's wrong?" Grubber asked shocked.

"Just stay." Ace said and smashed the door closed.

The gang just blinked, sat back down and waited for their leader to return.

Ace walked away from their home, well if you can call living on the dump a home. He was heading for a phone booth installed on the scrap heap, because he has to phone his 'father' up, Jack Wednesday.

As Ace reached the phone box he placed a quarter into the slot, dialled his 'dad's' phone number and waited for him to pick up.

"Hello? This is Mr Wednesday. How may I help?" A old voice came from the phone box.

Ace straightened himself out as he got the letter from his vest, "Hello Jack? This is Ace D Copular speaking. Me and the Gang Green Gang might need your help."

"Ah hello Ace, nice to hear form you. What's the problem?" Jack asked.

"Its a bit hard to describe the problem on the phone. Can we meet up today?" Ace asked.

There was a short pause, "Ok meet me at Benny and Labials café in Townsvill, if the entire gang is involved in this bring them as well. Meet me there at 8 AM."

"I will, and thank you Jack." Ace said.

There was a beeping tone indicating that Mr Wednesday has hung up, Ace hung the phone back up as well and walked right back to the hut.

As he got there the Gang still looked at him confused.

"Get dressed everyone, we have to meet up with Mr Wednesday to sort this mess out as fast as possible." Ace said.

Lil' Arthuro blinked, "What mess?"

But Ace didn't reply, he walked outside of the hut and lit a cigarette, the Gang green Gang got dressed as he instructed and meet him outside again, as Ace counted all 5 were together he nodded and lead them away from the Junk Yard.

The Gang Green Gang walked threw Townsville, minding their own business. Just then the Powerpuffgirls flew down.

"Hold it right there Gang Green Gang, what are you up to today?" Blossom asked, accusing them of some crime.

Ace rolled his eyes and cleaned his shades, "Nothing yet Blossom, please let up pass, we have a meeting with our 'father' in... 10 minuets and we don't want to be late. Shouldn't you 3 be in school by now?"

Buttercup rolled her eyes, "Well yes, but you always stir up trouble, the safety of Townesville comes before any lesson."

"Actually Ace does have a point, we should be going. Ok but don't stir up any trouble." Blossom warned them.

Ace nodded his head, as the girls flew away the other boys still looked to him confused. He just lead them to the Benny and Labials café, entered it and walked right to the back where a bench was placed out.

The gang continued to follow confused, as all 5 members were seated they picked up the menu. After ordering a strong tea and 6 cups they placed the card down.

"Why are we here Ace?" Arthur asked.

"Because we have a massive problem on our hands guys." Ace said as he was scanning everyone coming in and out of the cafe.

After waiting for 3 minuets he spotted who he was looking for, an elderly man, wearing a gray uniform and a Gray hat, he walked forward and took a free seat next to Arthur and Snake.

"Ace, its good to see you and the gang again. I take it is an emergency like you said over the phone?" Jack Wednesday said.

Ace looked around, he pulled a few quarters out and handed it to the Gang, the Gang Green Gang looked to him even more confused.

"Boys go and have fun at the vending machine. I want to talk to Jack on my own." Ace instructed.

The Gang didn't argue and left, as Ace was sure they weren't going to listen in on him or Mr Wednesday's discussion, he handed to him the letter.

Ace nodded his head, "We are in quite a pickle Jack, some how the State of Townsville has gotten the hold over that Snake, Lil'Arturo, Grubber and Big Billy are all minors and they want to stuff them into different children's homes. I don't want that to happen, otherwise they would rip the Gang Green Gang apart."

Jack nodded his head, he got his reading glasses out and read the letter over: "Lets see... Dear Mr Copular, the state of Townesville has noticed that you are taking care of: Sanford Ingleberry (15 years old), Arthuro de la Guerra (14 years old), Grubber J Gibberish (15 years old) and William W Williams (15 years old). That is not acceptable by the state of Townesville, you are to hand all 4 children to the Orphanage 'Daisy Sun care' by Next week, or we will take you to court, have you arrested for kidnapping and then take the orphaned children to the home. With greetings Townesville."

"Exactly. But how can I prevent that?" Ace asked, he took his shades off and rubbed over his eyes, before placing them back on.

"Well Ace... can you confirm that all of your gang members are orphans?" Jack asked looking to Ace.

"Yes, if not then why haven't their parents been searching for them for the past 5 years? As we first got together? As far as I know from them, Snakes parents have died in a car crash, Arthur's parents have immigrated to Spain and never contacted him again, Grubbers parents have a drug and alcohol problem at home and are currently in re-hab, and Big Billy, a.k.a William W Williams parents have died of a heart attack. We have no one else except for us." Ace explained.

All 4 Gang members looked down, not many people knew of their family related problems, that's why they were so reliant on each other because they went threw such hard ship as well.

Jack nodded his head, "This won't be an easy case. I will go threw all the files and file a law suit against Townsville. Ace have all of you dress appropriate for the court date, whatever it takes we will find out how we can prevent this."

Ace nodded his head, he shook his 'fathers' hand and the gang left the cafe. Once outside he walked them to a dress shop. He checked that he still had enough cash, but it wasn't, so they left again and walked back home.

As the gang reached the dump yard, Ace opened the door to their home and everyone walked to their beds. Ace walked to his bed and hung his head down upset, the gang looked to each other worried.

"Ace... what is going to happen too us if you can't win the court case?" Arturo asked.

"Well Arturo, if we lose the court case... then all of you will be sent to various orphanages, and the Gang Green Gang will seas to exist ever again." Ace explained.

Grubber blew an upsetting raspberry and hugged himself.

Big Billy nodded his head, "You said it Grubber, we are each others family. We have been reliant on each other since we can remember, and Ace..."

Ace looked up, the entire gang faced him. "You are our honest and hard working leader. You are much more to us then any father figure we could ever find." Big Billy explained.

Ace turned a bit dark green as he nodded his head, "Thank you Big Billy. I know, and as the 'father' figure I have to look out for all of you better. Go to bed now, it is late."

The Gang turned in for the night. Ace sat in his chair and gave it some thought, if he would officially adopt his entire gang, then he would be the father figure then. But first he has to fight Townsville and at the same time find a job.

Quanktumspirit: "Read and review please."