Disclaimer: I do not own Harry Potter.A/N: I have a fabulous beta reader, cheerleader, and friend in 89JadedPictures. She read every single one of these multiple times before I posted them. Thank you Jade for encouraging me to start writing and then pushing me to actually share my stories!

The day they took Hermione's picture for her Chocolate Frog card started out perfectly fine. She had chosen her outfit carefully, far ahead of the actual day, and laid it out the night before. Hermione's hair flowed down her back in loose curls. She wore a light, tasteful amount of makeup.

Beginning the day an owl arrived with the news that she was to be featured on a card, Hermione began to fret about showing the scar on her arm. She went over the pros and cons in her head. She made a decision that it would be better to write out the list. She stared at the list during every free minute for two full days. Hermione Geminio'ed the list and distributed it to Harry, Luna, Neville, and pretty much every Weasley, asking for their thoughts. The consensus came back to leave it uncovered; if it ended up being visible in the picture (it might not after all), then que sera sera.

Hermione stared at the finished product which arrived in the morning post with a mixture of horror and pride. The makers had promised her a complimentary box full of first run cards to have on hand for autographs and what-not. Though, she couldn't very well send one of these to her grandmother, now could she?

When Hermione had shown up at the studio, she overheard the photographer and her assistant talking about her before they realized Hermione was standing there.

"Can't believe that they plan on putting yet another Muggleborn on a Chocolate Frog card!" moaned the first.

"Sure, she helped Harry Potter, but he's the Chosen One, not her," agreed the other.

"She's got a track record for insinuating herself with famous or powerful wizards. Remember Victor Krum? You know she was only 15 then." This was said in a scandalized tone.

"Ever wonder how she climbed so quickly to such a high level position at The Ministry?" was the final snippet she heard before she stood in front of the two.

Hermione sighed, the couple of sentences about her on the card were rather perfect. Not only did they mention her Merlin First Class and War Heroine status, including the battles she fought in and her part in the destruction of Horcruxes, but there were also accolades for her work with magical creature rights.

However, the picture on repeat of her brandishing her Mudblood scar directly at the camera, while mouthing the words "Fuck You" surely would raise a few eyebrows.