-Adult Language-

Harley's pov

It was strange waking up in J's bed... I was sure he was there with me but once I actually woke up I knew it was all in my head. Sighing I got up and made my way to the shower to freshen up and get ready for Arkham, I wonder if I'd get to see him today? Probably. Wouldn't be able to talk to him but I'd see him, observe him and make some report on what my plan of action would be...

I grab my things and make my way out the bedroom and back track through the large house to try and find my way out, when I stumble upon Rachel and Jonny curled up together on the sofa. They made a cute couple, hopefully J will allow them to be together... I knew he didn't like his men getting involved with women, or other men if they swung that way, he said it caused complications that weren't needed.

I leave as silently as I can to prevent waking them and get into my car and drive to work. I didn't realise how close we were to the asylum from J's place. It wasn't an hours drive like normal, it was now a twenty minuet drive. Meaning I was very early, maybe I can dig up some info on what happened to J? Quickly I head into the building, breezing passed the security gates and up to my main office. The main office I had was where I kept my things as well as where I wrote up my reports, my other office was for seeing patients. It gave me some peace in this mad house, away from other doctors, security, patients and home life a place for me to be locked away in my own head for a bit. But today that won't be the case, today I'd souly focus on my puddin and what happened to my puddin.

INMATE 101134 was brought into ARKHAM ASYLUM at 00:35 AM on the 15th OCTOBER. Inmate was laughing hysterically despite multiple cuts and bruises and possible broken bones.


Inmate has also suffered tooth loss and fractures to the shoulder, pelvis arms and suffering from head trauma. Inmate is unresponsive. Extra restrains recommended until full Psychiatric evaluation is conducted by Dr Quinzel at 09:00 on the 15th OCTOBER.

My poor puddin! The report continued into more details explaining his condition saying he wasn't acting his usual way, he was distant, unresponsive. A sharp knock on my door brought me out of my thoughts, I click off the files and scramble some case files in front of me to look busy.

"Come in" I call and look towards the door to see Dr Arkham him self enter. The short bald man closed the door and wandered up to me desk, his heavy breathing becoming more louder as he drew near.

"Dr Quinzel, you're in early this morning." He said in his annoying voice, taking a seat across from me.

"Woke up early Doctor." I reply smiling sweetly, why was he here? What ever it what it can't be good.

"I gather that you are aware that the Joker is back in our care?" he wheezed as he sat back in the chair, looking smug.

"Yes I just saw that now, will he still be under my care?" What was he playing at? If he's taken my puddin off me i dont know what I'll do, or how I'll help break him out...

"Yes he will, however as hes been uncooperative I've taken it upon myself to put him in for electrotherapy. I hope you don't mind." He wheezed again with his ugly smile. The rat bastred! Electrotherapy wont work! All that will do is piss him off and make his head injury worse!

"How long will the electrotherapy last?" I ask hiding my concern.

"As long as I see fit Doctor." Arkham says standing up and heading to the door, "Oh and you'll be seeing him in here now, as the electrotherapy will repress him from conducting anything violent. He'll be here in a few minuets."

"Thank you Doctor," I smile sweetly again as he leaves. The rat bastred! How dare he take control over my patient! My Puddin! I quickly pull out my phone and text Rachel 'He's here and in bad shape, possible worse than before. Arkham putting him through an ECT. Well tell you more later.' As I hit send the door opens, two guards come in with J tightly bound in a stray jacket. The quickly say their routinely speech placing J in the chair opposite me and leaving.

His head hing low, his face was blue and purple, his eyes heavy, cuts lining his left eye socket and his lip burst. I stood up and walker round and crouched infront of him, his temples a deep red and some drole was dripping from his mouth... He looked horrible.

"Mr J? Can you hear me? It's Harley..." I say softly placing a hand on his thigh. He growled rolling his head before looking at me, his eyes where cold and distant, they where searching for something. He lent in closer studying me.

"Haaarrrleyy..." He purred but sounded off. I nodded and smiled at him. He chuckled and opened his mouth to give his signature smile but instead of been met with it all I see is his broken teeth. I couldn't hid the gasp that escaped me as I saw his broken smile. J's smile dropped as soon as he heard me gasp, his breathing picked up and I could see his anger grow. "You rr scar d of me no." he says taking a deep breath to suck in the drole slipping from his mouth turning away from me.

"No! I could never be scared of you." I say gentle holding his face making him look at me, "I'm pissed off at what they've done to you... They took your smile Pud!" I couldn't stop the small sobs. He growls again and suddenly stands up, pushing me back onto my desk and holding me there. His stray jacket discarded next to his, I forgot he could slip out of those damn things. J continued to hold me to my desk, growling and purring. "Jonny and Rach are working on a way to get you out... I want to help too. What can I do to help?" I whisper against him, I missed having him this close to me... feeling his warmth, his skin, his smell.

He pulled back, still holding me down and whispered, "I need a machine gun..."

Sorry I've taken so long with this... I've been busy with college and I quit work the other day and ugh I'm just so tired!


Invader Johnny: Yeah she has but thats what happens when you're head over heals in love...

MarSuperstar : Gurl Ive been so busy I dont know how I'm still awake! I still havent read your latest chapters and I feel so bad! IT SHALL BE READ TONIGHT!

StellaBellaDonna :When daddy wants you daddy wants you! ;)

Good night/day to you all!