When Bellanna came to, there was a large shadow standing over her. Her heart sank deeply into her body as she heard the sounds of clicking, and the familiar hisses of before. The shadow above her was moving, tiny legs in the front rubbing themselves together as it seemed to get ready to take hold of her. Instantly, Bella grabbed hold of her sword and shoved it up, breaking through the webs and the thorax of the giant arachnid towering over her. It wailed out in pain, but she did not stop. In fact, she pushed the blade deeper before flinging the grotesque creature over the side of the thick branch she was laying on. She sat up, quickly ripping the webs off her body as she whimpered in fear. A snapping noise from above and she caught sight of several other spiders moving aroveral web sacks that Bella could only guess was filled with the Company members. She rushed behind a tree, peering out at the scene before her and assessing what she should do next. She shuttered as she turned back around while a large spider climbed up the very trunk she was hiding behind. She bit back a scream, squeezing her eyes shut for a moment until an idea formed in her mind. Her eyes snapped open and she reached into her pocket, pulling out her ring. She looked to it for a moment before slipping it onto her finger. The world took on that familiar, colorless haze but Bella felt comforted to know that she would not be spotted. Though, it seemed to make the spiders worse as she could now hear that they were speaking in common tongue.

"The hide is tough. There's good juice inside." One drawled out its hiss, making Bella shiver.

"Stick it again! Stick it again!" Bella heard muffled cries then a thump and one spider cried out.

"The meat is alive and kicking!" She stood now, turning to see what was happening. "Now let us feast!" They all began chanting this as Bella turned to see one rushing her. She quickly ducked down, the spider barely missing her in time. As much as she wanted to, Bella could not save the Company right now. She needed to get this hord away. She took a stick and threw it as far as she could to the side, the noise drawing the attention of the group of spiders. Almost all of them rushed over to investigate and leaving Bella free to start the rescue. One was still there, but a dark look passed over Bella's face as she realized it was going for her brother Bombur. She moved to it, all fear leaving her as her protective nature came forth to give her strength and courage. She swung her sword down on the end of the spider, earning a cry of pain as it turned to find out what had hurt it. She swung again, hitting one leg, and then again, cutting off another.

"Where is it? Where is it?" It hissed out and Bella removed her ring, holding it up to it.

"Here." She drew back her sword and thrust it into its face, burying it deep in its flesh.

"It stings! It stings!" The spider cried out before she removed the blade and let the insect fall, dead. She looked her blade over, smiling at it.

"Sting. That's a good name." She told the dead spider. She looked back over to the group. "Sting." She almost growled before moving in quickly to cut the webs that held the Company captive. This sent them all to the ground and Bella watched as they got themselves free of the webbing. When she heard calls of where she was, she answered.

"I'm up here!" She called before a spider sprung up in front of her out of nowhere. She screamed and fell back some, trying to make distance between the creature and herself. She shoved her sword into its abdomen, causing its legs to curl up around her and they both fell together. As they fell, the ring slipped from her grip and she reached out to try and grab it, but it was no use. Quickly, as soon as she was on the ground, she began searching furiously for the ring, whispering to herself. As she stood to look, she paused when she felt as if she was being called. Slowly, she turned around and instantly spotted where the ring lay. Her relief at finding it was cut short as a rather freaky looking spider slowly emerged from the ground right in front of it. Bella raised her sword as she stared at it, watching it knock the ring. She growled and quickly charged at it, attacking rather brutally. After it was killed, Bella panted heavily, staring down at the golden object. She quickly lifted it and showed it to the dead creature. "Mine." She growled at it, smirking darkly. She looked to it again, her face falling slowly. Oh dear Mahal, did she just...Bella's hand moved to cover her mouth in shock and disgust at herself. She just brutally murdered an innocent creature just because it bumped her ring. She shut her eyes tightly, trying to swallow back the horrid feelings rising in her. She was broken out of her thoughts when she heard the calls of the Company and she turned her head quickly, looking for them. She moved to them, but stopped when she saw that they were surrounded by elves that did not seem as friendly as the last ones she met. She stayed low and hidden, watching what was happening. They were being searched. A blonde elf lifted Orcrist from one of his kin, saying something in elvish about it. He looked to Thorin, a strange look on his face.

"Where did you get this?" He asked him.

"It was given to me." Thorin answered honestly and the elf just looked at him. He moved the tip of the blade under Thorin's chin and Bella reacted like the group. They all made a small move forward, but did not engage.

"Not just a thief, but a liar as well." Bella glared at the blonde. How dare he call him a thief and a liar! Her Thorin was nothing like that! Her cheeks darkened a bit at the thought, but she ignored it. There was no denying it at this point, honestly. The elf ordered something and the group began forcing the dwarves to move. Bofur whispered something to Thorin that seemed to cause him to panic some as he glanced around, probably looking for her. When he couldn't find her, he held back his worried expression as they were forced to walk to the gate of the elven palace. Bella followed close behind them, her ring back on her finger and keeping her unseen. The blonde elf stopped right in front of the gates, as if sensing that she was out there, but that bought her enough time to slip between him and the door, stepping inside and away before the elf could enter and the doors were closed.

Thorin did not let his troubles show, even as they were lead through his enemy's home, even as they were shoved into individual cells, even as his kin began to throw themselves against the cell doors and Balin telling them to stop because there was no way out. He did not let his worry show. Even as his Bella had yet to be found, and most certainly not even when he was forced in front of Thranduil, the elf that had turned his back on his kin when they needed his help.

"Some may imagine that a noble quest is at hand." The pompous tree hugger spoke down to him, as if he were better than himself. "A quest to reclaim a homeland, and slay a dragon." Thranduil turned to Thorin now, and the dwarf bit back a snarl. "I, myself, suspect a more prosaic motive." He stated flatly and Thorin just let out a heavy breath through his nose. "Attempted burglary, or something of that ilk." The elven king now stood beside Thorin, who had his hands crossed in front of him. He glanced up at the taller royal, malice running through his eyes. "You have found a way in. You seek that which would bestow upon you the right to rule." Thorin had never been so tempted in his life to punch anyone in the face until now. Still, he refrained. "The King's Jewel, the Arkenstone." Thorin stared blankly at the elf, then lowered his gaze in thought. "It is precious to you beyond measure." Thorin raised his eyes back to the elf, only to see a smirk on his face. "I understand that. There are gems in the mountain that I too desire. White gems of pure starlight. I offer you my help." So, that was why he was before the tree humper. He wanted to make a deal. A slight smile formed at the corner of Thorin's mouth as he snickered, blinking very slowly.

"I am listening." He spoke lowly.

"I will let you go, if you return what is mine." Thorin stared at him before slowly turning his back to him.

"A favor for a favor?"

"You have my word." Thorin held back a snide comment. "One king to another."

"I would not trust Thranduil, the great king, to honor his word till the end of all days be upon us!" Thorin exclaimed. He turned back to him and pointed at the elf king. "You lack all honor! I have seen how you treat your friends!" He snapped, stepping back up to him. "We came to you once, starving, homeless, seeking your help. But you turned your back." He spat venomously. "You turned away from the suffering of my people, and the inferno that destroyed us." He shouted at him in Khuzdul. Thranduil was quick to act, getting close to Thorin as well.

"Do not speak to me of dragon fire." He hissed to the dwarf king. "I know its wrath and ruin." Something dark passed over the Elvish King's face and a horrid face flashed across his before he quickly stepped back and it was normal again. "I have face the great serpents of the north. I warned your grandfather of what his greed would summon. But he would not listen." Thranduil turned away and walked up the steps to his throne. "You are just like him." He waved his hand and the guard that were posted moved and grabbed Thorin's arms, dragging him away. "Stay here, if you will, and rot. A hundred years is a mere blink in the life of an elf. I'm patient. I can wait." Thorin was forced into a cell much like those his kin were housed.

"Did he offer you a deal?" Came Balin's voice.

"He did. I told him he could ishkh khakfe andu null. Him and all his kin!" He shouted.

"Well, that's that then." Baling sighed. "A deal was our only hope." Thorin smiled a bit at this.

"Not our only hope." He reminded them as he looked out his cell door. Bella was out there. He just knew it, and she would come.

Bella peered around a pillar of the throne room, glancing every which way before she began to walk out again. Thranduil suddenly walked in front of her and she froze.

"I know you are there." He looked in her direction. "Why do you linger in the shadows?" How? How could he possibly know she was there?

"I was coming to report to you." A female voice spoke behind Bella and she let out a breath of relief. He didn't know she was there.

"I thought I ordered that nest to be destroyed not two moons passed." Thranduil questioned the red haired elf.

"We cleared the forest as ordered, my lord. But more spiders keep coming up from the south." Bella took this opportunity to sneak further passed the two, hoping to be able to find the others soon. "They are spawning in the ruin of Dagul Dur. If we could kill them at their source…" The she-elf was cut off by her king.

"That fortress lies beyond our borders. Keep our lands clear of those foul creatures, that is your task."

"And when we drive them off, what then? Will they not spread to other lands?

"Their lands are not my concern." The she-elf gave Thranduil a look of disbelief. Bella slipped away further, heading down the steps where she had seen Thorin be dragged to earlier. Unfortunately for her, there were so many hallways and corners to turn that she ended up passing them at first. Yet, when she back tracked, Bella found all thirteen of her dwarves. She looked around the area before slipping the ring off her finger. "Kili." She called softly to the closest dwarf. The dark haired archer looked up and quickly moved to the bars.

"Bella!" He exclaimed, catching the attention of the others. She hushed him quickly.

"There are still guards about." She warned but looked around. "You are all here?" She asked. A quiet chorus of murmured discomfort was all the answer she needed. "Try not to worry. I will find a way to get you all out." She assured them, moving up through the steps only to stop in front of Thorin's cell. "Thorin." She whispered her relief as she moved to his cell door. He was standing, holding the bars of his cage as he stared at her.

"You're alright. Mahal be praised. We couldn't find you after the spiders. I feared…" He trailed off and Bella smiled at him.

"Well, it takes a lot more than a few creepy creatures to keep me from my dwarves." She mumbled to him, stepping even closer. She gently rested her hands on the metal and Thorin moved his own to rest over hers. He was smiling softly at her.

"So I have realized. First trolls, goblins, orcs, spiders, and now elves. You are a true treasure, Mistress Baggins." He mused, being sure his voice would not carry to the others. She blushed a bit, but chuckled and leaned her head against the door. Thorin copied her movement, resting his forehead against her own some.

"I will get you guys out of here. No matter what. And I will find the weapons, and armor." She told him warmly and Thorin's smile fell a bit.

"Bella, if you cannot get them safely, do not go for them." He told her firmly. Upon seeing the confusion on her face, he continued. "I would much rather not have them, than have you thrown in a cell with us." She softened.

"Don't worry about me. I'm a burglar, remember?" She joked softly, lifting her head to him a bit. Thorin still looked worried. He leaned forward some and gently pressed his lips to her own. The soft, yet sudden kiss caught her off guard and she blushed. She didn't get the time to press back into the kiss, for as soon as he started it, Thorin had ended it.

"Be safe, Bella." He whispered. The two locked eyes for a long moment. Bella did not want to move away, but the sound of footsteps drew her from her Thorin. She turned her head up towards the steps, then back at Thorin.

"I will be back." She promised, slipping her hands from his own and stepping away. Once she was hidden from the sights of her dwarves, she removed her ring from her pocket again and stared at it. It took a few seconds and she slipped it back on, falling back into the world that felt familiar in its suffocating manner. She had to be in this world. Just for her dwarves.