SP/n: My short attention span has translated to my writing. Apologies.




Despite being from the renowned Uchiha clan, trained and groomed to be the elite yet Uchiha Sasuke somehow manages to be a blacksheep amongst them.

He had too much heart and he could feel nothing but extremes; he loved too much and he hated too much. His quest for vengeance had brought him to a plethora of emotions that he barely knows how to deal with. Knowing only the two ends of a spectrum, Sasuke's decision making has been regarded extreme. The rapid fluctuation of his emotional quotient has brought him to the conclusion that otherwise, he gives in to his aches and fears, the stronger and more stable he feels.

In a nutshell Uchiha Sasuke was instability personified.

Instability, [Read: Defected from home village, vows to destroy home village, train under Sannin despite disapproving said Sannin's methods, kills Sannin mentor, crosses borders to look for three people to kill brother, kills brother, [decides to] kill bestfriend, [almost] kills teammate, [almost] kills ex-teacher, [almost] kills one of the three people he crossed borders to look for, [decides to] fight for previously dubbed traitorous home village, decides to become Hokage of said traitorous home village, loses dominant arm [meh], comes back to home village only to leave again.]

Now that the Fourth Shinobi war has ended, Uchiha Sasuke's life has been a standstill. For years he had been trained on one goal and one goal only: kill Uchiha Itachi. Now that Uchiha Itachi was dead, albeit for the wrong reasons, post-vengeance Sasuke travelled across the nations to look for peace. Unknowingly missing that the peace he was looking for was never lost.

"Tadaima, Sakura."


Though Uchiha Sasuke is ultimately the sharpest and keenest of all shinobi, he also proved to be the most stubborn. Domesticating Uchiha Sasuke proved to be a challenge. Years of travel between villages and out in the world with little to none of the comforts of home, Uchiha Sasuke needed to calm the fuck down.

Awakened in the wee hours of the mornings due to jounins patrolling the streets at night. The habit of leaving the house without his katana hooked on. And to stop using hawks to send messages.

It had been a testing time for Haruno Sakura. Known for housing a completely different inner personality and a disciple of the Fifth Hokage, Princess Tsunade, Haruno Sakura was not a patient kunoichi. Though somehow, when directed toward a specific rinnegan wielding shinobi, her patience seems to know no bounds.

Sitting on Sakura's couch, with her snuggled at his side and a blanket draped over them while watching a rerun of a drama Sakura loved that Sasuke had yet to see, Sakura glanced briefly at the wall clock and shuffled to raise from her spot. Sasuke lowered the volume on the TV and looked into Sakura's twinkling eyes.

"Happy Birthday, Sasuke-kun." She greeted with a chaste kiss on his jaw and snuggled back into Sasuke's side.

His prosthetic arm was looped lazily around her waist under the blanket and with his thumb, he stroked the exposed skin lovingly. Craning his head down he gave a peck to Sakura's crown.

"Thank you."

Because to Uchiha Sasuke's extremes, Haruno Sakura was his in-betweens. She was the maybe to his Yes or No and the green to his red and purple.


SP/n: I'm a conspiracy theorist. Spectrum wise. Red - Green - Purple. Nailed it!

Had to make a reminder for this to get posted. :))

Tell me what you think! :)