Harry descended the stone spiral staircase to the dungeon of Malfoy Manor. He had another training session with the Dark Lord. He had come to look forward to their lessons. Harry could feel himself growing stronger every day, mentally, physically, magically and emotionally. People were beginning to respect him, fear him almost. He was getting powerful.

He knocked on the dungeon door.

"Enter, Harry," the Dark Lord called.

Harry did as he was bidden, closing the door behind him. He approached the table where the Dark Lord sat, and bowed.

"Come, sit."

Harry straightened and took the only other seat in the room.

"What is it you fear most, Harry?"

Harry was taken aback. They never did much talking in these lessons, at least not about their fears or emotions.

"I fear nothing, my Lord."

The Dark Lord smirked. "You lie. Every man fears something."

Harry thought for a moment. "Death."

The Dark Lord nodded. "An honest answer. Fearing death is nature at work, it is primal, instinctive. All men fear death.
But what do we do to our fears?"

"We face them," Harry responded.

The Dark Lord shook his head. "Incorrect. We destroy them. We obliterate our fears, Harry, so we become fearless, and become feared."

Harry nodded, although he was struggling to follow.

The Dark Lord continued. "Fear is potent, emotion at its most primal, most powerful. But there are many other emotions, happiness, sadness, anger…love," the Dark Lord finished, contempt in his voice. "And all of them," he continued, "make man weak."

The Dark Lord stood and began walking towards the far end of the dungeon. Harry quickly followed.

"When one is scared, they feel small, helpless and weak no matter their size or strength. When one is angry, they lash out, acting without control or measure, with no thought of the consequences of their actions. Emotions cloud our judgement. They alter our perception of reality, rendering us unable to see what is actually in front of us.

They came to a halt in front of a small wooden box. Kneeling down, the Dark Lord tapped the roof of the box with the tip of his wand.

Harry knelt down beside him to hear a faint squeaking emanating out of the box.

The Dark Lord opened the lid, and looking inside Harry could see a large black rat huddled inside. Tipping the box over the rat crept out onto the dungeon floor, sniffing the air. Just before it was about to scamper away however, the Dark Lord waved his wand, keeping it frozen to the spot.

"Stand back, Harry, and draw your wand."

Harry did as he was told, his heart rate quickening. He was nervous and hadn't a clue as to what was about to happen.

"To our eyes, Harry," the Dark Lord continued, "this is just a rat. A small, insignificant creature. However to the eyes of someone who has a fear of rats, the rat would seem a lot bigger, a lot scarier." As the Dark Lord spoke, he waved his wand and the rat began growing in size, when suddenly it was triple, no quadruple its original size. It was now the size of a medium sized dog.

Harry backed away in horror and disgust.

"Control your fear Harry," the Dark Lord warned. "Do not let it cloud your judgement, do not let panic set in."

With another wave of his wand, the rat was free to move and it hissed menacingly, its beady black eyes fixed on Harry.

"Become fearless, Harry," the Dark Lord called as the rat approached Harry menacingly, causing him to back away in fear. "Become feared."

His Master was right. He was powerful, he was the one to be feared.

Right before the rat launched itself at him, Harry sent a powerful blasting hex in its direction, sending it flying across the Dungeon floor. The rat was momentarily stunned by the force of the spell, giving Harry the chance to advance. He released a torrent of spells in its direction, causing it to duck and weave, all the while backing away from him. Soon Harry had it backed into a corner.

"Some say an animal when cornered is at its most dangerous," the Dark Lord called from behind Harry, "but they are wrong. An animal when cornered fears for its life and that fear drives all rational thought from its mind, causing it to act in desperation, without discipline."

Just as the Dark Lord finished speaking, the rat launched itself at Harry in one last ditch attempt, but Harry had been ready for it. "Avada Kedavra!" he bellowed.

There was a flash of green light, and the rat crumpled to the ground. Dead.

"Humans are not too dissimilar to rats," the Dark Lord said. "That is why we must learn not only to control our emotions, Harry, but to extinguish them. If a man has no emotion, he has no weakness."

Harry nodded.

"You have been practicing your Occlumency?"

"Every night."

"Well now you shall add emotions to your regime. Seal away your emotions, trap them, cage them and bury them so far down until you can feel them no more. Understood?"

Harry nodded. "Yes, my Lord."

Ha rry stalked along the perimeter of the protective wards, his black hooded cloak masking his pale features from the moonlight. Harry glanced back at his company which, excluding himself, was 15 men strong, and called five of them forward.

"You five," he said, keeping his voice low. "Position yourselves at the rear of the property. I'll send up red sparks once I've broken through the wards, and that's when you strike. Leave no one alive."

The group nodded and did as they were bidden.

Harry turned back to the wards. There were simple repelling and anti-apparition wards in place, which Harry could dispose of easily. There was also, however, an intruder alarm ward, which sounded an alarm to the occupants of the property once any unknown or unrecognised person passed through the barrier. This one was slightly trickier to disable.

Harry set to work, murmuring incantation after incantation, barely pausing for breath, just as his Master had taught him. It was important to send a constant stream of magic towards the wards you were trying to disable, it was much quicker and easier to find a weakness that way.

Harry ignored the growing impatience of the men that waited behind him, and within five minutes, he had found the weakness.

Harry grinned in triumph as he located the chink in the armour, and he brought all of the wards crashing down.

He turned back to his men "It is done. The wards are down. Keep low until you are close to the building, we don't want to give any warning of our attack so they have time to flee. Understood?"

The men nodded. "I have placed an anti-apparition ward over the house, so they can't Disapparate, but they may have emergency escape portkeys, so act fast. The scout reports states that there are six regular inhabitants, five adults and one minor,"

Greyback licked his lips as Harry said this.

"I want each and every one accounted for by the end of this," Harry continued. "Is that clear?"

The men nodded again, impatient to start.

Harry grinned and pointed his wands towards the sky, sending bright red sparks into the cool night air. He felt exhilarated, like he had finally been let loose off his leash. "Let's kill."

His company followed his lead, staying low as they approached the house. Harry kept his eyes peeled as he crept forward. Having the element of surprise was crucial. They were so close to the house now they could almost see through the kitchen window when suddenly a man appeared at the kitchen sink.

Harry raised his hand and his company stopped abruptly, but it was too little too late. The man was staring directly at them through the window. Harry could see his eyes go wide in shock, then even wider in terror as he realised what was happening.

"Move, move!" Harry bellowed. "Go!"

Harry broke into a sprint and blasted through the front door with a blasting hex and was suddenly facing three fully grown men, each with their wands pointed at his chest. Harry quickly raised a shield charm that was powerful enough to take the brunt of the three spells, but the force still sent him sprawling backwards back out into the garden.

However while the men had been pre-occupied with him, the rest of his company had rushed through the door, causing one of the men turn and engage them. That left the other two for Harry as they stepped out into the garden, their wands still trained on him.

Harry grinned. He was going to enjoy this. He jumped to his feet, and before the men could react, he pulled down his hood. It had the effect Harry had desired, as both men's eyes went wide with recognition, their eyes flicking to the scar on Harry's forehead.

They both cast stunning spells at him simultaneously, but Harry blocked them with a lazy flick of his wand. This was too easy.

He raised his wand before slashing it down sharply, sending both men to their knees. Another wave of his wand and both of their wands flew to his free hand.

"You shall kneel before your master," Harry growled, "and you shall beg for his mercy."

"Never," one of the men spat.

"Then you shall die," Harry said simply. "Avada Kedavra!"

There was a bright flash of green light, then the man slumped to the ground, lifeless.

Harry turned to the second man. "Let us try this again," he said, wanting to break his will, before killing him. It was the ultimate form of victory. "Who is your master?"

Before the man had a chance to respond, Harry raised his wand and shouted "Crucio!"

The man's agonised screams filled the air as he writhed on the ground in agony.

After a few seconds, Harry lifted the spell.

"Who is you master?" Harry shouted, before casting the Cruciatus curse again before the man could respond.

After a few seconds, Harry lifted the spell for a second time.

"Who is your master?" Harry asked again, the menace in his voice sending tremors of fear down his victim's spine.

"Y-you are," the man spluttered, panting and whimpering violently.

"Excellent," Harry said, his voice cold. "You have learned. Avada Kedavra!"

There was another green flash and the second man slumped beside where the first lay dead.

His fun over, Harry entered the house to see it completely trashed. He walked through the hallway which was covered in blood and debris and entered the kitchen, stepping over the body of an old woman as he did so. His company were already waiting for him there.

Harry surveyed the scene. The kitchen was as badly damaged as was the hallway, with smashed chairs and plates littering the blood stained floor. All that remained standing was the kitchen table, on top of which was a woman, bound and gagged and writhing, panic in her eyes as Fenrir leered over her.

"Battle report," Harry barked.

"No injuries to report, Scar," Greyback replied, turning his attention to him. "One managed to escape though, sir, a young woman with the child. She had an emergency portkey."

Harry detected the slight apprehension in Greyback's voice as he said this. Harry, however was unperturbed. "It matters not. Today was about sending a message to the wizarding world, and that woman will convey our message. We have stricken fear into the hearts of our enemy, and that fear will spread like a disease, weakening the minds and hearts of our foes to the point where none will dare to face us!"

There was a roar of approval from his company at his words.

"What about her?" Harry said, gesturing to the woman on the table, whose robes were torn at the legs and the breasts, revealing her bloody and bruised skin underneath.

"I figured the men deserved a reward for the good work they have just done," Greyback said, growling hungrily as he spoke, "if you know what I mean."

Harry looked at the woman again to find she was looking directly back at him, her eyes begging him for mercy.

Emotionless, Harry nodded his approval causing Greyback to howl in delight while the other men cheered and set about tearing the rest of her clothes off. "Just make sure to kill her when you're finished."

Harry turned and exited the kitchen, walked through the hall and out into the garden. He pointed his wand to the sky and muttered an incantation, causing a gigantic, snake like skull to form in great green clouds over the house.

His mission was complete.

The Next Day

Harry sat in one of the many living rooms in Potter Manor. He very much liked his home that had been built for him by the Death Eaters at the instruction of the Dark Lord. He had been given it for his seventeenth birthday, as a present. Before then Harry had never received a birthday present from the Dark Lord, although he had always been showered with gifts from the Malfoys, Bella as well as the lesser Death Eaters.

The Manor itself was huge, with four bedrooms and three bathrooms, a ballroom, a dining room and an office, most of which were rarely if ever used. Harry never really had visitors, except for the Dark Lord accompanied by his snivelling servant Wormtail, who would stay in the master bedroom on the top floor every few weeks or so. The Dark Lord rarely ever stayed in the same place, moving from Harry's Manor, to the Malfoy's, Bella's, while also going abroad for private missions involving Horcruxes.

The Manor was situated in a remote area in the Scottish countryside, off the beaten track and not easily found. It was also surrounded by some of the strongest defensive and protective wards available. It was Harry's fortress.

Harry looked down at the front page of the Daily Prophet that rested in his hands. A number of headlined screamed up at him:

'SIX DEAD IN HORROR ATTACKS': A double Death Eater attack on the Prewitt and Tonks households has resulted in the death of six people, although a mother and her child managed to escaped the onslaught during the Prewitt attack.

'SCAR SPOTTED DURING DARING RAID': Serial killer Scar, the right hand man of He Who Shall Not Be Named, was said to have led the assault on the Prewitt family. The Dark Mark was also spotted above the Prewitt home immediately after the assault.

'RAPE, TORTURE, MURDER…IS THE DARK LORD RETURNING?' Yet another attack at the hands of Death Eaters. Can it be denied any longer that the Dark Lord has returned?

Harry nodded, satisfied. His mission was complete. Bella had also been successful in her assault, with both Andromeda and Ted Tonks being confirmed dead, although Nymphadora had not been present as the attack was carried out.

Harry smirked. Fear was spreading fast through the hearts of the enemy; and as he was taught by his Master many years ago, fear makes people irrational, vulnerable…and weak.