Here it is! After over a year, this is the final chapter of Vacation Crashers. Figured that the best time to finish it off is when I'm on my own vacation. I hope you enjoy it.

Chapter 17- Everything's Okay Now (Fudge's POV)

I stretched my good foot out on the towel, digging my toes into the soft, white sand.

"Are you okay?" Lightning asked me, rolling out of the water to join me.

I sighed. "Yeah... Just wish I could go in the water." The clear blue water in front of me looked so good. Lightning's fellow racers and the rest of our friends were engaging in a water fight. It looked so fun, but I had to miss out because I couldn't get my cast wet. So, I got out my phone. "I guess I should find another way to entertain myself."

Half a second later, the Mexican Hat Dance came blaring out my phone again (AN: Chapter four reference XD).

Lightning groaned. "Fudge, just because we're in Mexico now, it doesn't mean that you have to play the Mexican Hat Dance."

"But I'm bored!" I whined.

All of a sudden, Chick crept up behind Lightning and dumped a bucket of water over him.

I burst out laughing. "Okay! Now, I'm a little less bored!"

That's right. Chick had come with us to Mexico. It surprised us all, but this was what happened:

Our first stop when Siddeley picked us up was a deserted island in the middle of the Atlantic Ocean to drop off the unconscious Lemons, so they had no chance of escaping. Some other CHROME agents would arrive shortly and return them to jail.

The second stop was for us to get treated at a hospital. Luckily, there wasn't much wrong with any of us. Finn had a couple of dents and scratches from his... tree incidents, but those were easily fixed. Chick wasn't seriously injured by the bullet. We were all relieved that it wasn't a fatal shot. And Holley and Francesco were fine once the effects of the sleep ray wore off.

As for me, once I was warmed up a little bit, had my ankle set in plaster and ice over my bruised head, I was fine. I was just so relieved that I was okay and back with my family.

After all of that had been taken care of, we decided to finish our vacation, but after all of the disasters with the Lemons and the storm, it was unanimous that none of us really wanted to return to Florida. So, we all agreed to find somewhere else to spend the rest of the vacation. It didn't take us long to agree on Mexico. They hadn't been impacted by the storm that hit Florida and they had beautiful beach weather like we wanted. Besides, we probably wouldn't have anybody else crash our vacation there.

We also invited Otis to join us.

"Really?!" he'd exclaimed ecstatically like he couldn't believe it. "You want me to come with you?! Wow! Thanks, guys! This is so cool!"

That left just one person to deal with.

"So... Chick", Lightning had begun awkwardly as we made our way to Mexico inside of Siddeley. "Do you want us to drop you off somewhere or..." He sighed. "If you want, you're welcome to come with us. After all... you did save two of our lives."

I couldn't help remembering all of his comments when he met up with us in Florida. "I got better things to do than hang out with you losers!" he'd remarked. There's no way he'd say yes... Was there?

Chick gave Lightning a smile. His response to the question was, "I guess hanging out with you losers wouldn't be the worst thing in the world."

Lightning chuckled. "And maybe hanging around with you wouldn't be the worst thing in the world either."

"But I'm only coming because I want a rematch for that race we had on the beach that first day I was in Florida. I only lost because... the beach ate me. (AN: Cars 3 reference XD) I could so beat you anytime, any track, McQueen!"

Lightning rolled his eyes, but he was still grinning. "A-and some things just never change!"


And so, that's where we are now.

"Chick!" Lightning groaned, shaking off the shock at being totally drenched.

The green race car just snickered. "Oops..."

The 95 race car rolled closer to the number 86. "Oh, you're gonna pay!" he declared.

"Oh, what are you gonna do?!" Chick retorted.

"Why don't we settle this with a race?" Lightning suggested.

"Because that's your answer to everything?" I piped up.

"Hey, when you're this fast, speed solves a lot of problems."

It wasn't long before all of the racers were ready. Francesco drove slowly along the beach on his way to line up with the others.

"What are you doing?" Jeff Gorvette questioned.

"Making sure there are no holes on the beach for Francesco to fall into", he responded.

Max Schnell laughed with the others. "Ah, yes. That was most amusing, Francesco!"

"It would be awesome to see that again!" I chimed in, hobbling over to Luigi and sliding onto his hood.

"Yeah!" Rip Clutchgoneski agreed.

Francesco just looked at Luigi as he took his place at the starting line. "Just begin, Luigi", he requested.

"Welcome, racers", my father began in that Italian accent that I love, "to today's great test of speed. Finn McMissile is at the other end of the beach, waving a flag. That will be your finish line."

"Speed, I'm speed!" Lightning whispered to himself.

"Francesco is triple speed", Francesco added.

"Francesco is fragile", Chick was muttering to himself. "McQueen is not as good as me. Chick Hicks is the greatest racer ever! He is fast and handsome and did not cry while watching Toy Car Story 3!"

The others all stared at him.

"What?" Chick asked.

Lightning shook his hood. "Come on, Luigi!" he urged.

"On your mark... get set... AND GO!"

And just like that, they were off. Lightning was in the lead, but Chick and Francesco were right behind him.

"Go, go!" Mater hollered from beside Luigi and me.

But Lightning didn't speed up. He slowed down as two blue cars pulled up in front of them. He had to skid to a stop pretty quickly to avoid crashing into them.

"Oh, hey, McQueen!" one of them greeted him casually.

"What are you doing here?" the other added.

Lightning blinked. "Mr. The King? Cal?"

I groaned along with everyone else. And it was me who voiced what we were all thinking.

"Here we go again!"

That's it! Roll credits! I can't believe that this is over.

I'd like to thank all of my readers and reviewers. Especially Agent Sandra Cartrip, PinkCookie11 and MidniteTheDSiXL. You guys are awesome!

Don't worry, though. I'll still be active on FFN. At the moment, mainly with When Life Gives You Lemons and Tales From Radiator Springs, so look out for updates on those.

Well, I guess that's it. For the last time for this story, bye! I'll see you around, fellow Cars fans!