Since Kira's death, everything has come to normal, but Light was now a ghost, a ghost who can neither go to heaven nor rot in hell, to make matters worse all he can do is watch the people live their routine life as he has no powers we all expect ghosts to have, all he can do is pass through solid objects, Neither can his presence be felt nor can he touch any object or human. Light watches the second L, Nate involved in puzzles, and the rage that light carries at this moment is way worse than what any human could show. Travelling all over the globe watching evil spread as Kira's dead Light yells knowing no one can hear him, "Screw you N, look at all the chaos you caused, I brought the world in order with no crime and you distorted it"

Ryuk appears in front of Light's soul, "Been a while hasn't it? I miss those days where you fought L and killed him that was fun"

"Get lost. You killed me, you, it's your fault." Light Yelled at Ryuk. "I couldn't just let you live and forget about the death note so that I couldn't kill you, I told you the first day, I will be the one to write your name on my death note"

"Why are you here?"

"I am bored, so I'm here to have some more fun. Now since you know all the secrets of N and his origins, if you get another chance will you kill him?"

"Why? Just because you're bored you expect me to entertain you?"

"I have recently acquired the powers to time travelling but let me explain the pros and cons of it.

Listen carefully because I am not repeating it

1) I can make you jump behind and take over your older body, the negative part is that you'll know the fate that you suffered, i.e. everything till the second you died but you'll forget the things you've witnessed as a ghost, although you'll remember these conditions that you're listening to.

2) If you change the past decision you've made then you cannot determine your future although you can be sure you won't suffer the same fate as you have suffered.

3) If you jump back and forfeit the note, you'll lose all these memories too.

4) One human can jump only once forever.

5) You cannot reveal the fact that you've time travelled

6) Whichever time you jump in I will jump in that same time.

7) Your older self can rebel against you and might not allow you to take over him, and if you lose and cannot take over your older self, you will return to the present and you can't time jump thereafter.

What do you say Light?"

"What if I jump to the time when I forfeited the note and was in prison while you were off finding a man hungry for power? Will I remember then?"

"I don't know. That is something I will know once you do it." Ryuk brushed it off his shoulder

"Then send me to the 30th day of imprisonment. It's going to be a risk but I'll remember without touching the note, it's a risk I'm willing to take and facing of L. If I go back that time, how will the old me see the person I am now? Will he see me in front of him or in his head?"

"You'll be in his head, and when you interact with your older self which I forgot to mention, was that your body will become unconscious till the time you both get into a decision of whether you will take over your older self or not."

'It's a risk as my other self just is no more kira and he is definitely against kira.'

"Oh wait then Ryuk, take me to 27th day of the imprisonment as that day I didn't take any eat anything, so I could be deemed ill and I can have then continue to change the course of my life, just hand me a piece of paper from the death note you're carrying."

" Well once you're inside his head just open your palms and you'll get your wish"

Ryuk moved close to Light and lifted his arms and a veil of bright ray covered them, and a second the two vanished.


Light during the 27th day of his imprisonment just stood up and leaned forward. He lost his balance and hit the ground. L just watched light stay there for 5 minutes but Matsuda went on, "We have to help him, c'mon"

"Wait!" L put his hands in air, "Five more minutes. If Light is not faking it I'll send you to help him out"

"His limbs are still, the dust particles around him don't seem to be getting influenced much"

"Go, Matsuda" L said.

Inside Light's head

*Note, the italics indicate the older Light Yagami speaking and the non italic sentence is said by Light yagami who time travelled

"Huh? What's going on? Is this a mirror, how can I see myself, No you're different than me, you have eyes of a murderer, you are not me, you're impersonating me"

"Bullshit, I'm the future Light, You are Kira, you just gave up your memories saying you forfeit them." The Light from the future opens his palms and looks at the piece of paper, hands it to the older self, "Now just place it in your palms."

As the Light from past touched the paper, He understood every bit of the plan he was executing. "Don't let it get away from your contact, you'll no longer remember your old self. Now just listen to me, I'm from the future, here to take over your body, if you allow me to take over you the death I faced can be evaded."

How does the death occur in the first place?"

"It's a long story, yes for the time being I'll let you know that L will die and we will succeed in killing him."

"Can't we work together?"

"Even if so then I got to take control of you and you got to be subconscious."

"Ok then let's work together and rule the world."

They both shake hands.