This day marked a turning point in their lives, so of course they sealed it with a kiss. This kiss marked a new member of their family, their first and only daughter Amelia.

The pregnancy had been hard on Jeanette, making her weaker as she got further and further into the pregnancy. Her struggle was also hard on her loving husband Simon, , who hated to see the love of his life in so much distress.

When the day finally came, Simon was beyond ready. He had a bag packed and in the car from the moment Jeanette hit her seventh month of pregnancy, in fear that the complications in Jeanette's health might lead to early labor, like the doctor had suspected it might.

He knew even before his wife even went into labor that it was coming. She had some contractions the night before (which the doctor said might occur at 37 weeks), and they were even worse in the morning. So that afternoon he drove her down to the hospital , and as they left the car, it happened.

"Simon," She squeaked, leaning against the car for support.

"Yes? What is it darling?" He asked while getting the bag he had prepared out of the car.

She gave a slight chucks, "It seems you have impeccable timing dear," she stated, then looked up at him with wide eyes. "My water just broke."

His grey eyes widened, and with that he rushed her into the hospital and got her right into a room in the maternity ward, where their obstetrician made her quite comfortable.

"The epidural should kick in sometime soon. To release more, just press this little button here. But the baby is early, as you know, so be sure not to try and use to much, it will stop distributing the fluid after a while, but too much at once could cause an issue in the delivery, so please bear that in mind. At this point we have no idea what issues might arise, or whether the baby will be able to be delivered naturally. Again, these are just things to keep in your mind, because we don't want to put anyone at risk." With that, he left the room, but not before he gave the already terrified chipette a (somewhat) reread during smile.

The smile, however, didn't help one bit, as Jeanette began to cry as soon as he left.

"Oh Simon, what if something happens?" She sobbed, gently rubbing her stomach. "I couldn't live with myself if something happened to our baby."

Simon got up from his chair next to her bed and began to gently pet her head, smoothing her hair. "My love everything will be alright." He kissed the top of her head gently. And, once again, Simon Seville was right. After thirteen hours of labor, Jeanette was finally able to deliver a beautiful, healthy (albeit premature) baby girl.

After she was cleaned off and fed, the baby, named Amelia Marie Seville, was fast asleep in her father's arms. He smiled down at her, and then he smiled at his wife, who was minutes away from falling asleep herself. He placed his daughter in the special cubicle that was brought into the room and sat on the bed with his wife. He wrapped his arm around her shoulders and placed another kiss on the top of her head.

"You did it." He cupped her face in his hands as he stared deep into her emerald eyes. "You brought our daughter into this world, it was all you and I am so beyond proud of what you were able to accomplish." She smiled at him, and that's when he kissed her tenderly.

The kiss wasn't shy, like their first, or passionate, like the one they shared at their wedding. No, this kiss was on a level all it's own. It was filled with love and adoration; the two of them couldn't be happier than they were in that moment. As they pulled away, the only thought on their minds, aside from how happy they both were, was how tired they both were. With that, they joined their daughter in peaceful sleep.

...That is until, she woke up hungry about an hour later…...