Hey, everyone! I hope all of you are doing well and are excited for this month's chapter! For now, it's looking like the monthly schedule is working for me and I'm doing my best to keep it up. Hope you all enjoy the read!

Chapter 4: In Harm's Way

Deep within the icy prison beneath the surface of the southern tundra, P'li breathed in deeply and slowly, her breath visible before her as she sat with her long arms wrapped round her body to keep some semblance of warmth. Her fiery, golden eyes glared resolutely at the door that barred her exit and she bore a cruel scowl as she waited for her rescuers.

Up above on the surface, Tonraq, Eska and Desna looked up as Lord Zuko descended upon his red dragon.

"Did you see Zaheer?" Tonraq asked.

"The only thing I saw was a snowstorm heading our way," Zuko answered.

"That's not a snowstorm. That's him."

Within the snowstorm itself was a lone truck with Ghazan behind the wheel. Zaheer stood atop the truck and it was his airbending that was creating the storm as he whirled snow and ice and rain about them. The truck burst out and Zaheer and Ming-Hua flipped off of it before charging at their attackers.

"I put you away once, Zaheer," Tonraq declared. "And I'm going to do it again."

He attacked ferociously but Zaheer met him blow for blow. The twins double-teamed Ming-Hua, unleashed a barrage of ice but the agile waterbender slung herself through it all with ease and trapped the twins with ice of her own. Then she formed a spinning drill of ice around her and broke through the surface to the prison below.

She took out the White Lotus guards in front of P'li's cage and then busted down the door. The firebender was huddled against the wall but her eyes gleamed when she saw her partner.


"Let's get you out of here."

Ming-Hua broke through her chains and allowed P'li to stand up to her full, terrifying height. She towered over the waterbender and removed a metal band that had been stuck around her head, revealing a vertically-shaped red eye.

Getting onto Ming-Hua's back, she held on as the waterbender clawed up the prison wall with ice back to the surface. "We could've just taken the elevator," she said blandly. "Show off."

They emerged out of the prison and were met with Zuko's dragon flying straight towards them. It blasted huge plumes of fire at them from his mouth but P'li stepped up and controlled it, swirling it around herself with a wide smile. "Mmm, I've waited thirteen years to feel this warm."

Her eyes focused and she clenched her fists, firing a concussive blast from her third eye straight into the dragon. Meanwhile, Zuko and Ghazan were trading blows. Ghazan leapt down from the truck and blocked an attack from Zuko before knocking the old man back with a boulder.

Tonraq dodged away from Zaheer and then turned to see P'li fire at him. He quickly brought up a wall of ice to protect himself but the explosion rocketed him back into the snow. The four powerful criminals got into the truck, leaving Zuko and the others defeated.

P'li instantly wrapped her arms around Zaheer tenderly. "I thought I'd never see you again."

He smiled. "I never doubted." The two of them kissed passionately.

Ghazan cringed. "Really? Right now?"

"Morning," Uryu said calmly as he sipped on a cup of freshly brewed tea. He'd showered already and his hair was neatly done.

"Mmph," came the reply from Ichigo who staggered down the stairs into the kitchen. His hair was wild and unkempt and he sat down heavily across from the Quincy and rubbed his eyes. "Care to share some of that tea?"

"Not really."

"Figures." Ichigo grabbed an apple and started munching on it. "So, what's the plan?"

"Regarding what?"

"Soi Fon. Obviously."

"Well, that really depends on what your group decides as a whole. You all have your own mission to accomplish regarding the airbenders so perhaps that will take first place. Ahead of the group of powerful assassins coming to kill us," he said dryly.

"I think we can handle Soi Fon in a straight up fight."

"Don't be too sure. I don't think it's a good idea to underestimate any captain, especially her when she's angry."

"Yeah, you're probably right."

"Besides, you're not exactly… how do I say this nicely… in optimal shape right now, Kurosaki."

"Huh? You calling me weak? Because I'm not."

"You're not weak. But you're not as strong as you used to be. I think you realize that as well."

Ichigo sat back. "Alright, maybe. But I've been training."

"Good. I think we'll need it."

"Good morning, you too." Tenzin said as he and Jinora came downstairs.

"Morning," Ichigo replied as Uryu nodded his greeting.

The two airbenders sat down and Jinora looked despondently down at the table. Tenzin rubbed her shoulder.

"Don't worry, Jinora. We'll find him."

"He must be so scared."

"Kai's been on the streets for a while. I'm sure he can handle himself."

Ichigo nudged Uryu. "There's our answer. Finding Kai has to be our top priority. Then the airbenders. Then Soi Fon."

Tenzin nodded. "One thing at a time. How likely is it that this Soi Fon person arrived anywhere near Ba Sing Se?"

Uryu shrugged. "I have no idea. If their gate works the same as the one I came through, then there's no controlling where she ends up. She could be on the other side of the world for all we know."

"So we can't make any assumptions about how much time we have before she finds us. It was mostly good fortune that we ran into each other here."

"I agree."

"Maybe we need to get out of Ba Sing Se," Ichigo suggested. "Just keep moving. Don't stay too long in one spot."

"We're not leaving without Kai," Jinora said obstinately.

"Of course not. I'm talking about after we find him."

"I don't want to give up on finding the airbenders in this city," said Tenzin. "They have to be here. That Queen is hiding something."

"That much is obvious," Uryu replied.

"I'm sure it'll be revealed soon," Ichigo said. "Maybe Mako and Bolin found Kai anyway."

"I hope so," said Jinora.

Down in the Lower Ring, Tu burst through the door to the house where Mako, Bolin and the other members of their family were sitting.

"I got 'em!" he announced, holding two slips of paper in his hand. "These passports should get you into the Upper Ring."

Bolin grinned. "Awesome! Tu, you're the best cousin a guy could have! …And my other cousins as well, yeah. Yeah, you're all the best," he added awkwardly.

"Thanks," Mako said. "I know this wasn't easy."

"It's such a shame you two must leave so soon," Yin said.

"I wish we could stay. But if it's true the Earth Queen is forcing airbenders into her army, we have to do something about it."

"I love you both. Come visit again."

"We will, Grandma."

The entire family came together for a big group hug.

"I love you too, Grandma," Bolin said. "And Chow. And Tu. And Meng Meng. And Chow Jr. And, and there he is, Big T. And Little T. And Medium U. And… what was your name again?"

"Yah!" Korra grunted as she pummeled her right fist into the pad. She and Asami were outside in the garden of the house sparring lightly. Asami was holding pads that engulfed her wrists while Korra effectively blew off steam hitting them.

"I know that Earth Queen is lying to me! I can tell by that Queeny smirk of hers! I can't believe I helped her. I should've known she was using me!" Korra leapt into the air and roundhouse kicked one of the pads, knocking it off Asami's arm and sending her spinning.

"Whoa, hey!" Asami protested. "I think I could use a break. You letting off steam is starting to hurt. A lot."

"Sorry. I got distracted. I wasn't thinking."

Asami wrung her sore wrist. "It's alright." She bent down and tossed Korra a water bottle they'd brought out.

Korra caught it and guzzled it down. "Thanks. It's kind of nice waking up early. The house and the city are quiet, weather's nice and cool. Was Ichigo still asleep when we went out?"

Asami nodded. "He always sleeps in. Uryu was up, though."

"Ugh. Of course he was. Little creep is probably nocturnal."

"We'd better get used to him, you know. We're gonna be working with him a lot from now on."

"Not if I can help it." Korra sighed and plopped down onto the grass. "He's probably a decent guy but he just rubs me the wrong way."

Asami smiled as she joined her. "A lot of people rub you the wrong way."

"Well, yeah." She tossed the water bottle in the air and caught it. "Maybe once this whole thing with that Soi Fon person has passed over, he'll go back to his world."

"Well, can we even send anyone back over there? It's not like we have another Harmonic Convergence right around the corner."

"You're right," Korra muttered. "Damn."

"It'll work out." Asami looked up as Ichigo came out of the house and waved. "Good morning!"

Ichigo waved back with a small smile. "Morning, guys. Uryu and I were just making some breakfast, you guys wanna help?"

"Sure!" Asami got up and pulled a reluctant Korra to her feet. Pabu suddenly chittered and scampered past them. They turned to see where he was going. "Mako! Bolin!"

The two brothers came panting up to them as Korra, Ichigo and Asami ran over. "You're okay. Where have you been?"

Bolin bent over with his hands on his knees and breathlessly updated them. "We chased Kai, train, slipped away. Lower Ring, slept… in trash pile, met our family. Grandma tears, Mako's scarf. Earth Queen… lying…" He toppled over in exhaustion.

"Huh?" said Ichigo.

"Can you interpret that?" added Asami.

"The Earth Queen's been secretly taking airbenders and forcing them into her army," Mako explained.

"She was lying," Korra exclaimed. "I knew it! I swear the next time I see her-"

"It's the Queen," Asami interrupted.

Sure enough, being carried in a green and gold palanquin, the Earth Queen was making her way over to their garden. Ichigo narrowed his eyes and Uryu, evidently sensing something, came out of the house to join them. Bolin hurriedly opened his shirt to Pabu.

"Quick! Pabu, shirt! I know… it's a little sweaty."

The Queen and Gun approached them. Her facial expression was difficult to read besides her obvious displeasure at doing business with them. But she put on the most cordial voice she could as she addressed them.

"Good, you're here. Gun, tell her the news."

"We've received word from the Yang Province," Gun said timidly. "There have been reports of airbenders there."

"Wonderful, isn't it? It's the very thing you've been lookin for."

"Thank you," Korra replied awkwardly. "That is just the most wonderful news… ever. …Yay."

"So, I assume you and your friends here will be leaving immediately-", the Queen suddenly spluttered and began sneezing rapidly. She growled and gripped Gun's collar violently. "Is there an animal in my presence?"

"No!" Gun responded hurriedly. "No, your Majesty, I would ever allow an animal near you!"

Bolin quickly scurried away with Pabu while she was distracted.

The Queen sneezed again. "If I find one within fifty feet of me, it's your head. Anyway, if you need any assistance packing, let Gun know. He'll see to it that you are on your way by evening."

"Uh, this evening?" Korra questioned. "I'm not sure about leaving so soon."

"Because our airship is having engine trouble," Asami lied swiftly. "It'll take me until tomorrow to finish the repairs."

The Queen tried to reply but instead kept sneezing and eventually gave up, getting back in her palanquin and exiting the property.

"Thanks for buying us some time," said Korra to Asami.

Ichigo nodded. "At least we have a set goal now. Find Kai and find the airbenders in her army."

"We'll need to move fast," said Uryu. "Who knows how long we have till Soi Fon catches up to us."

Soi Fon took a long draft of fresh ocean air as she exited the huge tanker they'd stowed away on. The bright, warm sun felt incredible on her skin and the air was a welcome change from the dingy, damp air of the ship. She wrinkled her nose then as the smell of the harbour hit and also a strong, pungent smell of… vines?

"What the hell are all these?" Iba exclaimed. "They're everywhere!"

Evidently someone overheard his complaints. "You can thank Miss Avatar for those," a gruff sailor voice replied. "They're spirit vines and it's her damn fault they're here." He spat on one of them. "Bad for business, I tell ya. And an even worse omen. We sailors know not to mess with those spirits. Dangerous creatures, they are. Can't be trusted."

The other Soul Reapers ignored him as he continued muttering to himself, instead making their way through the harbour and into the streets. They marvelled at the architecture, the vines and also the vehicles that passed them by.

"So, this is Republic City. Bit different from that icy town, ain't it," Omaeda remarked.

"Indeed," Soi Fon replied curtly. "Enough sightseeing. We all know our mission. Let's split up, gather as much information as we can and report back here at nightfall. Understood?"

The others nodded but Izuru raised his voice. "What happens if we run into Ichigo?"

"Flare your reiatsu. The others will sense it."

"Should we engage him in combat?" asked Iba.

She shook her head. "Try not to let him notice you until I arrive. We'll need to go about his extraction carefully."

"But won't he sense anyone raising their reiatsu as well?" said Hanataro.

"It's a risk we'll have to take. Hanataro, you're with me again. We'll head straight into town. The rest of you comb the outskirts."

"Yes, Captain!"

"How many do you think will come?" Rangiku asked.

"Who knows," replied Toshiro.

The two of them were walking together through the Rukongai district in search of the meeting place. It was still light out and the orange hue of the sunset was cast over them. Rangiku strolled along casually but Toshiro seemed irritable and in a rush, his short legs propelled him along a few paces ahead of her.

"Well, who did we go to see? Just Momo and Lisa right?"

"That's right."

"Think they'll come?"

"I don't know."

"Hey, do you think we'll actually rebel?"

"I don't know," he repeated with annoyance. "Can you stop asking questions and start walking faster? We're late enough as it is."

"Late? Since when?"

"Since you slept in this morning, didn't get your work done, spent too much time getting ready, hid my uniform from me, couldn't find your makeup… need I go on, Matsumoto?"

"Ahaha, you got me there, Captain."

They arrived at the house where everyone was waiting. Renji crossed his arms as they came in through the entrance.

"You're late. As usual."

"You know who to blame," Toshiro muttered in reply.

They sat down and eyed their company. Byakuya and Renji from Squad 6, Kenpachi, Yachiru, Ikkaku and Yumichika from Squad 11, Shinji and Momo from Squad 5 and Lisa from Squad 8. Not exactly an army but it was a start.

"I take it you guys didn't talk to anyone else?" Renji said to the members of Squad 11.

"We brought Yumichika!" Kenpachi protested.

Yumichika ran his hand through his hair. "Indeed, I'm almost offended you lot didn't invite me sooner. I love a good rebellion."

Renji sighed. "I meant outside your own squad."

"The other squads are dumb!" Yachiru declared. "Squad 11 is all we need."

Shinji leaned back in his chair. "Well, this is about as dysfunctional as I'd imagined."

"I'm surprised you're even here," said Renji. "I thought you told Captain Kuchiki you couldn't go against your squad."

Shinji shrugged. "Meeting here won't do any harm, will it? Besides, I did some thinking about it. I like Ichigo too much not to at least vouch for him."

"Is there actually going to be a rebellion, though?" Rangiku said again to nobody.

Byakuya cleared his throat but nobody paid him any attention. He pursed his lips and glanced up at Renji who was on his feet arguing with Ikkaku about something meaningless. His eyes met Lisa's who was sitting on the other end of the table. She raised her eyebrows and drummed her fingers on the table irritably.

At last, Shinji noticed Byakuya's plight and smashed his hand on the table. "Alright, you bastards! Shut up and listen to Kuchiki! Whole damn Gotei 13 will know we're here if we keep this up."

Byakuya nodded. "Everyone, thank you for coming. I know these are strenuous times for all of us and talk of rebellion only makes things tenser. We need to get our priorities in order. Our information is old and we are unable to receive any updates from the other world regarding Kurosaki and Uryu Ishida. It may be far too early to declare an rebellion."

Toshiro nodded. "I agree with that. Plus, most of the other captains side with the Captain Commander and he regains strength every day."

"Which is why we should strike now!" Kenpachi yelled. "Hit them while they're weak!"

"That would not be wise," Lisa said. "With so little information, a rebellion could be premature or even unnecessary. And what is the rebellion for anyway? Are we just going to ignore that thousands of people are dead? Or that Ichigo lost control? I'm all for giving him a chance to explain and redeem himself but people are dead. And justice has to be served in some way."

"It will be," Byakuya reassured. "Our discrepancy is whether the other members of Gotei 13 will be even give Kurosaki that chance."

"I'll tell you why I want to rebel," said Renji. "They have Rukia and they just might kill her. I can't let that happen. But I'm not strong enough to rescue her on my own. I admit that."

"So what are we talking about here," Shinji said, "Ichigo or Rukia? Or both?"

"Both," answered Toshiro. "Here's my thinking. We have too little information and too little reasoning to enact a full-on rebellion. However, I believe that we must remain ready to rebel if and or when we get the information we need. That information is not a guarantee but we must stay vigilant. I think that that is a proper compromise for all of us here. It's something we can all agree on."

Slowly, the others nodded.

"Fine by me," Shinji said, getting to his feet. "In the meantime, I'm gone. See y'all on judgement day."

"I can't believe the Earth Queen is conscripting airbenders." Tenzin exclaimed. "It's downright tyrannical!"

Everyone was sitting around the dining table in the house discussing the new information they'd received.

"Those people should not be forced to join an army," Korra agreed.

"Well, technically the Earth Queen has a right to conscript her citizens," Bumi interjected. The others looked at him in annoyance. "What? It's true."

"He has a point," Uryu offered.

Korra glared at him. "Okay, you can just shut-"

"No, no, let him speak," Ichigo interrupted. "Jeez, Korra, lighten up. Uryu's spent more time with the Earth Queen than any of us. Did she give any indicator that she was conscripting them?"

Uryu shook his head. "Of course not. If she had, I would've told you."

"But why would she need the airbenders?" Bolin pondered. "The Earth Kingdom has one of the most powerful armies in the world, doesn't it?"

"Yes, but it might not be strong enough to accomplish her true goal: retaking the United Republic as Earth Kingdom territory. It's one of the reasons I won her favour. I promised to help the Dai Li grow stronger and improve their tactics so they could take over Republic City one day."

Korra nodded. "She mentioned that to me as well. I could tell how annoyed she got just talking about it."

"Has there ever been an airbending army?" Uryu asked Tenzin.

"Not to my knowledge," he replied. "The Air Nation was a nomadic, peaceful people who only settled in the four Air Temples. They were more concerned about their own spiritual journeys than worldly matters."

"Hmm. And is that what you seek to return them to?"

"If I can, yes. The thing I want the most is to restore the spirit of the Air Nation. We're not soldiers and certainly not Earth Kingdom ones."

"Guys, what if Kai was spotted airbending," Jinora said suddenly. "He might've been taken too."

"Probably not," Bolin said. "He's surprisingly hard to catch. Like a little greased hog-monkey."

"You sound bitter that he gave you the slip," Ichigo joked. "Your new little brother too quick for you?"

"But what if he was caught?" Jinora insisted.

Korra went over to her. "Don't worry, Jinora. We'll find him. We just need to figure out where to look."

"I bet they're under Lake Laogai," Mako said thoughtfully. Everyone looked at him blankly. "What? I've been reading some of Jinora's books. The old Dai Li agents used to have a secret fortress beneath the lake."

"Mako's right; it's the perfect spot to hide airbenders," Jinora said. "And I know how to check it out without being caught. I can project my spirit into it."

"You mean that out of body thing you did to help giant, spirity Korra?" asked Bumi.

"You can still do that?" said Tenzin.

"It's not as powerful as it was during Harmonic Convergence," Jinora admitted, "but if I can get close enough I think I can do it."

"Hold on, hold on," Uryu interrupted. "You can project your spirit?"


"How does that work?"

"I'm not totally sure. When I meditate and concentrate on my spirit, I'm able to leave my body and travel around a small area around it."

Uryu sat back. "That's incredible. Can you sense spirit energy as well?"

She nodded. "Yeah, I can sense that you, Korra and Ichigo have a lot more spirit energy than anyone else here."

"Hold up," said Ichigo. "Could you sense that I had spirit powers when I didn't have any memories?"

"No, I wasn't as strong spiritually then. I think the only ones who could sense you had powers were Katara and Amon."

Ichigo shivered. "Ugh, don't remind me."

Korra nodded. "Yeah, that guy was obsessed with you. Good thing that's all in the past." She put her hand on Jinora's shoulder. "Let's go get Kai. Let's get all the airbenders out."

Deep underground, Kai stood in a line alongside the other airbenders facing another line of them. They had a sparring partner opposite them for training purposes. He looked around. The room was very dark and dank with high, arcing walls that reeked of mildew and other unpleasant substances. The symbol of the Earth Kingdom was emblazed on the wall to his right and Dai Li guards stood at both entrances.

A Dai Li instructor stood by them with his hands clasped behind his back. "You are the property of the Earth Kingdom," he said sternly to the group. "You will become the Queen's elite fighting force and protect her at all costs. It is your duty to serve the Earth Queen."

As instructed, the airbenders began sparring. Most of them were complete beginners so their moves were rudimentary and awkward at best. Kai was paired up with a slightly overweight, snotty-nosed kid who raised his hands as soon as Kai moved to attack.

"Go easy on me!" he pleaded. "I'm not that good."

Kai smiled and complied, tossing a light waft of air at his partner who smiled back thankfully. A resounded slap reverberated around the room as the Dai Li struck Kai across the face with the back of his hand.

"Never show mercy! Now attack your opponent. This time, like you mean it."

Kai steeled his teeth and fired a strong blast, knocking his partner over easily.

"Sorry," he muttered apologetically.

"A soldier never apologises to his enemy," the agent instructed.

"I'm not a soldier."

"You will be when I'm through with you."

Oogie moaned loudly as he flew across the pristine lake below them. Lake Laogai was located outside the city and surrounded by small mountains. It was a bit of an odd spot for a lake but it's incredible blueness was a welcome change from the greens and browns of the city. There was a single island out in the middle of the water and Oogie touched down as Korra, Uryu, Tenzin and Jinora disembarked.

"So, like I've been saying for the past half hour," Korra said to Uryu. "Why the hell are you coming with us?"

"I want to see the astral projection for myself," he replied curtly.

"Hey, you notice how Ichigo, the other spirit guy isn't here? You should follow his example."

"Kurosaki and I have different interests. I want to learn everything I can about this world and about this ability. Maybe it can be used to help us against Soi Fon when she eventually finds us, which need I remind you, Avatar, could be any day now."

"Could you two stop arguing for two seconds?" Tenzin requested angrily. He put his hand on his daughter's shoulder as she sat down on the ground, ready to meditate. "If anything goes wrong, come back immediately."

Jinora smiled. "I will." She closed her eyes and the others stood back to watch. After a few seconds, her spirit, appearing as a blue, ghostly figure, appeared below the surface. Something had definitely been here. There were tunnels everywhere and rooms and pits galore.

However, all of it had been totally flooded. Instead of Dai Li there were fish and instead of torture and brainwashing items there was kelp. Jinora travelled everywhere about the base but all of it was waterlogged and abandoned. Eventually, she gave up and returned to her body.

"What happened?" Korra asked. "What did you see?"

"The airbenders aren't there. It's completely deserted."

"They're not down there?" Tenzin questioned.

"Jinora," Korra said, "you've read all about Ba Sing Se. Can you think of any other places the airbenders could be?"

"In a city this huge and with a secret agent system this complex, there could be countless places," Uryu remarked pessimistically.

Jinora nodded. "He's right. They could be in the catacombs beneath the Upper Ring, or the ancient sewers beneath the Lower Ring, or the maze of tunnels that connects the rings together, or they could be…"

Tenzin sighed. "There are just too many places. There has to be another way to locate them."

"Maybe there is," Korra said. "How did you find me during Harmonic Convergence?"

"I don't know," Jinora said thoughtfully. "I just kind of focused on your energy."

"Hmm," Uryu pondered. "Maybe you two had some kind of spiritual connection. We already know you can sense spirit energy, maybe you can also sense familiar or particular spirits individually?"

Jinora nodded. "That could be it! I think our spiritual connection led me to you."

"Maybe you can find Kai the same way," Korra suggested. "I know you two have a connection."

Tenzin raised his eyebrows and stroked his beard suspiciously. "What do you mean a "connection"?"

"I don't know," Jinora said again. "Let me try."

"Focus on your memory of your friend's spiritual energy," said Uryu. "Let that be your guide."

Jinora nodded and began meditating again.

Korra crossed her arms. "You've been with us for like two days and it feels like you've already given more solid spiritual advice than Ichigo has in over a year."

He shrugged. "Bit difficult to do so when you don't have any memories."

"Good point."

Having moved on from sparring each other, the airbenders were now facing the Dai Li themselves. One of the instructors had two piles of rock discs in front of them and he launched a few of them at each of the airbenders. Most of them connected, knocking the airbenders off their feet.

Kai winced as each one of them went down. Then it was his turn. Timing himself perfectly, he blocked both discs and stayed on his feet. His former partner was beside him, cowering. As a disc was sent his way, Kai quickly intervened and knocked it into the wall with an air-kick.

"Thanks," his partner said.

"You again?" the Dai Li growled. "If you have time to help you friend, maybe you're not getting enough rocks for yourself."

He hurled six discs powerfully at Kai. The young airbender blocked two, then dodged the next two, backpedalling furiously. The fifth caught him on the arm and the sixth sent him to the ground in pain. He coughed and swore, holding his gut.

"I guess you're not as good as you thought," the agent smirked.

Kai scowled and lashed out, almost striking him with a gust of air. He was quickly subdued and trapped in a prison of earth. "Throw him in the hold! Little brat needs a time out."

Two agents grabbed him and dragged him down a tunnel and tossed him into a small holding cell, slamming the door shut behind him. Kai looked down and sat back tiredly against the wall. Suddenly he shouted as a flickering silhouette appeared before him. He crawled back as it took form.

"Jinora?" She was there but also not at the same time. Her whole body glowed a greenish blue. He'd never seen anything like it.

"It worked!" she exclaimed.

"How are you here right now?"

"Shh, quiet. It's a high level airbender move with a little spiritual stuff thrown in."

"Whew, for a second I thought you were a ghost."

"It's good to see you," she smiled. "We've been looking for you and the other airbenders. We're going to get you all out of here. Where are we anyway?"

"Underground somewhere. Other than that, I don't have a clue."

"I'll figure it out. Don't worry." She turned to leave.

"Jinora! Thanks."

Jinora smiled and rose up through the ground, passing through the rock and earth like it wasn't there. Her head eventually stuck out above ground and she looked at her surroundings. She was in the massive courtyard near the palace and to her right was a building she recognized.

"The Earth Queen's temple," she breathed.

"I can't believe Miss Queeny Smug Face had them right under our noses the whole time!" Korra shouted in anger.

Ichigo walked down the house's main staircase with Asami. "Hold up, what's going on?"

"Kai and all the airbenders are underneath the Queen's temple," Jinora explained. "We've walked over them multiple times."

"For real?" said Asami. "I mean at least we know where they are now."

"We have to get into that compound tonight and get those airbenders out," Tenzin declared.

"Alright," Bumi said, "we go in under the cover of darkness. Two small insertion teams and a third on the outside. Then all we'll need is twelve tons of blasting jelly, a medium-sized bulldozer and- does anyone know a badger-mole that knows Morse code?"

Tenzin sighed and Uryu nudged Ichigo. "Does this happen a lot?"

"More than you might think," Ichigo replied.

There was a loud rap at the door.

"Ugh, great, not the Queen again," Asami said.

"Everyone, act normal," Korra instructed. "And Bolin?"

"I'm on it!" he answered and gestured for Pabu to get into his shirt again. The ferret shook its head. "What? Hey, I'm not sweaty anymore. Get in, Pabu."

Tenzin moved to open the door while Ichigo clenched his right fist. His Combat Pass was in his pocket at the ready. Uryu remained sitting on the stairs with his keen eyes observing the door. Tenzin opened it.

"Lin?" he exclaimed in surprise. "What are you doing here?"

The grumpy chief of police walked inside without a smile or word of greeting.

"We need to get Korra out of here immediately," she said in a no-nonsense tone. "Her life's in danger."

"What?" said Korra.

"From who?" questioned Ichigo.

Beifong ignored them. "I just got word from Lord Zuko and Tonraq."

"What's Lord Zuko doing with my Dad?" Korra tried again.

"Zaheer and the others have escaped."

Concern flashed across Tenzin's face. "How is that possible?"

"Because Zaheer is an airbender now."

Tenzin stepped back in shock. "No. No, it can't be."

"Alright, hold on," Korra said. "Will you quit ignoring me and tell me what's going on? Who's Zaheer? Why is my life in danger?"

Tenzin turned to her slowly. "Shortly after we found out you were the Avatar, Zaheer and three others attempted to kidnap you. Luckily, your father, Lord Zuko, Chief Sokka, and I were there to stop them. We apprehended the criminals and locked them away in prisons designed to impair their abilities."

"So that's why you and my Dad sheltered me away."

"It was for your own safety."

"Why were they trying to kidnap Korra?" Mako asked.

"We spent thirteen years interrogating them," Beifong replied. "But they never broke. To this day no one knows what their motive was."

"Oh great," Ichigo said. "More people trying to capture us."

Uryu swore loudly. "This is why we should've been preparing for Soi Fon all along! Now we have to deal with these others too?"

"Who the hell's this?" Beifong said.

"A friend from back home," Ichigo explained.

"And who's Soi Fon?"

"Remember how me and Korra fought in the Soul Society and all those people were killed because of us. Yeah, let's just say the Soul Society is fighting back now. Soi Fon is as powerful as I am and the captain of their stealth core. She's a master warrior and assassin and she's been sent along with a team of others to capture me and Korra or kill us."

"You've got to be kidding me," Beifong cursed. "This makes our next move obvious. Korra and Ichigo, we need to get you back to Republic City where I can protect you. In fact, I can't believe you haven't left already. These assassins could be right on top of you for all you know."

"No," Korra refused. "I'm not running. From anyone."

"Korra, you don't understand. These criminals are like nothing you've ever faced before. And if your word is true, Ichigo, neither are these assassins."

"Look, I'm not a little kid anymore. You don't need to protect me or Ichigo. I came here for one thing: to find airbenders and I'm not leaving without them. We had our priorities straight before you arrived."

"Ichigo, you good with this?"

Ichigo nodded. "We're not afraid. And those airbenders need us."

"Fine, let's get em and get out of here. Where are they?"

"In a military compound. We're busting them out tonight."

Soi Fon kept her eyes peeled as she keenly observed the buzzing and bustling city around her. She and Hanataro were walking down a main street and cars drove past them on the streets and around the many, many vines that littered the area around them.

Most things looked to be powered by steam and their individual forms of bending as they called it. Try as she might to ignore it, it was a remarkable society. They'd integrated their powers into their everyday life and built vast metropolises like Republic City with them.

"This city is amazing, isn't it, Captain?" Hanataro said.

"It's impressive," she admitted. "I much prefer the clean streets of the Seireitei but I suppose for some this city would do nicely."

"I think it has a lot more personality than Seireitei."

"Perhaps. But don't let your surroundings distract you. Remember why we're here."

"Do you- do you think we'll find Ichigo in this city?"

"Who knows? If we don't, then we'll find him elsewhere."

"How long do you think this mission will last?"

"As long as it takes. Don't think you'll get out of it with some pretty comments about the city."

"That's- that's not what I was trying to do," he stammered.

"Hmm." Soi Fon stopped walking and peered down a side alleyway. A young woman had her back against a wall and three leery-looking men were surrounding her with sneers on their faces. Two of them wore sleazy, blue suits and the third wore a brown outfit with a red coat. She sighed and turned away. "I guess crime is the same anywhere you go."

"Wait," Hanataro said. "You're not going to help her?"

"The object of our mission is not to save one girl, Hanataro. If we stopped to help every person in need we encountered, we'd never get anything accomplished."

"Then what's our true role?" he demanded angrily. "Aren't we supposed to protect humans from Hollows, help lost souls make it to the Soul Society and keep peace in the spiritual world?"


"If our job is to do all that but not to save someone who needs us, then we're living a lie!"

"Hanataro, I'm warning you."

Their argument was cut short by one of the men's voices.

"Your precious Amon can't save you now, princess," he sniggered.

"And neither can the Avatar or your pretty cop friend," another said.

The third laughed. "Heh, even the Reaper has skipped town, I hear. It's just you and us now."

Soi Fon's eyes perked up at the mention of the Reaper. "It's your lucky day, Hanataro. Those boys have some information I want." She strode down the alleyway. "Hey!" she shouted.

The men looked at her. "Piss off, lady."

"Mind your own business and you won't get hurt."

"You know, Viper, she's actually pretty cute."

Soi Fon suddenly darted forward and gripped the third man's coat, hefting him off the ground and against a wall, his feet dangling helplessly.

"Still think I'm cute?" she scowled.

"Get off me!" he growled. He opened a bottle attached to the inside of his coat and a tendril of water came out and slapped her across the face. Soi Fon didn't let go. He beat her again with it but still she wouldn't move.

"What's the matter with you, Shin? Kill her!"

"I'm trying!"

Soi Fon gave a small smirk and then pushed hard, sending his body through the wall and onto the floor inside. The one wearing the brown suit reacted and blasted several plumes of fire at her. Soi Fon spun round them and drew her sword out in an instant, slicing off one of his fingers and then booting him in the face with her foot.

The third man moved to attack but then the young lady pummeled her fists into his side at rapid pace and he collapsed onto the ground convulsing violently. Soi Fon raised her eyebrows and then slashed her sword through the air, ringing the blood off it before sheathing it again.

"You've got some fast hands," she remarked.

"I didn't need you to save me, short stuff," the lady replied.

Soi Fon's face turned dark. "Call me that again and I'll break your face."

"I'm serious. I had it handled."

"Of course you did. You got a name?"


Karin Kurosaki glanced up from her seat at the couch as the front door of their house opened. Thinking it was just Yuzu, she ignored it and continued looking at her phone. But the sound of an older man's tired sigh caught her attention. She got up.


"I'm home," he said half-heartedly.

"Where have you been?"

He sighed and tossed his coat over the back of the couch. "Let a man get settled in before pestering him, eh?"

"You've been gone for days, Dad," Karin said in annoyance. "Did you even see Ichigo when he was here?"

Isshin's expression soured. "Yes, I saw him."

Yuzu came from upstairs. "Dad!" Giving him a quick hug, she quickly went into the kitchen to make him a coffee. He always wanted one when he finished work.

Isshin sat down at the table. "Bit of a shame he had to leave for Europe again, huh girls?" The lie came smoothly from his lips. "I hope you two had a good chance to spend some time with him."

Karin narrowed her eyes. "You can stop pretending, Dad. We know the truth."


"We know you've been lying," Yuzu said from the kitchen. "We know he's in that other world."

Isshin looked down, a defeated look on his face. "So the truth is out."

"Why did you lie to us?" Karin demanded. "We're your daughters, Ichigo's sisters. We of all people deserve to know where he is!"

"Oh, you don't understand, Karin," he deflected. "It was all for your own good. To keep you safe. Come on, you know I'd never lie to you if I didn't have a good reason."

"We were hoping you'd never lie to us at all, regardless of the reason."

He looked at her and then sighed again. "Okay. I'm sorry. Is that what you want to hear?"

Yuzu came around the corner and placed the coffee before him. "Not really. We just want to hear why."

"I- I can't tell you that, girls. I'm sorry. There are too many things in motion, too many things going on."

"But can you tell us where he is right now?" Karin questioned. "And can you tell us who's hunting him?"

Isshin eyes filled with pain. "So even that is no longer secret. I warned him, you know." His voice slowly began to increase in volume. "I warned him about the consequences of going back. But did he listen? No. Once again, he was just driven to save his friends and now look what happened. He's responsible for the deaths of thousands. He failed the mission and now he is reaping the harvest."

"What mission?" Yuzu said. "Why was he sent there?"

"Ah, at least that is still unknown to you. This whole situation is a debacle of the highest order. The Kido went wrong, he lost his memories and never understood the threat and never understood the mission. But he could have listened to me. None of this would've happened if he had just let them go!"

"Forget all of that!" Karin shouted angrily. "What matters now if that he's in danger! Can you help him, Dad?"

"He is beyond my help."

"He's your son!"

"And he brought this on himself!" Isshin yelled. "How could I have foreseen what would happen? There's no getting out of this. He killed thousands of people. Thousands of souls gone."

Yuzu and Karin's faces went dark. "So you'll do nothing?" Yuzu said.

"There is nothing I can do."

Karin got up and looked at him with a mixture of sadness and rage. "You really are a lousy, good for nothing father." She turned and headed upstairs.

"Karin, wait. Karin!" He turned to his other daughter. "Yuzu, honey, you have to understand."

She shook her head. "No, Dad. It's you who doesn't understand!" She ran up after her sister.

Isshin watched them go and then his eyes glazed over with pain. "Masaki," he said quietly to himself. "What have I done? I've failed all three of our children. Our son is being hunted, our daughters hate me. What could I have done better? We were so sure, as well, Kisuke and I! We were so sure we were right to send him there. Perhaps we were too rash, too quick to jump to conclusions."

He drained the remainder of the coffee. "I need a beer."

The Earth Queen's temple was in the midst of construction but it was merely the last piece of the overall structure. It sat atop one side of a massive stone platform. The other side held an already completed part of the temple with two grand entrances leading into the platform itself and presumably underground.

Uryu, Asami and Beifong were waiting on the airships, while the others enacted their plan below. Uryu flexed his bow arm as he sat in the co-pilot's chair next to Asami. They looked out over the palace and the temple before them.

"I must say I will not miss this place," Uryu said.

"I second that," Asami agreed. "Why is it that the Avatar always has problems in Ba Sing Se?"

He shrugged. "Don't ask me. I don't know any of the history of this place."

"Guess not. How long do you think you'll stay with us?"

"As long as it takes to secure Kurosaki's permanent safety, whatever that entails. After that, I will hopefully return to my world and my boring university studies. I know I'm not exactly welcome here."

"That could change," Asami said.

"We'll see."

Below them, two guards were walking round the perimeter of the platform. They went around a corner where Jinora was waiting for them.

She waved and smiled. "Hi."

"Hey, what are you doing here?" one guard demanded.

"Oh, it's just that little airbender girl that came with the Avatar," the other said. "You shouldn't be walking around here all alone."

Jinora smiled again. "I'm not alone."

The guards turned and were met with Mako and Bolin's fists. Ichigo, Korra, Tenzin and Bumi were right behind them. After tying up the guards, they rushed into the compound, taking care not to make too much noise. Inside, the entrance opened up into a huge, dimly lit area with staircases and archways and tunnels galore. They headed down one, just barely sneaking past two Dai Li agents.

"Bumi, Korra, Ichigo, you come with me to find the airbenders," Tenzin said. "You three find Kai. We'll meet on the surface shortly. Radio us if things go wrong."

Ichigo gripped Zangetsu on his back as they headed down the main staircase to the level below. No Dai Li agents or guards stopped them. They reached a large set of double doors which he and Korra pulled open. Inside were about two or three dozen beds built into the walls and filled with airbenders.

"What's going?"

"Who are you?" they questioned.

"I'm the Avatar," Korra answered. "And I'm getting you all out of here."

"We're leaving?"

"Where are we going?"

"Everyone please," Tenzin shushed. "You must stay calm and quiet if we want this to work."

"What to work? We're sneaking out?"

"Yeah, but we have to leave now," Ichigo said.

"We're going to get you away from the Earth Queen and out of the city," said Tenzin.

The airbenders nodded and began filing out of the room.

"There's an airbender that's not here," one of them said. "His name is Kai. We need to get him."

"We're already working on it."

Bumi was knelt down beside them with his walkie-talkie. "Topside, this is Papa Bear. The breezies are in the hold, cue the balloons!"

"The hell are you talking about, buddy?" Ichigo said to no one.

Evidently Beifong didn't understand him either. "What? Are you in trouble?" she radioed back.

"No! We got the airbenders and we're headed out. Bring the airships." Bumi's head sunk. "No one likes code names anymore."

"Copy that," Beifong said. "Asami and I are on our way. Uryu, the Dai Li will close in. Show me what you got."

Uryu had gone to the top of Asami's airship to get a vantage point. "Of course," he replied. They took off towards the temple with Oogie in pursuit.

Kai had his arms wrapped around himself in his prison cell when the door opened to reveal Mako and Bolin.

"Come on," Mako said sternly. "We're getting you out."

Jinora jumped in between them. "Kai!" She hugged him tightly and gave him a small peck on the cheek.

"Uh oh," Bolin laughed. "Tenzin's not gonna be happy about this."

"Then don't tell him," Mako replied.

"How can I not? This is too juicy!"

"Thanks for coming to get me," Kai said apologetically. "I'm really sorry about stealing your wallets. And running away. …And getting you stuck on that train."

Bolin relented and gave him a hug. "Oh, we can't stay mad at you."

"Yes, we can!" Mako protested. "I had a lot of money in that wallet!"

"Guys, come on!" Jinora said.

The four of them left the prison and rounded a corner where three Dai Li agents were waiting maliciously.

"Deserting Her Majesty's army is high treason. Punishable by death!"

Korra and Ichigo peeked around the part of the temple that was still under construction. They were outside now, atop the massive platform. It didn't seem like there was anyone on the platform but them. They looked both ways and then Korra beckoned to the others.

"Come on, it's clear." She ran out and Ichigo was about to follow but then he spread his reiatsu.

"Korra, wait!"

Above them, the Dai Li had been clinging to the construction of the temple and now leapt out, surrounding them and the airbenders. Another group of Dai Li formed up behind them. They were vastly outnumbered. Ichigo mentally berated himself. "I've got to use my senses more," he muttered.

Some of the Dai Li moved aside, revealing the Earth Queen herself. "So you've discovered my elite army," she said. "I see their loyalty still needs some work."

"These airbenders shouldn't be used as weapons," Korra said. "They have a right to choose their own paths."

"These airbenders are Earth Kingdom citizens and I am their Queen. Taking them will constitute an act of war. If you disobey me, I will bear down on you with the entire force of my kingdom."

Ichigo drew out Zangetsu. "Nothing we can't handle," he said arrogantly.

The Queen eyed him up. "I see. So you're the Reaper I've been hearing so much about. Tell me, boy, have you ever faced anything more than petty criminals and gangsters in Republic City?"

Ichigo looked at her coldly. "I've faced things more evil and powerful than you could even imagine."

"Oh, really?" she mocked. "Dai Li, bring me his sword after you've killed him. I want to hang it on my wall."

Ichigo twirled it around in a circle confidently. "Bring it, bitch."


The Dai Li instantly launched their signature hands of rock but the airbenders put out a combined gale of air and blocked all of them. Then Ichigo went to work. He rushed in and slashed through two of them at once. Above them, the airships had arrived.

"Come on!" Bumi called.

Korra and Tenzin held the rest of the Dai Li at bay while Bumi ushered the airbenders to climb up the scaffolding of the temple to the airship above. Ichigo did not move gracefully as he waded through his enemies. They skipped around him, trying to work together and draw him into traps but he blazed through them all.

Even when their attacks connected, he shrugged it off and kept going. He cut through one's arm and drove his elbow into another's nose before leaping above an attack and landing a kick on a third's shoulder. His foot got trapped in some rock and he was bashed in the face by two agents.

He roared and his reiatsu pushed them all away as he broke through the rock that encased his foot. Korra took advantage of their unbalance and knocked half of them off the platform with air before connecting with three more with earth.

Tenzin was helping the remaining airbenders into the airship, blasted Dai Li off the scaffolding one by one. Ichigo and Korra stood back to back, fending off the Dai Li but more and more kept coming. Below the platform, ranks upon ranks of Earth Kingdom soldiers charged forward.

Inside the temple, Mako and Bolin did battle with the three agents. Bolin took out one and Mako took out another. The third flipped over Mako's attack and fired a rock hand at Jinora's wrist, grabbing hold and pulling her forcefully to himself with a scream.

Kai growled and launched himself forward, knocking over the agent and then booting him in the chest with a powerful air-kick.

"I guess I am as good as I thought," he smirked proudly.

Bumi and Tenzin had gotten all the airbenders into Beifong's police airship. She pulled away, leaving just Korra and Ichigo down below to fend off the remaining Dai Li and the army that followed.

"As much as I'd like to defeat her whole army with you," Korra said breathlessly, "we have to go."

"Right," Ichigo replied. "Where the hell's Uryu?"

"Is he usually this useless?"


Suddenly a barrage of spirits arrows was fired down upon the army, decimating their ranks. Asami's airship was above them and Uryu calming began taking them out. The Queen screeched when she saw him.

"Bring me that brat!" She ordered crazily.

Uryu glanced at her and considered shooting her but opted not to. He wasn't here to kill royalty. Ichigo and Korra began to move towards the temple. The remains of the army were picking themselves up but the Dai Li had circled round and were in the midst of leaping off the temple onto the airships.

"Call Oogie!" Ichigo yelled. "And get behind me!"

Korra whistled and the bison started making it's way towards them. Ichigo gathered his reiatsu and the ground began to shake around them. "Getsuga… Tenshou!" He unleashed his attack and it streaked across the sky, hitting the temple constructions and obliterating it entirely.

The Dai Li looked in horror. Beifong's airship was now getting away. Korra and Ichigo jumped onto Oogie and flew up to join them. The Queen was still shrieking.

"Take down those airships!"

The Dai Li began launching huge boulders at them. Ichigo did his best to knock them out of the sky but some of them hit the airships, doing little damage.

"Where are the others?" Korra demanded.

As if on cue, Mako, Bolin and the others came bolting out of the other side of the temple with a hoard of Dai Li behind them. They rose up on massive columns and fired round after round of small rocks, pelting the ground around Mako and Bolin. Jinora and Kai were lagging behind.

Uryu leapt off of Asami's airship and landed next to Ichigo on Oogie. "Get us down there!" he instructed.

Korra obeyed and steered Oogie towards their friends. Uryu took aim and picked off the Dai Li standing on the columns but more kept rising up. Bolin and Mako slowed down so Jinora and Kai could catch up.

"Everybody, hang on!" Bolin yelled. He launched them up off the ground with earth and they went flying into the air. Korra steered Oogie close and they caught all of them, Ichigo helping Bolin into the saddle who was barely hanging on. The Queen screamed orders at her men but by now, Oogie and the airships were too far away. Her voice slowly faded into the distance until it was nothing but a whimper.

"Whoa," Kai said. "That was awesome! You guys are so sick!"

"Hell yeah, kid," Ichigo said. "You happy to be with us now? Not gonna run away anymore?"

"No way, man. Never again."

"You better keep your word," Mako said.

Kai spread his arms. "Come on, dude. It's me. When have I not kept my word?"

"Jackass," Ichigo muttered.

They met in the desert well outside Ba Sing Se and set down in some old ruins. Ichigo, Korra, Uryu, Asami, Mako and Bolin all sat off by themselves leaning against a rocky hill. Asami poked Ichigo on the nose.

"You gonna miss the bed in the house?" she asked playfully.

"No, ma'am. We've got a pretty decent one in the airship right there," he replied with a smile.

"That we do."

He put his arm around her and let loose a long, satisfied sigh. "I'm glad I came on this trip. Even though we have a lot more dangers to come, I wouldn't want to be anywhere else."

Asami beamed with happiness. "So have you found that purpose you've been looking for?"

"Maybe not my purpose. But I've definitely found my place. It's here with you. With everyone."

Asami kissed him. "I love you."

"I love you too."

Bolin grinned. "Aw, you guys are too cute."

Mako gagged. "More like too cringe."

"Shut up, Mako," Asami joked. "You had your chance with me. And you blew it."

"Ohoooo," Bolin shouted. "Drama, drama, drama. Who doesn't love a little drama?"

"Knock it off," Mako said. "You don't have a girl either."

"Oh please, Mako. I pulled a princess and an actress all within a few weeks. I think I'm doing fine."

Ichigo laughed. "He's got a point."

"I am so lost," Uryu said.

Korra laughed as well. "You'll catch on soon enough. I'm glad you were with us today, Uryu. You really helped us out."

"It's no problem," he replied awkwardly.

"I don't think you and me will ever get along, but for what it's worth, I'm sorry I've been so rude to you."

Uryu was slightly taken aback. "Apology accepted."

Korra grinned and slapped him lightly on the arm. "And on that note, welcome to Team Avatar!"

The others all cheered and clapped as Uryu smiled uncomfortably. Asami sighed and put her head on Korra's shoulder.

"When are we gonna get another girl member?" she whined jokily.

Tenzin stood before all the airbenders humbly. He'd gathered them all here to address them and their future. Knowing how badly his previous attempts had gone before Ba Sing Se, he wanted to be as honest as possible. Ichigo and the others came to join him supportively.

"I know that none of you chose to become airbenders," he began. "But now you do have a choice. We can relocate you somewhere safe or you can come with me to the Northern Air Temple to live in peace and train as Air Nomads. You are no longer anyone's property. What path you decide is up to you."

One of them looked down and then got to his feet. "I want to go with you."

Another one stood. "Me too."

A third. "Count me too."

Soon enough, all of them were on their feet. Tenzin looked at them with sincere happiness and pride and a lone tear snaked it's way down his cheek. His father's hope for their lost nation was finally being fulfilled. Korra put a hand on his shoulder with a grin and took him aside as the rest filed back into the airships.

"Good luck at the Northern Air Temple," she said. "I'll send more airbenders your way when I find them."

Tenzin nodded. "Be careful out there. And stay safe."

"I'll try. It seems like wherever I go, I make a new enemy."

"But you made some new friends too. You did well, Korra. I'm proud of you."

She smiled and embraced him. "This is only the beginning."

And that's the end! Bit more of a standard and slightly shorter chapter this time around but I hope you all still enjoyed it. Tell me what you thought! If everything goes to plan, I'll have another chapter out sometime next month. See you then!

Comment from Lucifer's assassin: i like korra and i like uryu but i've gotta side with uryu here. she needs to understand that not everything in the world revolves around her and her friends that there are much more stronger beings in the universe. she wouldn't hold a candle to aizen, fullpower ichigo or even genryusai let alone the zero squad who will probably be forced to intervene if things go as they are going.(intentionally weakening the bleach character was probably the only thing u could do to make sure she doesn't realize this the hard way of having a city a leveled by soifon's bankai

Reply: Yeah there are a lot of things out there that she doesn't understand yet and she's going to have to get a longer stronger herself in order to help fight them or else she's going to get a rude awakening

Comment from thestormwriter123: You said that you were using Uryu as a contrast to ichigos previous charectar, and you've done that spot on. Well done with that. I'm looking forward to see more interaction between the two verses. Amazing chapter, keep up the good work!

Reply: Thank you! I hope you liked this chapter as well

Comment from anoyak111: Honestly knowing soi fon is willing to do anything just to kill ichigo is very unsettling. I'm liking her in this story. I loved the scenes with ichigo and uryuu, it was nice seeing them teaming up again. I love how you're portraying the political and alliances aspect with the soul society section. When will isshin fully step in.

Reply: Yeah writing Soi Fon is a lot of fun because I feel like she didn't get a whole lot of screentime in the Bleach anime so it's cool to give her more of a character and build on what's already there. And yeah I think the different factions in the soul society are interesting as well, always felt like some soul reapers liked Ichigo a whole lot more than others. Isshin stepped in this chapter, kind of… not really lol

Comment from Raximus: Nice chapter, Korra really got a cold shower from a person who not only does not respect her or has any high opinion of her but is also an ALLY who talks back at her and gives her logical crtisism.

Reply: Exactly haha this is what she needs every once in a while

Comment from Tek-Knight: Caught up reading this and I thoroughly enjoying so far! So I'm confused and where this take in terms of the Bleach timeline. I'm going to assume after the Fullbring Arc but correct me if I'm wrong since Yamamoto and other characters are alive due to the Final Arc (which could potentially mean there won't be Quincies other than Uryu). One thing that has been interesting is the power level of Ichigo Kurosaki. I get the sense he isn't 100%, especially on what Uryu says regarding his skills during this chapter. With the way this story is going, it seems there might be war between the Avatar world and the Shinigami. I like the direction with Ichigo x Asami, and like many others, wonder if it would include Korra as well but we will all see. Can't wait to see more! :))

Reply: Hey, thanks for reading and leaving such a nice review! And yes it takes place after the fullbring arc. Basically Ichigo just got his powers back and then he was sent into the Avatar world soon afterwards. And you're right, Ichigo is not 100% at all which personally I think is more interesting because he has to struggle a lot more. Relationships can change haha so who knows what will happen, thanks again : )))