Rating: PG-13

Warnings: Family fluff again (slight filler-ish again) and plot movement! (Kinda)

Word Count: 3014

Pairings: Eventual Nico/Percy, open for suggestions to other pairings

Disclaimer: I only own the plot and my OCs, I make no money off of this

Note: Completely AU, does not follow the books little mention of it possibly as in the past.

AN: Kinda short chapter mostly from Nico's POV and what's kinda going on with the other half-bloods, my muse decided to come and go so I'll post this here and try to squeeze in another chapter hopefully later. Anyway enjoy the chapter and don't forget to review to let me know what you think!

Forlorn Ocean

Chapter IV:Ghost King


The form on the bed let out a grumble as they pulled the blankets tighter around them trying to muffle the sound. The first person who spoke sighed and poked him through the blankets eliciting a small growl.


"I tried, your turn." the voice said as another one let next to the first let out an annoyed huffed.

"Come on little brother it's time to get up, we have to watch the races today!"

"I don't have to watch anything and I'd prefer to stay right here in BED." the voice retorted shifting a bit in the bed, "lemme sleep."

"Fine you asked for this, Hazel take one end and I'll grab the other." the voice commanded.

There was some movement and just as Nico was about to fall back asleep he suddenly felt the bed disappearing and was kissing the floor tangled up in the blankets. There was some snickering and laughter as Nico struggled to pull the blankets off of him, when he did he gave a dark glare to the two girls standing over him. One of the girls had a smug look on her face, she was a few years older than him with her long black hair cascading down past her shoulders, the same olive colored skin if not a bit darker as her eyes was filled with amusement and mirth, she had an arm on her hip as the other held the blanket.

The other girl next to her grinned sheepishly as she waved at the downed boy on the floor, her skin was darker than both of their own, with dark wavy locks that brushed against her shoulder, she was trying to be polite but the smile behind her hand was hard not to see.

"I see that you're up now little brother," the girl chuckled, "now get dressed the races should be starting soon."

"Hate you both right now Bianca, Hazel...," Nico scowled still sitting on the floor with the blankets piled around him, though the older one raised an eyebrow and gave him another look making Nico roll his eyes," fine, give me five minutes."

"Good it's the only event for the day then some of us are planning to get together to go to the beach afterwards and you're coming too!" Bianca grinned ignoring the loud groan from her younger brother while Hazel coughed,"no complaints mister you've done nothing but sulk since we've gotten here."

"Because there's nothing entertaining about watching our camps play in our own version of the olympics when you can't participate in them." Nico argued back grabbing some clothes and changing out of his pajamas, putting on his usual outfit that consisted of a black shirt, pants and his bomber jacket. Though he barely got his arm through the last sleeve before he was hauled out of the cabin, even then he saw a group of other campers waiting for him.

"Slept long enough sleeping beauty?" Cecil teased as Nico sent him a scathing look," come on if we hurry we can see the start of the races!"

"Who's representing this time?" Nico sighed in a vain attempt to make the time go faster so he wouldn't have to suffer through this again,"

"Nah, the gods decided to make it more interesting well at least Ares and Hephaestus did. It's a partnered race kinda thing going on I think they said it's kinda like jousting." Hazel said as she walked next to Bianca as Nico tried to hide a yawn and failing," so it's a child of Ares and Hephaestus against their counterparts in the Roman camp"

"Besides they announced the drivers and partners yesterday after Lord Hermes's race for camp Jupiter it's going to be Frank and a camper from Vulcan against Clarisse and Leo," Bianca said making Nico stare at her, "well it should be interesting with how competitive Clarisse is that she won't mind the firebug."

"If they don't blow up in his face," Nico sighed wondering if Frank was going to get out of this unscathe and not from racing against the greek counterpart to his cabin.

"Hey he's been getting slightly better with things not backfiring on him quite as much besides we have Will as the lead medic in these games anyway so anything that happens he'll take care of anything that happens," Hazel said softly, before she added one more thing " besides with those two Jupiter will beat you guys."

"Hey now!" Bianca laughed as Hazel giggled as the older girl wrapped an arm around the other girl's shoulder walking ahead of Cecil and Nico as they neared the main arena in the coliseum where Lou was waiting for them waving her arms for the small group to join her up in the seats. They saw that Jason, Piper, Reyna, Luke, Annabeth and Thalia were there as well waving and saying their good mornings to each other as the group got bigger.

"So, on a scale from 0-10 how badly do you think this will go?" Lou said cheekily, she dodged a shove from Hazel the wide grin never leaving her face as the others settled around her.

"Don't you have confidence in your racers?" Luke asked chuckling," because Clarisse is a really sore loser, she'll be determined to rough house I just hope Leo can handle it being partnered."

"Oh we have plenty of confidence, Frank is rather calm but with Leo at his side it's going to be a bit of a wild card so we have good chances." Jason laughed as his sister pokes his side.

"Wildcard as in either sets the chariots on fire like the practice runs we saw." Jason teased making the Greeks groan.

"That was only twice AND he helped make them more fire-proof." Thalia argued back,"Leo will be fine even if his unpredictability is luck based."

"Since I wasn't paying much attention who picked their partners again? The gods or the drivers?" Nico asked leaning against the seats behind him trying to get comfortable.

"The gods chose the partners for once more or less anyway." Annabeth said,"though I think Clarisse would've preferred possibly Chris, it makes sense since Chris can handle her and not get threaten as much to get skewered by her favorite weapon," well less than the average camper anyway. I think they're starting in a few minutes."

"Anyone for making bets?" Lou said holding up a bag that looked a bit full in front of the others that had just arrived, "we already put our bets together wanna join? What's a few dollars between friends?"

"I'm in," Hazel and Bianca said chuckling as they dug around for some spare change they had on them.

"I'll go with whatever you put your money on Lou," Cecil grinned tossing a few coins to the Hecate half-blood who added it to the others.

"I bet no one wins," Nico said dryly handing over a five to Lou.

"Oh come on, it's a competition how can no one win?" Jason said frowning over at the Hade's child as Nico shrugged in response shoving his hands back inside his pockets as he watched what was going down on the track on the large display screens that Hephaestus had set up so that everyone could see the race no matter where they were.

You could see the determined looked in Clarisse's face as she was white knuckling the reigns of the chariot, Leo behind her was wishing Frank and his partner good luck while Leo looked like he couldn't wait to get started as Frank returned the sentiment. A Hermes child was standing between the explaining the obstacle course and the rules of the race as well, the race wasn't only going to be in the coliseum but outside as well and that was where most of the obstacles would be hidden with the surrounding area.

Once it looked like both parties understood he raised a flag as there was a countdown flashing on the screens. There was a large horn blaring as both chariots kicked up dust as they sped down the obstacle race track, a few logs had popped up already making the drivers swerve and avoid them along with keeping upright. Clarisse was yelling at Leo to counterbalance the tipping chariot as the Vulcan camper warned Frank about the one that nearly sent them off course. Snapping the reins Frank had theirs speed up slightly passing the Greek chariot and the first to go out of the coliseum.

"Yeah go Frank! " Hazel cheered standing up as Jason let out a loud shout himself, while Reyna looked rather pleased.

"Hey they just got out first that doesn't mean they're going to win." Bianca said to Hazel.

"Exactly they got a slightly head start and it's still the beginning Clarisse and Leo could easily catch up." Thaila added as Clarisse cursed and snapped the reigns on her chariot to the horses once they were centered rushing out of the coliseum as well, the burst of speed surprised Chris and had to hold

"This is going to be a good race." Lou said clenching the bag as she watched the four half-bloods racing each other and trying to avoid tipping over or running into each other following the course.


"I can't believe you won, HOW in the name of our father were you able to say that both racers wouldn't win and it would be declared a tie because of a malfunction in one of the obstacles forcing the two chariots to crash into each other!?" Jason said in disbelief as Nico had a smug grin on his face as he looked at the others who were grumbling.

"What exactly were the chances of that happening? I thought there couldn't be a tie in these games!?" Lou whined wanting the money pouch back but Nico kept it close to his person making sure Lou or Cecil didn't try to take back the pouch.

"Very very low, least I didn't bet that much on the race," Annabeth sighed as Luke shook his head.

"At least they're okay, it looked like a pretty nasty crash, here's the infirmary." the Hermes child said as they walked into the makeshift area for the games after the events had taken place. Walking inside most of them clapped their hands over their ears as Clarisse was yelling at Frank and Leo the two themselves stuffing their fingers in their ears while Chris kept a good grip on the Ares's girl's waist from trying to injure the others.

"So since they're postponing the next event due to some circumstance with this one are they able to leave the infirmary doctor?" Thalia asked," Yo cool it Clarisse at least you technically didn't lose so that's one silver lining right?"

Clarisse just hissed back and finally settled down on the cots while Jason and Hazel walked up to Frank and Leo, congratulating them for doing well in the races despite what had happened. The two just grinned up looking rather pleased that despite their slightly banged up appearance they did their camp proud.

"At this point I'd be happy to go with them to make sure they don't do anything to get themselves hurt," Will sighed, "it's not as bad as it looked on the track, it's mostly superficial wounds that'll heal in a few days."

"Great now we can go to the beach!" Bianca said excited while the others grinned and Nico groaned, knowing that his sister wasn't going to take no for an answer at this point and he couldn't just go find something interesting to do," It's a perfect day and we should at least enjoy ourselves while we're here and the beach is a perfect place to do that!"

"The water is nice especially during the summer right? Should be nice especially after that rather explosive ending to the match," Jason laughed as Leo pouted while Frank sighed rubbing his arm where the bandages were still a bit loose,"so should we get our stuff and meet up in the front?"

The others nodded and separated to gather what they wanted and needed to get for the beach.

Which was where Nico found himself a bit later trailing after the others as they walked down the stairs and towards an area that was a bit more private for the group of half-bloods, they felt it was best just in case something happened they wouldn't have to worry about the general public safety. Nico kept an open ear to the conversations around him, Jason was talking with his sister animatedly, Frank and Hazel were trying to calm Leo down as the child as he went on and on about biggest sandcastle he was going to build. Thalia,Piper and Bianca were in their own world talking, Will and Jake were discussing something quietly as Luke and Annabeth were as well though Annabeth looked like she wanted to join Leo in building a sandcastle or at least build her own.

He glanced over at Lou and Cecil who were snickering and looked like they were plotting something which would probably end up with more if not all of the group completely soaked and with sand in places they'd rather not have sand in. Trying to think of something he could do and survive this trip he stopped in mid-step a familiar sort of sensation was making him look around as they were passing around a corner. Seeing that everyone was busy with their own thing, he quietly snuck off where the feeling was becoming stronger and he could make out the barest hints of words.

::...-ful…doing that...my son...I miss you…::

Once Nico turned the corner and he was at another part of the beach where he saw a translucent figure of a woman gazing out into the ocean, hearing a rush of water Nico stared when he saw some kid that looked younger than him controlling the water. Turning back to the ghost he quietly cleared his throat and got her attention, instead of being surprised the ghost woman looked more curious.

::You...can see me?:: The woman asked.

"Uh yeah, I've been able to see ghosts like you for a while so that's your son out there? Any idea how he's doing all that?" Nico asked, "and I don't mean to be rude but why...why exactly are you lingering?"

::Leaving him too soon...wanting to be sure he's happy…:: the woman replied looking back at the ocean,::he has a family but...I'd like to talk to him at least once more.::

Nico frowned, usually he helped some ghosts pass on usually it wasn't too hard but playing medium was something he rarely did since most of the time the ghosts just had some small thing they wanted done in order for them to pass over. This ghost from what he could see was literally attached to her son messing around in the ocean meaning until she physically spoke with him she would continue to shadow her son.

::Would you help me? Speak with him one more time? I'm not doing any harm but that's what I truly wish.::the woman said pleadingly.

Nico frowned but looked thoughtful, he had helped a few ghosts pass on even talked with a few here and there but he's never actually had other spirits talk with the living exactly. At least in the way he'd have to play medium or telephone, but the woman was looking at him with such a sincere look that he couldn't help but nod his head.

"I don't know how long it would take if I'll be able to do it all all since you're personally attached to him he won't be able to see you otherwise you two would've already spoken." Nico said," is there anything you can tell me about your son?"

::He's a stubborn but sweet boy, can be determined and can sometimes speak his mind without meaning to. He's also can be shy with new people, he's changed since the...incident.:: the woman replied shaking a bit,:: he...he still gets nightmares sometimes about that night and I believe he holds a fear to that monster.::

Before Nico could ask more details a startled yelp distracted him turning his attention to the young boy that was suddenly washed up on shore, he turned towards the ghost woman but saw that she had disappeared. Giving out a frustrated sigh he walked over to the downed boy hovering over him concerned when he just seemed content to lie in the wet sand.

"Care to explain what all of that was?" was the first thing that left his mouth as the two bantered at bit before the younger boy before he saw sea green eyes opened up to him and the arguing continued. He couldn't help but smirk and protest the argument the woman that her son was shy but she was on point about him speaking his mind. He did find it rather amusing that he got away with calling the boy a puppy. When the boy turned and ran back the way he supposedly came from and Nico turned to head back to the others with his own thoughts about helping the ghost woman when he realized something. How was he suppose to help when he had no guarantee that he'd run into the kid again?

"Damn it all to Tartarus…" Nico cursed.