I looked at the bright young faces before me nervously, mentally preparing myself for this moment, this single moment that may decide what I choose to do for the rest of my life. My first and only test to see if I have what it takes to succeed at one of the most difficult tasks I have ever encountered. Teaching. I glanced nervously up at Chiron who gave me an encouraging nod to begin. I cleared my throat once, then twice, observing the eager beginner class demigods.

I glanced up to the sky praying to Athena, more like begging her, not to screw me over just this once before just going for it, "Hello everyone my name is Percy Jackson and I will be your sword fighting instructor today."

"Now the-" I began only to be interrupted by a quickly raised hand. "Umm yes?" I called to the girl who raised her hand.

She looked up at me with wide innocent eyes not yet hardened and toughened by the stress of nightmares caused by seeing your friends fall in battle and with a high awestruck voice she asked, "Are you THE Percy Jackson, the one all the older campers talk about, one of the Seven?"

I turned slightly red at the added attention, not much liking the use of formalities before answering awkwardly, "Yes I suppose that's me," I replied.

As soon as I confirmed that fact excited chatter broke out instantly between the young demigods all accept the young girl who I now saw had the gray eyes of Athena looking at me in wonder, ignoring her fellow classmates and piercing me with those gray eyes, just like my Wise Girl. She looked up at me with such an eagerness, just waiting to hang on to every word that exited my mouth, to watch every nervous movement I made so that she could try and copy me as closely as possible. She was looking at me with such awestruck admiration that I couldn't bring myself to look away, that is until I scanned the rest of the class only to find them attentively looking at me the same way she was. And that's when I knew, that's when I knew what I wanted to do for the rest of my life. I, Percy "Never Gets Anything Above a C" Jackson is going to be a teacher, even if it's one teaching sword fighting.

"Well then let's get started!" I said leading them towards the dulled practice swords and starting the lesson with newfound confidence.

I ran my hand through my raven hair with tired satisfaction as I watched my panting class sprawled out in the dusty arena floor, their muscles aching with effort, their breath still not quite back in their lungs.

"Good work everyone, that was a fantastic first day," I smiled happily at my groaning students.

"Sir," a student panted, "You're a freaking slave driver," he gasped with a heaving chest.

I laughed at their exhaustion before turning to walk out the arena doors leaving them with a simple, "Just showing what you're gonna need to survive kiddos," I laughed exiting the arena to a chorus of groans.

"A lot of potential in that group, they're gonna make some powerful fighters someday," I thought happily as I hummed and made my way to the Big House to have my official meeting with Chiron to see how I did with a grin. I had just reached the Big House steps when the door of the big blue house opened before my hand could touch the handle. I was surprised to see the smiling faces of Travis and Conner holding the door open as if awaiting my arrival. They didn't say a word, only gesturing for me to enter. My eyes widened when I walked in and saw every one of my fellow cabin councilors surrounding the ping pong table smiling up at me.

"What's going on?" I asked not knowing my everyone had been gathered.

"Well my boy I have gathered the councilors here to congratulate you on your new position," Chiron told me with pride, that familiar twinkle in his ancient eyes sparkling with new brilliance.

My mind short circuited for a moment before my sea green eyes became the size of dinner plates and a smile threatened to split my face in half, "You mean I got it!?"

"The class took to you instantly Seaweed Brain, of course you got it," my gorgeous girlfriend Annabeth said sarcastically with amusement in her intimidating storm gray eyes, getting up from her seat and kissing me on the cheek which just furthered my ecstatic mood.

"Yeah yeah great job Perce but now that that's out of the way let's party!" Conner shouted as he and Travis pulled out party poppers which when pulled sent confetti spiraling through the air while Travis cranked up the sound of Chiron's "Demi-god Safe Stereo." I laughed loudly before grabbing Annabeth's hand and pulling her into a dance, spinning her across the floor in excitement.

"Great job Percy I'm glad you can continue doing what you love now that we finally graduated," Annabeth said only loudly enough that the two of us could hear.

"Thanks Wisegirl," I responded with a love struck gaze, my eyes sparkling for her and her alone. Over the course of the night everyone laughed countless times and smiled so many times more. We had a wonderful dinner and had a cake depicting Clarisse beheading me for desert, leaving no guesses as to who actually baked it though she refused to make eye contact to the laughing faces of her comrades and almost actually beheaded the Stoll's with her newest spear. Overall it was one of the best, most relaxed, nights of my life. That is, until the clock hit midnight. The festivities were starting to slow down and everyone but me and my closer friends had left. Left in the ransacked looking Big House was myself, Annabeth, Clarisse, Travis and Conner, Katie (who was looking at Travis a bit strangely though he was too oblivious to notice, Nico, Will Solace, Leo, Jason, Piper, Hazel, and Frank who had all come from Camp Jupiter.

We were all chatting and laughing to the music of Maroon 5 when the power in the Big House cut off leaving us shrouded in darkness and silence until Leo lit himself on fire so we could see.

"What the Hades is going on?" Will asked with a cheeky glance at Nico who just glared at the purposeful use of his father's name as a swear word.

"No idea," Hazel who was fumbling around look for flashlights said before shouting something that sounded like "schist" as she stubbed her toe in the shadows.

"Probably just a power outage, I'm sure that when Chiron gets back he will take care of it," Jason assured, mentioning Chiron who had let not too long ago to deal with some harpy biting a camper incident. We all nodded in agreement before falling quiet, the silence almost deafening for some reason. It was then that while waiting we hear the creak of a door a few room away accompanied by light footfalls caught the rooms attention.

"Chiron?" Annabeth called from my arms. When no response came all weapons in the group were drawn, years of battle experience making us attentive and paranoid. More footfalls, getting closer and closer. I could feel my pulse racing as the darkness seemed to become heavier and denser almost to the point where I could hardly breath and just as quickly my body and lugs seemed to start burning. All around me my friends started to drop to the ground until only me and Annabeth were left. And that's the moment recognition hit, why this feeling seemed so familiar and why me and Annabeth were the only one left standing (albeit a bit shakily). This felt exactly like Tartarus.

"P-percy? You feel this too right?" Annabeth asked shakily as memories of Tartarus flooded out minds.

"I do Wisegirl but don't worry we're gonna get out of this," I told her to the sounds of unknown footsteps and the pounding in my head.

"Promise?" she questioned looking up at me with those beautiful eyes that were being ruined by fear.

"Of course," I assured with my most comforting smile. She smiled back before stealing herself and unsheathing her knife remembering that she is the most butt-kicking daughter of Athena to ever live and getting in a battle stance. I too drew Riptide which shined faintly in the darkness and pointed it at the door. The sound drew closer and closer before stopping right in front of the door to the Big House's main room. Even the Leopard head that Dionysus had enchanted seemed to be trying to pop off the wall and run away judging from the whining it was doing. Speaking of which I really wish the wine god was here right now but I guess the Fates really just want me dead at this point. 1…2…3 the seconds ticked by and I swear I could hear light breathing through the door even over the blood rushing through my body and the struggle of trying to stay standing.

"Hey, if you wanna fight just get in here those cheap tricks aren't gonna work on us," I called to who or whatever was standing just outside the door though slightly doubting the truth in my words due to my and Annabeth's shaky legs.

"Fine then," A familiar voice said before the door was blasted off of its hinges at us forcing the two of us to dive off to the sides in an attempt to escape being crushed. I looked into the darkness hoping I could see what were up against only for my face to lose all color and for my chest to tighten. Luke Castellan stood with backbiter held to Annabeth's throat with golden eyes and a devil's smile.

"N-no that's impossible, Luke you d-died," I stuttered in shock had he slightly dug his weapon's blade into my teary eyed girlfriends neck who was just trying to get a good look at the previously dead demigod.

"Well you thought wrong Jackson, actually I'm here for revenge," he growled, "And I'm going to start with this little bitch," he hissed in Annabeth's ear making my eyes harden as I held my sword higher.

"You're not Luke, he was a good person in the end, a friend," I yelled no longer having to worry about hurting my assailant yet still praying that he wouldn't hurt Annabeth.

"Luke" sighed before a smile that I've never seen him wear broke out on his face, "Good job my friend," A voice that was defiantly not the son of Hermes' escaped his lips, "Not many people can see through my disguises."

"Well maybe you should work on your acting skills then," I growled, "Now release her this instant of else!" I shouted my sword aiming for the kill as my girlfriend sobbed, seeing Luke (even a fake one) hurt her more than words could describe.

"Unfortunately I can't do that, I do have a job to do after all," The deep voice of the faux Luke smiled.

"And what job would that be?" I questioned.

"Why to kill of course," he said actually sounding a bit sad as he flipped his blade over before I could react and sunk the metal into Annabeth's chest.