Disclaimer: I do not own Uta no Prince-sama.

The glossy brochure seemed to shimmer on the rack. Saotome Academy scrolled across the front in curling font, the english-style main building sitting behind iron gates. A girl picked it up, vaguely interested, opening it, blinking slightly when the paper seemed to shine brightly for a moment.

Want to become an idol? There's no better place to go than Saotome Academy, established by Shining Saotome himself! She felt her lips twitch into a smile. Sure, lure students in with pretty font and the name of a celebrity. No better way to work.

The brochure went on to talk about the school's majors. Idol, a famous Japanese singer/actor/dancer combo. Graduating from the school guaranteed you a debut with Shining Saotome's agency. Composer, the people who write music for idols. The picture of the school's most famous and successful composing graduate, Nanami Haruka, smiled from the page. And a newer major they had announced a few years prior, Dancer. They were an idol, singing, acting, all that stuff, but with a focus on dancing. They were thought to be a great addition to groups, as they learned more about choreography than the normal Idol major.

She unfolded more of the brochure, and the handsome faces of STARISH beamed up at her. She grinned, turning a little red at the sight of her favorite Idol group. New program: Idol Groups! Now this was intriguing. This wasn't in last year's brochure.

Due to the success of school-formed STARISH, Saotome Academy has opened up the option for students to form Idol Groups in school! Each group can still only work with one composer, and failure at the graduation audition means no redos! It's all or nothing with this tactic. Risky, but flashy! Be just like Shining Saotome!

Here there was a picture of the record-breaking idol, from when he founded the school. I bet he's looking old now, heheh… The girl chuckled to herself as she skimmed the rest of the advertisement. Your homeroom teacher could be your favorite idol!

Meet others that share your passion!

Magic happens at Saotome Academy. Spread your wings and prepare to fly. Join Saotome Academy today.

Rolling her eyes, the girl set the brochure back on the rack. The thought of being an idol was nice, but ridiculous. And with that, the bored law student meandered away, tucking earbuds into her ears and hitting the play button on her MP3.

Maji Love 1000%. Artist, STARISH.

Hey, and welcome to my story! Hopefully you enjoyed the prologue, and no, we won't meet the unnamed girl again. ;)

So, this is an SYOC, and the rules and form will be on my profile! I'd love it if you got involved, and if you read the prologue, please leave a review! Positive or negative, I'd love to know what you thought. No flames, though, please! Constructive criticism is welcome and encouraged. :)

So, I'll leave with that! Thanks for reading, and head on over to my profile for submission details.