"You were saying," Orochimaru prodded him along, albeit not very gently. "I'm a busy man nowadays, and it seems you are as well."

"I'm still waiting on a confirmation report concerning the placement of your other hideouts," Kakashi refused to fold under pressure. He was doing this for fucking something.

Goddamn it, this better be for something. He hated to think this was for nothing.

"Let me guess," Orochimaru had a newfound respect for anything Kakashi had to say, however—would it kill him to be a little less obvious about it? "that Yamato fellow again."

The Sixth stiffened slightly, and he couldn't help but scowl at the underlying sarcasm.

"We should definitely make efforts to get along here," He wanted to be as vague as possible, unable to completely trust him just yet. "you wouldn't want to compromise our arrangement. Trust me."

Kakashi could feel himself being scrutinized, as if he were under a microscope with a lens that made him look fascinating. "I mean that a healthy, stable relationship would be in your best interest. This time will be different. You should take us seriously."

"Oh, but you approach things so systematically," The Sannin smirked, leaning forward. He stared across from him, wondering why Kakashi insisted on wasting so much time. "even for me. I have been cooperative with the Leaf for a short, yet honest time."

"All the same. I'm sure you have more figured out than you let on."

He doesn't respond right away, brushing him off thoughtlessly. "It's rather obvious where you're going with this."

"I was hoping to get straight to the point," Kakashi had to stop himself from pacing, standing his ground. "You need to start considering others if you want to make things right. You should be making as many amends as you can. Along with Sasuke."

"So you're the one telling him all that," Orochimaru used one hand as a prop, stirring his tea. "strategically reversing my teachings.."

"We're not against you any more," He gave his word, although it was a huge stretch. "we just won't be able to trust you right away. I'd like to believe I could trust you enough—when this is all over, you will aid Naruto by any means necessary. And more importantly, I'd like to pass on the trust of the Leaf—I'll pass our trust on with it, of course.. If you can prove you're serious about it."

"Is that right?" Orochimaru had already manipulated the situation enough. "What do you want from me?"

He should at least respect him enough to come right out and say it. "I think we've established the fact that Naruto will need all the help he can get. Such tragically reckless youth."

"Remember," Kakashi instinctively drew back, "I'm nowhere near as heedless.. As you or your students."

"Your plan's backfired, in other words," The snake charmer's face dimmed, "did you really think she'd be pleased?"

"I'd say that's because your actions definitely warrant a proper apology."

"Please don't take this the wrong way, but—," His golden eyes cut right through him, and the power of his gaze managed to briefly break Kakashi's focus. "is that a threat?"

"It's an order."

Orochimaru clearly opposed this type of leadership; he was used to being the one who called the shots. "You.. you're unbelievably ignorant."

"Don't you think you owe her that much?"

"I will have to give you some advice, then. Don't go around mixing your personal life with your professional life. It reflects poorly on your character."

Even sitting down, the energy radiating from his presence seemed intimidating. His goal was to change the people's views, but he had never thought of doing the right thing afterward. He didn't even seem to understand why it mattered.

"Orochimaru—" The newest Hokage was suddenly angry, silently loathsome.. There was outright coldness to his voice. Were these words falling on deaf ears? Was this a joke to him?

He had watched Anko for so long, and she wouldn't allow herself to let go of this hatred.. a familiar hatred he knew well. She barely allowed herself to talk about it. This old, seemingly irretrievable bond. It shouldn't have been a punishing memory, and the burden seemed almost unbearable. He wanted her to understand that her coping mechanisms simply weren't orthodox. She was hurting over someone who hadn't deserved the satisfaction.

Kakashi believed a woman like Anko would blossom upon discovery of her worth. She would always be welcome to cast her worries onto him, because he wanted to be there for her.. way back when, he promised her that he would be.

"It's your past. These are your mistakes. Own up to them like you should've a long time ago. Step up and deal with your past. You've hurt people who don't deserve it, and that's a problem when it involves this village. The problem is between you and others. Stop shoving the past behind you."

"Do it for somebody other than yourself," Kakashi had a sense of responsibility, a stern determination befitting a Hokage. If there was anything he could do to protect someone, he would seize the opportunity. The job he had never dreamed of wanting was all about others. He would be there for them—every single one of them. "think of the good it'll do you.."

"Who knows what will happen with Anko," Orochimaru wasn't looking forward to their next encounter. "to ask such a favor—you must care for her deeply."

"I care for everyone in this village. And by the way, it shouldn't be a favor."

"You don't have to high road me," He could sense mild embarrassment; admittedly, the way he played it off so smoothly.. was impressive. "She's quite the feisty woman."

"I guess you're the one who knows best," Kakashi felt a huge weight fall off his chest. He could finally relax, somewhat. "try not to piss her off any more."

"That cannot be promised," Orochimaru sighed, wondering if such a mission was even possible. He couldn't be quick to wrong his rights with Anko, because he didn't know where to start—could she forgive him?

There was something that occurred naturally in only a few he had trained; it was a tough and resilient exterior. She was strong, but the undeniable wildness of her actions posed multiple issues. She was talented because she thought unlike others her age—he has to wonder if that's why she might get along with Kakashi in particular. Anko was, by far, one of his most talented pupils.

They had obviously grown farther part, and rightfully so.

He had never wanted to leave her behind.

He never considered the bond of student and teacher, and a part of him didn't want to acknowledge it.. The bond ended long ago, but it would take more than an apology.

He knew, it was too late—she was never going to forgive him. He couldn't blame her, truthfully.

"She can handle it."

"I know."

"How do you know?" Kakashi's nerves were working fast, and he had the worst time judging her unpredictable actions.

"Because I'm her mentor."

He returned Orochimaru's smile, maybe the first one in days. "You're right."

Anko was hunched across freshly-poured rosé, and judging by her worsening hand-eye coordination—she'd bet she were farther in. She wasn't her usual boisterous self. The bartender picked up on at least that much, and he refilled her glass without even saying anything. She was a frequent visitor to this place.

"Exquisite taste," The last voice she expected to hear. "mind if I join you?"

Despite the overwhelming ringing of alarm bells in her brain, she could not yet will herself to look up. "Get the fuck out of here."

"That Tsunade is quite rude when it comes to others being the center of attention."

Anko jerked her head up at last, wondering if he could've picked a more inconvenient time to make his appearance. "Why should I waste my time on you?"

"You never gave me much of a chance back there."

The kunoichi suddenly lashed out, only—not at Orochimaru. Glass shattered on the other side of the counter. "And just what makes you think you're entitled to shit around here?"

"Please, Anko—," He couldn't imagine getting closer to her in that moment. "listen.. I want to make things right between us..."

"Wow, almost a believable act of human decency," She clenched her complimentary replacement glass. "who are you kidding here?"

"I can assure you," Orochimaru ran his fingers along the curtain of the small tavern. "I'm not here to harm anyone or this village."

Yeah, right. She had her doubts, and he was definitely manipulating something. He was in on some sort of deal—and she wasn't. How could she believe anything he said?

"I suppose you no longer sense my presence."

"No, but I guess it isn't easy controlling a chakra so dark? That's my guess."

Orochimaru watched her shoulders shrug, carelessly—she was trying to make it seem like she didn't care.

"Who really let you out of your cage? What do you want from us? Do you ever think that you've done enough? You should be thankful that anyone wants you around in this village—but don't think that it includes me. You should be punished to the fullest extent—do you know how many crimes you committed over the years? Do you know how many lives you're responsible for? Do you know the hell I've been through because of you?"

The Sannin eased into a stool, keeping one in between them for distance. He took a breath, and the words seemed to flow without hesitation. "Yes, and I just wanted to..—apologize."

'Apologize until you're blue in the face', She thought regrettably, wishing he would just go away. "Is that all you wanted to say?"

"Actually, no," Orochimaru swore that her overall nature was different—she was no longer his student. She was somebody with her own name, and someone who had refused to follow him. More grown-up.. that was the word. She was no longer an ignorant child—never had been.. She was smarter than even his best followers.

"May I treat you to some sweet bean soup? I trust that you still enjoy it."

Anko couldn't stop her vision from blurring due to alcoholic intake, and the request startled her. What was coming over her? Anger? Denial? Hate? It must have been all three.

"They've really done some number on you."

"If you only knew the half of it," He called for a refill on his tea. "I would expect nothing less of Kakashi Hatake."

"What's he got to do with this?" Her tone became overbearing, and he could tell that was the nerve.

"You're too smart for your own good, Anko."

"Answer me," She said again, but this time—with threatening intent.

"He seems to have taken quite a liking to you.. not too surprising, I must say."

Orochimaru saw that his analysis shocked her somewhat, and she masked her reaction immediately.

"An expert in making other people's business your own," The former trainee didn't want to discuss it further. "just know that if I could have killed you by now—I would have."

"I did not expect to receive forgiveness from you."

She downed the last of her glass, seeing him as pure hatred if it had a form.. Yet, here he was.. being sincere. It was definitely a new emotion on him. She could see that he was remorseful. He had lost most of the malice behind his eyes. And when he stared at her—he seemed.. sorry.

"I'm sorry, too."

When she received a questioning look in response, she went on to explain, "For me, of course.."

For once, she had stunned Orochimaru into silence.

"I'm sorry that you showed me betrayal at such a young age.. sorry that you ever convinced me to follow you.. sorry I could never stop you.. sorry that I was so fucking stupid."

"Honestly, I'm more sorry that you didn't kill me back then. So can you tell me—why? Why did my life matter to someone like you? You should've just killed me. Or did you want to torture me for the rest of my life?"

"Your life was never meaningless."

"Can you say that you're sorry—for all the misery you've caused?" Anko lowered her gaze to the counter. "that you're sorry for making me who I am?"

"As I said before," Orochimaru sounded truly guilty, and the games he played were beyond her. She couldn't fathom the thought of him lying at this point. "I wish to be at peace with this village.. and you."

"Why?" She asked, unaware of how tear-stained her face was. "I don't know.. why it's me."

"If I could change the past—" He reached over, and for a split second.. if looks could kill. "I would do everything differently with you, Anko."

Anko Mitarashi wasn't ashamed of herself for crying, but goddamn it... why was she even listening to what he had to say? He deserved absolutely nothing, and yet here she was—wishing she could believe him.

"Your life has always had meaning, however.." He was worried at this point, because he had never really bore witness to her emotions. Her vulnerability was terribly unsettling. She was hurt, and it was beyond him to sympathize because he could not relate. He caused this, a grief that never even disturbed his mind until he reflected on their relationship. "I wasn't the one to guide you. Anko..."

She seemed unable to get a hold of herself, and their interaction was rightfully foreign to him. He was responsible for creating hatred, pain, and mistrust in a student he had never wanted to lose.

"Why would I come back for you," He continued on, "in a village I was considered a criminal in?"

"You used me," Anko barely managed, forcing words painfully. "how could you do that to me?"

"I saw potential in you," Orochimaru tried again to console her, as if he wasn't the one at fault. He couldn't do anything to change the past—but he had to at least make an effort. "I still see potential in you."

The kunoichi finally mustered enough strength to look up at him. "Do you mean that?"

"I will do anything to atone for my mistakes here. I have no other business in this village. I would like to make it up to you, Anko. I understand if you reject my apology—but yes, I do mean that."

"I was good enough for you all along?" She choked more tears back, "I know that part wasn't a lie."

"Too good for me." For the first time, Orochimaru realized the amount of trauma and scars he had given to many so senselessly in his past. He was a cruel individual who deserved nobody forgiving; he didn't deserve half of the loyalty Anko had for him until the end.

"You turned out better than me," He confessed, barely catching the sobbing kunoichi when she embraced him. She held onto him so tightly that he almost had to voice his discomfort. Enhanced by drunken strength and rampaging emotions—she nearly sent herself crashing into the ground.

Her harsh breathing rocked him slightly, and he knew then what Kakashi had meant about others—perhaps his most important breakthrough. What doing something for someone else could do for you. More than he could have asked for..

"It's alright," Orochimaru let her lean on him, knowing she was about to ruin his robe with mascara. He felt relieved. He felt weightless. He couldn't understand without seeing things from her perspective; he thought she would be the last he would convince. And the best part was, she had even considered forgiving him.

Forgiveness—that was a priceless feeling.

"I'm sorry."

For Anko, it was validation. It was all she had ever wanted to hear.

A/N;; Obliged to any thoughts/comments. Thanks for reading!