Three years had passed and Fergus had married Aria and already she was with child. Unfortunately, Elissa could not say the same and she was starting to believe that having a child would be impossible.

With that being said Ferelden was now getting back on its feet, but still weak as a whole. They managed to recruit more men into the army and even managed to recruit elves into the army as well thanks to Kallian. The Dalish at Ostagar now had a seat in the Landsmeet and repaired most of the ancient city were going smoothly. The elves had started to get new rights thanks in no small part to Kallian and even managed to convince the have other elven banns in other cities.

She was in the middle of discussing things with Kallian and Eamon when Alistair and Teagan showed up. They had went to Kirkwall in the hopes to get the Champions help. Though judging by the look on their faces it had not been entirely successful.

"I take it things did not go as planned," said Elissa.

Alistair nodded grimly. "Knight-Commander Meredith heard of our arrival before we could talk to the Champion. She seems a bit miffed that we allowed mages to take control of the Circle."

"We did however manage to speak to the Champion," said Teagan.

"What is the situation at Kirkwall?" Eamon asked.

They had heard troubling rumours coming out of the Free Marchers were indeed troubling. Many mages and templars had their eyes on the city.

"Bad," said Alistair. "It seems things are much worse than we feared. Knight-Commander Meredith has practically taken control of the city and is ruling the circle with an iron fist."

"This of course means that the mages are resisting her and are resorting to blood magic, which is tightening her grip even further," Teagan added.

"Sounds like things are reaching their boiling point and I have a feeling we don't want to be anywhere close to the boiling pot when it overflows," said Kallian.

"Can't she see that she is only making things worse," said Elissa in bewilderment.

"I try to point that out," said Alistair.

It was true that Alistair had training to become a templar, even though he was never ordained. This of course gave him a great understanding of the dangers of magic and being a Grey Warden he trusted many mages as brothers in arms.

"The Champion is doing everything he can to keep the peace, but I fear that it may not be enough," said Teagan.

Eamon sighed. "It's starting to seem as if war is inevitable."

"It's starting to look that way," Elissa agreed.

"Also there are more problems in Orlais, mostly to Grand Duke Gaspard, he seems to be pushing the nobility into a frenzy," said Eamon.

"We can only hope that Celene is able to calm the nobility," said Elissa.

"I don't like her chances," said Teagan. "The fact of the matter is we are now much weaker and therefore more open to an attack."

"It wouldn't have been like this if Loghain hadn't started the Civil War in the first place," Alistair grumbled.

"Yes," Elissa agreed. "If only he allow the Orlesains in at least their army would have been weakened and we wouldn't have lost as many men."

"Well, there's nothing we can do about it now," said Kallian. "I suggest that we just keep a close watch on our borders and keep our ears open at Kirkwall."

"I suppose that's all we can do," said Elissa sadly.

A few years later and the mages and templars declared war and what's worse according to their old friend Shale, Wynne was dead.

"Wynne, dead?" said Alistair, not able to comprehend the news. "I can barely believe it."

"As can I," said Elissa. "I'm just sorry that she was unable to prevent the war."

"And what's worse Orlais is at Civil War," said Teagan. "I'm sorry to say you're Majesties, but the world is now more chaotic than we could have imagined."

"The mages seem to be the ones that are suffering more in this war," said Kallian. "Not all them wanted to fight and they've got children with them."

"Tell Grand Enchanter Fiona that we will allow the mages safe haven," said Alistair.

"You sure that's wise?" Teagan asked. "The templars are sure to follow."

"I know," said Alistair. "We can only hope that the Divine has some sort of plan involved to end this conflict."

"I'm sure Leliana has something planned," said Elissa. She then looked at Alistair with a slight smile on her face. "Alistair, there's something I've been meaning to tell you this morning."

"Oh, what is it?" Alistair asked.

"I'm pregnant!"

The news that the Queen was pregnant spread like wildfire across the land and many people considered a miracle or that it was the work of the Maker. Elissa wasn't quite sure whether it was the Maker that gave her this wondrous gift, but she was happy regardless.

Nine months later, Alistair was outside their bedroom pacing up and down. He wasn't quite sure how to react, he was going to be a father more importantly the future of Ferelden was within their new-born child.

"Will you relax, Alistair," said Eamon chuckling to himself.

"Relax? I'm about to be a father and I don't know the first thing about raising a child," said Alistair.

"I'm sure you'll be fine," Eamon assured.

Alistair wished he was just as sure, but the screams coming from their bedroom scared him to death. He didn't know what was more stressing waiting for his new-born child to be born or fighting the Blight all over again.

Then everything went quiet and they heard the cries of the new-born baby.

Alistair and Eamon looked to the door which opened and saw Kallian entering with a happy face on her face.

"The baby is fine," she assured. "And Elissa is all right."

She opened the door wider and allowed Alistair, who was now entirely relieved and entered into the chamber. There he saw a healer and the Grand Cleric and lying on the bed was Elissa with a baby in her arms.

"Congratulations, your Majesty, you're the father of a new-born boy," said the Grand Cleric.

Alistair made his way slowly towards his wife, who looked exhausted but relieved at the same time. She had tears in her eyes as she cradled this new-born son in her arms.

"He's beautiful," she said looking up at Alistair.

Alistair looked at their new born son, who was sleeping peacefully in her mother's arms. It was the most beautiful site he had ever seen in his entire life. He then did the only thing that he could and kissed his beautiful wife on the lips.

"What are you going to call him?" Kallian asked.

Alistair looked at her smiling. "Duncan."