Hi anyone that reads this! I'll be using songs within each chapter and I'll reference them at the beginning. This is my first story so please bear this in mind when you're reading and thinking about how shit it is! I don't really expect many readers but if you do read it please feel free to give any advice on how to improve it :)

The First Day

Song for the chapter – Breakaway by Kelly Clarkson

"Dammit, I'm late!" Ora shouted in the face of her mother as she woke with a start thanks to her rigorous shaking of Ora's shoulders.

"I know, Ora! There's no time for breakfast, just get ready and get downstairs. We've already got your trunk in the car." Her mum exclaimed.

Ora couldn't believe she was late to the first thing she was actually excited about all summer – going to Hogwarts! Ora was muggle born so she can't say she's been waiting for this her entire life because she didn't even didn't know that Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry even existed but that didn't stop her mum, dad and 9 year old little brother, Walt, from being really proud of her being able to go. In fact, Walt was even more excited than Ora as he was now ecstatic at the idea that he could be in the exact same position as his older sister in two years time!

Ora pulled on her light blue, skinny jeans and a plain black short-sleeved t-shirt over her curvy body, along with a knitted long-sleeved beige cardigan and headed downstairs with a floral backpack swung over her shoulder with her essentials and school supplies inside. She gave her long, black shiny hair a quick run through with her brush and looked in her mirror to make sure she looked presentable. Staring back at her was an 11 year old girl with eyes the colour of coal and long, black hair and a smile playing on her thin lips.

When she reached the bottom stair she sat on it and pulled on her brown lace-up boots and continued walking outside the house making sure she locked the door behind her. She stepped into the car loaded with her trunk and her family who were already sat waiting for her and they set off for King's Cross station.

Wanted to belong here. But something felt so wrong here.

Two and a half hours later, Ora was awoken from her nap in the car to her mum once again having to shake her awake. She noticed she was no longer in her home town of Margate and instead was sat in the car park of St. Pancras station, across from King's Cross.

As they walked across the street to King's Cross, Ora couldn't help but look around at the rush of people going into the station and wonder how many of them were heading to Hogwarts too. When they got into the station, they began looking for platform nine and three quarters and could only find a wall between the two platforms. It was 10:50 and Ora was beginning to worry about getting on the train on time; what if she didn't make it? What if this meant she couldn't go to Hogwarts?

Just as she was about to give up hope, a family nearby were arguing about the time and leaving the house too late and not leaving enough time to get here for the 11am train. This caught Ora's attention because when they arrived in the station, she noticed on the board that there was no other train departing at 11am and so Ora and her family moved towards a woman who seemed like the mother of the family due to her incredible likeness to the children surrounding her.

There was what looked like a mother and a father and 6 children surrounding them; the eldest looking child was 17 years old and was about to begin his last year at Hogwarts. He was short and muscular and had many freckles. The second eldest was thin and tall with the same freckled face as his siblings. The next two were identical twins, they seemed to be quite short and stocky compared to the rest of the family. The younger two children consisted of a boy and girl, the boy looked older, though not too much older and he seemed quite tall for his age and was relatively thin compared to his stockier siblings. And the girl, who couldn't have been older than 8 years old was short and had freckles like her siblings and had long hair and shared a common feature with the rest of the family, they all had bright ginger hair.

Ora's mum stepped further towards her to catch the woman's attention. "Excuse me, miss?" She timidly began conversing with the head of the ginger household.

"Yes dear?" The woman began talking back to Ora's mother.

"I don't suppose you know how to get onto platform nine and three quarters, do you?"

The lady gave a kind smile and then turned towards Ora beaming at her. "Ah, is this your first year at Hogwarts, dear? Yes, well its Fred and George's first year too and Charlie's going into his final year and Percy's in his third. As you can see, Ron and Ginny here aren't old enough to be going yet. I'm Molly and this is my husband Arthur Weasley." As she said this, she pointed to each person she was talking about in turn. "Are you the first in your family to go to Hogwarts then?" She finally stopped for breath.

"Yeah, I guess so." Ora replied shyly. She wasn't usually this shy around people but amongst those she had never met before, she found herself unable to speak as freely as she normally would.

"Okay, well I'm sure my boys will make sure you find everything OK, and if you ever need anything, don't be afraid to ask them. Everyone in our family is a witch or wizard so they should be able to help you with regards to any questions you might have." She finished with a smile.

"Th-thank you." Ora stammered back. The twins shared an odd look with each other, one of mischief. If only Ora had known what they were like before then, she would've been able to sense that they were up to something.

And with that, Molly Weasley began explaining what to do to get onto the platform and giving her examples of this by allowing the older Weasleys to go ahead of her and then before the twins could through the barrier, Molly insisted the girl, she found out to be called Ora, should go first to ensure that her and her family were able to get onto the platform.

It was now bordering on 11:56 and so there was no time for Ora and her family to wait for the rest of the Weasleys to come through the barrier. Instead, she looked in awe at the magnificent, Victorian looking train called the Hogwarts Express which sounded as though it was getting ready to set off any minute now.

Ora's parents helped her put her luggage onto the train in a compartment that had not yet been taken and then they stepped off the train to be able to say their goodbyes to her. She hugged her parents together as they got emotional at the thought of not seeing her until Christmastime. She moved onto her brother Walter and hugged him so tight it could be believed that she was never coming back. She told them she would write every week, the first letter going out on the Saturday of her first week so she could tell them all about her classes and any friends she had made. They heard the final whistle call and she gave them all one more hug and hurried into the compartment where they had stored her luggage and opened the window to allow herself to shout goodbye to them as the train began moving away from the station.

Out of the darkness and into the sun. But I won't forget all the ones that I love.

Fifteen minutes into the journey, she heard the door of her compartment slide open as two ginger, identical heads came into the doorway of the compartment and the one she remembered as Fred asked, "Hey there, Ora! Would you mind if we sit in here with you?"

"The other sections are full!" George joined in the conversation.

"S-sure, I don't mind." Ora muttered and stumbled on the first word.

They lifted their trunks above the opposite seats to her and sat down across from her.

"So, Ora, we noticed that you're really quiet and shy around us-" Fred began.

"But, you seemed talkative when we saw you saying bye to your family!"George finished.

"I wonder why that is?"

"We thought before we were going through the platform that we would try to make you more bold and brash!" George added onto the end of Fred's sentence again. Ora discovered this was a quirk of theirs, to continue the other's sentence.

"But now that we've seen you are like that, just not around new people, we'll just try to befriend you!"

"So, do you want us to be your first friends at Hogwarts?" They questioned together this time.

Ora was taken aback by this. After all, this wasn't the normal way of making friends. One just doesn't go up to someone and straight out say are we going to be friends or not. But for some reason, Ora found this to be a strange but inviting feature of the twins.

"Erm, O-OK!" She seemed to have shouted back.

"Great, now tell us- oh good, the sweet trolley's here!" George began to ask Ora question but was cut off by the idea of food.

"Anything from the trolley, dears?" The trolley witch opened the sliding doors and peaked through it.

Fred and George moved towards her to begin buying food and Ora looked out of the window deciding she didn't want anything to eat just yet. Besides, she had a packed lunch ready, knowing that it could very well be a long journey to Hogwarts.

Within moments, they came back to their original seating positions and began opening Chocolate Frogs but not before handing one to Ora. She looked at it strangely and concluded it had to be just normal frog shaped chocolate and began unwrapping it. When it was fully unwrapped she went to grab it to eat but it hopped away from her and escaped from her her view. She sat back and sighed with a confused look on her face.

"Oh sorry, we should have warned you." Fred started.

"The frogs do that sometimes. Especially if you don't grab them, fast enough." George finished.

"Oh, thats… strange. Well, thank you anyway!" Ora replied.

Fred and George looked at each other with smirks plastered on their faces and then turned back to Ora.

"What's wrong?" Ora questioned.

"Oh nothing-" Fred began.

"Its just you must be warming up to us." George continued.

Fred then added, "You see you've stopped stammering around us."

Ora then began to think and silently agreed with them, she must feel more comfortable around them now otherwise, as Fred said, she'd still be stammering around them.

"Oh yeah." She said. "I suppose you seem nice enough, to give me chocolate and help me onto the platform and all..." Suddenly, her facial expression that suggested she was in thought changed into a massive smirk. "That's good then! I wouldn't have been able to step off this train without people there to reassure me."

Fred and George smiled at Ora and all three of them continued talking for the entirety of the long journey from King's Cross to Hogwarts. And when Hogwarts came into view, none of them said anything as they all had their faces stuck to the window of the train to look at the magnificent sight that was Hogwarts.

When the trio stepped off the train in their robes, which they changed into half way through the journey, they were met with the sounds of a deep, booming, country accent shouting, "Firs' years this way!"

Following the sounds, they looked at the man who made it and Ora's face became shocked but excited as she continued to stare at him.

"Am Rubeus 'Agrid, the gameskeeper o' 'Ogwarts. All you firs' years follow me!" Hagrid shouted to the group of students that had surrounded him.

They followed him to the edge of a lake where Ora could have sworn to have seen a tentacle fly out of. They were told to get into boats which could hold four people in them. Ora asked Fred and George if she could share a boat with them and they immediately agreed while telling her that she must love them already and mocking her about this the entire journey across the Black Lake. The journey was relatively short compared to the train journey and seemed to go fast due to the amount of awe and chatter amongst Fred, George, Ora and a new student they met called Lee Jordan. To Ora, Lee seemed just as mischievous as the twins as they spent the majority of time comparing the pranks that they had pulled on various family members and friends. Ora had little to say on this subject but when the topic changed, she joined in straight away with the new-found confidence Fred and George seemed to have given her throughout the train journey.

As they stepped up the stairs in the main building towards to great hall, they were stopped by a woman who had introduced herself as Professor McGonagall. She wore her black hair in a tight bun and stared down at the student behind her square-shaped glasses as she began explaining that she would come to get them when they were needed in the Great Hall. She then sped off into the hall on her own for ten minutes. Whilst she was gone, Fred and George, who were stood next to Ora, began talking loudly so everyone could hear about the horrible ways that the school used to sort students into their houses.

"They sort you into your house by making you wrestle a troll!" Fred told all those who were listening.

George added, "They see the way that you handle it and judge you based on that!"

After doing their job to thoroughly scare their fellow first years, they turned to each other, smirked and then turned to the front.

Ora knew this feeling too well, she was beginning to have a panic attack. She couldn't breathe but at the same time her breathing rate increased rapidly. One of her coping mechanisms was to put her hands on a flat surface but there weren't any. There was only the floor but she knew that would look weird and she would be even more self-conscious than she currently was.

Fred then looked at Ora and saw the same frightened look in her eyes that the other students now held and her increased breathing rate and turned to George to alert him. George then moved the other side of Ora so that they were both on either side of her and leaned in to her ear and whispered, "Don't worry, Ora."

Fred put his hand on her shoulder as he also leaned in and muttered "Hogwarts is the safest place you could possibly be so there's no way they'd let us battle a troll. Apparently, they put a hat on your head and the hat somehow manages to sense what house you should be in."

"Though I've heard its more based on where you'd like to be put."

George finished their discussion with this revelation as Ora's breathing quickly slowed to a steady speed and she smiled at both of them and said "I wished you'd've included me in that little prank!"

With this, Fred and George shared the same idea, they must let her in on their futures pranks and make her as good a prankster as them.

Gotta keep moving on, moving on. Fly away, breakaway.

When McGonagall returned to the anxious first years, she told them to follow her and then made her way, with them on her heels, to the front of the Great Hall while the older students stared at them and muttered to each other. The sorting ceremony began after McGonagall explained what would happen, much to everyone's shock thanks to Fred and George, and the first person made their way up to the stool to sit on it. The names seemed to be read and sorted slowly to Ora but this might just have been because she wanted it to come and go quickly. This was because she would no longer have to endure being stood at the front of the large room with many eyes staring at the back of her head.

Professor McGonagall read out the name "Fred Weasley" and the sorting hat began talking to him so that no one else could hear their discussion and then shouted "Gryffindor!" before moving onto George Weasley.

They seemed to be having a similar discussion until the sorting hat cried out, "Gryffindor!" again.

When both Fred and George were announced as new Gryffindor's a large amount of clapping and 'woos' could be heard from the house's table.

Ora then began to panic as she was sure her name would be read out next as it seemed to be followed alphabetically.

"Ora Fia Wrenne." McGonagall shouted.

Ora then quickly made her way up to the stool and sat herself upon it. The sorting hat was placed on her head and she immediately heard it's voice talking to her.

"Ahh, a member of the Wrenne family, I see. Then again there seems to be another side of you. One that would suggest you weren't 100% Wrenne. Anyway, lets see, shall we? What qualities do you possess? Caring, friendly, loyal, perhaps you should be in Hufflepuff."

And before she could stop herself, she found herself saying to the hat, "But the only friends I've made so far have ended up in Gryffindor."

"Yes yes, the Weasley twins and Lee Jordan, I see." The hat replied. "Well, just because you're in a different house does not mean you can't be friends with them, after all you'll still see them in classes." He seemed to pause for a moment to consider something before continuing. "Well, I do see a lot bravery in you too and a great ambition and determination to be more than you are. Well, there's nothing else to it… you must be a… Gryffindor!"

A large amount of cheering and clapping came from the Gryffindor table and she followed where Fred and George had gone before and sat amongst the cheering students where the twins had saved a seat for her between them.

"Hold on, you saved me a seat? How did you know I'd be in Gryffindor?" Ora questioned the twins.

"Well, we figured if you were brave enough to continue going even after you heard our fibs about the sorting ceremony and after you nearly had a panic attack, we thought it would be a sin if you're bravery for going on didn't win out against any other qualities!" Fred said as he again placed a hand on her shoulder.

"Yeah! You're dead brave to carry on and sit on that stool in front of everyone without having another panic attack!" George added to his brother's reasonings.

"Wow, thanks guys! That's really sweet of you to say." She replied with a large smile on her face, knowing she had already found two amazing, understanding friends.

Make a wish. Take a chance. Make a change. And breakaway.

But then, all of a sudden, everything seemed to go quiet in Ora's head as one single thought entered her mind. What did the sorting hat mean when it said she wasn't 100% Wrenne? Was it just because her mother was a Wrenne and her father obviously wasn't? Or was it more than that?

Something felt so wrong here.

Then, interrupting her thoughts, Professor Dumbledore stood up from his seat in the middle of the long table of teachers and told them who he was and gave a speech about not being allowed to enter the Forbidden Forest and finished the speech by saying, "Let the feast begin!"

As soon as he sat down, a range of delicious looking food sat before them on the long house tables and everyone began digging in. But before Ora felt she could eat, she looked across at the teachers on the front table, feeling someone was watching her from there. She was correct, one of the teachers who had short, greasy black hair and a hooked nose was staring at her. As soon as she had noticed him and looked back, he turned away. This played on Ora's mind a little bit but her stomach growling forced her mind to retreat from the subject and instead she began to eat.

When the feast was over, they were dismissed and told to follow the prefects of their house as they would explain everything to them and show them the way to their dormitories where their belongings were already waiting for them. The new Gryffindors hardly said anything to each other as they followed their corresponding prefect, probably at the shock of seeing moving pictures covering the walls of Hogwarts and the ever-changing staircases. They finally reached the outside of a portrait of the Fat Lady which Ora learned to be the entrance to the Gryffindor common room.

"Wheezing warthog." One of the prefects said to the Fat Lady as she swung open the door and let them inside. "You'll need to remember that, that's the password to the common room and the only way you'll be able to get in." The prefect finished his speech for the first years and let them discover the common room and dormitories themselves.

Ora, Fred and George settled on a sofa near the fire of the common room and began talking to each other.

"So, that wasn't so bad was it, Ora?" Fred questioned.

"No I suppose it wasn't! Although, you guys made it a lot easier to get through." She replied with a blush rising on her cheeks as she didn't usually enjoy giving out these compliments to people as it embarrassed her. "So… thanks guys, I appreciate you helping me today." She finished.

"Don't mention it!" George replied. "We're happy to help in any way we can!"

"However, we have a way you can pay us back for our kind, helpful behaviour today." Fred continued for George as sly smiles swept across their faces.

"Oh really? And what would that be?" She was now matching their smiles with curiosity.

"You must spend the rest of your Hogwarts existence helping us pull pranks and swearing to never rat us out to the caretaker, Filch or anyone else!" Fred said.

Ora quickly nodded and smiled as they budged closer to each other to discuss the first prank they would pull tomorrow and how they would get away with it.

After what seemed like hours of talking and planning, they decided it was time to head to bed. After bidding Fred and George goodbye, Ora climbed the stairs to the girls dormitory and went into her new room where she was met with 4 faces looking at her who she guessed were her new room-mates.

"Hi there! I'm Kimbra Chadwick. What's your name?" One girl came and shook her hand while introducing herself.

"Ora Fia Wrenne." She replied, taking her hand and shaking it.

The other girls then came over and gave kind smiles to Ora and introduced themselves. She found out the girls were named: Salina Beasle, Felicia Jones, Evonne Lowry and Elle Snelling and they all seemed kind and welcoming to Ora and they talked for well over an hour before the female prefect came and told them to go to sleep. But Ora learned a lot about the girls she was sharing a room with while they were talking.

Kimbra Chadwick was pure-blood and was apparently a distant relative of the notorious Malfoy family, though Ora had never heard of them. She was a short, black, thin girl with straight black, shiny hair and a confident personality. Salina Beasle was also muggle-born like Ora and they shared many muggle interests and hobbies. She was also short but quite stocky and had short blond hair, with kind blue eyes. The other three girls were half-bloods starting with Felicia Jones who was tall and pudgy with brown hair and grey, cold eyes though her personality did not match this and was in fact the opposite, she was very friendly. Evonne Lowry was talkative and quite sly for a Gryffindor and had blazing red, waist-length hair and was average height and curvy. Finally, Elle Snelling had a black pixie cut for hair and was an average weight but was quite short and was just as friendly as the other girls but was a lot more humorous.

Now Ora had met the girls she'd be living with and spending time with in classes, she felt a lot of tension was released from her shoulders as she laid back into her four-poster bed with the curtains closed and began recalling the day, something she always did before she went to sleep. She thought about how kind the Weasley family had been and how much she got along with Fred and George, with her thoughts lingering on Fred a little longer than George as she drifted off to sleep after a successful first day at Hogwarts.