The next time Leah showed up in LaPush, she was driving a small U-Haul truck. Following close behind was Aiyanna driving Leah's car, James securely strapped into his baby seat in the back. Seth ran out to greet them. "You guys made good time! We didn't expect you till dinnertime!" He liberated his nephew and gave Aiyanna a peck on the cheek. Leaving the vehicles parked on the side of the street, they all tramped into the Clearwater house.

Sue immediately reached for James, and she was rewarded with a big smile. He held out his chubby arms and she clasped him tightly to her. "Are you all hungry? Dinner won't be ready for a couple of hours yet but I have sandwich stuff."

"Nah, we ate before we left, Mom," Leah answered, kissing the top of James's head. "You sure you're okay with him while we unpack?"

Sue didn't dignify that ridiculous question with an answer. "Take your time. Seth already moved your bedroom furniture, and Jared picked up a second-hand couch for you. Then come on back for supper.

Leah set an insulated bag on the table and fished out a few bottles, placing them in the fridge. "There's baby food in the other bag, Mom. He'll be hungry in an hour or so." She kissed Sue's cheek and headed out the door with the others.

Seth drove the truck and stopped in front of a simple clapboard two-story building. The sign beside the front door said "Clinic" in both English and Quileute. Rolling up the back door of the van, Seth grinned at Leah. "I'm glad you'll be working here, Sis. It was nice of Dr. Cullen to recommend you."

Leah smiled. "Yeah, he's been a good friend. And the apartment upstairs sounds perfect. I know the tribe can't pay me much, but the free apartment makes up for it."

A side door opened and Jared stepped out. He looked around.

"My mom's watching him while we unpack," Leah explained in answer to his unasked question. "You're invited for dinner when we're done. There's not that much here."

"We'll unpack - you and Anna can go in and look around." Seth hefted the cradle under one arm and Jared grabbed a kitchen table Mrs. Fisher had donated from her garage. Leah took a key from her pocket and opened the clinic door, Aiyanna following close behind.

Smiling widely, Leah stopped and looked around the small waiting room. Magazines were stacked neatly on a table in the middle and cushioned chairs lined two walls. A glass partition provided a view of the receptionist's desk, and there were two doors to the right. One was marked as a rest room and the other gave access to the exam rooms.

"This is cool," breathed Aiyanna. "Your own little hospital. Will you be here alone?"

"Not all the time. I was hired to handle the small stuff, but Dr. Cullen will be on call - and he has office hours two days a week. I still hope to go to medical school some day, but for now this seems perfect." They checked out the well-equipped exam rooms and then trooped upstairs.

"Whoa! Where did all this come from?" Leah gasped as she looked around the living room. She had come from Portland with a cradle, a table, a rocking chair, and little else. A flat screen TV had miraculously appeared along with a couch, an easy chair, and four kitchen chairs.

"All used stuff, Lee," Jared said apologetically. "Seth and I just dug up the basics we figured you'd need. You can replace them when you're ready. And of course your mom made sure everything was clean first. The building is new, but there was sawdust everywhere."

Leah smiled. "Thanks, guys. This place is great! I guess we're ready for dinner."

The meal was a festive affair, with James presiding over the meal from his high chair in Sue's warm, cozy kitchen. She had made Leah's favorite goulash and, just when everyone was completely stuffed, brought out her famous chocolate cake. In spite of groans and protests that everyone was too full, it was polished off in short order.

James began to fuss. "I'm sorry, Mom. He's used to going to sleep early. Since he has his jammies on, all he needs is his crib."

Aiyanna jumped up. "I'll help with the dishes, Mrs. Clearwater." She grinned at Leah. "Your mom invited me to spend the night, since the truck isn't due back until noon tomorrow."

"I'll help," Seth offered.

Sue's eyes widened, but she didn't comment. She kissed James and turned to Leah. "It's so nice to have you close again, Leah. I'm glad you have a few days to get settled before you start work. Call me in the morning, okay?" She picked the baby up and carried him outside to get him settled in his car seat.

Leah turned to Jared. "Is your car at my place?"

"Nah. I walked over. But I'll hitch a ride as far as your place if that's okay." Aiyanna and Seth exchanged a glance."

"What?" Leah asked defensively. "I'm dropping him off at home."

Seth chortled. "Not my circus. Not my monkeys."

Leah grumbled. "What the hell does that even MEAN?" She hugged Aiyanna and followed Jared out. When they were belted in, Leah backed carefully onto the road.

"Do you want company tonight, Leah? I know you don't like sleeping in a strange place...alone."

Leah's head snapped around and she shot him a quick glance. "It's my home now, Jared. I think I can manage."

He shrugged, a small smile lingering on his face. Leah sighed. It was impossible to con a wolf man, and she knew he could smell her arousal. She fidgeted in her seat. His very male scent was powerful in the small space, and it had been a long time. It was decided, then - without any further discussion. When they arrived at Leah's place, Jared scooped James from his car seat. He was already sound asleep.

Following Leah up the stairs, he laid the sleeping baby in his crib in the smaller bedroom. As he turned out the light, he felt Leah's presence behind him. He turned and gathered her into his arms. "It's nice to have you home," he breathed against her hair. Things escalated fast when his lips found hers - lips and tongues and fingers quickly recalled their proper places. "I love you," he whispered as he scooped her up in his arms and deposited her on the queen size bed.

Leah smiled, touching his face gently and opening her mouth to his warm moist kiss. "I know," she muttered as he paused to strip off his clothes. He loved her slowly, almost lazily, her breath coming in shallow gasps with each caress, every touch. When she finally pleaded with him - Oh God, Jared, please, now! - he slammed deep inside her and took her breath away completely.

Leah smiled, her head resting on his chest, as Jared played with her hair. "Feels like coming home, doesn't it?" he asked. His eyes were closed as he relaxed and inhaled their mingled scents. Frowning slightly, he waited for an answer. When he opened his eyes, he realized she was fast asleep.