AN: so this is the last chapter of the story. I want to thank everyone for reading this story and hope everyone enjoyed it!

I am writing a sequel called The Snow Queen after this ends. Can't end it here lol.

The title "The Lady of Shanghai" has a meaning behind it: it means that it is a woman from all lands, one who travels across the world. Not confined to just one place.

The Young Empress

Eve ran to her room and immediately stripped of her combat garments from earlier in the morning. She had been training with the female students for over an hour but now she had to get ready. She rummaged through her chest of clothes and pulled out several dresses onto the bed. She ran over to Zoe inside her cage and set her palms on her knees.

"Today is the day Zoe! Today is the day that Gabrielle and mother are taking me to see Athens!" she grinned widely and put up a red dress up to her body as she stared into the mirror. She hummed to herself and then put the lavender gown up to her body. "What do you think Zoe, red or lavender?"

Eve crinkled her nose and stared at herself with the two dresses side by side. "you're right, the lavender one looks much better," she nodded and slipped the dress on and put on her gold sandals that Gabrielle got her a few months ago. The small girl brushed her hair accordingly and smiled at her reflection quite satisfied with herself. She ran out of her room and burst into her mother's room without announcing herself.

Xena's eyes widened and she turned around covering her bare chest, only wearing long black pants. "Eve! What did I tell you about coming into my room like that?" she groaned and then slipped on a blouse and turned around to see a very excited girl staring back at her. She smiled shaking her head, refusing to be mad at her.

Gabrielle came out of the bathroom wrapped in a towel and saw Eve standing at the entrance of the room wearing her special lavender gown and gold sandals. She came up behind her and hugged her tightly. Eve squealed as Gabrielle lifted her up off the floor. "Someone is excited!"

Eve giggled and her second mother set her down. "Gabrielle you have no idea!" she smiled widely. "I've been waiting for this day for three months now! Do you know how long that is?"

Xena smirked and she sat on her bed lacing her boots. "Let me guess, an eternity?" she teased her daughter and Eve raised an eyebrow at her mother. Eve plopped down on the bed next to her mother and watched her lace her boots. "Now Eve, when we get to the inner city I don't want you sneaking off without me or Gabrielle, got it?" she peered down at her child and Eve smiled nodding her head vigorously.

Gabrielle slyly smiled and began dressing behind a curtain while Eve patiently waited on the bed. Eve sighed heavily and hopped off the bed. "You two are taking forever!" she tugged on her mother's arm and tried pulling her off the bed. "Come on!"

Xena stood up as she was being dragged out of her room by her own daughter. Xena grabbed Gabrielle's arm and pulled her along with her. "She is really eager, isn't she?" Xena whispered to her blonde companion.

Gabrielle chuckled, "what gave you that idea?" she jested. Eve let go of her mother's hand and ran down the stairs without them to head outside to the caravan.

Eve anxiously stared out the window of the caravan as the three traveled to the inner city of Athens. Xena nudged Gabrielle and pointed at Eve. Both shared a glance and stifled a laugh. The girl was so excited she couldn't stop shaking her legs and staring out the window. She should have just glued her face to the curtains.

"Eve do you think you could settle down just a little bit?" Xena suggested and pat her daughter's knee gently. The raven haired princess smiled eagerly at her mother and Gabrielle.

"Are we there yet?" she peered out the window once more for the millionth time. Gabrielle chuckled softly at Eve's anxious state.

Gabrielle leaned forward, "Eve you asked that a few minutes ago, but we're getting close," she grinned. "By the gods Xena I think we've lost her," she joked and Xena rolled her eyes. Suddenly the caravan came to a halt and Eve stood up ready to leave. Gabrielle grabbed the child's hand tightly. "Hey no running off, alright?"

Eve nodded and exited the caravan pulling Gabrielle along with her. Her eyes wandered around and saw many people staring at her and Gabrielle. Xena stepped out behind them and put her hands on Gabrielle's shoulders squeezing them lightly. Eve ran forward and was pulled back by Gabrielle. "Eve..."

"Can I go look at the jewelry?" she pouted and Gabrielle frowned. "Please, Gabrielle? I'm not going to run off again, I promise. I promised, right mother?" she looked behind and Xena sighed nudging her head. Eve smiled and ran off to one of the shops to look at the beautiful necklaces and earrings.

Gabrielle folded her arms and Xena stepped beside her friend. "She is really a beautiful girl, isn't she Xena?"

"She is," Xena walked forward and stood next to her daughter admiring all of the jewelry. The man stared at the child and smiled at her. He glanced up at Xena and lowered his gaze. He then picked up a silver necklace and presented it to Eve.

"This is a very special necklace. Perfect for a pretty girl like you," he smiled and Eve took the necklace and put it up to her small neck. Xena grazed her palm over Eve's hair and the man brought out a small mirror for Eve to look at the jeweled necklace.

Eve stared at herself with the necklace on and glanced up at her mother. "Can I get this necklace, mother?"

Gabrielle finally joined the two and saw Eve admiring the necklace and Xena's pursed lips. It was obvious that she was not keen on the necklace as much as Eve was. She heard the child ask Xena if she could get the necklace for the second time with pouty blue eyes. "I will get it for you, Eve."

Xena's eyes narrowed at Gabrielle and she set her hands on her hips. Gabrielle paid the merchant and Eve smiled putting the necklace on her neck before running off to another shop. "'re spoiling her!" she scoffed.

Gabrielle's eyebrow raised testing Xena's patience. "Is that such a bad thing, Xena?" she gestured to Eve as she found a few children playing with wooden swords and wanted to join in. "Look at her, she's so happy!"

The empress folded her arms as she watched Eve spar with the young children her age. "I won't spoil her moment, but don't buy her anything else!" she scowled and Gabrielle shrugged her shoulder.

A few hours later Xena was becoming bored of following Gabrielle and Eve around the entire city. She hadn't been so bored in her entire life. She wasn't much for shopping especially in her own city. It was also unsettling that everyone stared at her wherever she went and certainly couldn't take their eyes off of Eve. They were probably confused at best. She hadn't told her people that there was a princess in her empire. She didn't want to expose Eve to the public but she figured that many people had suspected that she was her daughter from her clothes, hair and eyes. She looked so much like her.

Xena allowed Gabrielle to take Eve around the city as she was not in the mood to keep walking around anymore. She stepped into a tavern on the outskirts of the city and many people stood up slightly bowing their heads. She sighed walking passed them and sat down at a table by herself. The innkeeper brought her a glass of wine and she smiled curtly at him.

She leaned back in the chair and sipped on the warm alcohol trying to ignore all of the eyes staring at her. "Tough crowd huh?"

Xena coughed and looked to the seat next to her. "What do you want Ares?" she scowled.

The War God made himself comfortable next to Xena invisible to the mortal eyes surrounding them. "Out shopping with the girls?" he teased. Xena rolled her eyes and downed the wine immediately asking for another. "That daughter of yours is pretty precious to you isn't she?" he winked.

Xena snarled at him. "Stay away from her Ares!" she pointed her finger at his chest. The innkeeper set the wine down and stared at her strangely as she appeared to be talking to herself. "What are you staring at?!" she snapped at the man and he slowly backed away.

"I guess I should thank my sweet sister for gifting the child to you. She looks just like you. The same spark,," Ares touched Xena's hand and she snatched it away from him folding her arms, slouching in the chair. "Good job, princess. Great genes!" he laughed and Xena grimaced.

"Have you come to just admire my daughter like the pervert that you are?" she smiled tightly and Ares' smile disappeared immediately.

The War God chuckled and grabbed her hand. "Why don't you just come with me? I got something to show you, Xena." She pulled away but he insisted that she'd follow him. Suddenly they were not in the tavern anymore and Xena looked around in an open field.

She walked forward and realized she was not in Athens anymore. Eve and Gabrielle were not here, it was only her and Ares. Marching forward she pushed Ares and he frowned. "Where have you taken me? What is this?"

Ares grinned slyly, "looks nice doesn't it? open fields...peace and quiet. Not used to it huh?" he snickered. "Perhaps you'd like to see something more exciting?" he walked forward and Xena followed behind him. Over the hill they looked at a burning village ahead. Xena's eyes widened as she heard wailing of women and children running away from the flames.

"What is this?" Xena questioned. Memories of raping and pillaging villages in her past came back to her. The screams haunted her and she didn't want to hear that ever again.

Ares set his hands on her shoulders, "oh you don't recognize this place do you?" he smiled. "Yeah, I bet you wouldn't with the flames and all!" Ares chuckled and Xena drew a dagger from her boot and Ares snapped his fingers, getting rid of the weapon. He wagged his finger inches from her face. "No weapons here, princess." He pushed her forward and she squinted her eyes trying to make out the village. It was quite a large village and even though she kept staring, it didn't look familiar to her. She then saw a woman riding on a horse carrying a large sword and she slit a man's neck. Xena's eyes widened and wanted to turn away. She stepped forward getting ready to help the helpless people but Ares pulled her back.

"Don't interfere, Xena. This is your future!" he smiled and Xena snapped her head around glaring at him. "Your precious Amphipolis is burning to the ground." Xena felt her heart stop and immediately her mother came to her thoughts.

She shook her head refusing to believe it. "But Amphipolis belongs to my belongs to me!" she growled. "If this is my future then where am I and who is ransacking my village?" she didn't want to question the god, knowing he might lie. He sighed and grabbed hold of her hand disappearing to a different place.

Xena snatched her hand away from him and saw that they were in her palace. It didn't look that much different but she didn't know how far in the future this was. They were in one of the royal chambers and she stepped closer as she saw flowers on the marble ground. Frowning she feared what she might see she knelt down and stared into the floor. It was made of glass and she saw her own face staring back at her. Standing up abruptly her eyes widened. Her own face stared back at her and she was not alive, she was dead, entombed for eternity it seemed like. Becoming curious she peered over at the tomb beneath the glass floor and stared at her face again. She unconsciously touched her own hair as she kept staring. Her lifeless body laid there peacefully. Her hair had a long silver streak in it but her face remained much of the same.

"Ares, what in Hades in this?!" she frowned pointing at her own grave in her palace.

He scoffed, "you don't pay attention do you? I said this is your future!"

Xena yelled, "I'm dead!" she pushed him and he was knocked back a few steps. Her heart sank once she thought of Gabrielle, Solan and Eve. If this was the future then they must be here too unless they were all dead as well, but then her palace would be taken over by someone else. "What about Gabrielle? Where is she? What about Eve and Solan?"

Ares sighed heavily, "I had a feeling you were going to ask about them." He waltzed over to a balcony and nudged his head for her to look outside. She stepped out onto the balcony and saw an army of men training in unison and a woman leading them, or more like overseeing them. Xena squinted her eyes and saw the woman's dark long hair, reaching to her hips and she wore gold armor with a red cape.

The svelte woman turned around and Xena stared at her eyes. She knew those eyes and her gestures had not changed even after so many years. "Eve?" her mouth gaped. "But...why is she commanding an army? Ares!" she spat at him and he put his hands up shrugging his shoulders. "you better tell me what's going on or else –"

"Or else what? You'll kill me? Please, Xena," he laughed at her and she punched him in the face. He gasped and touched his nose, glaring at her.

"why is my daughter commanding an army? Where is Solan and Gabrielle?" she questioned, not sure if she wanted to find out the answer. He sighed and snapped his fingers landing them elsewhere. They were no longer in the palace or Athens for that matter. He pointed at the campsite near them and Xena walked forward. She saw Gabrielle, clad in armor and talking to a few men. None of this made any sense to Xena the longer she stared.

"Do whatever you have to do to stop the Empress. She's preparing an army as we speak," Gabrielle waved her hand dismissively and retreated to her tent to sit down. Xena cocked her head to the side utterly confused. She stepped inside the tent and saw Gabrielle overlooking a map of Greece. She saw her own empire had expanded far more than when she was in power. She circled Athens with her quill and threw the map aside, groaning to herself.

Xena stood watching Gabrielle and she could feel her emotions overcoming her. Gabrielle stood up and Xena smiled at her but she walked through her body. She suddenly forgot that she wasn't really here. Her head sunk lowly and then she followed Gabrielle out the tent and saw her go to a river alone. Ares stayed behind while Xena followed her.

Gabrielle knelt down in front of the river and stared at her own reflection. She was not used to wearing armor and commanding an army but she had done it for the last five years. She splashed her reflection in the water with her hand and cursed silently to herself. Xena watched from afar and saw the pain in Gabrielle's eyes. She wanted to comfort her and stepped forward reaching her hand out but retracted it as she realized she wasn't truly there.

"What should I do Xena?" Gabrielle stared up at the sky and saw a bird fly over her head. She sighed, "You would know what to do, you always did," she smiled sadly. Xena stepped forward and stood a foot behind Gabrielle listening to her soft words. The blonde groaned and threw a rock into the river. "I wish you were here. Why did you have to leave me?" she angrily stared up at the skies. "why?!"

Xena smiled warmly shaking her head. "But I am here Gabrielle!" she said but received no response.

Gabrielle shook her head and stared at her reflection again in the calm waters. "I don't know what happened. When you died..." she smiled sadly, "I promised that I would keep Eve and Solan safe and I failed. I disappointed you. Now..." she breathed heavily, "I must try and stop her from becoming something that you tried so hard to destroy." She rubbed her head and Xena's eyes widened. Eve was the one burning Amphipolis. She was a tyrant, a murderer just like she was all those years ago. Gabrielle looked up at the sky once more and smiled warmly. "I promise I won't fail you this time, Xena." She turned to leave and Xena turned around watching her leave her side.

She walked behind Gabrielle and touched her shoulder though her hand went straight through her. "You could never disappoint me, Gabrielle!" she whispered and Gabrielle halted in her step, furrowing her eyebrows. She turned around as if she heard a voice but saw nothing. Xena smiled at her as she felt tears swell in her eyes. Gabrielle left the river to go back to the campsite leaving Xena alone, once again.

Ares appeared beside Xena and he smirked at her. "You hear that? She thinks she failed! And now she's scrounging up an army to defeat your only...daughter," he shrugged. "Well you know what they say? History does repeat itself."

Xena scowled, "I don't want to see any more of this, Ares. Take me back to Athens!" she demanded.

"You aren't the least bit curious to know how Eve got this way?" he teased and Xena punched him in the face again.

"No because that is not going to happen! This is one of your dirty tricks trying to sway me off my path," she folded her arms. She smiled slyly at him. "You're just mad that you can't have me. Is that it Ares?" she eyed him carefully and his eyes shifted elsewhere. She mockingly laughed at him. "Oh that's rich. You concocted this little world just to drive me insane. Well, it's not going to work! This is not going to happen! Take me back to Athens now!"

Ares grabbed her hand and they appeared back in the tavern once more exactly where they were before. She stared around and realized that everyone was still looking at her. She immediately got up from the table and ran out of the tavern searching for Gabrielle and Eve. She then saw her daughter running towards her and a thankful smile came to her lips.

Eve came to a halt and held up a box. She presented it to her mother and Xena embraced her and squeezed her tiny body tightly as if she were hugging her for the first time. Eve didn't expect such a warm greeting from her mother and she patted her mother's back as she felt the life leaving her body from the embrace. "Mother...I can't breathe!" she said in a hoarse voice and Xena let go of her and kissed her forehead. "I bought you something! Well actually Gabrielle bought it...but I picked it out!" she pushed the gift to her mother.

Xena smiled and opened the box and it was a golden bracelet. Simple but yet special. "Thank you Eve, it's beautiful," she grazed her fingertips along her soft cheek and put on the bracelet on her wrist.

"Gabrielle said that she couldn't buy me anything else...but she didn't say anything about not getting you something!" Eve sneakily smiled. Xena's face beamed and she picked up Eve in her arms.

"Have you had enough exploring for today?" Xena asked and Eve yawned, feeling quite exhausted from her adventures. She set her down on the ground again and pushed her forward. "Go back to the caravan. Gabrielle and I will meet you there." Eve nodded and ran back to the caravan. Xena stared longer than needed, almost as if time was going to rip her daughter right out from under her.

Gabrielle stepped forward and touched Xena's arm. "Are you alright?" Xena peered down at her and then hugged her tightly. "Okay..." she smiled and returned the hug. "Are you sure you're alright?"

Xena pulled back from the embrace and touched Gabrielle's cheek. "Yes I'm fine. I just want you to know that I appreciate everything you have done for me and Eve. I know that you will never disappoint me." She smiled.

Gabrielle eyed her carefully but grinned in return. "I love Eve as if she were my own daughter. As far as disappointing you...I hope I never do," she wrapped her around Xena and the empress smiled warmly.

"You never will. You're the best thing that ever happened to me, Gabrielle. And don't you forget that!" she winked and Gabrielle shook her head as she watched Xena walk off to go back to the caravan as Eve was waiting for them both. She quickly caught up with her and linked arms with Xena as they traveled the rest of the way back.

Ares leaned on the tavern wall as he watched Xena and Gabrielle retreat back to the caravan. He pursed his lips and shook his head. "that's the last time I try to help you, Xena." He soon disappeared in a flash.

Later in the evening that same day Gabrielle came into Eve's room and saw her curled up under her blankets reading something and Zoe was sitting patiently on her shoulder almost as if she were her protector. She stood beside the bed and Eve looked up smiling at Gabrielle and set her scroll aside.

"What are you reading?" Gabrielle sat down on the bed and Eve scooted up leaning against her pillows.

"Just something I found in the library. It's about Hercules," Eve grinned widely and Gabrielle crossed her legs making herself comfortable. "Thank you for buying me that necklace, Gabrielle! I really love it. I know mother doesn't like when you buy me stuff," she smirked.

Gabrielle pinched Eve's leg lightly and tickled her tiny body causing her to erupt in laughter. "I would buy anything for you, Eve, even if your mother doesn't like it," she winked.

"you're the best Gabrielle," Eve's eyes twinkled and Gabrielle sighed then stood up to leave.

"I'm glad you had a good time today. Hopefully we can go explore other places too," she leaned down and kissed her head gently. Xena entered the room and leaned against the door frame. Gabrielle caught glimpse of her friend and Eve glanced behind her to see her mother standing there with that same look she gave her earlier today. "I'll be in our room. Goodnight Eve," she smiled and brushed past Xena.

Eve smiled widely, "goodnight Gabrielle!" she called out and Xena casually made her way to her daughter's bed and sat down beside her, stretching her legs out. A silent moment passed by and suddenly Eve reached over and hugged Xena as tightly as she could, catching Xena off guard. "Thanks for taking me to see Athens, mother. I had a lot of fun! Gabrielle said we could go to other places!"

Xena raised an eyebrow, "did she?" she would have to talk to her friend about making promises to little girls like that. "so your birthday is in a few days," she teased and nudged Eve's arm with her elbow. Eve bit her bottom lip and elbowed her mother back playfully. Suddenly Xena had the best idea and she had been contemplating it for the last few hours ever since Ares showed her that 'other side' earlier that day.

"What do you think about traveling somewhere for your birthday?" Xena smirked.

Eve's eyes lit up at that. She thought that Athens was great, but traveling somewhere else and so soon, she could barely contain her excitement. She picked up Zoe and set her on her bedside table and got up from underneath the sheets, standing up on her bed. Xena's eyes widened and the young princess clamped her hands together. "Really? I can go with you somewhere?! This is great news! Where are we going? Is it like Athens? Can we go to Anatolia?"

Xena stifled a laugh and shook her head. "Alright, settle down," she grabbed Eve's waist and brought her to sit in her lap. Eve wiggled her way out and Xena pulled her back. "Would you calm down? Zeus..." she sighed. Eve stayed still and lowered her gaze. "How 'bout we go to Amphipolis? I know someone there would be very happy to see you," she tapped Eve's nose lightly and the girl scratched her nose.

"Someone happy to see me? Where is Amphi...Am..."

Xena chuckled, "Amphipolis. It's where I grew up with my brothers and mother. I know my mother would be very excited to meet you."

Eve's eyes lit up. "Wow..." she sighed and began staring at the ceiling in deep thought. Her little face was enough to make Xena laugh. She looked so concentrated on whatever was going through her mind. "I have a grandmother?" Xena nodded smiling widely. Eve slapped her mother's shoulder playfully and folded her arms. "How come I didn't know this?" she frowned.

Xena brushed a few tendrils behind Eve's ear and pursed her lips. "Well Eve, I've been very busy. She knows about you though. I sent word to her on your first birthday. She will be so excited to finally meet you!" she squeezed her daughter's shoulder reassuring her that she was indeed important. Eve sighed audibly and agreed.

"Okay I will go! When can we leave?" she eagerly asked and stood up on her bed again trying to hold back her excitement.

Xena stood up and grabbed Eve forcing her underneath the blankets. "We can leave tomorrow if you want?" Eve nodded vigorously. "Alright, then we will leave tomorrow," she kissed her forehead and turned to leave. She pointed her finger at the child, "don't stay up all night!"

Eve snuggled in her covers and had a mischievous smile on her lips. "I promise I won't, mother. Goodnight!" Xena smiled and closed the door behind her to go to her room where Gabrielle said she'd be.

Gabrielle had changed into something more comfortable while Xena was still in her armor attire. She sat on the bed and stared at Xena as she closed the door behind her and sighed heavily. "Xena, are you alright? You've been quiet all day ever since we came home."

Xena waved her hand dismissively and began taking off her corset and blouse. "I'm alright, Gabrielle."

The blonde folded her arms leaning against the pillows with a devious smile. Xena caught the glimpse and frowned. "What's with the face?"

"Xena..I know something is bothering you. If it's about the necklace I bought for Eve can just get over it!" she laughed. Xena shook her head and threw her corset on a chair and took off her blouse.

"It's not about the necklace," she mumbled and began unlacing her pants then threw them aside. She sat down on the edge of the bed and began unlacing her boots next.

Gabrielle crawled to the other side of the bed and sat very close to Xena. "So...something is bothering you."

Xena shook her head, "I didn't say that."

"But it's implied." Gabrielle smirked.

"No," Xena rolled her eyes and threw her boots over at the wall. "you're implying it," she jabbed her finger in Gabrielle's chest.

"Now you're getting angry. Well looks like I'll just have to wait until I make you so angry then you'll have to tell me what it is!" Gabrielle plopped down on the bed resting her hands behind her head. Xena glared at her and stood up to go brush her hair before getting in bed. Gabrielle sat up on her elbows and groaned. "Come on! You can tell me what it is Xena. We've been through a lot together. You can tell me..." she said in a much gentler tone this time.

Xena slammed the brush on the vanity and turned on her heel to glare at her friend. "I don't want to talk about it, alright?" she smiled tightly.

Gabrielle raised an eyebrow and laid down in the middle of the bed. Xena came over and pulled the blankets over and folded her arms. "I'm not moving until you tell me," she protested. Xena grinned deviously.

"you know I can throw you across the room, right?" she smiled playfully. Gabrielle pursed her lips and didn't really want to be thrown across the room right about now so she scooted over to her side of the bed to allow Xena to lay next to her. "Thank you," Xena got under the covers and banged her head against the headboard of the bed.

Gabrielle came up close to Xena and rubbed her arm warmly. "What's bothering you so much that you can't even tell me what it is?" she stared at her and Xena's eyes reverted to the ceiling remaining silent. "I know you don't like to talk about stuff, but...I think you've gotten so much better!" she smiled trying to cheer her up but it wasn't working.

Xena's head lolled over and she stared into her friend's green bright eyes. "Gabrielle," she adjusted herself to face her and grabbed her hand tightly. "Promise me when..." she sighed, "when I die, will watch over Eve and Solan, but especially Eve."

Gabrielle pulled her hand away a bit surprised to hear her say that. "What are you talking about?"

"Promise me!" Xena eyes narrowed and Gabrielle jumped back at her serious tone.

She nodded her head slowly, "Alright...I promise. What is going on with you to say things like that?"

Xena sighed and folded her arms. She definitely didn't want to talk about Ares and she wasn't going to because none of that 'other side' business wasn't going to happen. Everything that he showed her always ended up different than she predicted. "I don't want her to end up like me." Gabrielle cocked her head to the side, confused at her words. "I mean, not like the old me."

Gabrielle shook her head, "Xena, Eve adores you! She's never seen that side of you. She only knows this side of you –the good side."

Xena smiled and pat Gabrielle's hand. "And I want to keep it that way. I know you won't disappoint me, Gabrielle," she kissed her hand and Gabrielle crinkled her nose. Xena laid down on her back and stared up at the ceiling with a blank face. "Oh by the way, I told Eve that we'd take her to see my mother in Amphipolis. We're leaving tomorrow."

Gabrielle's mouth gaped. "Tomorrow? Wasn't Athens enough?" she jested. She laid down beside her still thinking about what Xena said. She thought it best not to pry any more questions out of her as Xena wasn't likely to answer them. I will ask you about this again, Xena. She sighed loudly and shrugged her shoulders. "Well I guess a grandmother trumps my birthday present for Eve," she teased.

Xena snapped her head and frowned at her. "What did you get her this time?"

"I'm not telling you. It's a surprise. Besides you gave her Elijah for her last birthday! She barely looked at my gift," Gabrielle rolled over with her back facing the empress. Xena leaned on her elbows and frowned at her friend. Gabrielle felt Xena's eyes burning into her back.

"It better not be some kind of weapon," Xena grumbled and Gabrielle chuckled quietly to herself. "Gabrielle!"

"Oh calm down it's not a weapon," she called out. "Goodnight Xena." She snuggled under the blankets and saw Xena blow out the candles and adjust herself in the bed.

A few moments passed by and Xena furrowed her brows. "Is it a new dress? She really doesn't need any more clothes."

"Nope." Gabrielle closed her eyes trying to go to sleep.

Xena frowned and flipped over on her other side and stared at Gabrielle's back facing hers. "New boots?"

Gabrielle smiled, "no Xena. Now go to sleep."

Xena folded her arms and stared at the ceiling. Gabrielle breathed quietly and finally heard silence, she began to fall asleep soundly. "did you get her black powder?"

Gabrielle's eyes shot open at that question. She groaned quietly.

Xena asked Solan the following morning if he would like to join them to travel to Amphipolis but he declined. He apparently was going to Assyria to meet with Allat. He had not seen him in five years and wanted to visit. At first she didn't want him to go, but realized that he really wasn't a child anymore and couldn't control his actions or his desires. Though she could control Eve..for now.

Mid afternoon the three females had slowed down to a trot on their horses. They had been riding for hours and Xena was sure that Eve would become bored but the truth was, she wouldn't shut her mouth. She talked the entire way and Xena tuned her out through most of her blabbing. Gabrielle chuckled at a few of the things Eve said, though unnecessary and not important things, they were still funny.

Xena was ahead of the three scouting the area throughout their journey. Eve rode on her white stallion next to Gabrielle the entire way. "Hey Eve, do you want to play a game?" Gabrielle asked. Eve nodded her head, maybe that'd get her to stop talking for awhile. Gabrielle tapped her chin trying to think of a fun game to play to keep the girl interested. "Alright. So, I say a few words and you have to guess who or what I'm talking about. Got it?"

Xena rolled her eyes. "Not that game again."

Gabrielle frowned, "don't listen to her, she's in a grumpy mood," she whispered to Eve. The princess giggled quietly and Xena turned her head and frowned at the two of them. They both remained quiet and had bright smiles on their faces. "Okay so...I have many eyes but...nobody can look at me, who am I?"

Eve rubbed her chin thinking intensely. "Is it a god?" Gabrielle shrugged. "Is it...a mortal?" the blonde shook her head. She snapped her fingers and gasped loudly. "It's a gorgon!"

Gabrielle nodded her head. "That's right! Ready for the next riddle?"

"I'm not," Xena smirked. She kicked Argo gently and rode ahead to a secluded forest. "We should stop here it will be dark soon." Gabrielle and Eve caught up with her and dismounted their horses along with Xena.

Later after Gabrielle started a fire and help Xena set up their beds. Xena waltzed around and dug in her bag to find a dagger. Even hours later Gabrielle was still playing that game with Eve and it's not that Xena didn't want Eve to enjoy herself but she really hated that game. She never lasted more than thirty minutes playing that game with Gabrielle when they were bored traveling to and from Greece.

Xena sighed and sheathed her sword. The two were next to the fire and enjoying themselves obviously. "I'm going hunting. Stay here with Eve, Gabrielle." Gabrielle nodded but Eve frowned and followed Xena and tugged on her arm halting her.

"Can I come with you?" she pleaded. Xena smiled and pushed her back towards Gabrielle.

"I think it would be better if you stayed here with Gabrielle. You two can keep playing your game," she walked on ahead and Eve frowned and ran after Xena again and pulled on her arm, harder this time.

"I want to come! Pleaaaseee?" Eve pouted and batted her eyelashes. Xena rolled her eyes and Gabrielle stifled a laugh.

Gabrielle stood up and grabbed a smaller dagger from the bag and threw it at Xena. "I can stay here. You should take her Xena. I is her birthday tomorrow," she winked. Xena knew she couldn't say no to that, especially since she was a little irritated that she didn't tell Xena what she got Eve for her birthday.

Xena put the dagger in her boot and grabbed Eve's small hand. "Alright...let's go." Eve let go of her mother's hand and ran ahead without her. "Eve! No running off!" she skipped ahead to catch up to her.

Awhile later Xena and Eve stayed hidden behind a tree waiting for the small rabbit to come out of its little home. Eve was on her knees peering through a bush with a wide smile. "Now?"

Xena frowned, "not yet, Eve." She whispered.

"When?" Eve asked and then saw the rabbit hopping out to eat some berries from a nearby bush. "There he is!" she pointed and Xena shushed her. Eve smiled and covered her mouth, trying to force herself not to say anything. Xena grabbed her chakram at her hip quietly and inched forward quietly. She threw the chakram and killed the rabbit instantly. She stood up and grabbed Eve's hand leading her to the slain animal.

"And that's how you track and hunt," she knelt down and picked up the rabbit by its ears. "Do you want to carry it?" she asked with a sly smile.

Eve grabbed the rabbit, "can you teach me to do that?" Xena set her hand on Eve's shoulder as they walked back to the campsite where Gabrielle was.

"Maybe when you're a little older." Xena pat Eve's head and the child frowned at her and set her hands on her hips as she still held onto the rabbit's ears. Xena set her own hands on her hips copying her daughter's move and stared down at her.

"Mother, I am going to be seven tomorrow. I am practically a woman now," she smiled quite proud of herself.

Xena laughed, "is that so?" Eve walked ahead and Xena placed a protective hand on her shoulder as they walked back together.

"I've been to Persia and was engaged to a prince! I think I can handle killing a little rabbit," she scoffed. Xena smiled warmly and they walked back to greet Gabrielle.

"Who could argue with that logic?" Xena joked.

The following day was quite warm and Eve had stayed up most of the night refusing to sleep. She was trying to fight off sleep but kept dosing off on her horse as they strolled through the open grassy fields. Gabrielle trotted alongside Xena and nudged her arm.

"She didn't go to sleep at all, look at her," Gabrielle smiled and Xena turned her head over her shoulder and saw Eve's head lolling to the side falling between a half awake half asleep state.

Xena smirked, "she's just anxious. She's never been on a long journey like this. I'm surprised she's lasted this far," she chuckled. Gabrielle rolled her eyes and Eve fell asleep as her horse trailed behind Argo and Gabrielle's horse.

A few quiet hours later Xena halted Argo and saw her home village just down the hill. Gabrielle held onto Elijah's reins as Eve was still asleep resting her head on the horse's mane. "Eve, we're here," Xena called out and Eve stirred awake, rubbing her eyes.

Eve looked out to the village ahead and it was nothing like Athens. Nothing extravagant or fancy about this place. Her room was probably bigger than a single house in this village. "Wow! It's so different from home," she smiled as she saw women working in the fields on the outskirts of Amphipolis. She kicked Elijah and rode down the hill leaving her mother and Gabrielle behind.

Xena gritted her teeth, "I swear that girl is going to give me grey hair," she rode down the hill after Eve and Gabrielle followed.

Finally catching up to Eve, Xena grabbed Elijah's reins and pulled the horse back so Eve couldn't ride any further. They were now in the middle of the village and all eyes went straight to them. Eve smiled at everyone and hopped off the horse and waved at everyone, greeting them as they walked by. They stared at Xena as she dismounted Argo and put her hands on Eve's shoulders.

Xena guided Eve towards a temple ahead and told her to wait with Gabrielle. "Why can't I come with you?" Eve asked innocently. Gabrielle knew what Xena was going to do. She was going to see her deceased brothers and probably wanted to be alone.

"Maybe we should wait out here for her?" Gabrielle smiled as she bent down to Eve's eye level. Xena smiled at as a thank you and disappeared into the temple. Eve frowned sadly and peered up at Gabrielle.

"Where is she going?" she folded her arms.

Gabrielle sighed, "she's going to say hello to two very special people that she hasn't seen in a very long time," she ruffled Eve's hair and the princess didn't seem too bothered by it and ran off to look at a nearby shop. Gabrielle groaned and ran off after her.

Later Xena came out of the temple after seeing her brothers and didn't see Gabrielle or Eve anywhere. She searched the area and instantly began panicking. "Gabrielle! Eve!" she called out. She then saw Eve running towards her and had a friend in her hand. She smiled and immediately her fear of losing Eve came to an end. She knelt down and Eve showed her the spider in her hand.

"Look what I found! She looks just like Zoe!" Eve grazed her fingers over the furry spider and Gabrielle cringed. She stood a few feet away, afraid to get near the spider she stayed at a fair distance.

Xena kissed Eve's forehead. "Yes she does. I think it's time for you to meet your grandmother, what do you say?"

Eve's smile disappeared. "Do you think she will like me?"

"I think she will definitely like you," she winked and Eve's smile appeared once more. Gabrielle stepped back as Eve turned around with the spider still firmly in her grasp. Xena stifled a laugh at her friend's reaction and fear of the creature. "Maybe we should leave Zoe number two behind?" she asked and Eve sighed and put the spider on the ground, sad to leave it behind.

Gabrielle came beside Xena as they walked further into the village looking for Cyrene's tavern. "Thanks."

"anything for you," Xena smirked and tapped Gabrielle's shoulder. "Oh what's that, a spider?!"

Gabrielle panicked and looked over her shoulder and both Eve and Xena started laughing. "That's not funny."

Finally Xena walked into her mother's tavern and all eyes stared at the three who entered. Eve's eyes surveyed the tavern and it didn't look that different than the taverns in Athens. She walked ahead to the bar and reached up picking up an empty wine glass. Gabrielle's eyes widened and she hastily made her way over and snatched the glass from Eve's hand.

Cyrene came around from the kitchen and set a tray of chalices and cups on the bar and then she caught glimpse of Xena and Gabrielle, but also a small child standing with them. "Xena?" she smiled and Xena hid her small grin. She ran forward and immediately hugged her daughter tightly. "You didn't tell me you were coming here!"

"It was a surprise. It's someone's birthday today," Xena peered down at Eve and for once she looked rather shy at the sight of Cyrene.

Cyrene smiled wider and knelt down close to Eve. She touched her long dark hair, she looked just like Xena when she was younger. Thin, tall, light skin and blue eyes. "and you must be Eve, right?" Eve's shyness dissipated and she nodded with a large smile on her face. "Well, I'm sure your mother has told you..." she peered up at Xena and saw a smile on her face that she hadn't seen in quite a long time.

"you're my grandmother," Eve stated and Gabrielle folded her arms watching the two's exchange.

Cyrene hugged Eve and the small child didn't really abject. She pulled away and touched her cheek with the backside of her hand. "And how old are you?"

"I'm seven! You brother was supposed to come with us but he decided to go to Assyria instead," Eve shrugged. Cyrene's eyes widened and Xena covered her eyes. This girl had quite a mouth.

Cyrene stood up and grabbed hold of Eve's hand. "Let's go somewhere more quiet. I'm sure you have lots of stories to tell me." Eve nodded and began chatting away. Xena and Gabrielle quietly followed behind them.

That evening they came back to Cyrene's home and decided to put Xena and Gabrielle in Xena's old room. Eve would take Lyceus' old room for the night, but she wasn't really tired. Must have been that long nap she took earlier. She told Cyrene all about the palace, the school and training that she did.

Eve began talking about Persia and Xena stood up from the chair and laughed loudly. "Eve I don't think your grandmother wants to hear about that." Eve crinkled her nose.

"But I..." Eve sat there confused and Xena squeezed her shoulders. "Okay, okay!" she huffed. Gabrielle decided to break the silence and brought out her gift that had for Eve.

"Do you want to open your present Eve? I picked it out myself." She handed her the box and Eve anxiously took it and took the lid off the box. Her eyes widened and Xena peered over her daughter's shoulder, a bit curious to see what it was that Gabrielle gifted her.

Cyrene smiled, "show us what it is, Eve."

Eve pulled out a silver necklace with a glass horse trinket. "Wow thanks Gabrielle! It looks just like Elijah!" she happily tried to put it on and Cyrene helped her clasp the necklace on her small neck.

Xena waltzed over to Gabrielle and nudged her in the ribs. "you bought her another necklace?"

Gabrielle winced and rubbed her side. "Better than a sword, right?" she joked.

Cyrene stood up and grabbed hold of Eve's hand. "I think we should get to bed. We can talk more tomorrow." Eve made a disappointed face but she yawned, feigning sleep. "Goodnight you two," she smiled at the two women now left alone in the living room. They waved and Eve smiled at the two.

Xena began taking off her clothes in her old bedroom and Gabrielle unlaced her boots watching Xena. She sighed and slipped under the covers. "Xena?"

"Yes, Gabrielle?" she sat on the bed and flipped her hair over her shoulder as she began taking off her boots.

"About the other day..." she began and Xena halted, knowing exactly what she was going to ask. "you know you can tell me anything."

Xena sighed and turned to her friend. "It doesn't matter, Gabrielle. I have everything I could ever want. You, Solan, Eve...I don't need anything else and I plan to stick with that."

"I hope I won't ever disappoint you," Gabrielle mumbled. Xena touched her golden hair with a warm smile.

"You won't. Goodnight Gabrielle," she settled down in the blankets and Gabrielle rolled over on her side and blew out the candles. A few moments went by and Xena's eyes remained wide open, fearing sleep wouldn't come to her. "I love you, Gabrielle."

Gabrielle smiled, "love you too, Xena."