AN: Welp, I wrote this is maths and I.T ages ago and I'm still not finished, I'll post a new chapter every three days until this catches up to where I've gotten in posting on Googleplus ok? I'll copy and paste it exactly as I wrote it, including the AN's plus adding bits here and there :) And, just as another reminder, this is a Solangelo (I have an obsession) AU. I'd love to hear what you think and I hope you like it, also, I may change the name later on since I can't currently think of a better one! Hope you're all well and, enjoy!

Chapter One: Casualty on the Balcony

Will was, for once, sleeping peacefully under his heavy yellow quilts. That is until he woke to the sound of a loud bang on his balcony. It was obviously going to be another sleepless night for Will, there was no way in Hades he would get back to sleep so he might as well see what cruel thing deprived him of his seep.

Eventually, Will rolled out of his bed and woke fully when he hit the floor. He slowly stumbled to the sliding door leading outside into the refreshingly cool night air. As soon as he saw what had landed there, he scrambled to his bathroom, raided it of first aid supplies then sprinted into the door before staggering back onto the balcony before properly inspecting the bleeding figure there.

The person groaned as Will cleaned his injuries and treated them to the best of his abilities.

"Who are you may I ask? And how were you injured?" Will questioned the black haired male in front of him. Shirtless I might add.

Will had carefully moved him inside and turned the lights on so he could see better. He was starting to wish he hadn't since the black haired was extremely hot. He had pale olive skin and was obviously really strong. Unfortunately, because of this, and Will's dad's love of poetry, Will was currently thinking of many ways to describe him.

He looks adorable, and cute, adorably cute. But then again hot and scary and- Will shook his head to clear his thoughts and redirect them to doctor mode.

In response to his question, the stranger groaned and managed to choke out the words, "None of your business, also best if you don't know anyway." Along with a considerable amount of blood.

Will sighed; obviously his new patient was going to be difficult.

"Okay then, at least tell me your name. If you like I won't tell anyone, I swear on the river Styx."

"Fine, but I won't hesitate to kill you if you break your oath." No blood this time, thank the Gods.

"I don't doubt it, so what's your name? Mine's Will. Will Solace, doctor in training. Aka the Tartarus known to all as school." Will attempted lighten the mood. He succeeded; his newfound patient gave a short laugh which quickly evolved into a coughing fit.

Eventually, the patient's coughs died done and he was once again able to speak, and so he did.

"Sorry, my name is Nico. Nico Di Angelo. The Ghost King," At this, Will gasped quietly, thankful Nico didn't hear him. That the Ghost King didn't hear him. "Before you ask the inevitable question all ask, I'm from Italy, therefore yes, I am Italian."

His accent is really cute...just like hi- Nope, doctor mode, concentrate on the wounds!

"I really hope you can't read minds..." Will mumbled to himself groaning at his thoughts internally.

"Oh? Why not?" Nico smirked mischievously as he nudged Will's arm, wincing at the movement in the process.

Will decided to become a tomato, that is to say, he turned redder than humanly possible. Thankfully, Nico passed out from pain.

Will worked quickly and in no time at all, Nico was cleaned, treated, bandaged then placed carefully in his bed. Naturally, Will's 3am brain couldn't cope for very long and was at this point, too exhausted to work properly and so Will got into bed next to the cute but wounded Nico. 3am brain also forgot the fact that Nico's wounds were severe so he should have probably pestered Nico about how he got them, and how he ended up on his balcony. But, 3am brain was fast asleep before it could ponder this.


Will groaned as he was rudely awakened by an elbow in his ribs and a voice that hissed 'let me go you overgrown water-bottle!'
Naturally, Will groaned groggily and sat up; opening his eyes in the process to find that he'd been using the injured Nico as a teddy bear.

"Holy Apollo I'm so sorry!" Will apologised, quickly letting go of Nico.

"È male Mi è piaciuto avere una bottiglia d'acqua gigante giallo mi abbracciare." Nico mumbled under his breath and then untagled himself from both Will and his bed.

He walked silently to the open balcony doors, seeming to merge with the shadows, he turned back.

"Thanks, you know, for patching me up. I have to go, just remember your oath okay Sunshine?" He smirked at Will's bewildered expression and dissappeared before Will could answer.

"Yea, I will Death Boy."

Will smiled, completely aware his parents or one of his brothers could've seen Nico and the fact he'd helped a complete stranger then hugged him in his sleep. A total stranger known as-

Will sat bolt upright as his alarm started ringing.

-The Ghost King.

"Crap I'm so fudging dead. In more ways than one."

AN: La la la la la la sing a Solangelo song, la la la la la la fangirl the whole day long. How was it? Cya next time! :)
