Hello, peoples! ^_^

This is.......*drumroll please!*.......A new story by.......ME! *bwa ha ha!*

Well, okay, perhaps not such a big deal, but - HEY! Most of the FY gang gets to go to Six Flags! How cool is that? =D

I promise to be gentle! This is rated PG-13 for some implied stuff, and Tasuki's implied foul mouth, and violence!

Also, a warning to the wise! (And the not-so-wise, as the case could possibly!) I do have some alternate pairings! *cringe* Well, I don't! They just happened! (

I also kind of grabbed the characters and dressed them all modern and have them with their basic knowledge of stuff. So, in other, words, Hoto-sama ain't married to or aware of Houki! *cheers* And no one is dead!

I take that back. I might kill off Tamahome! I apologize to Tamahome-fans, but I am a pure-bred, 100% Tamahome-hater! Well, okay..I like Taka and Evil Tamahome, but something about the REAL Tamahome just sets my teeth on edge! =D

Also, if anyone is out of character...REVIEW AND TELL ME!!! I am trying very, very, hard! With the exception of Tomo and Hotohori and Soi. The two Seiryu Seishi get this chance to act like *normal* human beings. And Hotohori gets to be himself, too! You know, the Hotohori who laughs and jokes like any NORMAL 18-yr-old boy, and....... oops! I am very much into this! Besides, Watase HAS said that he;s like that when away from duties! I like to let him be him as much as possible! =D

But would you like to know what trendy styles our fave bishounen and mikos are sporting?

Go to the chapter labeled "Clothing of the Seishi and Mikos". That is where it is! It's there even though I AM also putting some descriptions in the story, but these...these are the detailed ones! Do you wanna drool-fest or a good laugh? Take a gander at what they're wearing! =D

Want to make a cameo? Be a Six Flags staff member? A guest at the park? Review and tell me! ^.^ I would be more than happy to do a few cameos.......Um.......I might make a few myself until I get some people wanting to be cameo-ed! Well, me, or some of my buds, such as Megumi, Minako, Inu, Tano, Jess, and Mark.....XD

Oh! And the MOST IMPORTANT PART of the disclaimer: I DO NOT IN ANY WAY SHAPE OF FORM OWN SIX FLAGS OR FUSHIGI YUGI! They belong to whatever wonderful loonies dreamt up the parks and the wonderful FY goddess.......YU WATASE! (Even tho that's not her real name, that's what she writes under, but before I confuse you I'm going to shut up!)

So..that is all for the disclaimer! A page or less?! OMG, I am so happy! ^.^