Chapter 20

Several Months Later.

"Aubrey his diaper is full." Seth said holding Austin away from him.

"Well change him please I am in the shower."

"Ummm." He hesitated.

"Seth you can change him seriously." She said from the shower.

"But .. the last time he peed on me." Seth said.

"Seth you'll be fine." She laughed.

As Seth started changing Austin.

"Alright little man don't you pee on me again OK?" He said changing him.

As Austin kicked his chunky baby legs and giggled.

"There all done." He said.

"See I knew you could do it." Aubrey said from the door way.

"Well I am better at this than Ambrose." He joked kissing her.

Aubrey laughed. "Everything is a competition between you two. I miss Kallie on the road with us she kept me sane."

"Oh you love traveling with us."

"Every fan girls dream." She smiled kissing him.

With Dean and Kallie.

"Hit It! Nah, na na na nah. Here comes the hot stepper, murderer , I'm the lyrical gangster, murderer. Pick up the crew in-a de area, murderer. Still love you like that, murderer. No no we don't die, yes we multiply , Anyone test will hear the fat lady sing. Act like you know, Rico. I know what Bo don't know Touch them up and go, uh-oh! Ch-ch-chang chang."

"Are you really singing the Hotstepper to our baby?" Kallie smiled watching Dean holding Maci in the door way.

"Yes , Yes I am. We king of went thru all the Willy Nelson and Neil Diamond so we moved on." He smiled winking at his wife.

"How long have you been up with her?" Kallie asked looking at the time.

"Since about 6 am."

"Dean why didn't you wake me?" She asked.

"Because I had it. We ate some breakfast twice and got our diaper changed and hung out in the living room for a bit and then napped for about 20 minutes while Daddy tired to do a work out but she just wanted to hang out." Dean smiled kissing her baby cheek as she cooed in his arms.

"Well I can't blame her. She loves her daddy just like I love him." Kallie said wrapping her arms around Dean.

As he smiled. "Ya know I never thought life could be this perfect but she's perfect and the cutest baby EVER."

"She is perfect isn't she." Kallie smiled. "You are great with her."

"I try to be the best dad I can be. I miss her so much when I am on the road." Dean admitted.

"I know hence why we facetime every day." Kallie teased him.

"I don't want to miss a minute I tell her not to do anything cute while I am gone but she does every time." Dean smiled.

"Well thank goodness we face time huh. Tell Daddy that when you are bigger we can travel with him."

"Oh I can't wait." He smiled. "She's already so loved backstage."

"Well she does have some competition with Baby Austin."

"Nah she's way cuter." He said proudly.

As Kallie giggled.

"Well you may be a little bias."

"Damn right I am her Dad." He said proudly.

"Well Dad she's sleeping so you can put her down now and get some rest." She said.

"But I don't want to." He pouted.

"Oh I know . Someone spoils her and then when he's gone this Mommy needs to hold her 24 / 7 because her daddy does." Kallie smiled.

"I just I am only home with her 2 1/2 days a week. That's not much." He said.

"Aww baby I know and we totally understand."

"Do you miss it?" Dean asked finally putting Maci in her crib and turning on the monitor as they headed down stairs.

"WWE and traveling?" She asked.

"Yeah?" Dean asked getting some juice from the fridge.

"Yeah I do. I mean I miss working and being in a different city every night. But I am happy at home I don't want a nanny raising our daughter. I am so happy to be home with her. Vince has asked if I would ever come back but right now I give creative ideas by email and I think Daniel is doing well as General Manager now so until I decide to come back he can do it. Are you ok with me not traveling?"

"I just want my wife happy and being honest having you home with our daughter puts my mind at ease if I can't be with her I am glad that you are." He smiled.

"I am happy." She smiled kissing him. "I get to be a wife to Dean Ambrose and a mother to Maci Lynn. I still work for WWE and give creative ideas but for now this is what I want to be home with our princess." She smiled kissing him.

"Good and No Shane." He grinned.

"Dean we agreed." Kallie said.

"Oh I know no mention of McMahon I know but he's not on SD much any more if at all and Daniel runs things it's nice around there now."

"Well he knows he's got no chance with me." She said.

"About time." Dean smiled kissing her.

As she giggled. "Well you are much better in bed any way."

"I KNEW IT." Dean said cocky kissing her again.

"I love you Dean Ambrose." She smiled.

"And I love you Kallie Ambrose." He said wrapping his arms around her and kissing her passionately.

"It's something unpredictable, but in the end is right."

Thank you so much for your comments and reviews on this story. I hope you enjoyed it. Again Thank you so much for all your support and your kind words. You are all awesome and I hope you had a great New Years and 2017 is your year.

Remember I am not a professional writer I just do this for fun. I do my best when editing and reviewing my stories however I do tend to miss things more often than not. So I am sorry for any mistakes you may find.