After a long break I have decided to continue this story, and also edit all the mistakes throughout the story, although not changing anything major that will affect the storyline and confuse you. The changes probably will take a while for me to correct but either way, keep it cool with me? It's not my first language! ;)

Warnings: Mentions of violence and sexual harassment.

Oh, and I almost forgot.


Numerous times. You are not alone. If you need support there are plenty of helpful helplines just a call away. There are support communities just a google search away. Stay strong and keep going as the survivor that you are.


After returning to my cell with Eric close behind, my mind started to wander.

They have Tony on the line? What the hell is that supposed to mean, are they bargaining with him regarding my release? I hope Tony doesn't pay a cent for me.. I'm simply not worth it.

The temperature in the cell was low enough for my breath to be visible as steam whenever I took a deep breath. I absolutely despise the cold, I'm always freezing otherwise. The room is dark and I try to ignore the horrid smell of urine.

The door bursts open, and in steps Eric. Clearly my favourite person. He throws a cheap plastic chair in the room and pulls out his gun, aiming it at me.

"Sit down!" he yells.

Geez, calm your tits. I take a seat on the uncomfortable chair and shoot him a look that says: and now what? Eric pulls out rope and ties me to the chair. Where the hell did the rope come from? He tied several strong knots all around me so I wouldn't be able to move, but why didn't they do this before..?

Alex walks into the room with his arms crossed, grinning.

"Wanna be a moviestar, sugar?" he asks, but I don't think he wants my answer. Instead I just raise my chin into the air and raise an eyebrow, challenging him. He shakes his head and pouts his lips, taking steps to crouch in front of me.

"We got daddy Stark on the line, wanna show him what we can do with you?" Alex suggests, sending shivers down my spine. He runs the back of his hand down my cheek. "Since you're so pretty I'll tell Eric and Kyle to take it easy on you." He smiles a disgusting smile and exits the room, allowing two new men to enter, one, holding a camera. Eric covers his face with a black hood and turns to the camera, showing off his knife for the audience. I start smiling behind him, but I cannot quite understand why.

The man, who I assume is Kyle, steps out and slaps me hard across the face. He clearly has stronger hands than Eric but I still don't budge, I only allow my smile to fade away.

Eric brings out his knife and let's the blade hover over my face, but doesn't cut me. I need to do something, quick.

-At the same time in the Stark Tower-

The word that Bellatrix was kidnapped had spread fast and the entire team, even Natasha and Clint, had sat up during the night trying to find where she is. Steve, Tony, Pepper and Wanda were in the living room waiting for the live footage the kidnappers had promised. Neither of them were particurarly excited to see what they have to show. Tony turns the big screen on. As they had promised him, a live video of Bellatrix shows up.

"Stark we have to do something!" Steve exclaims desperately, afraid of what they might do the girl he's grown so fond of.

"Does it look like I'm fucking sitting on my ass, captain? I'm doing more than you by staying calm!" Tony shouts back.. She's dirty, looking tired and worn out, but as a man with a knife steps out in front of her she, surprisingly enough, starts smiling.

"Tony, oh no." Pepper turns away.

"They won't do anything," Tony says, but sounding slightly unsure.

"You cannot know that! Tony we have to do something!" Steve

"And WHAT would that be?! Huh?! IDeas?! Even if I pay the sum they wish there's no garantee that they'll let her go."

Steve swallows hard and realizes that there's not much they can do, yet. All eyes are glued on the screen as a man slaps her across the face. Steve's jaw clenches but he's filled with surprise as she doesn't feel bothered by the slap.

Tony's eyes are filled with anger as they proceed to play with the knife on her face, although not touching anything. He brings out his phone and calls the man he previously spoke to, trying to bargain he walks away.

As they realize their violence is not harming her they get frustrated and try a different way around. One of the men attempt to grab her full chest which not only makes her pissed, but Stev furious.

"TONY. "

He enters the room, still on the phone and sees Bellatrix on the screen.

"Tell your disgusting men to get their hands off of her or I'll kill all of you."

From the other side of the phone Steve can hear laughter and faint mentionings of money.

"That's it." He says and starts to head to the elevator.

"W-wait:" Wanda says, looking at the screen. "She's trying to tell us something."

On the screen, Bellatrix was trying to build words without making a sound, using her mouth. Miming the names of her kidnappers and where she thinks they took her.

Tony quickly brings out a paper and tries to write down what she's saying, whilst ignoring the other actions going on. She later smiles and Tony turns the footage off.

"I think she gave us names and possible locations where she could be." Tony says and starts to head down to the lab. Steve tries to follow along but Tony angrily tells him to piss off.

Blood was dripping down my chin. The temperature was even colder than it had been before. It had been a while since the kidnappers little torture scene. It wasn't that bad, I think it was mostly for show, I think Alex is overestimating how much Tony actually cares.. Well besides the fact that I have very dangerous information regarding, everything.

Either way, they're probably not coming to rescue me. I need to figure out something fast. I was back on the floor again, the hard, dirty rock floor. Then an idea struck me, from some old book that I couldn't remember the name of. Act weak, or seduce. Both disgust me but I don't have much of a choice. The next time Eric enters the room I have to be prepared to punch him and run. Scarily enough, the door opened shortly after and I felt the adrenaline shoot straight through my body. Make up a lie, make up a lie.

"Eric.." I sigh and start crying. "I'm so sorry- don't kill me- please- sorry..."

"Shut up. Finally you realized who's in charge." He answers, letting his ego take over whatever brain he originally had.

"Yes.. I understand... and I think it's so unfair that Alex plans on taking all the money for himself." I mumble, but audible enough for Eric to hear.

"What did you say?"

"I heard Alex talking earlier... I thought you knew." I stutter.

His expression turns furious and I try very hard to hold my mask. He walks further into the room and I attempt to shy down even more, so he'll underestimate my force. Just a little closer and I'm gonna send him to the floor.. just wait.

"How do I know I can tr-" BAM FLOOR BITCH.

I kick him in the stomach and the groin. After sending him into massive pain I flip him over and strangle him using my bicep and elbow, just so he'll turn unconscious. I wait about one minute and then loosen my grip, taking his keys and unlocking the door. I got this.

I'm met with a small corridor that I saw when I went to the bathroom earlier. I run quietly trying to remember where we entered when the big guy carried me on his shoulder. Left? I turn left and I'm met with three strong looking men.

Oh no. Not left. Abort mission, abort mission. They start coming after me and I guess running from them isn't working so I pathetically prepare myself to fight. Or I could distract them? Before I can finish that thought one of the men throws me into the brick wall. Shit that actually hurt what the fuck. He's just about to punch me square in the face as a slightly bigger hand stops him, gripping his determined fist. I sigh relieved and look up to see a certain blond supersoldier.

"Steve!" I exclaim.

He sends me a quick smile that makes me want to melt to the floor, then continues to fight off the men angrily. I don't think I've seen a man change so quickly from a lovely friendly look in his eyes to, well, a look of death. I wanted to help him but I figured I would be too much in the way seeing as I was severely dehydrated. They were all on the floor in the matter of seconds. He took a glance at me and I swear, there was a look of heartbreak in his eyes. He wraps his muscular arms around me and I hug him back. I never want him to let go, but we had to move, so we eventually did.

"Do you need help to walk?" He looks at my wrists, which I didn't realize, were badly bruised.

"Uh- I don't think so." I say and end up tripping. I try to smile and Steve lets out a nervous chuckle.

"Perhaps I should carry the lady?" he asks.

Carry me? Oh no, no no. Not when I'm conscious. He might be a super strong super soldier but I'll still feel heavy and gross.

"I can manage." I say confidently, then proceed to trip again, although this time, Steve catches me.

"We'll get out here faster if you let me carry you." He suggests.

I shake my head and Steve sighs.

"What do you know, maybe I started to like this place.. It could be really cosy, you know?" I joke with him. "Some carpets, couple paintings, candles..-hey!" I'm interrupted by Steve picking me up in his arms bridal style. I roll my eyes but feel so embarrassed. What if he thinks I'm too heavy?

"So unecessary." I add. "My feet are working fine!"

"Yea but your brain isn't." Steve smirks at me. I respond with a pout.

Holy shit did he actually smirk at me. Jesus I think I'm no longer freezing, it got pretty hot down here very fast. Steve leads me out of the building and I'm met with a couple cars and an ambulance.

"BELLA!" I hear Tony's voice from inside the Iron man suit. "Thank god!"

"Steve you can let her go now." Tony says.

"She has a sprained wrist, I believe. So i'll carry her into the ambulance." he replies.

I smile at Tony assuring, just because I actually found it rather comfortable in Steve's arms.

While in the Shield ambulance they gave me a weird kind of painkillers which apparently had an effect close to nitrous oxide and would make me very drowsy as well as, well high. Therefore, I refused to leave Steve's arms and the nurses had to care for me whilst I was sitting on his lap. With my hands around his neck I listened to his heartbeat and let the nurses do their business.

"So what's wrong with her?" Steve asks.

"YEAH! Wh-aths wrong with me?" I exclaim drowsily, agreeing with Steve.

He lets out a chuckle and I continue to act like a baby on drugs.

"She has a strange kind of Hypothermia, a fractured rib and she also suffers from severe dehydration at the moment."

"Andsh a shprained wrist!" I quickly add.

Steve laughs at me and I turn to him with a serious face.

"ITshn not funnyy." I try to convince him, but end up distracting myself. "You shmell nice."

"Like a very masculine cup of coffee with a pine tree inside, yesh." I agree with myself.

"..and vodka." I later add.

After that last comment Steve cannot contain his laughter and I can feel his chest vibrating.

The ambulance suddenly stopped outside of Stark tower.

"I thought we were going to the hospital?" Steve asks.

"Tony wanted Bruce to the rest, so we got orders to drop you off here." one of the nurses answers.

The doors are opened and out steps Steve, with me still in his arms. He's quickly recognized in the lobby so we're allowed into the elevator.


"Mhm?" he replies.

"Why don't you likee meh?" I put a hand on his chest and feel his heartbeat calming me down. After a while of hesitation he replies:

"I do."

I smile proudly.

"I knew you didh."

He chuckles at me.

"I thinks it's just the painkillers talking, Bella." Steve says.

"No, Sthupid! Painkillhers cen't talkh!" I sigh dramatically.

He placed me upon my bed but I refused to lie down.

"It's uncomfortableh!" I complain.

"Jesus christ Bella!" Steve sighs, although, while smiling.

I struggle to take off my shirt because I feel too warm. Steve takes a step back.

"Bella what are you doing..?" Steve asks, sounding almost frightened.

"It's too hoot, and thish time its' not becaushe of you!" I explain, still struggling with the piece of clothing. Steve looked a bit amused and flattered at the same.

"Look Ihm' sweating!" I say. "Youh need to help me!"

In that moment Bruce enters, wearing a shocked facial expression.

"What is she doing?"

Steve replies: "I believe she's attempting to undress herself?"

"And you didn't bother helping her?" he asks, walking over to me.

"OH BRUCE! Thankss the godsh you're here!" I exclaim while in a awkward position in my shirt.

"Steve I think it's best if you leave since you haven't slept, and I don't believe she has either." Bruce advices.

"Goodd Nighst, Shugar Pie!" I wave to Steve.

He blushes, but waves back.