Title: What Becomes of the Broken Hearted?

Rating: T(may contain some swearing)

Disclaimer: I am just a fan so no connections or anything.

Summary: This takes place after "The Last Kiss of Summer" episode. I think it left the story hanging so I wrote my own ending which is simply a chat between Frank and Joe. Hope you guys like it. Please R & R.

Joe had sat down on the beach after awhile. He had been too upset yet to et much. He knew his father and brother were worried about him. He sighed as the sadness began to once again overwhelm him. Yes, the person responsible for killing Jamie was now in custody but it didn't bring back the love of his life. He still felt that same hole in his heart.

After several minutes, he began to sob once again. Joe had never felt this helpless before. He secretly wished his big brother was there just then to comfort him in his time of need. He sighed, not notcing a shadow approaching.

"Joe?" A voice asked.

Joe sighed again knowing right away his wish had been granted. He tearfully looked up just as Frank sat down on the beach next to him. Joe looked at him and said, "I feel so helpless, Frank."

"I know." Frank said. He placed an arm around his brother and gently pulled him to him. "I'm here, Little Brother."

Joe immediately leaned in as he continued to sob. His sobbing continued for several minutes before he finally calmed down. He sniffled and took out his hankerchief to blow his nose and wipe his tear-stained eyes. "Thanks, Big Brother."

Frank smiled and said, "What are Big Brothers for?"

Joe smiled slightly back and hugged Frank. "Did Dad and the others leave?"

Frank was quick to say, "Yeah. Dad is worried about you. I am too. I know how much you loved Jamie."

Joe swallowed the lump forming in his throat and nodded. "Yeah, I did. I still keep seeing images of her in my head...how happy we were." His voice wavered slightly so Frank quickly gave his shoulder a squeeze of support.

"You do know Dad and I are here if you need to talk." Frank reminded him softly.

"I know." Joe said. "You know. I keep getting the words to an old song running through my head."

"What song?" Frank asked him.

"What Becomes of the Broken Hearted?" Joe answered.

"I guess in time you will be able to answer that one for yourself...if you really want to know that is." Frank said.

"I guess we'll both find out soon enough." Joe said.

"Just remember one thing, Little Brother." Frank said. "I love you."

"I love you too." Joe said. The two brothers shared another hug as they watched the sun dip below the horizon. It made the sky turn a beautiful orange-red color. By now Joe had become too tired so Frank helped his brother up and they headed back to the beach house for the night.